Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts



Me friend! I haven't seen you in ages. How ya doing?

You should know which character I'm attempting to go for here, lol.

After some thinking, I've reached the conclusion that this RP just isn't exactly something I'm super into. Can't write shit, don't like anything I do write, and I'm not really into forcing something. Consider this my official resignation, everyone.

Just have Estelle disappear into the Digital Ether, I suppose.
...Hm. Tentative interest.

I am always up for some Fairy Tail, and I do have a character in mind I'd like to discuss in private in PMs.
"Fweh?" The spider blinked in mild surprise. Kaori hadn't expected this girl to cling to her quite so ah, fervently. Icyness aside, this was quite nice. Having a cute girl cling to her like this...ah, no no, she needed to behave.

"Spirit Invocation...hm." She let Mugi get comfortable as she listened idly to Tomoko. "Are we looking for anything in particular, Tomo-chan? I could ask around the area and see if any of my friends saw anything suspicious." She turned her attention back to Mugi, who seemed quite distressed at the idea of possibly getting involved with ghosts. Why a Youkai was terrified of ghosts, she didn't know, but she wasn't going to say that to this adorable thing clinging to her.

"Fufu, don't worry." Kaori placed a hand on top of Mugi's head, gently ruffling her hair. "I won't lay a fuzzy-ahem-I won't let any evil spirit lay a fuzzy hand on you." She didn't seem to mind the coldness as she wrapped her arms around the Yuki-Onna.

@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

"Lol, I'll tell ya later fam. We gonna blow this joint-" Before Beni-Sensei recovered enough to try and make a new fur coat out of her tail. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't going to get very far. Barely three steps towards the door, the rice paddle hit the top of Suzuka's head with a resounding thwack.


The foxgirl fell backwards onto Mana, the back of her head landing on her Masters vast tracts of land.




"OMG!" After a few seconds of being completely unresponsive, the fox regained consciousness. "Like, I legit almost died Beni-Sensei! Like jeez!" She totally knew she was at least, somewhat at fault here, but what else was she supposed to do to help her ever so pitiful and totally sad and friendless master? "Yanno, you could've been a bit easier not like-" She managed to stop herself from saying anything else incriminating. "...tch."

She was technically in the wrong here, wasn't she?

"...like, I guess I could've asked her...but she would've said no." If nothing else, Suzuka did seem to think she was legitimately helping. "Ugh, this is mega super embarrassing..."


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

"...for someone who was physically dragging me out of the house earlier, you're suddenly eager to leave." Charlotte mused. That suited her just fine. Seemed like the woman decided to end her small talk, too. Well, that was fine too. She wasn't very interested in that in the first place. It was around then, the womans servant apparently named 'Jack' returned, carrying some clothing herself. She was certainly not expecting...that, but she supposed there were all sorts of heroic spirits, weren't there?

"Seems she didn't wander far. Good." That probably came out as a little insincere. "Well...thank you for your time, and apologies for bothering you for my curiosity...uh..." Charlotte hesitated for a moment, internally debating whether or not she should make an effort to introduce herself. Her face shifted from her usual stern visage to one of mild uncertainty. Wasn't like she'd ever meet this woman again, but considering her lack of knowing other people in Fusang, perhaps...hm.

"...I, uhm, don't think I quite got your name?"

And well, maybe having someone she could make an excuse to go visit would help Momo ease off the nagging.
The spider watched Mugi skate around the room, all the naive innocence of the world on her shoulders. Gods, she was adorable. Big bad wolf? That was some fairy tale or something from the west, wasn't it? Oh this adorable child. It was a good thing she was a good little spider that had some self restraint. Not to mention, the thought of someone kidnapping cute girls off the street infuriated her.

"Fuuu..." Kaori frowned, sliding her seat away from the table slightly. "Missing children, hm? Who would be so cruel?" The irony of that statement was not lost on her - but she never laid a fuzzy little leg on her girls. Well. Maybe some fuzzy legs. Maybe some other parts - ahem. Point was, there was a good chance some other Youkai was physically harming them. She was all for a little rough play, but it was all in good fun on her part. A Yamauba was a good suggestion in this case, but it was difficult to speculate without further information. It might be some odd one that wasn't quite run of the mill. "Perhaps an Aobozu? Though, I don't think they are known to take children in towns."

