Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Despite what happened with Wakana

As long as you don't insult her, Estelle is perfectly friendly, ohoho~

Go say hi. If you put up with her you'll get free cake for life.
We did for that little post detailing how the two of them got into detention, yes.

just a little funny thing we decided to try.
Welp, there we have a post

Yes, Estelle always carries tactical pocket cookies on her
A Princess and an Uncouth curl-hating Fool

Test scores were out. Wakana was curious to see where exactly she ranked. Well, that’s implying she didn’t already know she was at least in the top five, if not ranked one. ”Hehe. I’m sure I’m already doing better than that Ojou-sama girl.” Soon enough, she made her way to the board that had the scores on them and she looked for her name. ”Wakana Toko….” To give herself a bit of dramatic tension, she started from the bottom of the highest ranks.

”Wakana…. Toko!” She exclaimed as she found her name. There, top five. Easy. And look at that. Right below her. ”Heh. Estelle, look at you.” She could help but let a smirk cross her face. She wasn’t entirely sure why she didn’t like that Estelle girl. A foreigner but she had this annoying personality that rubbed Wakana the wrong way.

Of course, just as Wakana made her way up to the board, the self satisfaction of victory spreading across her features, the person of her ire was making her way through the crowd. She could hear her before she could see the foreigner.

“Ohohoho!~” A grating, smug, laugh piercing the air. “No need to be so astonished, my fellow students. I'm sure everyone did well – though not as good as me, of course – so there is no need to fret.” Like the red sea, students seemed to give way to the rather prim and proper looking girl, not wanting to be one to be caught in the middle of her path either out of respect or mild fear. A few though, were poised to follow her around it seemed.

Estelle Antoinette Échecs. The heiress to both a fortune and a prestigious business. Of course she caused others to run green with envy, her skill, beauty and poise caused everyone to show proper respect. It was unthinkable she couldn't be good at something or not be the best.

“Indeed, I'll be quite impressed with anyone who even made it -close- to me in the...” As she approached the board however, a palpable silence fell over the crowd. She had lost to Wakana. Only a point or two below her in the test scores. Of course, she couldn't take this insult ungracefully. She accepted defeat with grace and poise - That uncouth heathen what was with that smirk?! Estelle turned towards Wakana, one of her arms resting just under her breasts, the other elbow resting on her hand.
“My my, seems someone's been studying hard! I must congratulate you on your narrow victory.”

”Oh my, Ojou-Sama. Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry if you can’t retain quite the same amount of information in that pretty princess head of yours.” Wakana replied, the smirk never leaving her face. There was seriously something that jerked her the wrong way. ”Perhaps next time you can try to beat me again in test scores.” The girl scoffed as she gave a short laugh. ”If that’s possible.”

Seriously, what was with this girls problem?! One of Estelle's eyebrows twitched in annoyance.

“Oho?~ Jealousy of my pretty face is understandable.” Estelle replied, lightly touching the side of her face. “After all, I do put quite a bit of work into this body,” Estelle shook her head, smirking at Wakana. “Not that you would know about something like that, miss dead last during physical exams~”

Wakana’s eyebrow twitched in response to that. ”What was that?” The corners of her mouth started quivering. ”L-like physical exams matter!” She snapped back. Who needed good physical scores? Not like she’d get in trouble for those anyway. ”I’m sure if I even tried to practice I’d do better than you.” The glasses girl mentioned before turning her head as if trying to ignore Estelle.

“Ohohoh, I would love to see you try.” Estelle laughed lightly in her usual manner. “But with that big head of yours weighing you down, I'm afraid you'd only end up hurting yourself.” While she may not have been top athlete level herself, she was definitely up there in the top ten of the school. She had to be, of course. “But maybe if you ask really nicely, I wouldn't mind giving you a personal little lesson.”

”Help from you? Hah. If anyone here has a big head it’s you since you get your hands into every cookie jar around here. I’m surprised about that since I’d figure you had plenty of those at home.” Estelle was the heiress to a big baked goods thing right? Wakana didn’t really pay too much attention to her for that but she did like pissing her off. That was always fun.

