Alright, let's do this. Here we goooooooooo @HushedWhispers![]()
{"Success makes so many people hate you."}
-Marilyn Monroe
| Full Name |
Eleanor June Dukenzie
| Nickname |
The Duchess. She didn't pick it, some gossip rags thought they were clever what with her stage name being 'Duke' and all. But she'll take it. It sounds regal. Important.
| Birth Date |
August 12, 1991
| Age |
| Relationship Status |
Complicated. Such is the way of the celebrity dating world.
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
Homosexual, but she can play hetero for when the role demands it.
| Profession |
Self-proclaimed 'Silver Screen Queen'. Which is an arrogant way of saying she's an actress.
| In Depth Appearance |
With natural blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and what several people have dubbed 'natural bitch face', Ellie seemed fit for the world of lights and cameras even without the helpful boost from nepotism. Ellie's not particularly tall at just about 5'6", but she's got a lean physique with believable musculature to her build that makes her suited for more physical activities; she won't do her own stunts of course but she at least doesn't look out of place whenever she might have to throw a punch or something. With attempts to seem more 'approachable' by certain sorts, Ellie adopts more casual attire when out and about. Some like to wear casual clothing and sunglasses to hide their identity, but Ellie doesn't hide her face when she goes casual, frequently wearing expensive jeans and blouses with comfortable shoes - never heels for anything other than business meetings.
She's slightly self conscious about her nose, specifically her nostrils as she thinks they are a bit too wide. But she refuses to get any work done, priding herself on what she dubs 'natural features'. Her hair never gets too long and her 'signature style', such as it is, consists of parting it to the right, perfect for brushing aside and behind the ear. The only blemish on her ivory skin (blemish of course meaning something like 'ink') is a birthmark just under her left shoulder. Ellie isn't setting any fashion trends, but even her casual wardrobe turns heads even if only because the cost causes envy. Among other less flattering emotions. On the red carpet or interviews, though? Then she goes all out. That's the rule.![]()
| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
-When she laughs she has a bad tendency to snort. Which is off putting to her and to some others. She only snorts when she laughs for real, legitimately, so at least when she does people know they're being funny.
-Ellie frequently snaps her fingers when trying to recall something or someone. Names, places, information, anything. It doesn't help her remember things, honestly she doesn't remember the names of most people she meets, but it gives the illusion that she's making an effort to remember.
-Fairly often when she's behind the cameras she gently bites her thumb both when thinking or just when relaxing. It's just some kind of reflex. It's never hard enough to cause pain or break skin, just a gentle nibbling of her thumb.
| Hobbies |
-An avid fan of baseball. She makes a point to buy season tickets for her favorite team and, schedule permitting, attends live games often. She wants to throw out the first pitch one day.
-Running. It's easy to clear thoughts when focusing on running and jogging. She doesn't run for a daily routine but more as stress relief or just to enjoy the weather.
-Woodworking. While not exactly a carpenter or anything, Ellie likes making small things with wood. Boxes and small things like that. It's another way to unwind that's not self-destructive.
| Likes |
β Salted snacks. She loves junk food snacks but rarely gets to enjoy them in comfort.
β Baseball. Professional. Minor league. Any level, really. She'll watch college ball or even little league if that's her only option.
β Disco and Funk music. She can thank her mother for that one. Her playlist is heavy with the genres.
β The time of year just before summer gets unbearably hot. The ending of spring and the breezy days that follow. Perfect for running.
β Blueberry Muffins. The perfect breakfast? Coffee and like three fresh baked blueberry muffins.
β Voice Over Work. She will always say yes if her agent sends her an audition for an animated feature or voice over for an ad or something. A check for a few hours work? Yes, please.
β Eggs. Like deviled and hard boiled. Blueberry Muffins are her favorite muffin or pastry or whatever the term is, but eggs are her favorite food. Bar none.
| Dislikes |
β Soda. She'll never do ads for soda and staunchly refuses to drink it on camera. Any time she has been shown drinking it, the contents were not soda.
β Actors who blow takes too often. Forgetting a line once or twice is fine. But when someone misses their cue or their line so often that it halts production? Ugh.
β Social Media. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that people seem to care what she says (and because studios like the free promotion) she would've never joined any social media. It's pointless.
β Driving. Why drive yourself when there are people who get paid to do it?
β Swimming. Going to the pool or the beach is fine. But going into water? No thank you.
β Cats and dogs. She has a pet, but it's neither a dog nor a cat which she finds annoying. She has a bird. It's a cockatiel.
β Seafood. She cannot and will not eat anything that has the word 'fish' somewhere in the recipe.
| Fears |
Ellie has a fear of drowning that puts her off entering bodies of water of any size, even bath tubs or hot tubs. She won't even put a toe in and sit on the edge. Showers only for her, and even then they are just long enough to get clean.
A more selfish fear she has is the fear of going destitute. She doesn't want to be one of those celebrities that spends money early on and then their star fades and suddenly she's slumming it with the common people.![]()
| Personality Traits |
Prima donna. There's an ego that Ellie has but to her credit she does seem rather talented in her particular field, enough so to keep getting offers in spite of the rumors and stories.
