
[ ◈ ] N A M EVera Tes'dory
[ ◈ ] A L I A S E SGatekeeper
[ ◈ ] A G E23
[ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C ENew York, New York.
[ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C ELegion of Doom.
[ ◈ ] P O S I T I O NVera is the lowest member one can be while still being a Legionnaire, and serves as the street muscle for the organization.
[ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C EVera has the aura of someone whose always expecting the worst to happen to them. Her icy blue eyes are constantly scanning the area, her skinny body (evidence of a life with never enough to eat and standing at five foot five inches) slightly hunched and ready to fight or flight in an instant, and she flinches at sudden movements that she doesn't expect. Her clothes are endlessly repaired by her own hand and accessorized by her own hands. She only recently got the two piercings (to her lip and upper eyebrow) to add some form of accessory that wasn't self-made and screaming 'I live in poverty'. Whenever she has to cover her face and assume her 'Hellraiser' alias (a necessity insisted upon by the Legion) she quickly pulls a ski mask over her face or ties a bandana over it.
[ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N TSuper Powers
Vera's super power revolves around being able to summon things from Trigon's dimension. It can be categorized into three types of summoning.
Traditional- Vera summons a creature from Trigon's dimension to fight for her. These range from weak (small creatures like imps that are only suitable for information gathering or jobs that require minimal fighting. An average human could take them out and Vera can summon a hundred of these if she so desires), to strong (creatures that put up a fight, like orcs or Djinni. Average humans cannot stand against these things, and super heroes are required. Vera can summon three dozen of these if she so desires), to powerful (creatures that can devastate entire cities like dragons, or even nations if she summons a powerful enough one. These usually require a team of super heroes to face, and Vera can only summon one of these things, and nothing else, at a time.)
Posession- Vera summons a creature from Trigon's dimension into herself, temporarily gaining one specific power of that creature. It could be anything: invisibility, pyrokinesis, increased physical attributes, super human durability, so on so forth. Vera can only have one creature and one power active inside of her at a time, and if she is possessed she cannot summon anything else. This process takes minutes for Vera to properly find and summon the creature she wants, or seconds if she just randomly pulls a creature from Trigon's dimension into her and hopes for the best.
Portal opening- Vera can open a portal to Trigon's dimension, only allowing environmental effects through, such as lightning, water, a falling boulder, lava, fire, smoke, poisonous gas, so on so forth. She uses it as a sort of pseudo elemental magic, and a way to dispose of things permanently.
Since joining the Legion, Vera has received extensive training in firearms and is a fairly good shot.
Vera is a pretty good driver.
Vera has mastered the arts of a thief, and is skilled in stealth, lockpicking, pickpocketing, hotwiring, climbing, and a variety of other traditional thievery skills.
Vera has what appears to be the handle to a pistol, trigger and all, with no barrel to fire. In actuality, it is a device designed and built by her friend Gilbert, which can take the form of any firearm she needs at the moment, and can fire ammunition with special effects like tracking, explosive, freezing, etc etc.
[ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E SExcluding the times she's possessed, Vera is quite human. Even when she's possessed, she has only one power that changes that and the rest stays the same.
[ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H YVera's life has been one of struggle and pain for as long as she can remember. She grew up in a slum apartment in Manhattan, with a physically and emotionally abusive father. Her mother had died in child birth, and her father turned to alcohol to deal with his grief, blaming her for her mother's death. From birth to 15 years of age, she suffered under a hair trigger temper, the constant repetition that she was useless and would never amount to anything, and beatings whenever she failed to do something. At times it seemed like she was only being beaten because she failed to die that day, her existence merely reminding him of her mother's death. At night she would dream that one of the many super heroes would come and save her, beat her father down and take her away from this place. Some times it was superman, gently floating down to take her in his arms. Others it was the Green Lantern, his iron will beating back her father's hate.
They never came, and Vera was only saved when she went to school with one too many bruises and CPS was called. Her father was taken away for child abuse, put into jail by the mountain of evidence at their home and her own testimony, and Vera would enter the foster care system. Within a month she'd been relocated to a foster home. It was a small home, still in Manhattan, with no other children. The wife and husband seemed inviting and kind. Vera began to think she'd leave the darkness of her past behind her, and be able to move on. She was wrong. Five months down the line from the first time she arrived, her foster father would come into her room and rape her. Her silence was kept with the promised retribution of violence if she told anyone. He manipulated her perfectly from there on out, prodding her into one emotional outburst after the other. Her accusations, months later when she had gathered her courage, were brushed off as the angry and flailing attempts of a teenager to get revenge. When he came back at the end of those five months, Vera cut him with a knife she had gotten and fled the house with nothing but the clothes on her back.