She hadn't really been keeping up with such cases on her own, and unfortunately for Tomoko, she was a bit distracted by the cute snow woman at the moment or she might of offered something more insightful. A small hand motion and a thread of silk had been latched onto the wall from between Kaori and where Mugi was skating.

The Yuki-Onna would suddenly find herself tripping, and falling onto Kaori, the girl's face meeting Kaori's chest.

"You should be careful. Skating indoors might get you hurt, especially in such a crowded room. I'd be quite distressed if you got hurt, so its a good thing you had something nice to land on, but next time you might not be so lucky, heheh."

@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

Suzuka could say nothing as Beni-Sensei started her lecture. This was it. She was going to get sent back to the throne before her JK debut could be made. The prepared herself, ready to receive the full brunt of Beni-Sensei's lecture. Ready to be dragged back into Hell's Kitchen and made to undergo a hellish training that would make even gods fear the small bird.

"Ah...!? Nice one Master!" Before she could be dragged back into such a hellscape, Mana had somehow managed to restrain Beni-Sensei. "Yanno, Like, it's not my fault my dunce of a master doesn't get how good she looks!" Suzuka finally said, halfway in reply to Kaguya-hime with a mild bit of irritation. "So like, obvs I gotta get everyone else to agree first!"

The fox flashed a rather bored look over to Hakuno who suggested they go take a seat.

"...but like, anyways, we're totes bored of this place, and Master and I got a lit AF girl date at the salon." She flashed a grin towards Mana. "Yoink!" Before Mana could try and protest, Suzuka had grabbed her master by the arm and started pulling her towards the door, intending to make a swift escape and completely forgetting their to go order.
"Quite a lovely, dreary day isn't it." If someone happened to be looking, they'd have noticed a small spider skitter across the floor, right under Asahi's feet before disappearing under a table and skittering up Kaori's leg. "Thank you, Asahi." She replied in a friendly manner, taking a sip of the tea.

Like Asahi, the spider too, was mostly lost in her own thoughts while she waited for Tomoko to arrive. She likely looked quite elegant, sitting there, sipping on tea, with rain falling in the background.

Thankfully, no one could read her thoughts.

Dear gods there were so many cute girls here. In high school in general! She better start thanking whatever gods for giving her such delicious eyecandy now that she was attending highschool. Why didn't she think about it earlier? It was ingenious! And gym class! It had become her new favorite thing in the world. Aaaah, she really wanted to just...snatch a few up an-Ahem. No no, she had turned a new leaf. She had to behave herself. Couldn't cause trouble for Tomoko.

For now she'd be satisfied with knowing the color of the class president's undies.

"Ah...Tomo-chan." Setting the tea down, Kaori flashed a friendly smile towards Tomoko along with a friendly wave. "Asahi just made it. It's not half bad. I should bring some snacks next time."

"...Rude thing, aren't you." Estelle hummed, narrowing her eyes at Wisemon and completely unfazed by his attitude. She had really done nothing wrong, had she? She most certainly hadn't been rude, either. Hmph, well, whatever then. She'd get into this library one way or another at some point. She was certain it was full of very useful information, and if this hermit didn't want to do the nice thing and share, things could always be persuaded otherwise.

So, she turned to move towards the books as Wisemon ordered them to take something.

"My Queen?"

"Haaa, I don't like it. Not at all." Estelle replied with a sigh. "You, who have been utterly rude to me for know reason think to command me and ask me to help you?" Estelle's mouth turned upwards into a smirk. "I should burn this entire library down for your arrogance." She grabbed the book nearest to her - one saying something about Dianamon? She didn't care. "But since i am far more nice and benevolent than you seem to believe, I'll do it."

"Hmph. My queen we should leave. Wisemon's data seems to be becoming increasingly unstable."
...honestly none of the books seem particularly interesting for Chessy and Estelle to take. None particularly fit well with what I'm going for here.

Suppose Dianamon or Venusmon are the more appropriate ones, eh...hm.
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