“You say that like indulging in a little bit of everything is wrong.” Estelle replied with a laugh. “Like a deliciously baked ice cream cake, as long as there's a perfect balance there's nothing wrong with a little indulgence.” She tilted her head slightly to the side as she spoke. “But you, you're like a plain, tasteless piece of bread. Not even any flavor. You could be something greater, but you're nothing but content to wallow in your own banality.”

”I’d rather not indulge in every little thing around me. Not that I’d have the luxury to do so either.” Wakana said with a shrug. ”And I think plain bread is fine. Isn’t there a certain amount of elegance in not dressing yourself up too much? Or, perhaps I should say, plain bread can be dressed up however it wants? Cinnamon Sugar, Butter… I think I’d rather be a nice piece of plain bread than an extravagant cake.” Wakana scoffed. ”Plus, plain bread braids are better than those silly curls of yours.” The glasses girl held her hand up to her mouth as if she were trying to hold back a laugh while her mouth curled into a wicked smile.

Estelle fell silent.




This glorious, pristine hair of hers was a work of art! The curls articulated just right! Just the perfect combination of mousse, oil and carefully planned styling! These curls weren't just a style! They were a status symbol! Before Estelle could even think about what she was doing, she reached into her pocket and with a swift motion had thrown something right at Wakana's face.

A chocolate chip cookie slammed right into the other girls forehead, likely hard enough to knock her glasses off her face. It broke on impact, scattering its crumbs on the floor and some in her hair.

“Ohoho, I'm quite sorry! Those horrendous braids of yours just made me lose myself for a moment.” She returned Wakana’s wicked grin with one of her own. “At least you have some flavoring now, hmm? Chocolate does wonders to make even low quality bread like yourself palatable.”

Wakana clenched her teeth as the cookie shattered on her forehead. Something fierce came over her face as she stepped forward, almost crushing her glasses. ”Bitch you wanna--” Was all Wakana managed to get out before there was a loud voice nearby.


Wakana stopped to give a look to the teacher that caught them and sighed. She wiped whatever bits of cookie might have been on her and bent down to grab her glasses. She gave a smirk to the Ojou-Sama she was arguing with before turning around heading towards the teacher’s office as instructed. This was a pyrrhic victory in her book.

”Hurry up, Toko!”

“Tch.” Estelle clicked her tongue. Hmph. Well, no matter. A pyrrhic victory was still a victory. Estelle didn't even glance in Wakana's direction as she passed, heading towards the office as she was instructed to. A queen knew when to gracefully step away from the spotlight.

So this was detention, huh? She couldn't say it wasn't an...interesting, if not entirely arbitrary and useless exercise. This was ill suiting towards teaching misbehaving kids how to behave or to solve behavioral problems. Mr. Fujo was ill equipped for this, really. He liked handing out detentions, but never so much as actually sought to cut out the root of the problem. In this case, the problem was sitting only a few seats away from her, but Estelle elected not to even give her the time of day.

She had spent most of detention doing as any proper student should. Studying and preparing herself for the next exam. She was going to make that bitch eat her own braids between two slices of bread. Really! She had tried being friendly, really she had! But every single time Wakana always did this. Did she just like pissing her off? She couldn't deny she herself, certainly found antagonizing the other girl amusing. Maybe she should do it more - Estelle sighed, closing a book and shoving the errant thought out of her head.

What was she? Some lame Otome Villainess? Such thoughts weren't quite befitting a queen, were they? Still, this detention was utterly boring. Nothing to amuse herself. It was then, she caught a glance at the digital timer. At first she thought she was simply seeing things. Yet, something about this seemed vaguely familiar. A wave of...nostalgia? Washed over her seeing the cryptic and odd characters playing out on the screen.

Suddenly, the building rocked, throwing her out of her thoughts. Estelle quickly shot to her feet, curls bouncing as she swiveled her head, looking around the room and not even caring about Mr. Fujo. Instead, her attention was quickly turned towards the door as tendrils of...was that...binary? Seemed to leak through the air itself, slowly fading from existence.

"...what...?" Estelle questioned lightly, not to anyone in particular as she stared, seemingly transfixed at the glowing portal, a harsh monotone light bleeding through the windows. For some reason this was making her heart race like it hadn't done in a long time. Not since...

