Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

"Oh, I see." Charlotte replied with a light nod of her head. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you. I make most of my own attire so having a good source of high quality fabric is very welcome." She either ignored the light flirting, or simply didn't register it as such. She had of course, intended to leave it at that and leave once she received a reply, but the woman hen said something about a servant and Momo offering to help.

"...I don't see how that's any of our business, Momo. A master should endeavor to be aware of their servant at most times. Even moreso if they're a troublesome sort." Charlotte replied in a rather taciturn manner. Still...maybe this would placate Momo and count as doing something other than studying. Ergh...she could...handle small talk for a bit, yes? Probably. "But I suppose if you count this as 'getting me away from my studies a bit', then I'll allow it."



"M-master...!" NOPE NOPE, this was the exact opposite of what she wanted to happen! Suzuka pouted lightly when she went to introduce her to who was quite obviously Beni's master. Agh, was she going to be okay? Was her debut as a JK over so soon? Wait...actually...maybe this was a good thing?! If she could make friends with Beni's master, then she could have the master save her tail from Beni-Sensei!

"'kay, big brain 4D chess time..." She muttered under her breath as she walked up, offering Hakuno a friendly grin. "Hai hai, sorry about my master here. She's a total swipe right, but she acts like a shut-in."

Bridget simply turned towards the lost horde rushing towards them. Narrow hallways, huh. Not the best place for swinging around a giant sword, but at the same time...that meant this was a veritable meat grinder. She'd need to control her swings a bit. Thrusts and vertical strikes. As Delmina unloaded her bullets towards the thralls, Bridget rushed forwards an almost wolf life howl echoing through the area. She grabbed the decayed sword in both hands, an almost feral grin plastered on her face under the mask, eyes wide with excitement as she leaped into the air.

"GRAAAAH!" A loud shout, vaguely drowned out by Bridget's sword slamming into the ground from a powerful overhead strike. Delmina's bullets flew past, but she paid them no mind. She'd give her a smacking or two if she hit her. She lifted the blade again, aiming to crush a wide swathe of the Lost between her blade an a nearby wall.
That's entirely up to you friendo.

As she was led to the dance floor, Rina couldn't help but to make a few mental notes of people present. She had to keep her wits about her, and not let herself relax without looking like she was being too observant. She could pick out a few familiar faces in the crowd, but they weren't overly important. None she had to really worry about too much yet.

"...huh?" Rina's gaze briefly was drawn towards the fringe of the party while Mika was showing her the dance. No, that...Alicia wasn't that dumb. She quickly focused back on Mika.

"...pfft." Rina reached out, giving the other girl a friendly head rub. "I dunno why I expected anything different." She laughed as the girl in front of her 'danced'. It certainly wasn't your typical club friendly dance, but it fit Mika perfectly. Rina was perfectly fine with just doing something silly instead of trying to get too into whatever these other girls were doing. So Rina followed suit, placing her hands at the side of her head and proceeding to shake her hips.

Divina quietly observed Penny a moment.

"I am unsure how much help I will be. I am not very fond of the...fighting thing." She replied with a soft sigh. "I'd much rather solve things with as little bloodshed, but, there's not much we can do about it." Divina didn't blink once as she replied.

"Hmph, for what they're having me do I better get a raise, a personalized gift box and a goddamn vacation that doesn't involved being kidnapped by a dolphin." Chloe replied irritably. "Should be fine. I'll be back by the time you are. Stay safe, okay? I might be able to tell where you are, but...this job admittedly, is probably a bit dangerous and might take me a while."

"Don't worry, Chloe. I'll make sure things are taken care of." Divina replied.

"Good, then. I'll be off then. Ugh, I am not looking forward to this." Chloe said with a wave, exiting the apartment, leaving Divina and the other girl alone to decide what they were going to be doing. Once outside, the first thing Chloe did was head to Covington tower. She had to at least make a show of cooperation in this regard, but whether or not this information was going to actually be useful, remained entirely unseen. There was a good chance Veronica wasn't being truthful.

Upon reaching it, she quickly wrote a reply for the raven.

"Veronica may be leaving Penrose for some time. Information is likely accurate."
That was the best she could do on that front. Now all she had to do was kill a pretty little bird.

Just as she finished, there was a...call? From...Reaver? Well, that was interesting. She answered, almost expecting him to just be creepily breathing on the other end, but she was pleasantly surprised once she figured out what she was hearing. What was he doing with Cindy of all people? But the thought quickly turned to idle amusement as she heard the scuffle over the phone.

So Cindy was now coming to murder Ishtar, huh. She doubted the assassin was legit, but it worked in their favor. The only worry she had was whether nor not the Mint would accept it as -her- doing it or find some bullshit excuse that she failed.


Well, no matter.

