Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

The first round of applications will run to 11:59 pm PST, July 14 17. Up to eight players (beside my co-GM and myself) will be accepted through competitive character submission.


Bounty Hunting

Take down these dangerous NPCs for some sweet cash and character development. How you work or who you work with is personal choice; just be sure to register with the Sopahn Bail Enforcement Network.

You may submit your own bounty.

  • Streamsniper: Unpredictable narcissistic solo shooter who livestreams killings on Twitch. This individual has been eluding police tracking so far. As a contributing citizen, any help ending this random murder rampage is appreciated.
  • Edgers: Sword swinging vigilantes, decked out in black trench coats and fedoras. They have hurt dozens of innocent people, which they claim as "corrupt villains". Anyways, the City Safe Board have upgraded them to top-level threat.
  • Canesmokers: Senile anti-aging drug smugglers. Their excuse is the right to live as long as the first world citizens. The Narcotics Control Bureau doesn't agree; they're offering rewards for takedowns.
  • Deadc47: Obnoxious, animal abusing DJ duo. Safe to say that many animal rights activists and music critics want them gone.
  • Jack-Your-Son 5: Five human trafficking douchebags, claiming to "clean" kids with bleach. The United Parents of Sopahn wants their children back.
  • Need for Weed: Often intoxicated street racers; the more they smoke, the faster they drive. It's fine if they only wreck themselves. Unfortunately, they are responsible for numerous incidents involving unaffiliated citizens. It's time someone end their racing ring for good.
  • New Thuggee Movement: The original Thugs are back!
  • True Speech Therapy: They'll literally cut off your tongue for bad grammar. Often stalking schools and malls with language trivia, failing grade gets you snatched up, tongue-tied and cut. It's hard to believe some elitists actually support them.
  • Ramp Up the Rampage: Local xenophobe mobs have been waving cricket bats and broken bottles on the ramp leading into the Resettlement Zone. In response, many Bengalis and Kashmiris formed their own mobs to fight back. Someone better find the agitators behind this and calm the mobs down, or a lot of people are gonna get hurt really bad.

Illicit Requests

Take down these dangerous NPCs for some sweet cash and jail time. How you work or who you work with is personal choice; just be sure to register with the contact shut up.

You may submit your own request.

  • Dumbasses of Donbass: Russian ski tycoon Imran Mastisky wants you to stop these insensitive actors and writers from opening a satirical play about the 2010s Ukraine conflict.
  • Full Moon on High Noon: Business owners from the downtown pedestrian zone want you to give these streakers a good spanking. After all, they're asking for it by running around butt-naked at 12 noon.
  • Paper Tigers: Hackers so pathetic that they can't even find proper Guy Fawkes masks. These nerds don paper masks and hack for the lolz; rip their sheets off and give them some nasty paper cuts. Hundreds have lost valuable data (including search history, saved vids and credentials), and they will appreciate some disproportionate retribution.
  • Deep Throat Singer: This Youtuber got to be the worst singer ever. Luckily for you, this kid is close enough to be shut up permanently. A loose coalition of Sopahnian Youtubers wants this clown to stop ruining everyone's reputation.
  • Dr. Phail: Technically, this med school prof never did anything wrong. However, ridiculous grading, crappy life advice and a tendency to steal fellow instructors' naans means someone needs to be schooled again. Taray Medical College is willing to hand out honorary degrees for exceptional achievements.
  • Security Van 5-7: Whoever drives this money-carrying lorry likes to stop at a 24/7 lassi joint, from 0000 to 0200. Sounds like the perfect time to have a payday, no? Just remember to donate afterwards, so the four masked goons can continue providing such opportunities.
  • Uberride: Since it's legalization in the 2030s, ride-sharing has squeezed taxis out of Sopahn one by one. Today, the last Sopahnian cabbies have decided to band together and take a final stand. They will fight to keep their tradition alive; not matter the means, no matter the costs.
  • Robo Farms: Robotic agriculture came to Taray farms in the late 2040s. In 2060, a newly appointed regulation committee has frozen all autonomous farming operations, citing farmer unemployment and declining safety. This new committee would not grant leniency even with bribes. Perhaps, some farmers thought, someone should force them out of their backwardness.
  • Fly Me a River: Sky-high hologram ads collide with private flight lines upstream. The city approved of both before realizing the consequences, and it is now up to you to convince the other side that their case won't fly.