"...Ohoho, well." Estelle laughed, a confident smirk on her face. "I don't know about you all, but I'm not waiting around here in this place for whatever this is to be over. I'd advise you to do the same, unless you wish to never leave your boring lives." Perhaps it was a reckless idea, she had no idea what was even going on, but she'd do it anyways. She didn't even wait for anyone else to say if they were following or not. She had to know. Had to. Estelle ran through the portal.

A lonely little knight

How long had it been? Time flowed differently in the digital world, but it had likely been awhile since that day. Long enough that the others in its troop had given up the hope and the desire to wait around for the one they had labeled their queen. Many weren't that willing to follow a human in the first place. Some simply got tired of waiting. Some were...Pawnchessmon were relatively weak digimon on their own.

Now, it was the only one left, still carrying an unwavering hope that its queen would return to it one day.

And now it had found itself...in a library? It had fallen in some chasm after a digital quake. Hm. Well, perhaps there would be some decent fights to have here. It had to keep itself sharp for its queens return, lest it be weak or gods forbid - die before they were reunited. Pawnchessmon hefted its spear, its tiny legs carrying it around the immediate area, taking a quick look around the books. A few other digimon seemed to be gathered here, but they were of no consequence. Some looked like decent fights, but it kept to itself for now. They were in a similar situation, making allies would be better than enemies until it understood the full scope of...

It turned its attention to some sort of gate. Something was coming through...

It readied its spear...

"...My queen?"

"Ohohoho, of course, nothing dangerous here...hmm...ah? Y-you...?" Estelle walked forwards, towards the Pawnchessmon, barely even taking note of her immediately surroundings. "Your...Ohohoh, I knew it! I couldn't have just imagined that whole thing, could I!"

"M-my queen! It's been so lon-bweh!?!" Before Pawnchessmon could say much else, Estelle had wrapped the Digimon in a hug, holding its body close to hers, aggressively rubbing its head. She seemed entirely caught up in her own little world, and the Pawnchessmon seemed entirely unhappy with its situation, but didn't seem like it had the heart to tell Estelle no.
Personally, small groups would likely work best

Less chaotic and easier to keep track of things instead of trying to account for seven people and digimon in the same area

~Temporary Campsite~

As soon as she hit the ground, she was once again unconscious. An unknown, yet seen before memory came rushing back as she found herself drifting upwards. Everything was so clear, what she had been trying to remember from before was now as clear as a hot summer day, yet now the vision she was seeing was vastly different.

The forest stretched far below, the cave no longer seen as she rose. A tree glowed in the distance, seemingly almost calling to her, but her vision traveled further north to the cold reaches of the world where ice and snow kissed the land. West, Guze and the now captive goblins made their way up mountains, but her vision was almost yanked up to a great, jagged, tear in the earth. Blackened, smooth stone stared back at her. Obsidian of some sort? She rose higher and higher, until she was floating miles above the planet.

Immediately upon stopping, she committed the entire planet she could see to memory with Memor Eyes. Every nook, cranny, every single place she could see. The tree, the blackened, scarred gouge in the land. The pristine snow white lands to the north. There was nothing saying she couldn't use her skills here, and she was going to make full usage of this new skill.

But...what else? She was here, floating in a void. It almost seemed like there was a palpable anticipation in the air, as if something was waiting for her to do something.

but what?

Everything seemed so...peaceful up here. Was this what going to space was like? Seeing everything from such a distance everything seemed so small? So insignificant? The problems of religion, politics and humans seeming so small and inconsequential from up here? Ha, if only everyone could see something like this in their time - they'd soon loose all sense of their own significance and likely turn out for the better.

...no, she shouldn't be so hopeful that human greed and such could ever be swayed by such a peaceful sight.

Ash turned her attention to the angry red clouds that seemed to be looming on an island. She vaguely recalled the Demon King being in her last evolution experience, but...

"Hmm...I don't supposed this Demon King is here again, is he..." She idly commented. First, Ash tried to move, testing her range of movements with this out of body experience. If she could master whatever this currently was, moving like this of her own free will while her body stayed elsewhere, that would be quite a great skill to master.


