The Pit
@Pink KhioneThe inside of the squad truck was leather and manila. The wheel was laced with wood grain, the audio system was connected to the Internet and satellite radio and had speakers emplaced in eight places, and there was bucket seats in the front of the ride with a large capacity standard truck seat in the back of the ride. Outside it was jet black with a fire flame painted on the both sides and the license read KILL. The license plate was colored red with a charcoal gray set inside of the frame on the back of the truck. The truck was jacked up with 22 inch rims and operated a HEMI getup under the hood. The rest of the truck was bells and whistles, including fog lights, multiple drink holders, and safety features.
The driver was Mr. Adrian Schulz. He had brushed back wavy black hair that adorned him in a wavy maze and hooked at the temple and ears and looked charming. He had a great name pure gold wristwatch strapped around his right hand, which also housed a 2 ct. diamond and gold ring that was nestled around his ring finger. His fingernails were neatly trimmed, unlike many other undead people who had said Fuck it a long time ago. His skin was a soft color, and did not like anything eating from it like UV rays or bullets or creatures. He kept it well hidden. And besides his orb shade blue eyes that he could stare into a soul with he was wearing a very nice silk button down shimmering charcoal shirt and he had on fitted black colored slacks pant and, although not entirely linear with his outfit he was rocking a pair of $200 Air Force Ones.
Adrian was in club scene traffic. The truck stopped and accelerated two or three times before it passed through a traffic light. He didn't have a destination but he did have a goal. While he was stopped on the street he removed his cheap Moto smartphone from his pocket and siphoned through his numbers list and found one Mr. Noah Beaumont. He selected it from the small, thin monitor before he looked at the rolling cars and trucks, then he placed the smartphone next to his right ear. It was ringing. After it alerted him that the line was active it connected and Mr. Schulz and Mr. Beaumont spoke to each other.
"Hey Noah. Where are you? The Pit? I thought. Yes! That's what I called to tell you. I spotted two hunters sitting at a cafe not too far from here airing out their business and I wanted to fucking eat them! Ah huh I agree. . . Really? You toasted some witches?. . . Relax, Noah. We'll catch them, OK? OK. Let's eat some fucking hunters." And the conversation completed.
He emplaced his phone back into his pocket and rolled about 50 yards before he arrived at The Pit. The college pimps and their harlots and the thieves and the drug dealers were everywhere. He smiled at the Happy Meal menu and circled around the back of the club and exited and walked into the side entrance. He passed by a hooker that had breasts hanging over the top of her dress and a man capitalizing on the benefit of a club and sex and drugs and money. Then, he entered the auditorium and looked at the first thing he smelled, which was a young girl excreting virgin fumes from her ass. After he smelled her he sniffed around and captured a vampirical aura and that is when he found Noah. He approached him and his friend.
He walked up to Noah and elevated his hand and rested it on his friend's shoulder. His eyes entered Noah's mind, and the older vampire danced around a little to charm him, and he said hello to him.
"You are not being a motherfucker are you? Could you not have inhaled that corny old smell that I detect? Hunters and virgins are so much better." He laughed.