The past few days have been certainly something. I've thought about PRCU (and Ju-V) for awhile. Posted in the OOC/check a bit. Talked with some people here and there about their own thoughts and to just generally reflect on the situation.
To be honest, I do still want to RP Haleigh. She's a character I've had fun writing, one that I've constantly slung posts left and right out for. That being said, I was tempted to leave nonetheless. Admittedly, I've been simmering on issues with this RP, as seen above and in the DMs of the people I've talked to. This wasn't the first time I've had them, as @Lord Wraith would know when the "troll post" issue happened some months ago and ultimately led to a member of this RP being booted and banned from the thread (which itself is a whole another can of worms still half-open, IMO).
Despite all of this, I'm probably going to stay in the long run. However, this decision largely depends on whether or not communication and transparency can happen (for GMs and players). I genuinely do not think PRCU will survive without those two factors being part of it, as much of the drama we have had comes down to such matters. The inclusion of 12 new player slots. The "troll post". And now this. People on both sides end up feeling like they aren't being heard or consulted, leap to conclusions, lash out (myself included, which I apologize for if I've come off aggressive in the past), etc.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need people to promise (and I mean actually promise, not "yeah, sure" and forget about it) to actually engage and consult each other for me to 100% confirm that I'm sticking around. There is probably a better way to phrase that, but if people are more willing to actually talk things out, rather than have a constant break down in communication like we've had in the past, then I can see this RP thriving and a lot of the drama we've had never occurring again. Otherwise, the cycle is just going to keep repeating and we're going to get nowhere, making it pointless to stick around.
In all seriousness, Wraith and I both are glad that you, and everyone else, have decided to stay and continue writing for P.R.C.U.; it's been a wonderful IC so far, it's fantastic to see how much we're accomplishing (especially as a grizzled veteran of this setting), and Wraith cannot express many things, but one of them is how happy he is to see his magnum opus receive such an overwhelming response.
It's been a crazy couple days and, as you've said, I think the biggest takeaway is the how, ways, and wheres of communication, whether that be GM to player, player to player, or GM to GM. It's also been one big lesson on everyone's expectations of each other.
Ultimately Wraith expects to keep some degree of control and absolute verdict on how the game's run, and the players expect to be kept in-the-loop and properly consulted on impactful meta-game decisions. How do we marry up these at-times conflicting expectations, especially when clear and transparent communication is more important than ever?
Well, that's where we're planning I'll bridge the gap. It's common knowledge that Wraith has long discussed and consulted with me on the PRCU setting, and an open secret that he's continued to push ideas past and spitball off me over the course of the game. As a player, I couldn't (and didn't want to) offer much pushback or dissuasion; this is Wraith's opus, and I'd not do anyone the disservice of presuming to tell them how to run something so dear to them. Do I think the best decisions were made in the course of the game so far? No. Do I think Wraith still had good intentions, and wanted to provide the best possible condition for P.R.C.U? For the most part, certain incidents aside, yes.
Part of my evolving role as co-GM will be a kind of official GM-Player liaison. Wraith and I will always talk an idea or a decision out in the first instance, and then I can tell him what I make of that as a player and what I think the impact will be on the rest of the roster, and how we bring the idea to all of you before implementation. If a decision is completely immutable, then again I'm in a position where I can figure out with Wraith how best to deliver it, and the reasons behind it.
Alongside that, the progression of the game will now be a more collaborative effort with less snap decisions, and also more consistent as Wraith moves into a new stage of life and adapts to a new schedule (or, from what I've heard about other recent first-time-parents in my life, not having a schedule at all), which as we know was the very reasonable concern that spurred the announcement last week.
In the end - yes, we do promise - that's why I've been brought on board in an official capacity.