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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Yup, attack already happened. Backing out now would be like punching someone and pretending it didn't happen by closing your eyes.
Just found out the Guild has its own dice roller roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1045

Hopefully, it'll be able to roll multiple dice sometime, like the ones we've been using so that we don't have to be hassled with screencapping.

Hey, it actually works. Thanks for suggesting it, knew I kept you around for a reason.
<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>

We're already injured, might as well go in, no?

Actually, I think @Dervish meant you'll get injured in the attack.

Bthamz: this is what everyone is doing

-Sadri: hold position
-Sagax: hold position
-Tsleeixth: reason with Ashlanders/conjure frost atronach
-Roze: detect life/retreat
-Karth: stealth attack on Ashlander
-Solveig: hold position/retreat
-Raelyn: sitting with thumb up her ass
-Niernen: reason with Ashlanders

Dice rolls coming up here.
@MacabreFox, welcome back.

Dax would not be at the camp when Kamals arrive. Instead, Keegan and Rothvar would be warning Sevine and Rhasha'Dar.
@xCRAZYxFACEx, good work on those changes.

The only issue left is the armor. You have the choice removing the enchantment from the gauntlet, or keeping the enchantment and downgrade its material to regular steel. No need to get rid of it completely.

You can add Fulgrog into the character roster when you have chosen an option. I'll send you a PM soon about entry plans.
Bthamz island surface

Valen's aim was true. His arrow found the assailant's neck, impaling a good distance through the netch leather. Blood seeped out from where the arrowhead went in, and the poor fellow dropped dead in front of Hargjorn. The latter had to shove the fresh corpse off his front, but despite that and the blood splattering onto his clothing, Hargjorn's reaction to Valen was one of approval. The knife that nearly slit his neck was now in Hargjorn's possession. He spun it in his hand, examining the darkened bone grip and the curved metal blade. It was foreign like its former owner's armor. That armor was the next thing Hargjorn investigated. He peeled off a tangle of hood and mask, revealing an androgynous dark elven face filled with tribal markings.

"Doesn't look like anyone familiar, eh?" Hargjorn asked Valen, crouching beside the corpse to better examine it. "Oh well, nice shot anyways. It was this one or me; you whacked the right chum."

A quick pat around the body revealed nothing significant. In fact, the Dunmer had nothing saved for outfits and the knife. Several buckles were even loose, which probably meant they geared up without time to spare. Pushing the body to one side, Hargjorn continued forward with Valen rounding up the rear. With his trusty falchion in hand, Hargjorn methodically went from cabin door to cabin door on both sides of the passageway. The next pair of cabins turned out uneventful; one was full of barrels and another hollowed out for bunks. Familiar Morrowind spices, along with unfamiliar, but similar fumes filled the storage room. The bunks, on the other hand, gave off the typical musk of sailors. There's little signs of occupation, however, Hargjorn did find some sort cargo manifest on a barrel, though he could not make sense of the Dunmeris writen in Daedric characters.

"Hatch up ahead, it's open." Hargjorn pointed out for Valen. "You're handy with the bow, I've seen it, but something shorter works better in tight quarters."

Continuing forward, there was a door beyond the hatch. The door was ajar, and when Hargjorn got closer to it, he saw something behind it. That something looked like a head. "You see that?" Hargjorn confirmed with Valen. On his second look, the head was gone. There were shuffling noises, the door swung ever so slightly and Hargjorn realized what was happening.

"He's invisible!" Hargjorn blurted out. Ducking below shooting height, the sailor called out. "Running on the steps now, shoot it!"

Now Hargjorn regretted telling his buddy to switch off the bow earlier, because no matter how fast Valen could put out that arrow, only air and bulkhead awaited. His heart pounded in urgency, his steps did not wait to carry him to the ladder leading up the hatch. Nothing more than a cloudy sky sat above it. Hargjorn ordered Valen to watch his back, while he kicked the ajar door wide open. A galley full of dried ingredients in sight, no signs of anyone else.

"Ashav, on your guard now, you have company!" Hargjorn ran back to the hatch and shouted up. Without waiting for a reply, the sailor started scrambling up the ladder as fast he as could.

"Up you go, we gotta chase him topside." He beckoned for Valen to follow.
Are you guys on the Firewatch waiting for me to post again?

If so, don't, I left it there for you guys to go in there. You have your dice rolls, go pooooost. Make magic happen'.

Here's me performing magic on Do'Karth.

Will there be a dice roll for Valens arrow? O:

No need, it goes where he wants it to go.

So guys, today is the one year anniversary of Fruits of Contention. What better way to celebrate than bringing out everybody's favorite thing; memes?

That's right, for the next 24 hours, everyone is encouraged to dump their best memes here in the OOC.

Enjoy the

So, @xCRAZYxFACEx, your sheet is fine for the most part, just some small adjustments to do.

-UESP lists the Mages Guild disbanding after the Oblivion Crisis, as sourced from The Infernal City. TES Wiki says around the Great War, but it doesn't give sources. I say the UESP article is more credible in this, and you should change Fulgrog's magic school to Synod or College of Whispers.

-Weighing at 200 lbs with a height of 5'11 is fairly overweight. Make sure you acknowledge his heavy set stature and the heavy food consumption that caused it in appearances and weaknesses.

-I would swap the skill levels of mercantile and restoration, given that regaining mobility is harder to do than keeping a shop. Fulgrog would also have been professionally trained in healing magic, versus the trading he simply picked up. The choice is yours here; I'm OK with changing them or not.

-Like Dervish said, Eorlund doesn't take apprentices frequently. Instead of studying under him, go for emulating him.

-Stormcloaks would not draft non-Nords, they are more likely to simply appropriate his products for "war effort".

-Lose the lumber axe, Fulgrog's not doing any woodworking and his bag is already filled.

-250 gold is no pocket change, explain how he got it.

-You listed three enchantments for his armor set, so one piece is missing from the full dwarven set. Specify which one Fulgrog doesn't have.

You made a solid character. We'll figure out how to intergrate him once you make the above changes.
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