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In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Not to mention constantly refreshing the page.
Concerning Kinabalu, Mags is pretty much determined to keep them away from the mines now and is rapidly losing control over herself. So I guess the general outcome comes to the reactions of my latest post. First off, do they retreat or keep fighting? Let's begin from that.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz - Difficult to enjoy a visit in Texas when half of us are drowning, even the weather is bigger down here.

Good luck on these continuous sever issues, this blip seemed a lot more worse than previous ones, counting out a rate of maybe 90% on my end through ever couple of minutes or so [until I just left the Guild alone entirely] and noticeably so for others. Any ideas of what could possibly causing the 100% CPU issue now that it's not a database error?
I personally a believe a reboot in the thread will be best, I'm looking forward to everyone interacting as a whole, these missions were fun though! I did enjoy them, none the less. With that said, with the missions remaining, I would like to wrap them up into completion, but I fear that it would stagnate the story and plot progression further. With that said, Flashbacks might be the best option, if necessary.

This week is currently kicking my ass, and it's only Tuesday - well, Wednesday in a few minutes - but I think I need a vacation.
@HushedWhispers -

I'm working on a musician character as well, he leans towards the classical venue, courtesy of his parents and the burden of legacy. He'll be up within some odd hours.
SIGH. The bane of online relationships I say. This weekend was super dreary, wasn't it? Even today. That's such a funny, Dad-Thing to do though! I stayed in all weekend, working up some conceptual pieces in my musings, listened to music and bummed out on the couch when I wasn't working. Oh, though I did go to a graduation party for an hour or two, old friend of my younger sister's that fell out of touch with her, strangely enough we communicate. But, anyways, I made her a glitter gift - tons of glitter and confetti in everything we got for her - was utterly fantastic. She's going into the.. Marines I think it was she told me, I honestly can't remember now.

Oh, does it? Must be so, coming from you. I have thought of various ways for her morning to commence, but again Alexia tends to fall where she will, so it'll depend on her. Now Danny, he's a piece of work. I haven't yet figured if he's in denial of his desperation to keep Alexia as "his", that he might feel something other than a possessiveness because of his mentality. I'm still trying to figure him out. Definitely don't feel sorry for him; he's the bastard of all bastards for a reason. Eventually I see him trying to use Alexia and Cadian against one another, he might just try that.
@Wade Wilson - Oh you.
Super thrilled I checked the Guild before I retired to sleep; I'll eagerly flesh out the concept I have when I'm able.
I role played something similar to this years ago, celebrity youths and all rather, same concept and all, so I'll toss in my definite interest.
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