Katarina wasn't sure what to expect right now, aside from this quickly devolving into some sort of shitshow. The chances of it not were pretty slim. She sighed lightly, a small frown forming on her lips as she pulled her jacket over her shoulders once she was inside. Unlike some others, she just decided to throw on her usual casual wear. No need to get fancy for a party like this. She didn't own anything like that anyways.

"I don't think Vi will be staying anywhere." Rina commented idly towards Su. From what she could gather, the celebrity hadn't exactly ever made a public appearance before. In fact, she seemed fairly intent on staying hidden behind a screen most of the time. Understandable, really. She swiftly turned her attention back to Mika when she asked for a dance. Well, fitting in was better than not.

"Sure, why not. Just uh, don't be mad if I'm terrible at it."


Penny wouldn't have to wait long for Chloe or Divina to make themselves known. The two would come walking into the roo,

"I do think its a bad idea..." Divina would say to Chloe. "At least take Aurora with you."

"He's busy keeping Vi in line." Chloe would reply, waving a hand dismissively. "I can handle myself. If the Mint wants me to handle it, I have no choice but to do it. Or would you rather they play their Ace?"

"That's...no, I would preferably not." Divina replied, mildly exasperated. "Just be careful. I'll make certain Reaver gets his punishment for going back on his word of help."

"Hmph. Then the matter is settled." Chloe turned her attention to Penny, her expression softening slightly as she walked over, and wrapped her girlfriend in a tight hug. "Hey, Penny. Nervous?" She would ask, though she wouldn't give her much time to reply. "Really sorry I can't help. But me being there would probably be a bad idea, not to mention the Mint's giving me trouble..."

"Hello again, Penny." Divina was currently in her unhidden state, letting the other magical girl see her true moth girl form. "You have been well, I hope? I was quite distressed when I heard of your troubles."


In a hidden security room, Vi watched the party unfold from her chair.

"Heh, you seem nervous." A little imp said on her right.

"Eeeh? Me? Nervous? Aurora you really are a nasty thing, aren't 'cha." Vi replied, leaning back in her chair. "Ahahaha, the only thing I'm nervous about is that fucktoid organization PI having their own agenda. They probably do." Vi kicked off the floor, causing the chair to spin and roll across the room lightly. "The only reason I let them be here is cuz they can't do much to stop what's happening. Keeping an eye on them is the best idea."

"Ahahaha," Aurora laughed, a small smile curling across the dark magical boy's lips. "Did I ask about that? You're stupid, aren't you? You nervous, huh? You really shouldn't be unless you're scheming something yourself. Maybe I should just kill you already anyways?"

"...you're lucky It'd be a bad for us to kill each other." Vi replied with a huff, standing up from her chair as it came to a halt, conveniently in the direction of Aurora. Vi reached for her phone, checking Glimmr. Seemed like the party was going well. "Let's go get ready." Vi said. "Gotta make Vi-Chan's first appearance memorable."

"Wah! Right! I need to get changed!" Aurora ran from the room, towards the catwalks overlooking the main stage. She couldn't appear too suspicious, so she followed soon after, but not before sending a text to someone that might give her an out of this mess. Or at least give her an out with something other than dying. She couldn't trust beacon, not after everything, but if she could play on one bleeding heart to keep her alive then she'd do it.

"Hey, guy with the totally memeworthy name, lets do some real talk. I'm in kinda some trouble. I want help or I'm probably gonna end up with my pretty little head on a pike somewhere."


Finally did a thing


Streets of Fusang, Headed Towards A Park, Sino-Japanese Quarter
@Crusader Lord

Well, he wasn't wrong. Honestly she should probably spend some time doing some light physical activity every now and then, but she just didn't have the physicality or mindset for it. She was a mage first and foremost, and any problem she could solve through physical means, she could easily just as solve it with magecraft and a little ingenuity.

"I'll try and keep that in mind. I do have some hobbies you know." Charlotte replied rather dismissively with a sigh. "I suppose you had something in mind when dragging me out here to the park? Or were you simply dragging me out here without a plan?" She wasn't adverse to hanging out at the park, but...without something productive to do it would feel like a bit of a waste, but then Charlotte wasn't one to find it relaxing to actually relax or hang around and do nothing.

