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U P D A T E -

I aim to churn out these requests within tonight and into tomorrow whilst I work on my own writing and some such, since I'm off for Monday, I expect I'll have them all finished within tomorrow night or Tuesday morning at the latest.

cheers. β™₯
I aim to churn out posts and all that jazz through tonight and into tomorrow - since I'm off work and fireworks are nice and all but this is Texas and people shoot them like every month. So, other than minor celebration and a shot or two, I'll be free to work on getting my lady knight into an introduction.

Cheers. β™₯
@Altered Tundra - Oh, sweet. Game of Thrones, huh?
I'll put this in, I'd wager I'll get to it in the beginning of this coming up week. β™₯

All three slots are filled, so at this time I won't be taking requests until I'm completed with the current three in order.
Thank you. - xo

- rockette.
She's doing a lot better, actually. But I'm paying for my days off, I'm working doubles the rest of this weekend. I do have Monday off though, you have any plans for the fourth?

Hah, if I were in Cadian's position, I'd be wondering if she even really existed. Since she's only been to Passion twice and Danny is the only one who knows her, I can see him toying with Cadian if asked about it, trying to gauge why he's asking and what he wants with her anyways.

Well, at least you got yours? I know how that shit goes, but I mean it's out of everyone's hands, so there's not much to do about it. Which is shit, but what can you do? That's like, we're not aloud to ask for days off, but people request them for emergencies and whatnot, so it pans out. But some employees didn't get their fourth off and it's a lot of people trying to exchange shifts and a lot of tension and whining about it. Which I don't make schedules, so when they come to me about it, there's not much I can do but apologize and promise another holiday if I can push it for them. But it does add tension to the environment, and everyone needs to be communicative, and when they're pissed, they keep to themselves and snap when you approach them.

Yay work environment, bah.

Oh my gosh, I haven't listened to Hinder in so long. Maybe I'll download a few songs today.

By the way, on my post, I have it started but I figure I'll have it either done tonight or tomorrow night, one of those.

@vietmyke - Wonderful, I'll work on this over the weekend with my previous order!
Just got home from work, sweet to see another archer lady.
@AmongHeroes - Safe-whatever-it-is-you-are-doing-stuff. β™₯
@AmongHeroes - Maybe. Maybe not.
Totally am.
@icmasticc - I'm going to hustle you too, get on it. :>
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