Dependable. Perhaps a reason WHY she gets offers is because of her strong work ethic. Her thoughts on cast and crew aside, none can really doubt that she shows up ready to perform.
Selfish. Of course when she does show up to work she only cares enough about her own role in the process. She never gets friendly with the cast, the crew, anyone, although she does have respect for other professionals she's had the pleasure of working with.
Sincere. For better or worse, Ellie isn't going to mince words. She already gets paid to pretend and lie, she wishes to be honest in her day-to-day life.
| Personality |
Ah the spoiled Hollywood royalty and the actress who believes her worth to be greater than the sum of her parts. No one will deny that Ellie can act well enough to be a name on posters, though they might scoff at how she was thrust into the spotlight, but having talent and ability doesn't give someone an excuse to be a total bitch to everyone unfortunate enough to be on set with her. Outbursts, insults, low patience, and those are just some of the words other actors and actresses have used to describe their time shooting with Ellie. She's known just as much for her acting ability as she is for her behind the scenes antics.
That attitude of hers extends to her personal life as well, albeit in much smaller, more contained circumstances. Ellie isn't the easiest person to get along with, ego does terrible things to a person after all, but behind the selfish shell there is someone that does value the opinions of others. She needs the attention but she also needs to be wanted for more than just her name. While she's never punched out a paparazzi or publicly done anything to cause a scandal (apart from being seen on a date with a former co-star, slow news day that was), she also hasn't done much with her status and position to truly make herself seem like anything other than another overpaid, self important Hollywood starlet.
Many predict she'll be forgotten by age thirty, blacklisted because of her attitude. She can't rely on the Dukenzie name to keep her afloat should things go sideways. But Ellie isn't thinking that far ahead. Right now she's just under the assumption that she'll always have a script to read or a part to try out for or a ceremony to go to. She's a bright starlet. She'll never burn out. Never fade away.![]()
| Place of Origin |
Chicago, Illinois
| Family |
Elizabeth Duke, Mother. Acclaimed, Award-Winning Director
Martin Dukenzie, Father. Tony Winning Stage Actor.
| History |
The world first saw sight of Elanor Dukenzie when she was still in diapers. A diaper commercial, actually, which Ellie only vaguely remembers. The way she remembers it, her first role was on a two-season sitcom created by and produced by one Elizabeth Duke. Ellie played a precocious child, the one that everyone always either hates or finds adorable. Elizabeth Duke just so happens to be the mother of Elanor Dukenzie; Elizabeth Duke was a common name amongst film fans. She was an award winning director with a fondness for slow, tense character drama thriller films. Elanor's father was a stage actor, lauded for his role in a production of The Lieutenant of Inishmore and musical performances.
Elanor never really had much of a choice in the matter, being thrust in front of a camera before she could even form coherent sentences. Her mother, from which Elanor got much of her persona, was going to have her daughter do what she couldn't. Elizabeth wanted to act but found it more comfortable behind the camera. Elanor, fortunately, found that she enjoyed it. It took getting used to, after all when you're the breakout character on a short-lived sitcom and find yourself talking to comedic talk show hosts it's a bit of a learning process. But once she was getting work not because her mother was involved in the production somehow, she found that there was really nothing else like it.
Elanor took on the stage name of 'Ellie Duke' because it seemed more...marketable than 'Elanor Dukenzie' which just doesn't roll off the tongue at all. Ellie Duke's first major role was in a rom-com set in high school where she played the bitchy best friend of the female lead. She was the antagonist that wound up ending the movie humiliated and defeated. From there she kept getting work, at first because of her name but as her filmography increased so did her ability and now when she's given a script it's because of Ellie Duke and not Elizabeth Dukenzie's influence.
Still young and a hot presence in the film world, Ellie's set her sights on winning awards. She's up for nominations thanks to her most recent turn as a young sibling trying to kick a drug habit, but as of yet she's only ever been a nominee. And contrary to what the nicer celebrities say, it is NOT an honor just to be nominated. Ellie Duke is going to conquer Hollywood, one bad attitude on set at a time.![]()
| Extra |
I mean if I had to pick one it'd be Bae Doona or Emily Blunt.
OMG! Lovely actress character. :D
Accepted. And isn't she the actress from Taken?
Please place her in the Character Tab when you get the chance.
Here is my application!@HushedWhispers
{"I wonβt cry for you, my mascaraβs too expensive!"}
-Adriana Lima
| Full Name |
Addison Stina Matthews
| Nickname |
Adderall, she got it because in whatever she does she focuses only on that and it kind of stuck. But mostly she goes by Addie.
| Birth Date |
February 14th, 1991
| Age |
| Relationship Status |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Profession |
Model and up and coming designer.
| In Depth Appearance |
Addison is quite tall standing at 5β11β and sheβs always been told that her long legs are a subject of jealousy. She has a curvy body build for which she has been called plus sized, but sheβs not bothered by it because she sees herself as healthy and she likes the way she looks and she refuses to let this industry destroy her. Something Addison prides herself with is her hair which she looks after almost religiously, it has helped her land many ad campaigns for shampoo and other hair products.
