Avatar of Sadie


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14 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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19 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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22 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
26 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
30 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Brinlee Wynn

The girl couldn't help a small laugh at Nick's statement to the crowd. He was always a showboat and seemed to enjoy feeding off of the crowd's energy. It was definitely something she wasn't too fond of. She never liked being front and center of attention, never liked anyone judging her for every little thing she did on- and off- screen. Brin always longed for the time when she could finally be in control of her own wants and needs. Sure, the time on the show allowed her to mature some and grow a bit out of her quiet phase- but to go through the awkward time of adolescence on screen was something she would never wish on anyone else.

Hearing Mike's statement caused the small flush to reappear on her cheeks and she responded with a mere shrug of her shoulders. She had always enjoyed his company- Mike and Ais were her only true friends on set. Even though she was the only one who could go to her actual house at the end of the day, the two boys always made her feel at home. A part of her reached out for them since she had been desperately missing her own brothers at the time- and Ais definitely fit that role perfectly. She had been able to just relax and unwind with him, each other enjoying their comfortable silence. However, Mike had always been a bit different. Brin had been able to talk with him about anything, which was a rarity for her to even speak back in the day. He somehow was able to nudge down her barrier and the two had developed quite the friendship.

Which was something she had missed dearly during the ten years apart. Starting over in yet a new city with LA, she didn't have anyone to talk to other than family. She was lucky to find her room mates and developed a quick bond with the pair. The two had helped to bring her even more out of her shell- just enough that she landed her dream job as a reporter. She still had some trust issues to work through, however.

Mike's question drew a raised brow from her and she glanced down at her own attire. She was still dressed in Maddy's work uniform- black slacks and a white button-up blouse. With a clear of her throat, she shrugged and grinned up at him. "Yeah, I can eat in this. Costuming won't miss my plain Jane clothes."
Nope. All birds. I even avoid the cages at pet shops. I won't get out of my car if there are birds near me or my house. My kids shoo away birds for me if we're in a parking lot.

I almost got into a car accident yesterday by swerving cause a bird came near my car.
I'm afraid of birds...
My hubby adopted a cat for my birthday :)

So I'm officially a cat person again!

Thanks! It took me like forever to write this cause I may or may not be drinking. Yay autocorrect

Yessss! Haha awesome. Thank you!

Happy birthday!

Thank you!
Haha thank you! I'm in the states, Florida to be exact. So it's 10:23PM here.

Bahahaha. That was wrong. So very hilariously wrong.
@AnaSilan SunjaThank you!!!

I'm gonna be an old 28. Well, my kids make me feel old, anyway. Haha.
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