Chloe quickly texted back to Reaver.
"Perhaps you deserve a reward, hm? I'm going to go ahead and say hi to the Cardinal. Don't be late."

With that, she left the tower and headed for the park.
~Claire Blackwood~


The bug garden was beautiful. For a desert town, this place had a lot of vegetation, didn't it? Claire briefly glanced at the sign. No fighting? Well, she could understand but that put a damper on her plans of trying to catch a Scatterbug or something. She was too focused on the pokemon to notice that suspicious guy. Claire might not have been watching him however, but Ralia certainly was and she was definitely suspicious of a guy not coming out from behind a tree.

"Rrralll." Ralia lightly tugged on Claire's hair.

"Eh, what is it girl?" Claire watched as Ralia hopped off her shoulder and run over to the tree. Shrugging lightly, Claire followed, watching with mild curiosity as her pokemon started to inspect the tree in question.

~Temporary Campsite~

"Cough-egh!" She stumbled to her feet, her new bipedal body taking a few moments to get used to. The nightmare was over before Ash could even really get invested into it. Like a fleeting, brief, dream it was gone the moment she was shoved back into her body. What she did have, though, were two very distinct memories. The snapshot she had taken of the planet, and something else. That something else, sent shivers down her spine.

A red eye pointing her north.

She inhaled, a shiver running through her body as she straightened herself. That had definitely not happened last time. Why had it stuck in her mind? She had used the Memor Eyes on the planet itself, and thank god she did. She braced herself on the wall as her reptilian eyes blinked, glancing out towards the entrance of the cave.

How long was she out? Ash's wings unconsciously flapped as she got her bearings, a system alert conveniently telling her she was both starving and in need of water. Easily solved, at least. Ash walked, picking up her spear from its resting place and leaving the shelter behind after grabbing a handful of hopefully still good meat from what remained of that large rat earlier. Ignoring the others for a moment, she staggered over to the stream, gulping down some clean water before chewing on the meat before taking a good look at her new body.

Her scales seemed to be the same ashen grey color, but the dark purple stripes had been replaced with something else. Mystical looking tattoos covered her skin, glowing with a soft, purple light. Curiously, she took a quick look at her body. The markings seemed oddly familiar. They curved along her body, flowing with the curvature of her body like a natural decoration.

Notably, there was what could only be called a half moon symbol in the middle of her chest, with swirling curved lines curling up and down along her body. Her green eyes followed the magical veins as they curved down her chest, curving along her left side until they curved outwards, towards where a bellybutton would have been if she had one. The markings connected to a symbol reminiscent of a Venus symbol mixed with that of a Mars with a horizontal line through the center. The effeminate symbol tapered off, just above her groin with the curved lines fading and disappearing there.

Looking back to her reflection, she stretched her neck, following the markings up across the left side of her body, across her shoulder and up her neck. Another symbol curving around her right eye, the top making a t shape with the right side continuing until it was as long as the curve on its bottom half. Craning her neck, she could just make out two more on her back in the waters reflection as they curved from her left shoulder to her right. One oddly positioned where the liver is on the human body, vaguely resembling the number four, and one just above her tail seemed to be something vaguely reminiscent of a serpent eating its own tail in the shape of infinity, with a vertical line splitting the middle, with two horizontal lines crossing that one.

Turning to the water once more, however, the most striking one, was on her forehead. A Venus symbol with what appeared to be two horns coming off. The center was positioned right on her forehead, The two horns followed the ridges along her horns a short ways before disappearing. Likewise, the bottom half followed along her nose until it came to a stop about halfway down, connecting with the end of the curve of the other.

Ash took a moment to rub a claw against her face. They seemed familiar, but...wait. She vaguely recalled them from some term paper she had to write years ago about the history of chemistry and its relations to Alchemy. Alchemical symbols? Hm...appropriate, she supposed, but she wasn't sure if she liked the placement of a few of them.

"System, show skills." Ash said as she wolfed down another bite of meat, glancing over the job system again. Useful. A quick looked made both Witch and the Drake Tongue stand out among from the others. Both magically inclined. Witch had high versatility, while Drake Tongue had offensive and support focus. Hm.

She focused first on the 'Witch' job, followed by the 'Drake Tongue' job after in order to get more information on both. She glanced over to Torrent as she walked over to Digbie after eating and drinking enough, activating "Mana Vision" to get a feel for what she was doing.

"Miss anything while I was out?" She asked the Demiblin. She still needed to mull over what she was going to do with what she saw during her evolution. "Having hands again feels soooo nice." She sighed, flexing a hand.


@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

Another one?!

"Like, I know you got a really thicc booty to maintain but don't ya think you eat too much master?" The fox replied. She cast a glance over towards the door. Was Beni-Sensei coming in here? She seemed distracted by something. Too much to think about. She just wanted to be anywhere other than where Beni was. Hmm...well, might as well get something to go too. As long as Beni-sensei didn't see her yet, that was fine. She could totes stealth this.

