Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Lizzie unconsciously licked her lips as the Gecko head splattered into giblets. There was something fun about just watching something explode like that. Quickly, as they scrambled up the wall she positioned her gun downwards, over the edge of the cliff. Swiftly, two more shots were unloaded at two different geckos in an effort to thin their numbers before they got to her. As soon as the second shot left the chamber, she backed away from the cliff edge, ready to put more rounds into the Gecko the moment they climbed over.
She had been to Primm before, a few times.

One of the few places where ne'er-do-well's and general less savory sorts like she had used to be could have some relatively good, clean fun. So long as she kept her nose clean in the city. Mostly though, she had simply used it to get chems and restock on provisions. Seeing it in the distance reminded her briefly of her distaste for the NCR. If they actually did their damn jobs then things wouldn't have gotten like they were.

"Oh, lunch."

Immediately upon seeing the five Gecko's, though, her thought process entirely. She should probably pay far more attention to the Mojave. She'd get killed if she didn't. She immediately dropped to a knee, pulling her Brush gun from around her shoulder. They hadn't noticed her yet, she could avoid them, but she had plenty of ammo, and gecko meat was delicious.

She took aim towards the gecko's on the ground below, starting with the one closest to her, aiming a shot right towards its cranium.
"Ooh, fire." Lizzie's smile widened considerably. She was probably biased since she was a bit of a pyromaniac, but fire always made everything ten times cooler. Lizzie picked up one of the bottles, swishing the bottle around in her hand. She tied both to her belt, right next to the hatchet hanging from her waist. "I'll take ya up on that offer once I get some more caps on me." She gave the ghoul a friendly bap on the head. More firepower was always a good idea. Maybe she could just...burn the entire Bison Steve down. No one would miss it, would they? Naaah.

"I'll try not to burn anything down with 'em." She laughed, turning away from the Ghoul. "Laters, I gotta date with a Bison named Steve." Lizzie stepped out of the bounty office, the hot Mojave sun harshly greeting her. Nothing new, there. Just another new day in the desert. Wouldn't be the Mojave without sand, heat, and she was probably going to be adding a few bullets soon enough. Assuming Annabeth or Bete didn't try stopping her before she left, her boots turned towards Primm.
"Pfft, ahahah," Lizzie laughed, flashing a grin to Annabeth. "Me? Get taken out by a buncha splodey dumbos? Noooot a chance." Well, obviously they were armed and dangerous. Even more so if they were freshly resupplied by ransacking some caravan. Hm. Hmhm. Well, she could handle herself. No sense in thinking about this too hard. "They'll be dead before ya know it, boss lady." She headed out of the building, a friendly wave to Annabeth.

She slung her brush gun over her shoulder, Lizzie went to find the friendly little ghoul by the name of Bete. She probably didn't have anything she could use yet - not to mention not having any materials herself, but hey, no hurt in asking. As small as the Lone Wolf radio station was, it didn't take her too terribly long to find the kid ghoul.

"Hey, Bete!" Lizzie walked up wearing her usual smile. "Wanted to see if ya had anything useful layin' around before I left on a bounty."

~Temporary Campsite~

"I see." Ash rubbed a clawed hand over her chin, thinking as she watched Torrent fail at some skill again. Seemed like she was trying to make some sort of...breath like ability. Red particles swirled around a weak stream of yellow in a double helix fashion. Perhaps the source was too weak? Oddly, the light blue particles weren't present in the attempt...so she was lacking something, still? The desire to see the effects of this were quite strong. "Ah, thanks Digbie. Sorry, lost in thought."

Ash breathed out, glancing at the job system again. Witch seemed interesting. Utility was always good, and it seemed like it would synergize well with her already obtained alchemy ability, even if she had yet to seriously work on anything of note. Getting back to that would be good, but she had such little time to explore it.

"Hmm...for now, choose Witch." Maybe she'd change later. For the moment, she walked over to Torrent. "I think you're missing an Element, Torrent." What could Light blue be? If red was fire, then yellow was likely some sort of light based thing...then what was light blue? She had assumed dark blue was water of some sort, so perhaps light blue was wind? "If that was fire and some form of light, you need to add a bit more to it. Try adding some...hm, more wind?"

Gathering up the equipment Digbie left her, she glanced at the greaves, deciding to simply equip them and the Vine Bracers for now. Glancing at the rest of the loot, Ash snatched up the sharpened piece of glass carefully. How fortuitous. She could easily make a beaker or some other small implement with this...hmm, but it was quite large. Not ideal for moving. Seemed like Digbie had used most of the already useful materials as well, which left her with very little in the way of things to mess with.

For now Ash settled on practicing more magical abilities.

Forming a static version of 'Mana Slice', observing it with her Mana Vision.

She was pretty sure she was a grown up.

"Powder gangers huh." Lizzie replied with a light laugh. "Y'know, I can't hate anyone who uses explosives like they do." Just 250 though? She could make more in an hour by robbing a caravan or something. Ugh, this was going to be annoying, wasn't it? Well, she couldn't complain too much. It was either that or start doing some raiding herself again, and she had decided to leave that. "Buuut if I'll get paid I'll take 'em out." Maybe she could finally get her mitts on some incendiaries.

"None for now, boss lady." Lizzie got up from her chair. "Gonna see if Bete has any extra stuff I can borrow. Sounds easier than some of the...well, y'know." She grinned, not wanting to bring up her rather less than reputable past if she could. "Anything else I need to know?"

yo, I think this is good.

Don't think I missed anything.

Well, there you go

Kinda wasn't really sure what to do tbh

But Estelle doesn't have much interest in helping Wisemon or looking at the books presented to them.

"Y-you dare insult my queen!?" Chessy seethed.

"Ohoho, aren't you the rude little thing," Estelle smiled, curls swaying lightly from a tilt of her head. "Well, I'll have you know, I'm no tyrant. I love all of my little chessmon and they love me." She patted Chessy on the head. Regardless, this was rather boring, wasn't it? Nothing interesting in this dusty old library at all.

"Tch, very well...but know that any further insult will be remembered and returned ten fold, cretin!" Chessy beat the front of his shield with his spear, a loud bang of metal and metal filling the area before returning to an at the ready position next to Estelle.

"Hmm...Wisemon was it? You don't supposed I could take a look around the other areas of the library?" Truth be told, she had no interest in helping this...creature. Not after it called her a tyrant of all things. Perhaps there might be a fun or interesting book or some other fascinating document here she could read. It'd certainly alleviate her boredom a bit.
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