Startups and Shutdowns

Take up (or down) these dangerous lucrative business opportunities for some sweet cash and possible criminal charges. How you work or who you work with is personal choice; just be sure to register with the Chamber of Commerce.

You may submit your own business opportunity.

  • Chance Meating: All meat shops in the market besides the train exchange have failed inspection. A couple even have been suspected of cannibalism. Why are they still squatting there then? Someone clear them out. Do so, and you can take their place rent free for 3 months (as long as you ramp up the standards). Hint: Try cultured meat!
  • Theatre Franchising: The last theater venture near the Daladal didn't go so far. Perhaps you can do better? Plus Ultra is offering grants for bringing indie holo-films to the less fortunate.
  • Ring Harbour Donuts: This year's Harbour Festival will have a theme of donuts! Let's break the world record for most donut vendors in one place! Wait, what's that? Triggered diet junkies?
  • Rabid Pet Care: Mixing cats and dogs with lion and wolf genes; what could possibly go wrong? A dozen injuries is what. Catch these animals (and their owners) and find some way to get rid of them.
  • VR Addiction Counseling: Kids these days; always sneaking out of school to play with their immersive headsets. It's 'bout time someone set them back on the right track. Hold on, there's a crowd of protesting neckbeards outside.
  • Arcological Renovation: A few experimental structures require urgent renovation. Mr. and Mrs. Khatri in particular needs someone to make their super skyscrapers look better, or their competitors' look worse. Don't worry, work fatalities are fewer than 50.
  • Airport VTOL Overhaul: Bholi International Airport wants to cash in on the VTOl craze. Can you fly one? Can you cement landing pads? Are you traffic control certified? If so, your job is waiting to take off! Nearby residents are adamantly against airport expansion!
  • BRICS Summit: Several ministers from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa will be meeting with their Indian counterparts. National arts performances and exhibition football games are part of the venue. A few of these ministers aren't the most popular back home, and it may be their mistake coming to an area of frequent protest.


Age | Nationality | Description

Player Characters

Veejay Gupta
28 | Indian | Salty scrub
Bahadur Shiri
37 | Indian | Hobo with a gun

Peter Hannegy
32 | British | Blackmailed bloke
Rajan Solehani
25 | Indian | One-legged plant guy

Sashi Shah
35 | Indian | Pretty in plastic
Kamala Khan
21 | Indo-Canadian | Squeaky clean

Delilah Gheimhridh
23 | Irish | Belly full of sin

Characters: 7 | Players: 6


Justin Nero
41 | American | Dogged bounty hunter


Majabut Bharat Parishad (MBP)
Hindu extremists
Iris-Sakamoto Corporation (ISSOco)
Bio-medical company

Uzbek Mafia (AKA the Gardeners)
Less-than-honest business

A leader or a man of action in a crisis
almost always acts subconsciously
and then thinks of the reasons for his action.
Jawaharlal Nehru

A limitless new frontier, where anyone can be anything.
Built on the wastes of an ancient land, where forgotten wounds fester.
Wealth, fame, power, thrill, memes.

