Avatar of Sadie


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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19 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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21 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
25 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
29 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

@BrutalBxI'll have my CS up today.
@BrutalBx me thinks I'll join you
@Dirty Pretty Lies
I'm so glad you're okay! We're supposed to start seeing Irma by Sunday.
@Dirty Pretty Lies
Yep, I hear ya. I'm in Florida.
Soooo I'm back now, after my life chaotic-ness.

Madeline Diller

The sound of gunshots tore through a fitful sleep and caused Maddy to wake with a start, her upper body shooting up into a sitting position. Her hand clutched at her chest as she tried to even out her breathing. As she focused on her breathing, her eyes glanced around her dark bedroom. While she hadn't been a victim of the shooting, she was most definitely an eyewitness. That was enough for her to be plagued with nightmares. The introvert didn't have it that easy, though- the fear didn't only just come at night. Cars backfiring, fireworks, any loud noise in particular had the girl quickly thrown into hysteria.

Maddy thought she had had the panic under control. As the years went on, the panic and anxiety attacks had lessened. It only started to get worse when she received the invitation to the reunion. The very thought of once more being inside those walls...

She needed to clear her head. The walls of her room were quickly starting to close in on her. Hurrying to her feet, she pulled on a pair of jeans and shoved her hair up into a ponytail. Maddy grabbed her keys and headed out to her car. Surely there had to be something she could do at the office. Hurrying out to the car, she stopped and let out a breath. She would have to pass by the school in order to get to work. Shaking the thought away, she headed back into the house and started to clean. Busy work always seemed to clear her head.

Several hours passed by and the house was near perfect. Heading back into her room with a full basket of clean clothes, she started to fold when she heard her phone start to ring. Maddy raised a brow and grabbed her phone before glancing down at the unknown number. Could very well be someone who worked at the paper with her. She opened the message and froze at the face looking back at her. As he started to speak, tears quickly hit her cheeks and her hand clutched around the cell phone. She couldn't stop herself from breaking out into a complete sob and sitting down onto her bed. Pressing her freshly laundered clothes against her face, she dropped the phone onto the floor and wept as a panic attack seized her body.

Brinlee Wynn

"And cut!"

Brin quickly sobered up and focused on her breathing to calm her nerves. She knew she was going to have a hard time with today's script- she rarely enjoyed showing such emotion, much less having it be the center of attention. Grabbing the tissues that were offered to her, she gave a small smile and headed off to a bathroom. She splashed water on her face and stared at the woman looking back at her in the mirror. It was uncanny how she could so easily relate to Maddy. They were both introverts and both really felt alone, even ten years later.

Sure, everyone was nice to her. But, ten years later did little to quell her fear of feeling like the outcast. They were nice to her and treated her as though she truly did belong, but how much of it was just an act? They were all getting paid to be here. They all had a fan base that seemed to be constantly watching them. It was hard to tell who truly was genuine in their actions.

After having calmed herself down, she grabbed a sweater and pulled it over the tank top from her scene. She really didn't have anything planned for the day and wasn't really sure if she had any more scenes with Maddy. Brinlee quickly found a seat on set and sat down, watching everything and everyone around her.
Okay, okay...I'm posting.

Did all three of us@BrutalBx@AnaSilan Sunja want to join in on a collab so that we can get our peoples to the library?
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