Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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So, if I may ask, what was the verdict?

What we discussed on Pad.

-Time travel = No
-Elder Scroll = A; swindled a look from a moth priest and is potentially wanted. B; took part in illegal excavation and is definitely wanted.
"brooding Khajiit Batman"

@Karos Your writing is decent but your character development is fairly weak. There's nothing unique about your Khajiit that hasn't existed in a hundred other RPs. However, we cannot force you to innovate so you'll have to think up something on your own. Another important issue is that you spent way too much effort on his martial prowess, not character development. I could not see beyond a vengeful killer that refuses to even show his personality. I get that you're excited for external, physical conflicts. However, overcoming one's inner struggle is just as important, if not more. Your character does have some inner struggle, that of helping his family and kin. Still, these are shallow and lack any substance beyond a typical fantasy warrior.

There are other problems I have with your sheet, such as being impossibly powerful for an adept and weaknesses that are exactly what I told you not to have. These problems are not immediate, because you would need a complete re-haul before I consider the finer details.

So, in essence, redo your character. Put less emphasis on combat and more on his personality, struggles and outlooks.

Hi, could I borrow a moment of your time, well I suppose STEAL a moment of your time to pitch an idea on the Titan Pad?

I'll be there.
@Haeo @Frizan

@Karos Still reading, hold on.
@Frizan Interesting concept and well-written sheet, nice work. The only issue I see is 500 Septims. It is neither practical to carry nor fitting for your character's economic status. You should cut it by half, at least. Make this change and you have our approval.

@Haeo Utu-ja's from The Plague of Markarth, right? Good to see you pick him up again. Sounds like he toughed through a lot of things, and it'll be neat to see him drawing on his past as strength. As for the sheet, it is fairly polished, no major errors I can find. A minor error is that you still call him Tss in the last paragraph of history and relations. If you want to keep Tss as a nickname, just add a note beside his real name.

Lovin' all those fine sheets. I'll try to get everything settled and IC launched this weekend.

Everything on UESP are canon here, in addition to user created content in our factbook and characters tab.

Try starting from Elswyer and Khajiit, and also read over the 4th era.
Hello, I'm a bit new to the site, however I would be very interested in participating in this RP. I'm very interested in the Elder Scrolls lore however having only joined the series in Skyrim, my knowledge of the older games is a bit shaky (I know some but not all of what happened in the other games).

If you're still accepting characters I would be interested in reprising the role of a young Khajiit who has chosen to leave Elsweyr after the rebellion to seek fame and fortune. Jo'Vesrai is the 4th Son of a Merchant and thus has some coin to his name and has developed the skills of a caravan guard, typically fighting as a rather nimble spell sword.

Of course I will elaborate further on this character if I'm able to join the RP proper and hope that brief overview will suffice for now.

Welcome. A working knowledge of TES lore is required before joining. If you feel like you are particular lacking, I suggest you head over to UESP and read over any relevant content.

Oh you ain't any fun are ya

You know the rules...

@gcold Thank you for the invite. I had no prior knowledge of this particular Elder Scrolls scenario but I am definitely interested. I'm thinking of simply making some minor alterations to the argonian that I never had a chance to use in the last TES role-play that I applied to join. I have actually already started the conversion process. I'll get it done as soon as practical. For now, sleep and whiny children call.

Awesome, feel free to ask if you have questions.


Reading now, will get back to you ASAP.

Don't get too excited.

Nah, we can start right now. But I'd like to wait until the weekend.
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