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13 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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18 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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20 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
28 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

"One little, two little, three little idiots..." Pale fingers tipped with blood red nails grazed against the edges of large jars, all full to the brim with a clear liquid. Floating inside were unmistakable organs, arteries and veins ripped clean from its' master. The clicking of heels against tile worked in tune with the feminine voice as the woman made her way to the very end of the wooden shelf. The jars, too many to count, were all lined up in an orderly fashion for her viewing pleasure. As she reached her destination, she slid a newly filled jar onto an empty spot at the end of the counter. Nails etched along the glass as the woman purred with satisfaction. "Welcome home, deary." With a slight giggle, she leaned forward and placed a loving kiss upon the glass. A red lip stain was all she left behind as the woman walked out of the cell.

It took several moments for her to reach the belly of her castle. Looking around at what was once the ballroom, Amorette let out a short groan. She was always happiest while on the hunt, yet that emotion always tended to fade upon returning to her empty nest. Bringing up her left hand, her fingers smoothed over her scarlet curls. The tips of her fingers brushed over the modest tiara nestled within her hair. It was the only object she had left of her childhood royalty. The thought quickly turned her thoughts sour.

With a quick shake of her head, she dropped her hand and scoffed. "I just need something to ease my boredom...and wine. Lots of wine." Amor sauntered into her room and over to her floor-length mirror. She studied her reflection, causing a smirk to tug at the corners of her mouth. The woman was always quite pleased with what she saw. Pale, heart-shape face, deep blue eyes, plump crimson lips. Slim, womanly curves, ample chest, tight waist. All adorned with the very best fabric in all of Wonderland. She was definitely a sight to behold. The dress hugging her body was a deep candy apple red with a high slit all the way to her right hip. The very top curved around the back of her neck and nestled around her abundant cleavage. A pair of jet black heels were strapped around her feet.

Once satisfied with her appearance, Amorette turned and headed out of her castle. Maybe she would see what the twins were up to- besides, Indigo always made sure her favorite wine was fully stocked. It would also help to secure a solid alibi once her masterpiece was discovered.

It didn't take her long to arrive. Strolling into the building, her brow raised in interest towards the young man. An Alice. It took a large amount of self-control to hold back the snarl nipping at her throat. Amor slid her attention from the vile creature to the bar keeps behind him. Placing a hand on a slim hip, she smirked at the duo. "Why, if it isn't my two favorite humans."
The smirk at her lips only broadened at his caveman greeting. She had grown rather accustomed to the brusque man over the years and in all honesty, he was probably one of her favorite people. Then again, she didn't keep many others around. Not that they even wanted to stay around in the first place. Life with Kerta was definitely a battle in itself. The woman didn't mind being alone if it meant enough time to numb her emotions or to clear the land of monsters. Didn't mean that she was immune to a good time. Her private quarters routinely remained busy.

She continued to watch in silence as Drystan finished his paperwork. Kerta knew he hated this part of the job, however he was the only one she could ever trust to be captain. Hell, he was the only person she really even respected. Nobody else had quite proven themselves, in her opinion. However, the guild was recruiting new members on a daily basis as the threat of monsters grew- gave others plenty of time to earn her respect.

Once he was finished, she clicked her tongue at his response. Her eyes flickered with humor as she tilted her head at the man. "Oh, but you're the only man for the job, Drys...The king adores his little soldier." Kerta leaned over and laid her palm on his calf, allowing her fingers to knead into the muscle. She looked him over suggestively and shrugged. "But I wouldn't mind taking a seat among royals. Surrounded by all that power..."

Her body shook in a result of forced excitement. With a small laugh, she opened her mouth to speak more. She was quickly interrupted by a knocking on the captain's door. Raising a brow, she dropped her hand from his leg and slid to her feet. Kerta stepped away from the desk and folded her arms across her chest. The expression on her face hardened as she looked over at the wooden barricade. "Enter."
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bhu Adamina

Bhu barely had time to register Alex beside her as the stands started to fill up with her classmates. Didn't take long for the headmaster to show himself to the group and announce that they would be tested. Sucking in a breath, the girl slowly rose to her feet and made her way over to her designated spot. The thought of bringing her element to her full ability made her insides flip. She looked around at her environment and the feeling of dread only grew. Her element was everywhere, fully encasing everyone in this cave. What would happen if she became too lost within herself? What chaos could she bring?

Her body started to shake lightly as her anxiety blossomed. Squeezing her eyes shut, her hands balled into fists, Bhu slowly began to meditate to calm her nerves. After a few moments, she allowed her eyes to once more open. She looked around and caught sight of her professors above her. [i]No pressure...Only everyone's eyes are on you...We can do this. Get it together, woman![/color]

With a clearing of her throat, she gently released the tension from her hands. