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DISCORD for???

Discord the chat client. I just find it more convenient for stuff like talking about characters.

I made a server: discord.gg/C2myAUYbNb
Caleb & Lexa

Several minutes earlier...

He ran over to the machine. He couldn't help his facial expression at the moment, pained and twisted up like he was watching his parents being murdered. He shut his eyes tight, then blinked the moisture away. He wasn't about to cry in front of Alexis, not when it was his fault. He addressed her without turning around. "Please tell me you know how to fix it."

There was a certain desperation in his voice. He cursed himself for it. He'd never said anything about wanting to go back before now, but it was plain to see what was on his mind.

"There's no way."

That was it, then.

She kept talking, though Caleb tuned her out, too caught up in his own thoughts. She was only going on about how it was impossible anyway, as if to make sure there wasn't any hope. It was pretty kind of her, he thought, to be so heartless. It'd only be false hope anyway.

"Who did this? We weren't followed here, right?"

"That should be impossible. I explained it before, right?"

"Ugh. Multiple times."

"Let's hope you remember, then, so I don't have to do it again. Come on. If you saw it, then others probably noticed it too. We should get out of here before they show up."

Caleb sighed. "You're right." She always was, it felt like.
After a series of tag duels that played out like tournament semifinals: Cassandra and Sina vs. Helena and Mina, Pine and Valerie vs. Kaison and Leo, and finally Kaison and Leo vs. Cassandra and Sina, the last possessed student was freed from the control of the duel spirits.

Although most disappeared without so much as a trace, the spirit of Master Kyonshee stuck around, hovering above Renho and Haruko. It simply held out its hand and dropped a card - itself, before fading away like smoke. Renho, unable to see the spirit, simply took the card and raised an eyebrow. Wasn't this in Haruko's deck?

As things settled down, Kaison took charge. "Is everyone alright?"

A clear answer or nod from most of them. Although the finalists - Cassandra, Leo, Sina and him all had some scratches from the duels with their psychic opponents, they were mostly unharmed, and the previously possessed students all managed to stand up, except for Pine and Helena.

Although it was rather worrying that neither had woken up since their duels ended, both were still breathing, confirming that neither has died, at least. There was the more insidious possibility that they had lost their souls, but it didn't make sense given their respective partners were fine.

Renho picked up Haruko, carrying her piggyback. "I'll bring Haruko back to her room. Lemme know what it was that woke everyone up later, kay?"

Kaison joined her, carrying Pine, who had fallen unconscious. "Same here. I'm curious, but this has been a weird night and I'm suddenly a lot less curious after all of that."

Sina grumbled. "What the heck was all of that? How am I supposed to ignore such a crazy event!?" She let out a long-suffering sigh as she mimicked Renho, struggling to carry Helena on her back. "But a hero's work is never done. I'll bring Helena back. It looks like things are over, but you guys be careful, okay?"

With that, the six of them headed back, leaving Cassandra, Leo, Mina, and Valerie in the clearing. They could go back now and forget this ever happened... Or they could go see what it was that caused that massive light. Decisions, decisions.

Discord when?

"What, where, When, How and Why?"

"That, I'd also like to know." He said, placing his own drink on the table, inserting himself in the conversation. "I'm only curious about it though. On the condition that you're coming with us and pay at least half of the gold up front, then I accept your offer."

He took a swig of his drink as an older man came up and joined them. The ale was fairly low-quality, but there was a certain rustic charm to it. He set his mug down and saddled up next to the man, putting a hand over his shoulder. "I'm not afraid of some danger, but you have to understand that this is not an agreement to fight to the death on your behalf. It never is, and you should be careful of those who'll lie to you and say they will. We'll guard you and your goods up until the point where it clearly becomes impossible. If you're still willing to pay us the second half, we'll make sure you get to Evergrim alive even if protecting your goods becomes untenable. To that end, you should hire the old man and convince the fine lady here to join. We're gonna need more hands in case we run into something... bad."

With that, Akio takes his arm back, taking another nonchalant swig. It was a common negotiation tactic to look like he didn't care about the man's decision, though truly, Akio wasn't desperate for money, so it didn't really matter to him if his conditions were rejected. He'd already run into a witch once, and she was pretty nice before she tried to kidnap him, so it was more that the rumors of hauntings and witches didn't really bother him.
I went with a Human Druid. Their background is basically Noble with Charlatan's feat instead, since the Noble feat didn't really match. I can write up a more detailed history if need be.

Glad I asked, because the aforementioned really bad character was really bad because they try to optimize movement, at great expense.

I don't think specific magic items are in the core books full stop. I checked the DM book and apparently a guide for making them is on page 284, where it describes the ones I would be after (something to confer the Longstrider, Jump and Haste spells) as Common, Common, and Uncommon, respectively. I asked because the speed character is basically taking 5 or 6 levels in a mage class just for those three otherwise, but it probably doesn't matter with their main gimmick being mostly irrelevant.

If PDF size is the limiting factor, I could just post the subclass I was going to use, if that's okay with you.

(Text version here)

If it's okay, I'd use the Swashbuckler. It's a subclass for Rogue, (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything) hence all the details are on one page. The character didn't feel right in another class. (and even worse as another Rogue subclass)

Otherwise, I'll just make a new character.
A few questions I thought of while I flail about, thinking of what to do for my character:

1. Will combat be grid-based or purely text-based?
2. Would the acquisition of specific magic items (within reason of course) be feasible, eventually?
3. Non-PHB races, classes, and subclasses are out, but are we sticking strictly to core book options or are shenanigans valid? Would I be able to play, for example, 3 halflings in a trenchcoat? Someone transformed into a sapient bear via the true polymorph spell? Someone cursed to have a fireball spell rain down on them every time they exert themselves?
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