Avatar of Sadie


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14 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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19 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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21 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
26 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
29 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts


Whoot whoot! Funnnn
Helllloooooooo group!

& Beatrix

His statement allowed for the girl to relax a bit. The last thing she wanted was to lose a friendship over a silly little kiss- one that just happened to constantly stick to the back of her mind. Clearing her throat, she studied him as he spoke about the Caretaker. She could tell it was frustrating him to not know the exact details of what was to happen. The thought made her fingers itch to pull the bracelet from off of her wrist. Yet, taking it off terrified her. Zara didn't think her sensitive mind was strong enough yet from the onslaught from before.

Before she had another chance to think about it, Tariq's voice broke through. She only slightly jumped this time at the surprise- yet she was pretty sure she would never get accustomed to the silence in her head. She glanced over at the man and rose a brow at his demeanor as he apologized. Not being able to tell if he meant what he said or not was eating at her. Then Emory's voice dropped and she tensed. Looking over at him, she sucked in a breath at his expression. All she wanted to do was to help him. Fix him. Somehow. Taking a step towards him, she blinked and stopped herself.

"Emory, I-" Realizing what he said, her eyes widened slightly. "Wait...You're not coming?" She watched as Tariq left before her body fully tensed. Returning her attention back to Emory, she finished her walk over to him before she stood directly in front of the man. Her eyes held a fear that she wasn't used to showing. "Emory, you can't not come...You just- you have to be there. It's a state asylum, Emory. Do you not realize what that means? Crazy people- crazy crazy people, Emory! Please, you have to come...You have to..Please.." Her voice was practically begging as she searched the man's face.

As she continued to stare at herself in the mirror, she tried to will herself to calm her nerves. That was the only trick for her features to return to normal. She gulped and tried to settle her mind- tried to think of anything else besides the multi-creature look of her face. Her eyes slid to a close as she leveled out her breathing. In, out. In, out. Bea started to sing a Welsh lullaby to herself, just under her breath. It had been one that her mother used to sing to her when she was a child. It always reminded her of happier times.

Wasn't long before her ears and nose shrank back to their normal size and shape. Ending the song, her eyes slowly opened and her reflection rewarded her with a small grin. She nodded slightly and glanced back at the man who had found her. He looked confused- not at her, but with himself. Raising a brow, she watched as he walked away. She followed him slowly into the room where she had seen the man and woman from earlier. Trix looked around and took a breath before realizing the man finally spoke.

His voice was smooth, yet dull. He seemed incredibly bored and unimpressed- and she soon realized he was speaking about her. Cringing, she clasped her hands together and watched him. "I'm sorry...I didn't...Well, she said that I would be needed here. Wanted here, even." Still watching him, she sucked in a breath before looking away, her eyes catching sight of the map. She spoke under her breath to herself. "Guess she was wrong about both of those..." The girl shook her head before once more looking at him. With a hesitant grin, she reached out her hand in greeting. "I'm Beatrix. Or Trixie. Or Bea. Or, well, whatever you want to call me, really. Except Beatrix. I don't like the full name. Annnddd I'm rambling." She gave a nervous giggle and shrugged. "Sorry. Haven't really talked to many people in quite some time."

@Sarcelle Renard
Name: Adelaide Lemuel
Age: 25

House: Goodhart
Personality: Adelaide is nothing like the house name implies- she has anything but a good heart. Growing up as the only noble daughter, she has grown very accustomed to getting whatever she wanted. As she aged she realized she could manipulate men with her looks and fiery tongue- in which both she is very confident in. She never lets anything get in the way of what she wants. With such strong confidence and a large ego, she is not easy to make friends. Laide is pretty used to fighting alone.
Anything Else: As noble born, she has had the best of everything. Education, material objects, experiences- just to name a few.

Everybody in here just seemed too nice haha
I'm in if you're still looking.
I'm in
Stuck at work

send halp

I'm at work tooooo!
Where is everyone?

I'm here!! Where's everyone else???
Where I live literally has "south" in the name lmao

I think I know where you live haha
<Snipped quote by AnaSilan Sunja>

Fun fact, my mom's side of the family is legitimately all from "Southie". It's we we affectionately call South Boston.

The place where I work is considered the Southside. Haha
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