43 years into the future, the only constant we have is change. For far too long, humanity sacked the treasures of nature with no regards, all in the name of progress. We saw valuable fuel and food depleting, bountiful lands turned to waste. Extreme weather spiked in every region; the dry lands got drier and the flooded plains drowned deeper. In response, treaties and breakthrough technologies came one after another. The oil age neared its end, but many alternative energy poised to dethrone the black gold. We could travel faster than ever, at great convenience and little ecological footprint compared to decades ago. We could produce more efficiently than ever, realizing complex designs with the push of a 3D printer button, then breaking it back down and starting over with the help of recycling robots. But even as technology stimulated change, our society frequently lags behind. The internet of 2060 disseminates information at a blistering speed. xG networks, quantum computers and virtual reality seeped into mainstream markets, their introduction made accessing information easier than ever. However, not everyone relents on free rein. In the past, horrendous crimes have been aided with the latest tech. Petty criminals could find thousands of oblivious targets with the touch of a screen, and scheming extremists turn ambitious youths with vast arrays of internet propaganda. It only makes sense for law enforcement to counter with their own. Bio-metric records, call monitoring and surveillance drones are just few of the tools. Some governments went one step further, sealing off outside networks entirely. People were unimpressed with restrictions. See, the prime generation of 2060 grew up taking internet for granted. To them, being connected is not a privilege, it's a right. So what happens when the governments push? People push back. The world would see increasing amounts of hacking, protesting and rioting.

"How would that all affect me?" You ask. To start, you are living on the forefront of change. Sopahn is an Indian city on the edge of the Bay of Bengal, it was the fastest growing city last decade in India, if not the world. When much of the globe turns increasingly inwards in fear of radical change, Sopahn welcomes the new with open arms. Forty years ago, this place was just one of hundreds of medium-sized cities in south-east Asia, barely worth a pixel on Google Maps. In those dry, bland places, all that would take to ignite a revolutionary fire is a tiny inspirational spark. Soon, the original sparks faded in a vast ocean of flames. In Sopahn, what started its growth mattered to nobody. Some time during the third decade of the 21st century, pieces simply fell in place. First came the money, the capital serving as foundation blocks. Then the brave entrepreneurs, the blooming enterprises and cutting-edge innovations. Finally, millions would flock in in search of a better life. Poor rural dwellers transformed to skilled workers, sweatshops and call centers gave way to efficient manufacturing and R&D, local fisher markets bulldozed to seat skyscrapers and their multi-billion dollar international companies.

In a rush of fortune, the downtrodden were swept under; forgotten but not gone. Just because downtown streets displayed glimmering holograms of the perfect future, it doesn't mean every single person lived in paradise. Sure, one can say the overall standard of living improved. That is, if you're in the right place at the right time. For many, circumstance dealt a cruel hand. Every successful "Indian Dream" spawned another dozen "Indian Nightmares". Unemployment fluctuates on the market's whim, one week someone sipped expensive European wine, the next week they would be choking on the poisonous slum creeks. Getting out of poverty is tough, and let's face it, taking shortcuts is just way too tempting. Many turned to crime, to the darkest activities festering in Sopahn's underbelly. Gangs, syndicates and cartels run the poorer neighborhoods. The city tried to put an end to crime, but the officials handling such matters always value their bank accounts over their citizens. A little gratitude in exchange for a blind eye seems innocent enough, that is, until truly sinister plots unraveled. Some doomsday cult calling itself Hamza predicted the end of humanity on September, 2060. A flood would wash over the unfaithful, and those embracing the divine purge will find shelter in heaven, their leader said. Now, less than three months away from judgment, Hamza cultists escalate preaching to murder.

Welcome to Sopahn, 2060; your dreaded playground.