She'd spend the next two years on the streets, barely surviving. She couldn't get a job because of how she looked and her age. She tried begging for street change, but got only just enough to eat. Her clothes and shoes were ragged and endlessly repaired by hand. Still, she managed to scrape by a living, if only just. She had a group of people who were also trapped on the streets, people she thought she could trust. That trust proved misplaced when a goodhearted Samaritan bought her new clothes and shoes, gave her a meal, and gave her a wad of cash to 'help get her life back on track' as she returned triumphantly to her friends, to help split the money, they turned on her like snakes. When she wouldn't give them more than a fair share, they beat her down to take it, and all of the new things she had. Soon she was left with nothing more than the raggedy clothes on her body, new cuts and bruises, a rapidly blackening eye, and the last of her conscience dying inside of her.
Vera hated this world. Hated how the heroes atop it claimed to be champions for all, but ignored the subtle cesspit of every day evil below them. Hated how grief turned people into monsters and how desperation turned them into beasts. Hated how no matter how much you tried to do the right thing, the world was just going to punch you in the face and kick you while you were down for it. Most of all, she hated how weak she was. Hated how she could never fight back. No more, she promised herself. She was going to seize the power necessary to keep herself from every feeling like this again, and she was going to seize it by any means necessary.
She'd spend the next year going through the criminal underground, looking for something to increase her power. Some form of magical artifact, cybertech, a book on how to unlock her chi, anything. She didn't find anything like that, but she did stumble upon Drak. The little dragon was kept in a cage in a black market shop, ready to be sold for the purported 'magical properties' consuming his flesh would given. It would be a cold day in hell before Vera let something else languish powerless at the the hands of the cruel again. She broke him free and shot the shopkeeper and his guards when they tried to stop her. The two fled, and Drak has been with her ever since. He offers nothing more than his companionship and love, and that's all Vera asks from him.
When E-day came and rocked New York, Vera was one of the few people to run towards the fighting and the devastation. She didn't care about the innocents being hurt or killed. She just wanted a chance to seize the power dropped by those heroes or villains slain in the conflict. Vera found the power she was looking for that day. Or rather, it found her.
Watching from his dimension, Trigon had been tracking her progress carefully for a couple of years. She was distantly related to him by virtue of being the several times great granddaughter to one of his sons. Her need for power and control was points in her favor, as was her running into a conflict that vastly outmatched her. He wanted to see where she went, what she could offer him if she got into a place of high enough power. He offered her a way to draw on the power of his realm, in return for a favor he would ask from her later on. Vera readily agreed and the pact, with her connection to Trigon being made strong, was sealed.
Vera would spend the next five years working her way through the Legion's ranks to start on her way to power. They weren't like the League, falsely claiming to be heroes while ignoring the multitude of crime and villainy beneath them for the flashier shows of fighting evil that they did. The Legion was honest. They just wanted power for themselves, at any cost. You could always trust they would put their own best interests first, and that refreshingly honest dishonesty is what Vera trusts about them. Its why she's still in their ranks now, because they offer the path to power, if only she can take it.
[ ◈ ] N O T E SVera owns an apartment building in Manhattan, bought from the old owner with cursed gems from Trigon's realm. The apartment building only has four occupants besides Vera and Drak.
Gilbert: A smith from Trigon's realm, Vera originally summoned him to help her build a gun for any situation, she found herself endeared to his eccentric (and overly fond of explosives) personality. He built a belt that would tie him to this world, and has stayed at her apartment ever since, building her things so long as she brings him the resources. Vera gave him the nickname Gilbert after being completely unable to pronounce his real name.
The Twins: Soldiers from one army or another of Trigon's, Vera summoned them to help her in assaulting a low level Leaguer's place. With their super human physical attributes, Gorn's (pictured left) nigh indestructibility and Storn's (pictured right) ability to cast elemental and physical enhancement spells, they were too good to just leave to random chance to summoning again. Plus, they were adorably shy and awkward outside of combat. She had Gilbert make them belts too, after making sure they wanted to stay as well. As a side note, despite their high skills in combat, they are both terrible at video games revolving around combat.
Frank: Summoned to help her with an assassination, which he performed perfectly and silently, Frank is the name given by Vera to the shadowy monster she keeps around. She likes him, she doesn't know why. When asked if he wanted to return home he meerely shook his head and pointed to the ground. Frank is completely mute, capable of blending into complete shadows perfectly, able to form solid blades and weapons from his shadow, and can move almost faster than the normal human reflexes can handle if he so chooses. He also has a soft spot for sappy romances, particularly
The Princess Bride.