"Mhm, if not, perhaps something to eat would suffice." She glanced sideways towards her servant. Hm...she had gotten rather lucky with him, hadn't she? Not too willful of a servant, and rather cute, if she had to say so. "Or perhaps we should visit the shopping center." Charlotte turned her head towards Momotaro. "I am running out of fabric and could use a bit more."


Wham Burger

"Duh, you think I like hanging around in this lame-o place?" Suzuka replied following Mana up to the counter as her mouth curled upwards into a wide grin. "Ahahah, this place almost gives off as many hopeless otaku vibes as you."

Mana handed the book to the clerk. ”Ahh… Yea… T-that’s me… A… Hopeless Otaku…” The girl mentioned meekly as the clerk rang up the book and told her the price. She handed her an amount and he gave her back her change and receipt. “I even tried to pick a more normal thing out.” She added as she turned to leave. ”So… anywhere you wanted to go?”

“Something normal? Well, knowing you it was something totally boring.” Suzuka followed Mana out of the manga shop, taking a brief moment to check her nails as she left. Where did she wanna go, though? The fox took a few seconds to answer before her mouth curled into another grin. “There's this fab beauty salon.”

”Ehh?” Mana replied surprised. ”A beauty salon?” That sounded… Terrible. ”Ummm. I mean… I don’t think I would fit in.” Especially if she called that a “fab” beauty salon… Well, that just wouldn’t be good. Her heart might not be able to handle it.

“Are you like, for real, master?” Suzuka huffed. “Wouldn't fit in how? You could totes rock a new manicure or do something with that hair of yours. No to mention them thicc legs of yours. You could show 'em off a bit more.” Really, what was with this hopeless master of hers? She was totally lacking in everything. She was about to drag Mana off there regardless of her protests, but a sudden flash of inspiration crossed the foxe’s features. “OMG hold up, brilliant idea. That's perfect! Master, we should so totally turn this into a girl's day out. You could use some new clothes and a totally legit makeover. I'll even do it myself!”

”Girl’s day out? Make over? New clothes?” Mana contemplated how much that would even cost. ”I dunno… That’s… I don’t think that would be good.” She shuddered slightly thinking on it. ”I think the clothes I have for now are fine anyhow…” If this money was spent on clothes, there were so many other things it couldn’t be spent on!

“Are you always this much of a mood killer Master?” Suzuka replied with a rather bored expression. “The clothes you have are so last decade. Well, whatevs. I guess that out of date sorta style suits you more than a flashier one.” Suzuka finished with a teasing grin.

Still, that left them once again, with nothing to do.

The two stood in silence for a minute. She managed to summon a rather rude servant. Mana looked around somewhat despondent before swallowing and looking to Suzuka. ”Are you hungry?” She asked. That much she felt like they could both agree to. ”There’s a burger place over there we could eat at… Ummm… Both Otaku and JK eat there…”

“Like a lunch date?” Suzuka replied, mulling over the idea briefly. “Sounds fun, fam.”

”A-A lunch date? I… Uh, guess?” A date? Mana wondered if it could even be called that. ”It’s over there.” She pointed to a place called “Burger Wham”. ”You like hamburgers, right?”

“Lol, what high school girl doesn't love hamburgers.” Suzuka replied with a grin. Not that she really minded eating in whatever place Mana wanted too as long as it wasn't staying at home and eating takeout.

”Good! Ah.. Umm, good. I’m glad.” She got a little too excited there didn’t she? ”Have you ordered at a burger place before? I don’t think we’ve actually been to one together.” Mana asked as the two walked into the place. There were no people ordering so it was open for them to do so.

“Really master? Can I order a hamburger?” Suzuka replied with a light frown. “Master, what highschool girl can't order a hamburger...or are you tellin' me you can't?” She teased lightly, walking up to the order counter. There were lots of things to order from this place it looked like. A quick look at the menu and what all the other girls were getting made her decision obvious. “Omurice Burger, order of Tamafries and a medium drink.”

