Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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The NCR.


Lizzie's soft smile didn't betray the fact her mood had been thoroughly soured at the sight of them. She almost wanted to just ignore them. Not like their rule was respected out here anyways, and she wasn't particularly fond of getting held up by them either.

"Heh, yep, I've heard." Lizzie replied in a fairly non-hostile tone despite the sass of the words. "Looks like you guys could do a better job." Her smile widened, glancing in the direction of the Bison Steve. "So I'm gonna do it for ya. Leader of that gang? I got a firebomb with his name on it." She only stopped long enough to reply before heading across the bridge.


If anything, she might actually get to see what's under her robes this time, heheheh. Sooner rather than later.

Still gonna be socially awkward and not exactly great at the whole social thing, but she'll maybe not seek out areas exclusively to be away from people this time.

@Penguin King
Discord's cool with me, fam.

And don't worry Ash. If you're feeling left out, just give Ceri a surprise hug and a few headpats, it's certified soul-healing.

We're a team again and, I'm not taking no for an answer.

...though since I'm outing Ceri as a demon again damn it I'm never getting that sweet plot twist am I FOILED AGAIN!
She might be a bit less timid around other guild mates this time since there's another one walking around. Hmhm. Stuff to think about, I suppose. Might as well update her CS a bit.
Neither does Ceri

So they can just, like, sit there and stare at each other awkwardly, bonding over their social ineptitude.

Still, what I was getting at is that Ceri and Plant lady are quite similar. In like, everything. Hmhm. She might start thinking of her as a big-sister, keheh.
...Woah hol' up.

Well this is awkward. Here I am trying to be sneaky.

Plant lady may wanna talk to Ceri a bit, keheh.

"Whew..." Lizzie grunted, taking a moment to collect her rifle from where she had discarded it. "Looks like meat's on the menu for dinner tonight, haha!" She laughed, setting about the rather bloody work of skinning and gutting the gecko's. Always a good idea to try and get skins. Traders would always pay for 'em, and if not, she could probably find some more use for them herself. More importantly was the meat. Call her crazy, but she had a particular love for Gecko meat. Might even be able to use the Egg as an impromptu throwing weapon.

Finally done with the work, Lizzie made sure any injury she had wasn't too terrible before setting off.


She had been there a few times before. She wouldn't be surprised if someone recognized her from her old gang. Well, maybe she could get in without getting into too much trouble or recognition.

In and out.

"...maybe an explosion or two." Lizzie giggled, making her way towards the city. It definitely wasn't going to remain peaceful once she found her bounty.

"Keh..." Bridget's fury was stopped mid swing. A lone lost catching her blade on his shield and batting it aside like an insect. Of course, she was fully expecting to get hurt. No way about it when fighting lost. In fact, in some ways, those were the moments she always remembered most vividly.

Fighting. Hurting. Getting hurt.

That infuriating face of whoever that was.

But she had to retain a level head. That was all that separated her from these beasts. The losts blade bit into her flesh as her attacks were halted in their tracks. Using what stamina she had left, she rolled backwards, not caring for her wounds in the slightest. Not like it would do much good with the horde of lost, but it would at least give her a second to recollect her footing.

"If you got any fancy tricks up your sleeve, now's the time choco!" She growled towards Delmina. Bridget focused her power, drawing upon the power of her bloodveil, her left hand becoming enveloped in a blood like claw, intent on dashing forwards and impaling one of those soldier lost on her Blood Veil.

Just gonna respond to you here for ease~

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

OH! Well, now I have to go with Klisa! She'd be offended if I went with anyone else!

And the long and short answer is: Hanging in there, life has defo been crazy for everyone and my had some wild circumstances that weren't going anywhere before the virus hit, but I'm rolling on and glad to be writing again.

With everything going on and the general ridiculousness of the world today, glad to hear you're doing alright.

I'd love nothing more to engage in adorableness with Ceri and Klisa again, so looking forward to it!

@Penguin King

And glad you like her. Smol lost child is a labor of love and adorableness.
Righto, well, here she is in full for everyone else to see.

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