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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
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Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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What about you, @Blitzy?
I see, @Lucius Cypher. Thank you for your interest and character submission. Good luck with your other RPs.
Are you still with us, @Lucius Cypher?

Evening, Last Seed 10
Reserve Legion Camp, Outskirt of Jehanna City

The legion garrison was not a fort; it was farm named Warhaft Garrison (the original legion stronghold inside Jehanna city fell into disuse eighteen years ago, and it had been since repurposed as a trading center). On the hastily cleared grounds were six experienced officers training around fifty enlisted soldiers, half reservists called to action and half fresh recruits that had no idea what they signed up for. Many of them didn't even wear armor or uniform; they appeared more like Gustav's own mercenary company than the Imperial legion.

The one to greet Gustav was a short Breton man in light legion armor. He wore a plain red cloak, a destruction staff on his back and a diamond shaped amulet hung from his neck, the symbol of a legion battlemage. He was an officer, though his facial hair definitely fell further than military standards, and his boot laces were about to come loose.

"Recruitment is over for today, citizen." The battlemage stood in front of the farm-turned-garrison gates, arms crossed.

"I have valuable information for the general." Gustav said. "My company just came from fighting the Kamal."

"Idle gossip is not information." The battlemage stood unimpressed. "We don't-"

"I'm sure the general will appreciate what I have say." Gustav pulled out his dwindling coin purse.

"Are you trying to bribe me, citizen? I'll have you know that-" The battlemage backed up, suddenly looking alarmed. But Gustav knew he had the Breton's attention, and with a smile and a friendly clasp on the shoulder, he was able to defuse the tension.

"Just trying to make our lives easier. Now, let's not waste any more time."

"The Emperor will not authorize this!"

"The Emperor is barely alive. We need to act now!"

The farmhouse, or what was suppose to be the headquarters, door opened to reveal an office. Inside stood the General Cassia and her legate, face to face in an intense argument, with a table full of maps and documents between them. Gustav took a cautious step in, but the battlemage that escorted him didn't dare to enter.

The general wore the elaborate armor of an Imperial general. Her older form, nearly sixty years, did not fill out her armor in its entirety. Yet Cassia carried herself with the assurance that young commanders do upon their first victory. Her legate, an Imperial man more than a decade younger, was outfitted in the typical legion officer uniform. Unlike the battlemage that seemed intimidated by General Cassia, he showed no signs of being subordinate and stood defiant. When Gustav took another step into the room, the commanders turned away from each other, and appraised Gustav with hands resting on their swords.

"Who is this?" General Cassia spoke first, her voice was aged, but still carried clear authority.

"Ma'am, this is-" The battlemage stammered.

"I am Gustav, esteemed commanders." Gustav interrupted. "I am the leader of a private fighting force and wish to offer our intelligence and service."

"Mercenaries." Sneered the legate; his words dripped pessimism. "You look like you've never been in a fight."

"What? I participated in over-"

"What kind of intelligence and service?" Cassia waved them back on topic.

Gustav recounted the Sload encounter, showed them the deciphered documents and told them about how he suspected the princess of Jehanna is behind everything. When he finished, the legate shook his head.

"Princess Griseld doesn't have what it takes to scheme." The legate threw the documents back at Gustav. "You're wasting our time; leave."

Before Gustav could plead his case, General Cassia came his unexpected rescue. "The princess couldn't be involved while the king is away for the banquet." She suggested. "However, these documents seem indicate a plot at that banquet in Evermore. I'm worried about security with all the High Rock leaders present in one location, and this is just another reason for us to have eyes there."

"Surely you can't be serious." The legate frowned. "Surely you can't believe his conspiracy theories."

"This is a real threat. I'm serious, and don't call me shir-"

"I'm calling you a crazed old hag!" The legate snapped. He pounded his fists upon the table, making parchments fly and Gustav jump in fear. "First you took my unit from me, then you wish to ally with barbarians and daedra worshipers, and now you take the babbling of a layman over the analysis of a decorated veteran! Titus Mede II must be turning in his grave, knowing his field marshal has become a lunatic!"

"Enough!" Cassia slammed her own fists down, matching the legate's fury. "I am your superior, Legate Taurinus Duilis, and you will follow my command."

"I refuse risk my soldiers for your senseless adventures!" Legate Duilis spat, crossing his arms and standing defiant.

"Then they are no longer your soldiers." Cassia declared. "You are relieved of your command."

"You can't-" Duilis' eyes popped wide open. For the first time since Gustav saw him, he was taken back by surprise.

"You heard me; remove yourself from legion property, citizen." Cassia stepped forward and pointed the exit with an armored finger.

"You will regret this, Cassia! And you too, mercenary!" Duilis bellowed. He threw up his arms as if he was going to strike the general, but as Cassia remained unfazed, Duilis punched the wall beside them instead. Face now red with rage, Duilis stormed out of the room, but not before shoving Gustav so hard that he fell to the ground.