  • Starting time is June 15, 2060. The place is Sopahn and the surrounding Taray district; both are fictional.
  • The megalopolis is approximately 200 km2, while the metro is 2000 km2. Four and a half million live there.
  • Official languages are English, Hindi and Odia.
  • Technology, manufacturing, service and real estate development are the main industries within city limits. The Taray district outside mines thorium and bauxite, in addition to cutting timber and growing jute. Fishers compete with shipping firms for sea access.
  • Monsoon season is imminent, pressure build up in the Himalayas and southeast Asia suggest high storm frequency.
  • Common Development Asia is the largest private corporation, it is the second largest employer in Sopahn, behind the government.
  • Coal mining had been phased out for at least a decade, due to a combination of legislation, depleting reserves and eco-terrorist sabotage.
  • Maglev trains run within the city, and outside to other parts of India.
  • Several waterways have been polluted to the point of toxicity.
  • The Kashmir Agreement was signed in 2056. India gained territory over Pakistan. Many Kashmiris have been forcibly resettled in cities such as Sopahn, where they often clash with the locals.
  • Many refugees come from Bengladesh, where much of its coasts, valleys and river basins have been ravaged by flooding.
  • The government suffered multiple hacking attacks, prompting stricter cyber security law and the temporary deactivation of its policy/archive AIs.
  • Mayor Vivek Yudhvankavi resigned because of personal and corruption scandals. Deputy Mayor Alma Laxmi and Counselor Soth Sila are running the city until an election in August.
  • Due to rising water levels, older beaches are completely submerged. A barrier protects harbor side properties. Doomsday cults were responsible for destroying parts of this barrier.
  • More and more tech companies and think tanks have been settling down, several conferences and exhibitions are scheduled this year.
  • Corporate regulations remain loose to attract investors.
  • Corruption, police brutality and bureaucratic incompetence are widespread. Trust in the city council is at a all-time low. Protests, riots and occasional looting frequent the streets.
  • Crime rates spiking, gang clashes on the rise. Drug trade, arms trafficking and prostitution run rampant.
  • Wealth gap greatly widened. Sopahn hosts record amounts of millionaires and homeless simultaneously.
  • India is the most populous country with 1.7 billion people; surpassing China since the 2030s.

This roleplay is a hybrid of nations game and traditional character-focused RP. We will be following an episodic schedule, with each IC month (excluding the prologue of June) forming its own episode and a separate thread. Playing a character is mandatory, but creating and leading an organization is optional. In terms of plot, it will be relatively free-form. There are several storylines to pursue, which do not have predetermined outcomes. Players may cooperate or compete against each other in IC, however, competition should be agreed upon by all involved parties. Remember, no one "wins" in this RP, but if winning is your goal, you will definitely lose.

The in-character world is a realistic one. The plot is inspired by real events or plausible future scenarios. Some research may be helpful in the topics you wish to cover, but with that said, we're looking for reasonable creativity over strictly scientific analysis. The genre spans thriller, drama, slice of life, satire and more. Combat is present but will not be the only activity. Please ensure your character has potential outside of action.

There is no limit on playable characters, as long as they are approved. To keep things manageable, I recommend starting with no more than three major characters. You may introduce new characters at any time; all major characters are subject to GM approval. Minor characters in the form of NPCs can be brought in freely; they are useful for bridging your main character(s) into relevant events. NPCs unrelated to your main character(s) is a faster alternative to get in on the action without lengthy explanations.

As an advanced RP, your application is the proof of your writing skills. Bring your A-game on grammar, spelling and creative writing, and you'll have no problem being accepted. If certain parts of your character require editing, please do so appropriately or provide valid reasons otherwise.

Character sheet is available in the characters tab. You may reformat the sheet or add in additional categories as long as you answer all existing fields.

§ Player participation can be terminated at any given time, at the GM's discretion.

§ The following offenses will result in the player's removal

  • Starting arguments
  • Circlekjerking
  • Harassment
  • Spamming and excessive shitposting
  • Advertising without GM permission
  • Breaking forum rules

§ The following offenses will result in the character's removal

  • Metagaming
  • Flawless characters
  • Controlling other players
  • Writing strictly for winning
  • Low effort IC content
  • Inactivity

§ In-character posting guidelines

  • Max 5000 words per post; split anything longer
  • No exotic glyphs or H1/H2 headers
  • Color coding optional; medium contrast colors only
  • Clearly indicate the IC time and location
  • Collab outside of IC

Alright folks, main thread's coming tomorrow; stay tuned!
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