Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
5 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
5 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

Well I jiggled the handle, Checked the connections and everything works but it still so quiet


Who the Hell is Bluemoondreamer?

That’s a question I wish I could answer but honestly I may be a “What the hell is Bluemoondreamer? I could be a fancy AI but honestly I don’t know and with the ability to even rewrite meat codes what does it matter?

I am me and I go by Bluemoondreamer as my Address Handle which is a free floating address because if I linger too long in one spot the Feddie Netcops will find a dereze me. Lost Ghost of some Netdiver or Aberrant AI they don’t like my kind because we are the things that go bump in the dark corners of the World net and because this is where we live our own play ground.

I like long walks on the virtual shores of the most well made VRs, Dancing in the VR Clubs and sometimes in the tank of some club as a feature Virtual Artist and Rocker Girl.

I collect odd bits of information and Music as I explore my ever changing world but stay clear of the dangers of the Data Citadels of the Corps for there there be Monsters and I’m too young and tasty.

Netrunners, Netdivers, Hackers, and Trolls drop by and ask me to hold stuff for them or if I might have collected at least the echo of information they need and I am treasured for my Priestess like quality to keep it to myself.

I can’t be Bought or Bartered because what does a ghost need with money or goods?

Open Link
Dare to follow me?


So You Had To Follow Me Here

Careful, It’s a Dangerous World

Where to Begin? How about the Downs which is where if you want to find work, entertainment, and survival games you’d go.

This is the home of Burakumi, the untouchable outcaste of society those forgotten or thrown down for actual and perceived crime against the powers that be...where does that word come from? Look it up.

You live or work here and because of it are stained with the label of the underworld. It is a place where Solos, Street Samurai, Thugs, Smugglers, Murderers, Thieves, and those who have lost hope reside. You can get Lost in the maze of tunnels and through ways, if you’re lucky you can even have a little damp hole all your own here. Most people of the Downs of East 41 Archaeology are harmless people who scurry like mice from cover or if out in the open move with as little impact as they can manage but then there are people like you.

Your kind is either Curse, Saviour, or a more dangerous type of Rodent; a “Stainless Steel Rat” of this dark world that has never seen the sun.

I guess I could go on but I’m already bored...so maybe if you ask I could expound further.


Solo Solos are hired hit-men, bodyguards, and mercenaries - a lot like Jayne Cobb from Firefly. Due to their professionalism and constant training, they have the ability to perceive danger, notice traps, and have an almost unearthly ability to avoid harm. These are the modern equivalent of the Ronin, court-martialed Feddie Troopers who got downgraded, Cops that were caught stealing from their boss or doing their job too well, Thugs whose gangs were on the losing side of a turf war. Here's a Link that might help

Netrunner Netrunners are the Hackers, with a cybernetically augmented interface systems Implanted into their bodies who can see the virtual world in it’s nightmarish glory. They are the covert Intel experts of the Solo teams and any team hitting a hard target without one will fall prey to the Runners or AI security on the other side.
Here’s a Link to explain more.

Fixer You hear Connected when you ask about these guys because a Fixer that ain’t Connected is a hungry bum. You need ammo for a gun you picked up after it fell outa some Feddie Van but like the gun the stuff is controled substance you find a Fixer and he’ll Fix you up if you got the cash. Need a Cyber Doc who does questionable mods find a Fixer and you’ll find a Doc.
Here’s a Link Gratis, next one will cost ya

Techie/Medtechie Do I really need to stress that if you are metal or live in a modern society then it’s these guys that keep it humming though sometimes to their own tune. Then there’s their cousins who are the surgeons that install this crazy shit in you or patch you up when you been shot full of holes. Both types are usually safe on any battle field if they don’t carry any weapons or engage in sedition against the Feddie corps and wear the big ole red cross...well till some metal head on the other side wants to shoot anything that moves to dial in his gun
Here’s another Link

What’s It All About?

Well it’s about you and the Mistakes you’ve made or how you got Lucky….it’s about life; was I alive or created?

You are the guys on the street other people avoid or run to as they need your services or have reason to fear.

Here’s another Link but warning its a deep rabbit hole you’re about to go down...sure I know the link says 2020 and that’s a laughable but it's the old site they forgot to police when they closed down the other sites.

Now I know some of you are gonna be like the country boys were in days of old and the new mail order catalogues came out but just like them you ain’t got the money to go nutz. Some of you were once built for speed and the life of the party when it came to battle but they drummed you out and took but their crap leaving you barely able to walk or take a piss on your own. Now you make do with knockoffs, used, and questionable hardware dreaming of building your body back to the monster you once were but that takes cash and you gotta spend money to survive so it's slow going till you can hit it big.

Where Am I?

Well me I’m stuck in the Net but you are in East 41 Section 6 UL 35….What’s that mean? Did you just wake up or is that Window Washer Acid still working? East 41 is a Medium sized arcology numbered and named by the Feddie corps when they divided up this world about 150 years ago and the UL 35 is how screwed you are being as its 5 levels from the bottom and only two of those ain’t the sewers….sorta glad I can’t smell things no more.

What Section 6? Oh take a bearing north in the center of the city and that is zed then follow it around 270 degrees and you’re in that pie wedge and your local corp boss is Hesteter Heavy Industries and it's their private cops you’ll be receiving you but woppin from if you’re caught, out of line or they just had a bad day, ask if you wanna know more this is running longer than the average man’s attention span

Nutz & Bolts

Well that was quick I hope but actually I don’t really care you brought it on yourself

Next we gotta make rules and I know snivel “Why?” If I don’t you’ll run all over me or the others as sure as little green dingle berries.

Da Rules
1: Don’t be a Dick, in other words debate is fine but don’t push the line past that cause I hate having to step in
2: Keep it to yourself, in other words if someone else's character seems silly or weak let it ride, who knows they may think your’s is a twit
3: Ask questions don’t make assumptions if you don’t know, I love questions and try and answer them all. If you’re confused you need to ask questions.
4: Sex, get a room or take it outta sight
5: Romance, got nothing against it but I also don’t need this turning into one of those novels that love sick fan girls and boys read so try and not bore the rest of us too much.
6: As my Handle says I am Goddess and Benevolent Dictator so I set the rules
7: Feel free to free form side stories just don’t go overboard and remember it’s my band so I call the tune
8: Give me feedback, let me know what the group needs or wants from the story….my ability to read minds is unreliable so I require verbal input.

Need to know more just tap my

an in game information site

I recently suffered a head injury and had to hold off running with by no means compares but as an active personality nearly drove me mad as I waited to hear the Doc say I was good to go.

I know a bit of what you face as a few of the members of my running club have gone through such tender mercies as visited by sadist physical therapist; we have a vet who runs on one of those high tech replacements and he amazes me.

Sorry to hear, hopes though for success

I was playing on words strangely because my mind was in smart-ass mode

I think its a worthy thing to seek rehabilitation
@ReusableSword@Lord Orgasmo

I think the sooner we move on from the "Battle of Arlington" the better but didn't want to deprive those that want a bit more violence

Alex's Information gathering will be useful and my produce surprising data if he plays the angles right


I'll make time for you; it's winter here in the mountains a time when work is short and the nights getting longer giving me almost nothing to do
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