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<Snipped quote by Rtron>
What a coincidence, my Twi'Lek was raised Mandalorian.

Mandalorians, Mandalorians everywhere!
I’m going a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, not sure race yet.
I am summoned.
Edit: Now to actually Read™ what this is all about instead of just popping in because Rtron told me to.

I’m in
Lori caught the rock with a triumphant grin, pocketing it in her coat. With her victory in bunking with Zimmy secured, she turned to the very important business of gloating about her victory. "What can I say boys and girls? Its not my fault you weren't born with the natural advantages of having adorable bugs living inside of you." She winked at Lee. "I'm sure you'll get a chance next time, hotshot. Maybe if I happen to be out of ear shot." She looked at Kitty with both eyebrows raised. The idea to drink every time Setz hit a pothole was crazy, even by her standards. "Ah, I see you all want to die of alcohol poisoning! I'll brush off that spell to quickly sober people up then, just in case." She doubted even Zimmy's magic liver could withstand that kind of punishment, though she did want to see how far they would all get. "I wish you champions the best of luck."

Upon hearing Setzer and Gideon's slanderous accusations, Lori held a hand to her chest in mock offense. "How dare the both of you! I'll have you know I only kick if you try to unlawfully steal the blankets I have carefully divided between us, or hog the entire bed because you're built like brickhouse. And, and! I give plenty of blankets. You're both just greedy and try to get more!"

It was right around that time Setzer began to purposefully hit potholes. "Setz you spiteful fuck! You're gonna break the truck!" Lori yelled at him, hands clinging to the side of the truck as it shook and whined. If the truck broke because he wanted to be an ass she was going to punch him and then make him fix it then and there, without magic help. Maybe that'd teach him to be a better driver. Fortunately for all involved, they made it to the gas station. If only barely. As the truck rolled to a stop, Lori sprang to her feet and stretched, snorting at Setzer's threats. "Yeah, like you could hit me. Besides, you think I'm going to let you have all the fun to yourself? Hell no." She front flipped from the truck to the ground, landing on her feet with the grace and poise years of training got her. It was mostly to burn off some energy that sitting in a truck for hours on end had built up. That, and who didn't like to do flips?

She took off her jacket, revealing the tank top underneath, cooing as her insects left her body and began flying around her. "Why hello darlings! Are you happy to be outside now? I bet you are! It must have been sooo boring in there! Don't worry, we're done driving for the day now!" Their energetic flying and rapid colors indicated they were just as happy as she was, though that might have been them reacting to her emotions.

A few hours later

"Yeah. Enough of that garbage." Lori agreed with Galahad, scowling. She was sitting on a collapsible stool, near the fire, an almost empty bottle of beer in her hand. She didn't trust the delegation at all, even advocated for using the princess as a hostage. It's probably just another 'oh surrender and we'll allow you to be part of our empire without too much damage or death. You wouldn't want to end up like Astran or the desert would you? Hmm? Hmm?' because they're fucking bastards and they lie and kill and destroy and burn and I hate them I hate them I hate them- Lori paused in her mental rant, realizing her insects were beginning to buzz in anger and flash red. She was losing her temper again. She took a deep breath, clenching her fists, and breathed out. She focused on relaxing and letting her anger go like she had practiced with Zimmy, years ago in their dorm.

Her insects died down as she finished off the rest of her beer, putting it to the side. "When all this is all over, I say we pool our funds and start a business. Like, 'Barghest's Clothes' or 'Barghest Arms Dealers' or something. We were already pretty successful at keeping a gambling ring going, how much different could it be?"

Lori sat in the back of the truck, behind Galahad in the drivers cab, her back against the window. It was the most protection she could get from the wind, and provided the most places to grab whenever Setzer hit a pothole. Which was just about every damn second. She grimaced as the truck shook violently again, forcing her to grip the hand railing. "Whose idea was it to let Setzer drive everywhere again?" She wrapped her scarf around her face tighter, huddling into her jacket. It helped take the bite from the wind, but not much. Her bugs were all hidden inside her, safe from the whipping winds.

They learned early on in the trip to hide inside of her, lest they get left behind in a gusting wind of a truck going faster than they can fly. She chuckled at the slurred banter of Gideon and Setzer. Looked like everyone else was fighting the chill of the wind with liquid warmth. She laid a hand on her right forearm, touching the tattoo through her jacket. Barghest Squad. The craziest motherfuckers in the Citadel. Her family. Soon to be split up and sent across the front lines to fight in a war that thousands perished in every day.

Alright, enough of that. She chastised herself, giving herself a shake to clear those thoughts away. That was a long ways off, and right now she needed to focus on the moments she had with them now.

She shook her head as a bottle was offered to her, passing on the offer to drink. Someone needed to be sober with Setzer while driving along the road. Besides, there'd be plenty of time to get completely fucked up when they stopped finally driving for the night. She shook again as they hit another bump, grabbing the side of the truck. Perhaps, she thought being too fucked up to feel every single hit of this would better.

"Yeah if we don't fall apart after hitting every single pothole along the way!" She yelled back to their illustrious driver, grinning. She hoped their stop was only twenty minutes out. Any more particularly big hits, and they'd have to catch Zimmy before she flew out of the back. "Try to miss at least one, eh Setz?" She raised an eyebrow at Zimmy. The girl had been touching that new bracelet every so often, as if to make sure it was still there, since she had gotten it.

She wouldn't answer any questions about it either, after Lori finally wondered what was so important about a new fashion accessory. She grinned at her friend. "I can offer three shots of some really crappy whiskey, the donovyn coupons, the soothing sounds of nighttime insects and pretty light shows if you so desire. And! I can safely claim to be the best cuddler in this truck."

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