Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Note to self: Gecko Teeth hurt.

Still fourth one down, one to - "Gweh?!" Damn, she really needed to remember how fast these little snacks were. The redhead, barely had seconds to react as she brought up her hatchet, holding it between her face and the creatures teeth hoping to catch the creature mid jump on it. She'd try to shove it off of her - in times like this having something like a pistol she could just pull out would be fuckin' amazing. Assuming it was successful, she'd make an attempt to drive the blade of the weapon into this ones head.

~Temporary Campsite~

Hmm, seems like her 'Stronger I' skill negated the negative penalties from the class she choose. Interesting, and good. Her focus turned back to the Mana Slice in her hands. A new...symbol? The 'Pound' sign? Was it a missing number or was it something else? Ash narrowed her eyes at it. Seemed like every time she felt like she figured something out, something new reared its ugly head. With a click of her tongue, she shoved the thought aside for now, focusing back on what she wanted to do earlier.

Putting her dual cast skill to use, she formed the 'Poison Splash' spell in her claw, observing it like she had with Mana Slice. Assuming this was sort of the 'Mana Orb' version of a poison spell, she should theoretically be able to make it into similar spells and shapes as the base Mana spells, yes? Or close enough to be functionally similar. Obviously something like liquid poison may not have much cutting power, but having other spells for reference and building on it was a basic scientific step. Plus, it'd be good to make this skill far higher. If she could reach a point to cast numerous spells at the same time, that would be a very good thing.

Focusing on the Poison Splash, Ash began trying to change its shape, hopefully that Mana Shape skill coming in handy. First, she tried to mimic and copy the shape of Mana Slice into the Poison Splash, first condensing it and cutting down on excess particles in order to give her the same amount in the Mana Slice. Next, she would move the three square particles into position. Actially...would a slice even be useful? For flesh wounds, but what about armor? No, focus one thing at a time.

Next, she would attempt to force those oscillating lines into position if they hadn't already automatically connect, and finally using Mana Shape in order to try and help it maintain its shape.

@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

Hearing the voice of Beni-Sensei momentarily caused Suzuka's fur to stand on end. She might have acknolwedged Kaguya-hime's presence, but at the moment her focus was entirely on not getting shoved back into hells kitchen.

"Beni-Sensei! I-I'd never bother master, ahahah..." Urgh, that wasn't a total lie at least. She wasn't bothering mana that much? Even if she was, wasn't like Mana would do anything about it. "Master and I are totes besties, aren't we Master?" Suzuka pulled out her phone, quickly moving to her Instagram and pulling up all the recent photo's she had taken with Mana. The one recently at Burger Wham. A few of various activities done throughout the day followed.

"See? Totes besties! Just two cute highschool girls livin' life to the-"

just one picture too far

That was a rather questionable picture taken of Mana with her back to the camera and showing off a bit too much of her thighs and butt with the comment '10/10 thiccest booty master, change my mind', and she had just shown it to Beni-Sensei.

A cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Ah, so this was how her JK career was going to end.


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

Charlotte pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly at Yuriko. Ugh, such a useless conversation. Flattery was useless in the grand scheme of things in every aspect. Was she hoping to gain favor with her? Perhaps on other mages stroking their egos would be fruitful.

"...right." Charlotte sighed, deciding to drop it. Momo would probably scold her if she didn't make some attempt to be civil, and that was somehow more annoying. "I suppose its one of my better pieces." She replied curtly. Well, it was certainly something to look at and she considered it adequate. "I do think it could have turned out a smidge better, though. I had to skimp a little bit on the embroidery since I had sort of rushed finished it right before I left for Fusang."

Ah, she was talking a bit too much.

"Ahem..." She looked off to the side, adjusting her glasses slightly. "I suppose I shouldn't keep you if you must find your servant, though?"
"Ngh!" Lizzie winced, feeling the gecko's teeth clamp down on her leg. On the bright side, it was right in striking distance. The bounty hunter grabbed her hatched, wrapping both hands around its grip and swung the blade right into the side of the lizard's skull.
I prefer smaller groups
Maybe two groups split mostly evenly.

As long as Wakana and Estelle are on the same one so I can bother her.
Spider has been posted

Righto, after getting interrupted a few times I'ma post the spider here so I don't lose stuff.

Maybe she shouldn't be quite so eager to blast them, a bunch of meat was goin' to waste.

Eh, oh well.

Realizing she didn't have quite as much room as she thought, Liz opted for some close quarters combat. She grabbed the barrel of her gun, swinging the butt of her rifle into the mouth of one of the lizards, using the weapon more like a glorified baseball bat than its intended purpose. She didn't take time to holster the rifle, instead simply letting the weapon fall to the ground and attempting to dodge the second gecko and using the time to pull her hatchet from her belt.


"Beni-Sensei? Mercy? LOL! That's like, too funny!" Suzuka laughed. "She's worse than an Oni when it comes to cooking." As soon as Mana said something, however, Suzuka found herself drawn towards the beautiful woman outside currently...being...very friendly with Beni-Sensei. Suzuka had to admit, she was pretty but it was a good thing her master certainly wouldn'-

"AND WHAT AM I, HUUUUH?!" For the briefest of moments Suzuka's JK act broke ever so slightly. Talk about a way to make her feel entirely insignificant! Mana didn't understand love in the slightest, did she? How could she be a girl herself and still so dense? Like, it was almost annoying. "Like, ow, my maidenly heart. Hmm..." The fox brushed it off easily enough, and soon a grin was plastered on her face like always. "Hey, master, like, maybe you should focus on the totes cute JK next to you," She leaned slightly into Mana. "She might decide to eat you up first~"

She'd let Mana process that statement for a moment.

"Ahaha, that was a joke, you shoulda seen the look on your face!" Suzuka would let Mana think or react however she want. Instead, she turned her attention back to that woman. She was honestly, really pretty. "Who's that bird lover out there anyways?"
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