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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
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A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
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No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
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Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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@Spoopy Scary, everything is fine and dandy. You may drop Wylendriel into the characters tab.

For her joining the company, the most basic motivation can be simply money. 10 Septims is not gonna get her very far, and before safety in numbers and spiritual redemption, she needs some cash to fund her pilgrimage. She can start by registering as a volunteer chaplain at the White Hall. Because Jarl Skald is expecting angry underpaid mercs, he will quickly assign Wylendriel to the company to calm them down (or act as a punching bag). You can have her arrive in town at the 25th, and get hired on the 26th.

That's my plan, and do let me know if you have something different in mind.


Alright @Spoopy Scary, your revision are good.

One more thing to note is the timeline of the Kamal invasion. Windhelm was attacked on the 4th, and the Kamals took it on the 7th. It would take at least one day for the news to reach Amol, which means the earliest time Wylendriel can be there is the 8th. After that, her loop to back to Whiterun should take around 5 days. Assuming she makes her entrance on the 26th (tomorrow IC-wise), she would have just under 20 days total for the latest portion of her journey. You may want to establish a timeline of her travel in your sheet.

You did a nice job on those edits. There's one simple (but effective) line in particular that I like for foreshadowing and summing up your character's struggles.

Turns out she has a much harder time with making things go away than she does with making things stay.
@Spoopy Scary@Dervish, hold on, the GM is preparing his GM thing for y'all.

@Leidenschaft, you have 24 hours to respond before you are relieved of your co-GM duty.
@Spoopy Scary, @Dervish and I talked a bit in private, so what he said are mostly what we agreed on. Here's my extra bits.

Quality writing all around. You've spent 12 hours writing the sheet, and the quality shines through because of it. The only formatting issues I see are: missing underline for adept conjuration and Bosmeri, and maybe bold each weakness title (up to you here). Your polished formatting, lack of grammar and spelling mistake shows amazing attention to detail; great work.

Agreeing with everything you and Dervish discussed. Another angle to approach her Bals out berserk is to emphasize surprise and aggression over raw strength. Self damage is the right price for pushing her body beyond her typical limit. Not only is this a fair trade, but also gives her berserk a negative aspect that makes it truly something she despises.

Daedric Possession
Just to clarify, the werewolf Dervish mentioned was actually imprisoned through a group vote; she was later killed off-screen.

Now, my take on Daedra possession is that it requires some sort of trigger. Whether that be a shrine, an artifact or proximity to Oblivion due to phenomena like portals or the Planemeld. If you want to keep some possession action, you need to setup an extraordinary circumstance for it to happen. Maybe she wandered too close to a Bal shrine, or maybe she found a cult trinket and wore it without knowing. Should you choose this route, you need to make sure it ends when she gets to Dawnstar. Removing the trigger not only prevents Wylendriel from being overpowered, but also makes sense for her to be moving away from the cult/summoning location and/or throw away the Daedric trinket.

I believe Daedric princes spend so much time talking to the protagonists is because of their role as the prophesied hero/prisoner. For an average Jane like Wylendriel, big bads like Bal have better hobbies than watching her 24/7. Dervs does have a point in that she is actively shutting out Molag Bal, rather than a cultist embracing his voices. Since Martin dragoned himself to seal off Oblivion, importing anything Daedric to Tamriel is going to take more efforts than before. Sure, princes like Sanguine and Sheogorath can manifest on Nirn, but I've noticed their activities are restricted to indirect influences; tempting and deceiving over straight up attacks. The Dragonborn had to agree to the princes before they try anything crazy.

Here's an alternative; hear voices once and only once. Molag Bal only talks to her to seal deal and directs her on a path of rampage, then everything after become blurry flashes. Tying back to possession, the one-time Daedric lecture can be attributed to something like a nearby cult site. Wylendriel will not have any more voice mails from Bal, not unless Dervish or myself decide to revisit. She probably doesn't know that, and can continue to fear for more voices.

You guys got this all figured out. Keep it adept, add she was a novice before and introduce non-Daedric skills she uses regularly.

Wylendriel can be officially employed as a medic and/or chaplain. The chaplain route is interesting because our company could use someone with religious knowledge to defuse our crises of faith. She can also be contracted by the jarl and attached to our mercenary company "temporarily". It's best we discuss her entry into the group after we've addressed all other concerns.

The purges exist. Delphine claims Malborn's family is victim to it. This post on TESLore subreddit has some good points that I'm going to adopt. I have no problem with your references of the purges.

The Dominion Wylendriel lived in was the Third Aldmeri Dominion. It was founded in 4E 22, following a Thalmor backed coup removing pro-Cyrodiil rulers. So as Dervish have said, being born around 140 would mean she lived under Dominion jurisdiction since birth.

That ought to do it. Sorry for the delay.
I wonder if one can say that while in the toilet.

The latest issue of the Gazette is live; go read it in the archive.
GM posted something in the interest check about how there are two more available slots, and I'm interested, but...

How do you even summarize a whole year of writing? It's kinda daunting. Is the "story in pictures" on the front page all I gotta know to get caught up? What has happened lately? Dang. I've seen the name of the RP around and kept wanting to look, but always figured it was too far long for me to really get into it.

Welcome, good to know our name's getting around.

As other users have stated, catching up is not as daunting as one may think. However, the Journey in Pictures gallery won't be much help with summarizing, as it is mostly a visualization and a decorative flair. @Frizan should provide you with the latest summary today, and if he can't do that, I will write one up for you.

One way to quickly get started here is knowing only the background information relevant to create your character. @Dervish and myself can guide you through the character creation process, and once your character is ready for action, you can ask your way around in-character. Doing so can keep you from being overwhelmed and integrate lore knowledge with IC progress.

My second character Narzul Venim, brother of Niernen, has been added to the Characters tab.

EDIT: My opening post for Narzul will involve him reaching Dawnstar after following a lead from the Tamrielic Gazette, namely Madura's interview with Niernen from way back in Windhelm. Would anyone like to collab with me for that bit and have their character be the one that Narzul runs into first?

Not so fast.

I strongly recommend you introduce Narzul through a solo post. Solo lets you focus on Narzul's journey to Dawnstar and his first impression of everything around him, without being distracted by long conversations. You can always put in another collab right after.
Do'Karth is like St. Mary the Sue.
Being the snob he is, Keegan's sin is pride. His virtue is chasity, as he is past the point of giving a fuck.
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