"The high command will hear of this, the elder council will hear of this. You will all pay!" These were Legate Duilis' parting words, and then the room fell silent.

Gustav sat on the ground for a few minutes, until the battlemage finally walked over to offer him a hand up. Gustav looked to the battlemage for answers, but he only looked away. General Cassia was back to her papers and maps.

"Uh..." Gustav tried to speak up.

"I need your company to investigate the Evermore banquet for this possible threat." Cassia shot a quick glance at Gustav. "You will have six days to prepare and travel. I will arrange the means of access. Compensation will be special auxiliary pay grade, split between start and completion. This is a strictly covert assignment, understood?"

"Understood," Gustav nodded, trying to find something to take notes with, "but what-"

"Tribune Brent here will bring you the details tomorrow." Cassia motioned to the battlemage. "Dismissed."

Afternoon, Last Seed 11
Warehouse District, Jehanna Docks

A day later, Gustav was making more sense of things. A series of investigation last evening followed by asking around this morning netted Gustav a lead to his mysterious prophet. Turned out Gustav had often received his prophecies from the prophet's favored messenger, an Orc woman by the name of Gherken gra-Umar, or more commonly known, Grumar. Currently, Grumar was somewhere in Evermore, running different jobs when she had nothing to deliver for the prophet last month. It was conveniently exactly where Gustav wanted her to be, after being briefed over lunch by Brent.

Tribune Brent moved up in the world in just one day; he's now Acting-Legate Brent. With a hearty lunch bought for him by Gustav (replacing the "appalling gruel of the legion"), Brent started talking about more than Gustav's job. First off, he spoke about how much of a hero General Cassia was. From her role as the emperor's second-in-command during the battle of the red ring to her spearheading a new legion after the great war, it's clear that Brent lionized Cassia a bit more than healthy. Then he described Legate Duilis, a veteran of Skyrim's civil and commander of loyalist forces in Hjaalmarch. There were debates about whether he left his post to seek reinforcements in High Rock, or because he fled when big Stormcloak names (such as Jorwen Red-Bear and Sevine the Huntress) came knocking. Whatever happened, Duilis was sidelined to command this barely existent "reserve legion" until Cassia took over. Today, Duilis was heading to the Imperial City, taking the only two other experienced officers (his old battle-buddies from Hjaalmarch) with him.

As for the assignment itself, Gustav had to sign a series of papers. He got to keep none of these papers, because the assignment is deniable, everything he signed was solely for record-keeping on Cassia's end. Brent did explain as thoroughly as he could, and allowed Gustav to copy down some of the instructions. To ensure they know everything there is of the banquet, Gustav would be attending, along several of his mercenaries. In addition, the mercenaries will actively seek out any agents of malicious intents, protect important figures from these threats and neutralize them on-site, if possible. From the deciphered Sload documents, it seemed like the threats will be vampires.

Of course, invitations are required to attend the banquet. Gustav had already received one when he arrived in Jehanna two days ago, the perks of being a "noteworthy merchant". Ariane Fontaine also had one for whatever reason. For everyone else, they would be the escorts, entourages and "private guests". Even so, less than half of the current company roster could attend, as more would no doubt draw suspicions. The other half would have to be disguised as servants or smuggled in with cargo.

It won't be a simple job, it won't be an easy job, and it's not even that much of a well-paid job. Gustav did much less for much more, but at least this will get some money moving in (so Gustav can actually pay salaries now), and get the mercs moving out.

There's one problem left; Dumhuvud disappeared.

So now, with the entire company gathered in Gustav's warehouse, he had to announce another change in leadership. Dumhuvud was gone for more than a day, and there's already rumors about how he met the same end as Ashav. However, there was no dead body or the confirmation of a murder. Either Dumhuvud left without notifying anyone else, or his killers hid his body exceptionally well. Either way, the mercenaries seemed rather happy hearing it. Gustav didn't care, he needed to have the company moving tomorrow. Edith would become the new field commander, while Ariane and Sevine would take up more responsibilities as senior officers. Lastly, Tsleeixth and Sagax got promoted to sort out magic and scouting, respectively. They weren't the most stable individuals, but both were experienced and didn't know how to die.

The meeting wrapped up after Gustav briefed everyone on their next mission, and paid the first salary in three weeks. The company's moving out tomorrow, Last Seed 12, on a caravan (cobbled together from Gustav's transports and surplus from the legion) to Evermore. The trip would take three days, and then another day and a half to setup at Evermore. In those days, the mercenaries would have to determine which of them attend the banquet, and which sneak in from behind. In addition, fake identifications have to be forged, proper attires fitted, castle layout memorized and the guest list analyzed. But for the first time in nearly two months, the mercs weren't going to war, they're going to a celebration. It'll be like a vacation, no bloodshed at all, right?


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