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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Yes, as the two wonderful individuals above me said, welcome. The guide Kirra linked is a nice place to start, and I also recommend checking out the news section to keep yourself up to date.
It's been my honor to be part of this RP, my gratitude to Lillian and everyone else for their great writings.
In Hello 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome, enjoy your stay.
Lillian Thorne said
Are you all on board with moving everyone to a conversation about "what next"? Or should we all move towards hunkering down for the night? We have a couple of ways to play this out, a torchlit journey up the mountain or that can be done in the morning. Let's figure out the general course of action via OOC so we can move there IC. Speak up, what is it you would like to do?

I'm ok with either one, however, seems like morning is what everyone like here. Waiting for the sun would be a logical choice, our IC chars need to finish tending the wounded, get a head count and maybe a few hours of shut eye before their journey.

Lillian Thorne said
I doubt it was, she's been gone for over two weeks. Likely life swallowed her up. It happens.

Our second loss. :(

We did turn away a few interests before, any chance of letting them in as replacements?
Adrian's eyes looked tired from his injuries, but that was not all Bogdan saw in those orbs. It was a sense of guilt, perhaps from his inability to help his friends. From the past, Adrian always proved himself a faithful friend to those around him, and that included Bogdan too. As Adrian nodded to him, Bogdan nodded back. He extended his hands to comfort Adrian, but pulled back midway through, fearful for touching an unseen wound.

Hesitantly, Bogdan tore away from Adrian and Grigory, who were now taken care of by Chiudka. To be honest, Bogdan knew Chiudka would be a very valuable person in this situation. As his anger from Chiudka's previous provocation died down, having settled to the back of his mind but not completely fading, he realized it would be better for the woman to dress Grigory's wound. A hindsight, but somewhat of a foolish mistake. He rarely let his emotions dictated his trade endeavors, and he would place a more cautious eye on his emotions in daily life.

Bogdan then took off to the tavern entrance, where a sizable group of people now gathered. He could recognize many familiar faces amongst them, Vasily, Pavel the Younger, Petya and his “cousins”, Oskar and Oksana. He watched as a wounded Oksana, who barely stood on her feet, engaging in a conversation with her brother that ended with her boots in Oskar's vulnerable area. Bogdan couldn't help but muster a small smile, Oksana was always self-determined, and Oskar always seemed to forget.

After the initial exchange between the siblings, rest of the party made dialogues between themselves. For most of the parts, Bogdan remained silent, taking in every detail of the words. He watched Vasily and Antonia, father and daughter together in an unfortunate tragedy. It would be unfair for anyone to be caught in this situation, but for a young child such as Antonia, it would be a horrifying experience for many years to come. He also saw young Pavel, a blacksmith and somewhat of a polymath. Bogdan was suppose to ask Pavel about his trade requests, as they have done for the last two years. But now, he doubt this particular subject would be anywhere close to Pavel's thoughts.

Finally, there was Petya, the hunter who also remained silent during the conversation. Petya's father was an old friend of Bogdan's father, along with old Pavel and a few others, they were the finest archers and trackers of Adishi. Speaking of hunting, Bogdan remembered Petya's hunting group from earlier today. They were still out and about when he returned, it could be mean they were caught by the black spirits.

“Petya,” as the group started to diverge, Bogdan called. He had questions, perhaps now would not be the perfect time for curiosity; Bogdan simply needed to know. “What happened out there? Old Pavel, he supposed to be with you. I don't see him here, is he...” Bogdan caught himself mid-sentence, he took a glance behind Petya and his suspicions were confirmed.

“I'm sorry,” Bogdan wasn't sure what to say. Old Pavel was not too much of a familiar figure to him, but nevertheless, a loss was never fortunate. “Come in here, Chiudka will treat any wounds you have, after she cared for Adrian and Grigory.” Grabbing a cup of Chiudka's tea, Bogdan handed the cup over to Petya and pointed to two chairs in the corner.

“They are saying things about the witch, and rumors about it, her. Tomorrow, after we treated the wounded and buried the dead, we need to find out what happened with her.” Bogdan said to Petya. He fished out the last piece of tablecloth, a smaller piece unused for Grigory, and gave to Petya for cleaning his cuts. “Many good souls died tonight, they deserve answers, we deserve answers.”
Nice to have the plot going forward, Lillian. I'll get a post up in a few hours to update the situation.