"Hey, like, get me one of those bubble teas too master." She said, adding another thing to their order just as Mana went to swipe the card.


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

Blue, gold, peach, and red, huh.

Peach was a given. Blue and gold would go well together. Red and blue, perhaps too. Red and gold felt a bit gaudy. It'd depend on the exact coloring, perhaps. Charlotte held a hand to her chin. Maid outfit? Luxurious dress? Imagining Momotaro in a few different dresses was nothing, if not entertaining.

"I see. I'll keep that in mind. I do rather like your current attire, but perhaps I could make you something a bit more suited to my-er, your tastes." She replied with a soft smile. It was then, someone, or at least whatever they were wearing caught her eye. A rather handsome woman in quite a well crafted suit. Perhaps she'd be intruding in some personal space, and considering she wasn't quite good at the whole social thing, but that was a nice suit.

"...hm." Momo would suddenly find Charlotte to swiftly change direction, heading right towards this well dressed woman. For a few seconds, she simply stared at the woman, not particularly doing a good job of hiding it or even trying too. "Tell me, where exactly did you get that suit of yours from?" She would say as she finally approached, a slight narrowing of her eyes followed, a small frown forming on her lips.


The next few minutes were passed with Suzuka eating and idly chatting with Mana. A few more selfies were taken, much to her masters likely chagrin and Suzuka's seeming indifference. She had almost ordered one of those fancy bubble tea things, she wanted Mana to try something with it but just as she was about to, a small shiver went up the JK's spine.

"...Eugh, where are those totes bad vibes coming from?" Suzuka commented idly, just having to happen glance out of the window. "....!" Mana would notice something for just a split second as her servants expression shifted to something that could be described as sheer and utter terror. It was fast enough that Mana might have thought she was seeing things. "Eeeh, master, this place is totes starting to bore. You done yet?"

"Queen Estelle-"

"Hmm, chessy?~"

"Perhaps you could-mmf-release me-"

"Ohoho, sorry, it's just been so long." Estelle giggled, not paying much attention to the others. She released Chessy from the hug, taking a quick look around the area. "Mhm...maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought there was more of you?"

"Well," Chessy straightened himself, resting his spear on his shoulder as he replied. "Some of the others-fools as they are-broke their vows of loyalty to you and found another liege. Others...well, we Chessmon are not particularly strong on our own."

"Oh...I...see..." Estelle frowned lightly. Well, that was annoying. And they all had such fun together when she was little! Well, she supposed she could understand. She herself had thought she'd never see the darling little things again. Hearing that some might have gotten killed, though, or injured, was a bit disheartening. Tsk, if only she could have been there...! "Well, my darling little Chessy, you have my promise as a Queen I shall never leave again." The reunion, however, was soon interrupted by quite a curious looking individual. Some sort of creature dressed in a robe and talking in quite the difficult manner.

"Keh...!" Chessy readied its shield and spear, placing himself between Estelle and the other digimon. "Tch...looks like it wants a fight, my queen. Should I teach it a lesson?"

"Hmm..." Estelle narrowed her eyes at the digimon. "Stay your spear for a moment Chessy." Estelle lightly patted the head of her digimon. "My companion here speaks the truth. Thievery is beneath me."

"I don't think we can reason with it, my queen. Easiest solution is to crush it before it can harm us."

"Now now, force should be a queens last method of solving problems." Estelle replied. "We find ourselves in a strange library thanks to some strange force. Perhaps whoever stole this book of yours used this same phenomena to steal the book, and leave us as scapegoats."

Chessy made a few stabbing motions with his spear, before the spear suddenly slid forward in his hands, causing him to stumble forwards a few feet. He quickly righted himself and acted completely like nothing happened.

Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord

"...for someone who seemingly touts health, your eating habits are quite poor." Charlotte replied with a sigh. Tamafries? Really? She might not have been some fitness nut, but at least she tried to eat healthily. She did cook a majority of her own meals, at least, even if they were rather simple most of the time. She couldn't be bothered to make anything fancy. Too much time wasted.

"But fine, if you're that set on it, we can get something after we stop at the store." She continued, redirected the two of them towards the shopping center. In particular a clothing store that also had fairly decent fabric she could purchase. She had frequented it before, but not with Momo. She cast a glance over to her servant as they walked. The legends were fairly true. He was certainly quite good looking...mhm...perhaps a gold color? Maybe a deep, red would be good? A kimono, or maybe a more western style dress...maybe she should let him wear one of hers...?

Oh. That was...that was a fun mental image-Charlotte readjusted her glasses and shoved the errant thought out of her head.

"A-ahem, A-anyways, Momo, indulge my curiosity, do you have a favorite color?" They had reached the entrance of the store, and now it was just a matter of finding something she liked.
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