Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Whoa, @Frizan did the impossible.
@Gcold When will the first IC post be up?

After we get everyone's sheet in or before the end of this week, whichever comes first.

<Snipped quote by Gcold>

Thanks for the detailed feedback man, I really appreciate it.

20 stone to lb is 280 pounds, so that's an easy fix for me. I'll do that now.

The Chief is supposed to be someone whose always trying to make new connections, and his deal with the Chatterjee Outfit was intended to be his first opportunity to try and branch out to India. I can add a reference to that into the bio if you'd like?

As for the personality section, it was supposed to be that Delilah is someone who acts humane when she has the luxury to, but can easily shed her disguise of caring at the drop of a hat, if it means she'll benefit. Sorry if that wasn't conveyed in the way I'd worded things.

I can make those changes asap, if that's all?

Yes, these are what I'm looking for.
Alright, here we go. Sorry about the delay; turns out the other applicants have either disappeared from the face of the earth or dropped their interest.

  • @Peik: Bahadur is a spicy boy and Peter is a bittersweet boy. Your characters tell the stories of two men on two different types of brinks. They are grounded, funny and seamlessly tied together through the Uzbek mafia. I would only ask you to construct a faction sheet for the Uzbeks. Other than that, nicely done. Go post them in our official list.
  • @BingTheWing: Rajan was great and we've worked out the faction in private. You've interwoven the struggles of a regular human being into India's politcal contentions, and brought emotion and hope in a concise story; great job. There's no problem I can see of, so you can drop him in the roster.
  • @Atrophy: Sashi is certainly an entertaining character to read about. Her battles with her insecurity and her suffering through her perfect memory is well connected to her high-profile job in a high-tech industry. One question I have is the degree of her self-confidence. Going through so many successful plastic surgeries and a cutting edge project must have boosted her self-confidence. Getting her project terminated was a hit, but she probably knows at least something about bouncing back at her age. Some more explanation on her downfall towards depression would round up the character nicely, and you may send her to the characters tab after that.

    And ISSOco is approved; expect competition from Anderson-Ford Pharmaceutical.
  • @Greenie: Nothing wrong with Kamala as a character. She may be seem lowkey, but I can see her having solid potential in our story. For affiliation, just put whoever she works for. There's a bit of formatting issues under tools and weapons, but once you clear these up, you're free to put the sheet into our characters tab.
  • @Kingfisher: Delilah has a couple of cool features going for her. A big girl like her moving up the underworld ranks is always fun to see. However, I have several adjustments for you to make. First is weight; 20 stones is fine in colloquial Irish English, but I need a metric and/or imperial measurement to make it consistent with everyone else. Second is the Chief's connection to the Chatterjee Outfit. What were the details of this crime partnership across the world? Lastly, her personality seems to conflict a bit. Her bio says she treats the prostitutes "more like people than product", while her outlook states that "she views each individual person as something to exploit". I need you to clarify these three points before getting into the game.
  • @Virgil: I appreciate you making Benjamin a flexible character, however, he isn't relevant enough to be a part of our story. A private investor with less than honest money from oversea essentially makes him a blank slate in Sopahn. Benjamin doesn't have much stakes in Sopahn, so he could simply pack up, cash out and go somewhere else when things go south.

    You've explained his personality and appearance effectively. However, Benjamin's bio is vague and not as informative as I like it to be. Sorry, Benjamin cannot be accepted in this state. However, since we aren't crowded at this moment, you can try submitting another character or revamp Beni so that his background better explains why he needs to live in Sopahn.
Gonna deliver the verdict later today; hang tight!
<Snipped quote by Gcold>

Him and I are actually about half done a collab, dankmaster.

I see. Carry on, soldier.
Up we go!
Update: applicatin deadline has been extended to the 17th.
Alright people, the application deadline has been extended to the 17th due to several private requests.

@Ashgan, I understand. Thanks for trying.
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