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J ᴇ ʀ R ᴀ ʏ ᴍ ᴏ ɴ ᴅ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ D ' ᴄ ᴀ ʜ ᴏ ʀ s
"Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils. See they don't give a fuck about you - like I do." - "Pet" by A Perfect Circle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L ᴏ ᴄ ᴀ ʟ ᴇ. bedroom & washroom.. . .[ → ]. . .kitchen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ɴ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ᴄ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ. Ashleigh @HushedWhispers, Randall @karamonnom, Zahra @Beefydork & Lily. @Demous
Buried beneath an impressive amount of warmth and comfort, Jer D'Cahors swaddled himself within the depths of his bedding. Sheets were knotted; twisted and elaborately corded over his limbs dangling hazardously in queer angles off the mattress and his crown somewhere still smothered beneath a pillow, or two - three by the one he had borrowed from Sayuri's room the night before - despite the encroaching dawn hours. His figure made no impression to move and his peacefully eclipsed mutterings of dream-like awareness were blissfully ignorant, it was his ritual to stay cocooned until noon, usually disturbed by the exasperated endeavors of family, his associates or even a student or two fumbling lamely for their tutor. It had made Jer to become cloaked in infamy and a whispering inquiry of a potential laziness, but the truths were all hidden under deliberate sabotage and labeled a taboo subject and secret. Besides, his reputation was founded on his genius and prodigious bound music, rather than the hours he kept within sleep. A man of his repute could afford hours of luxury, or so was his proffered excuse. If only the factual remains were so light hearted.

He squirmed, bunching fabric within his spindly gestures and glared from within his sanctuary as the sounds of shuffling, footfalls and voices carried through the halls, accompanied by music and a vocal screech that made his lips pull into a scowl. His arm struck out from his comforts and fumbled briefly for his mobile carefully plugged and laid within reach, courtesy of Sayuri he mused, he really owed that girl more than his lame quips and teasing, often hinting towards his ragged heart left in shambles when she clearly sported favour for the fairer dames. Not that he, Jer, could blame the ebonette. His thoughts digressed, his musings and spooling threads of coherent reasoning fogged like glass and hued grey from his sluggishness. He was the farthest ping away from being a morning aficionado, his eternal glower testimony to that fact as he carefully eyed his phone, thumb rapidly scrolling through the contents. Messages from his mother, her scathing reprimands and reminders to "attend such an affair civilly" palpable even through text, and a series of erratic missives from Piper, her cryptic displeasure translated through photographs of her newest wardrobe series. All scantily clad and imaginative.

"Well," he carefully filed them for later. "Sayuri might like these anyways."

Jer aggressively tossed the covers from his body and worked his legs free from the serpentine twine of his sheets before retreating to the lavatory, scrubbing elongated fingers over his eyes and the prickle of facial hair before sweeping them back through his tresses erratically displayed. He slept just he played, all a bundle of chaos and aggression. Most of everyone would be rising early and intended for their day, and he grudgingly relinquished to the fact that, with them around, sleeping in would be nigh impossible. By sheer noise and clamour or by coming to fetch him from his slumber, he dreaded both options entirely despite all humour he found by the latter. He'd have to try that out later. As it was, Jer studied his expressionless visage before adhering to his typical morning routines, tending to his appearance with a touch of hubris and vain inclinations - the shower doing little to rouse him completely. Jer craved his addictions and habits, the rituals lacking their usual aplomb until he had smoke in his lungs and caffeine pooling in his blood.

He dressed casually, done up by the contents of his wardrobe and all within varying shades of monochromatic finesse, and settled for an ivory tee-short with nondescript black lettering fashioned over the bust. The loose sleeves were rolled once to expose the ink scrawled over his biceps, the airy material of the blouse complemented to his lithe physique and finished with ebony denim finishing his nether half. After a week of relaxation, catching up in conversations and the usual flop of what they had been occupied with, Jer had figured visits into town, the beach and spontaneous explorations were in order. He was not a man meant to be idle, as hollow moments were the bane of his artistry, compelling his anxiety to hyperactivity and there was no piano within the beach house to sate him - he had checked and this was not his own, otherwise there would have been a studio - and his binders of sheet music were tucked away and hidden from him, again by Sayuri, so that he could actually relax. With those purposes within mind, intent to approach the others with various ideas, he left his room and descended the stairs, following the sound of voices, laughter and palmed his still damp hair away from his eyes as he entered the kitchen.