Mana was somewhat surprised that Suzuka knew how to order. That said, she did hear them mention servants had knowledge of the here and now so she probably shouldn’t be. They adapted well. Better than most humans, if her and Suzuka were an example. ”I-I see.” She mentioned, stepping up. ”Umm… I…” Should she order what she usually ordered? Suzuka might make fun of her… ”I’ll take a… Uhh...T-triple.. Fries and a large drink. S-same order. I’m p-paying.”

Understood. Omurice Burger, a triple wham-burger, two Tamafries, a medium and a large drink.” The employee said as she finished tapping the order into the computer. ”Total will be… Mana swiped her card and paid. ”We’ll be over with your order when it’s ready.”

Mana nodded and walked over to one of the seats.
“Woah...” Suzuka seemed mildly impressed with Mana's order as she took a seat across from Mana. “I didn't think master was the type to eat a lot.”

”I knew you’d say something about home much I eat…” Mana sighed.

Suzuka placed her bag across from Mana, pulling out her totally chic flip phone. Before Her master could say anything, Suzuka put herself in the seat right next to her, pushing her body up against Mana's and grinning brightly.
“First Selfie of me and the master!~”

”Uwah!?” Mana exclaimed as she felt the servant push up against her. Her face was a mixture of confusion and excitement. It really showed on the picture when Suzuka took it. ”Ahh! Suzuka! A picture? Uhhhh… Oh… That was a bad one!”

“Ahaha, what? That was great!” Suzuka laughed brightly, showing Mana the picture on the phone. “Gotta add some filters, but this is gonna be a great pic.” Suzuka got up, quickly taking a seat on the opposite side of the table as she added a few things to the picture and uploaded It to the internet.

”That’s a terrible picture for me though.” Mana said with a bit of a frown. She went silent for a couple of seconds before looking up to Suzuka. ”So. You got an omurice burger?”

“Totes.” Suzuka replied casually. “Seems super popular here.” Speaking of the food, it was just about then the food made its way to the table. One Omurice burger, Triple Wham, Tamafries, and two drinks. Suzuka reached for the drink first. “What's the matter? Want a bite?~”

”N-no. I’m good. I have my own.” Mana said, reaching for her food and drink to bring them closer. She took a fry and ate it. It left a fairly happy look on her face. Likely even the happiest face Suzuka has seen on her all day so far. ”Tamafries are always so crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside!~ Then she took a sip from her drink.

“Like, they are legit huh.” Suzuka said, taking a bite of the fried food herself. “Omg, that reminds me. I should make a lunch for you sometime, but that annoying familiar of yours always chases me out of the kitchen.”

”Cocoa’s been cooking for years but she’s let me help her sometimes. She won’t let you?” Mana asked, taking a big bite out of her burger. ”Why does she chase you out?” She continued, wondering aloud as bliss covered her face as she ate.

“Like I don't know!” Suzuka replied with an annoyed huff. “Like, I cooked one time cuz I wanted to make you something, but she not only threw everything I made out she chased me out of the kitchen.”

”Eeehhh? That doesn’t really sound like her.” Mana pondered as she ate her burger more. ”Did you make her mad?” Suzuka might be somewhat surprised that Mana had ate most of her burger at this point. ”She can get a bit of a bad mood sometimes.”

“Like, I don't think I did?” Suzuka replied. “Hey hey, how about I make something tonight? It'll be totes great, promise on my maidenly heart.”

”Tonight? Uhh, Cocoa’s going to make dinner later. Maybe you can make a snack?” Mana said, thinking about it. ”She shouldn’t mind that too much.” The Japanese girl’s burger was completely gone and she was finishing off her fries. She definitely ate this a lot faster than she ate food at home.

“...eh? Master you like totes ate that down! Are you like, part wolf or something?!” Suzuka, completely forgetting about what she had been asking earlier was now focused on the fact mana had just ate a gigantic hamburger in less than five minutes.

”Ehh? Uhm… I… I’m human.” Mana muttered. ”I just, uhh, really like the hamburgers here.” By now, her fries were running low and there were just a couple left. ”Sometimes I feel like I could eat two… OH! But not right now!” She cleared her throat. ”I almost feel like you’ve barely touched your food.”

“I'm eating! Jeez, you just eat way to fast.” Suzuka replied with a light huff.
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