Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
5 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
5 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

Alex is probably back at base, snorting cocaine.

Sorry Cocaine is as rare as dodo birds since the cocoa plants required are so far south; we do have opium to smoke but if it becomes an issue we have ways of controlling your habit
Count your'selves lucky, I erased a long ramble

I will now Instead Write a thread Bump as Petra/Amy

I still wonder why Technicians would be risked as Troopers and have therefore shall use the now Zombied Amy to Show a Specialist who is closer to the Teamsters than the Military arm. If Amy wants a Machine taken or stored for later retrieval the task of doing it falls on Petra and her Teamsters to arrange it's transport or cache for later transport.

Technician, Doctors and even Engineers would be in the reserve like the Teamsters for logical reasons

"It ain't as Sexy, but it sure is satisfying."


I left Tidbits in the hider but posted it in Abby's Character Sheet
She's still a work in progress but here's proof of work

@FrostedCaramel Added a bit of History, sorry if it's bland but that's how I see Kwan's life to this point; Bland.

She doesn't rock the boat because she understands how to work the system subtly in her favor; "The Nail that Stands out is hammered down" is her moto
Not sure who?

Sorry but like Abby I have boundless energy reserves and got bored
Oh now I want Abby to do her own cover of this one

I've always loved the use of bass

I suppose these should be added to the list of probable covers

Texas Hippie Coalition -Turn It Up

Tool -The Pot

"She Da Devil"

Vicky heard Billy’s shot but saw no strikes in her field of view but she did see a guy with a shotgun among the raiders and it was a drum fed semiauto think he could make better cover between shots; he forgot or didn’t know there were 2 rifles looking down.


Went the enfield sending another 30/06 round down range to enter his left ear and pop out his right eye.

It was another perfect shot won after hours, weeks, months, and years of dedication to never wasting a shot for making another problem allowing a downed foe to become a Risen by her hand. Many who watched the yearly competition with black powder and saw the display of the Marksmen mistook accuracy as showing off which it was at competition but here it was a business that required precision because unless they were lucky she and Billy had 100 rounds each to last till their return.

She had to check fire at that point as she saw a close silhouette cross her field as an unfocused blur.

That’s when she saw a black haired girl and about 8 kids of mixed sex and under 10 above 6 years old. The girl was running at an angle to her and Billy’s position and would soon be behind them and the kids out of the battle field.

”Billy NCBs east west moving through our forward cover she said calmly but felt a pain maternal tug her to see them safe and protected as she made sure her partner had them registered
"I'm not heartless just a Slacker who wants to get by on only what is required with the least effort.

If everyone gets sick then I have to constantly disinfect clean up and well work my rear off; I hate it.

I only perform a logical function to limit your chances of cross infection; part of that is shortening your recovery time"
said Mandy as her fingers fly across the keys of her laptop at 115 wp.

and the music shifts

"Did you know that during a ritual a Voodoo worshiper is filled by Loa, lwa and the like which compel the person to either act like an animal or a lust filled being.

Some believe its possible to make people into a living zombie kind of like the date rape drugs work but on a more permanent level and one of the key ingredients is a fungus? "

Mandy stands when the normally dull-witted algorithm picks a good song to follow.
Her hips begin to sway in slow arcs like a belly dancer

"Then there's what I discovered about hormonal levels and their effect on viruses.

You see the immediate effect of altering the body chemistry is to shift the power of those antibodies native to the body as compared to an invader.

I read somewhere that long ago to help a king or hero recover it sometimes only took a dance from a young woman. They attributed the effect to a goddesses intervention but I believe it was active body chemistry"

Mandy pulls a box of tissues from the box and sets them on the Table

"Can't have you making everyone sick"

Then she goes and fetches an extra wastebasket for the tissues

"Don't get used to it and try not to cough into the room

Don't need another Tamako Maru"

Then she returns to her spot behind the bar and washes her hands and mixes herself a lemon punch

Mandy sees Mason's condition and stands, exits into her apartments at the back and returns with a cardboard box the says Coughing Sickos and sets it down on the table with him removes an electronic thermometer and a case of sleaves pops a new one on then without asking plugs it in the guys mouth after which she pulls out a vaporizer and starts it up. Once those things are done she pulls the beeping machines and reads it before pulling out a nice collection of cold medicines

"100.4 degrees" she says as she walks away and back around the counter where she reaches into her private stock and pours the guy some Lemon juice, spring water, honey, and a shot of whiskey which she stirs on her way back to him.

"Here drink"
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