Ok, so I expected to have the post up by today but there have been a few delays. I'll be working on it tomorrow and will definitely try to have it up by Sunday at the latest (although don't hold me to that.)
We won't be starting at the mountain, we'll be starting on the western border of the Old Country to give time for any late comers. But we aren't waiting for anybody to submit a character sheet so I think we can speed up the whole bit before the mountain and get pretty quickly to the action! Oh, with time before for people and characters to get to know each other before, of course...
I just want to get a quick idea now, is anyone going to be interested in being the GM for a dungeon? I don't think I mentioned it in the OOC which, I admit, was an oversight. So, here's the info from the interest check -
So, this is a dungeon crawler adventure RP where the players will have a large influence on what is going on. Each dungeon has a Lich, and each player will be given the opportunity to control a dungeon (though this would be optional), meaning that the players not only participate in the story, they can craft it.
If this is confusing then let me know and I can try and explain it better, or just ask if you have any other questions about it. Again, I repeat, this is optional (if you hadn't got the message).
Oh also, just as a last note, if you get bored waiting for the first post and want to keep 'involved' in the world, you could try adding a few extra sections to your character sheet. For example, fears, interests, illnesses, weaknesses, etc. Anything you can think of! Of course, this is purely optional, but it might help the GM of the dungeon make things more catered to your specific character and help make things a little more varied.