Jer halted immediately on seeing Ash perched on the counter top, her visual appeal fresh and alluring, a stark opposite to Jer's lackluster debut, but she was a morning person, a femme designated for the bright catches of sunlight, he shouldn't have been surprised. He almost felt guilt sire up within his throat, his eyes adverting carefully, the last week he had avoided her, busying himself with catching up with the others and only had greeted her with smiles and brief embraces. He had missed her, of course, but their past was intertwined with a tension Jer still felt to this day, it was difficult to dismiss and even more difficult to evaluate. His eyes fell down to Randy and his lips arched into the beginnings of smirk, no better a distraction within sight.

"Only an hour or two in the day and you're already on your ass, way to go Pretty Boy," he teased, easily stepping over the actor and passed the quartet, his quip of a smile still within place as he busied his hands with preparing coffee, easily pouring the grounds and expertly operating the machine with practiced ease. It was a chrome finish of a model, the kind only purchased with generous dollars and easy enough to execute, but it was a far cry from the usual beverages Jer purchased at eight a cup back home in the company of his parents. He glanced sidelong to Zahra, her sunshine radiance amplified by her voice and usual candor, earning a low chuckle from the pianist. He was not even up by the time they usually consumed breakfast and waffles were definitely not on his choice of palette. Jer treated himself to a weighted dose of caffeine, his mug of choice that morning packed with sugars, creamers and copious amounts of enhancers that would treat him to a much-desired boost of energy. His sigh was loud, exaggerated, edging off into a groan of bliss as the searing liquid slid down his throat.

"Okay, now I'm ready for the day," Jer laughed, stepping beside Sayuri, his head coming to rest on her slender shoulder as a motion of greeting, his hands and mouth busily embracing the lip of his mug once more. "I slept.. I think, like Hell. I don't know, can't remember when I passed out." He spoke aloud, eyes peering heavenward. "I would have slept longer but you lot are so damn noisy, I don't get how seven in the morning is sane and reasonable to you. It's Summer after all!" He laughed, good humour lacing his teasing endeavors thick with his timbre.

[ ♕ ]
@Beefydork - You can find them from DeviantArt and Tumblr. Or make them yourself, as I often do.

Here's an Album of some that I use or have used in the past with a variety in sizes and such.
Page Breakers
@Kote - Found some new songs for you.
Also, I'm going to edit up the OP in the ooc and the character section with our song selections, for aesthetic and ambiance purposes.

Vanishing - APC - For Alexia
Blue - APC - For Danny
Undisclosed Desires - Muse - This could be for anyone one of them, but it made me think of Cadian and Alexia more so.
I believe it's just for the indent tags, since it shifts everything over and the [sub] and [sup] minimize and either move it down, or up an increment or two, but for sub and sup tags, I always use them as the last tag, as in it comes after all the other tags. You can also use them to shrink the Headers options and they also work on images as well, but it's a bitch to do. I recommend use the sub and sup tags for text only in that regard, unless you use breaker/border .png images like I do, you can squeeze the text and image together to make it look like they were created that way, similar to how I did in my Relationship Sheet for Jer.
Preview is your friend for sure, it usually shows were the break is at through your formatting, well sometimes, my advice would be to separate your tags into categories [be careful not to use too many, it'll break too], if it helps you to keep track of which is which, it becomes tedious work if you have a lot to work with, but it could assist in practice until you're more comfortable with your formatting. Otherwise you just have to remember to keep your tags aligned like: [sub][color][h3] content [/h3][/color][/sub] < - sub tags on the outside, colour next, and then your header, it's basically whatever order your tags are before your edited content, make sure it's basically reversed after your content so that it matches up like so. That's what it means by misaligned. Otherwise, practice practice practice. Another spiff of advice is to basically look at the Raw of a sheet and go from there if you need a basis to go from.
Fantastic! And we're playing this out in flashback series, correct?
Funny thing being that I'm not completely satisfied with it but I decided to let it remain where it is, unless I change it again. Heh.

Anyways, I'll be dragging Jer's ass out of bed, poor thing, once I'm off from work and able to write properly.
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still applicable.
Oh man, I might just have to drag Jer's ass out of bed. Seven in the morning, he's dead to the world.
I'm fine and dandy for starting whenever you guys wish, I'll be finishing relationship details today so I'm sending out the remainder of the messages whilst I have time now.
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