Igraine, if there's any time to hug Oskana, now would be it.
Lillian Thorne said
I'm a little confused by your depiction of Oskar, he wasn't running. He'd been crouched at the bottom of the stairwell in another room, just off the main-room where he screamed after coming down the stairs and finding his father who, presumably was heading up to get him when the creatures came. Vasily is now steering him into the common room. It is great to see the interaction though and the subtle nuance of the disrespect felt was a wonderful touch.

Ah, it was a poor choice of words on my part. I'll adjust Oskar's description.
In G'day! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome Jake, I would look into the interest check section. You can get a taste of the good stuff before they happen.
As Bogdan clenched the weakening body of Svarli, his mind desperately raced against the inevitable. Every twitch, every last movements of the dog was a ladder from the abyss. But the truth was inconvenient, Svarli's body, no, a bloody corpse, ceased moving within minutes. It was indeed a cruel destiny, and in Bogdan's mind, he knew it the moment Svarli's crumbling shape filled his eyes. Perhaps it was why he did nothing to save the dog's life.

Out of the corners of his eyes, Bogdan caught a familiar figure descending the stairs. Within the the short seconds before the person vanished from his sights, memories of Bogdan's younger days returned. The shape was a familiar one, an old companion of his youth. Bogdan heard a scream not far from the stairs, it was indeed the familiar voice, his “cousin” Oskar.

The sight of Oskar briefly took Bogdan back to the reality, his cousin was leaving for something, something he probably needed to know about. Taking a deep breath, Bogdan set Svarli's body down, mourning would come later. “Oskar!” He tried to call out, however, weeping left his throat weak and his words were unheard by the people. Bogdan cleared his throat and supported himself up with his still shaking legs. He tried to follow Oskar but quickly lost sight, instead, he found himself in the area where Oskar was seconds ago.

It was Stanislav's body on the ground, Bogdan's “uncle” and trade mentor. By some horrid spirits, his loss just increased twofold in this night. It started with his companion and now his mentor. Bogdan leaned down to Stanislav body, where blood pool and deep lacerations were surefire indicators of a painful death, a death undeserved by a humble man such as Stanislav. Bogdan's hands went down to pickup the body, but his shaking and Stanislav's large size made his efforts futile. He was overwhelmed once again, and as he stumbled back out, Bogdan found himself beside Svarli's cold corpse.

“Bogdan,” Chiudka's approach was not unnoticed, despite the woman's smaller height, she seemed larger than herself at that moment. “Help me move the injured closer to the fire -- take the dead to the side. Move the tables."

Who was she to order him around? They were by no means strangers, as nearly everyone in the village knew each other by name. In the past, he even traded goods for her. But this, this disrespect of his mourning, was unacceptable. Chiudka wouldn't know what he lost, and the mere tone of her voice made Bogdan's blood boil. His face sneered, his right hand balled into a fist and vulgar words came close to his lips...

“Chiudka,” Adrian was now pleading for help, moving frantically for attention. It wasn't clear whether Adrian was injured or not, however; Anton and Viktor stood with relative ease. “Grigory is hurt, he'll bleed to death.”

Grigory was definitely injured, and if his tattered clothing didn't betray any signs, his blood trail did. Chiudka was right about one thing, and that was helping the wounded. He would confront her in the future, if she dares to disrespect him further. For now, Grigory's fate depended on him.

“Grigory, look at me” Bogdan rushed to the man's side. He quickly examined Grigory's body, it was a painful sight of cuts and scrapes. Some of them even penetrated his flesh, quite possibly eating into his bones. From these pores, blood still let out in a quickened pace. “Look at me, my friend.” Bogdan assured. “I will try stop the bleeding; stay with me.”

On a table not far from Bogdan sat several table cloths, most were dirtied. Bogdan rummaged through the pile, and luckily, found a large piece of fresh table linen. Without hesitation, he tore it into smaller squares, enough to cover most of Grigory's major wounds. It was not a perfect solution, but in the immediate circumstance, it will have to do.

“Adrian!” Bogdan shouted as he bandaged Grigory. “I think I've stopped most of Grigory's bleeding.” As he stood and came beside Adrian, he noticed Adrian's wounds as well. “Listen, I need you to care for Grigory for a few moments. I will get help, someone's got to be out there, old Pavel, Petya, Vasily, maybe they could help us.”
Lillian Thorne said
And a lovely post from Igraine! *pokes quiet OOC* how are folks? Anyone have a post in the works? We have a few of you who are at/are approaching a week since your last IC post.

I'm cooking up my post right now. ETA should be within the hour.
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