Seeing as sheβs basically in designer clothing every day, in her down time she loves to just throw on some jeans and a cardigan and take her contacts out. Though something she always wears is a designer shoe. She loves her collection of Louboutins.
Her face is quite square but her features are soft which makes her versatile as a model and she has been able to book catalog and high fashion jobs.![]()
| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
-Addison has a bad habit of biting her nails which her mother hates and calls it the height of disgusting.
-She loves making sarcastic remarks, and just canβt help herself to comment when someone says something remotely wrong.
-Oddly enough for a model she doesnβt like to take pictures with her friends or of herself.
| Hobbies |
-She loves to sew and design she has sketchbooks full of ideas and she plans on making her hobby in to her next career move.
-Photography is something she likes to dabble in and sheβs just beginning to get the hang of her new camera.
-Seeing as nutrition is so important to her Addie loves to cook and looking up recipes and cooking for her friends and family.
| Likes |
β Fruit
β Hiking
β Her brother
β Big Sweaters
β Twitter
β Designer Shoes
β Chewing Gum
| Dislikes |
β Swimsuit shoots
β Douchy Photographers
β Being hungry(hangry)
β Driving
β Popcorn
βMale Models
β Horses
| Fears |
Addison fears that sheβll lose her brother, seeing as she never sees him and she doesnβt know what heβs up to she fears the worst and she wouldnβt be able to handle it if he died.
She fears that taking the risk of going from model to designer will be the wrong one and no one will want to work with her again if she fails.![]()
| Personality Traits |
- Ambitious
- Sarcastic
- Hardheaded
- Stubborn
- Honest
| Personality |
Ambitious to the core Addison always has her eye on the price and will do almost anything to reach her goal. At school she had a few close friends who really knew her and the rest usually stayed away because sometimes she could come off as a bitch, but only because she knew that she had to distance herself to be the best. Itβs not that she actually is mean-spirited, but in the business they all were trying to make it in youβll have to have tough skin and better to learn sooner rather than later, and Addison is not one to be stepped on.
Even though she can seem abrasive sometimes she is ultimately kind at heart and she always means well. You will have to take her sarcastic comments with a grain of saltβ¦ or maybe a pinchβ¦ or two. Perfection is something she strives for and if it canβt be perfect it has to be damn well near perfect! She likes to be organized, she has all her castings mapped out and color coded in her calendar so sheβs never be late. This has stuck with her and her whole life is in that small book. Some call it controlling Addison would call it a virtue.
This job has taught her to control her patience, even though Addison speaks her mind most of the time, she knows when to shut up and just do as sheβs told. Even when she is being told to βSmile but not smileβ or βPlace your leg a little higherβ when itβs as high as it ever will go. She does her job with a bright smile and a witty comment.
| Place of Origin |
New York City, New York
| Family |
Victoria Matthews, Mother (Platinum selling, grammy award winning singer/songwriter)
Liam Matthews, Father (Emmy award winning tv-actor)
Nathan Matthews, Brother
| History |
Addisonβs childhood could be seen as turbulent seeing as her mother was on tour when she was pregnant with her. So she was actually born on her motherβs 5th nationwide tour. So she has been in the public eye her whole life basically. Her father Liam has always been a bit jealous of her motherβs success as he feels that everyone focuses on her when people talk about them in the media. Liam has been in sit-coms almost his entire career and he always plays the same character, the well-meaning dad who is goofy but lovable. Sometimes when Addison was little she wished the dad on the TV matched the dad she had in real life. Sheβs not close with her father at all since he works all the time and now she also works constantly- She and her mother though are very close and she loves to come on tour with her still.
Addison adjusted to her distant father because she was so close to her mother but her brother Nathan did not fare as well and started to distance himself from them more and more as they grew up. He being older than she was when their father started filming the series that got him world famous, Nathan had a taste of what it was like to have that father figure at home. As soon as her brother turned 18 he was gone and now sheβs lucky if he sees him at Christmas or gets a card for her birthday.
She started out being cast in small time modelling gigs for catalogs and smaller ads, but soon enough she got cast in better jobs and she really got in to it. But the longer she stayed in that industry the more she realized that this would not last forever, but she knew she wanted to work with fashion somehow.
So now sheβs still enjoying her modelling career but she is starting to make her way in to designing and producing, she can almost always be seen with a sketchbook and a pen behind her ear with a focused look on her face furiously scribbling away for hours.
| Extra |
- Has thought about insuring her hair.
- Has a nice singing voice.
- She sucks at driving, itβs a miracle she has a license.
- Twitter: @AddMath
I would love to accept such a lovely character but make sure you read the rules, please. :)
Also, my character is going to be a Pop Star and a female. :D
I hope to see some males soon. :)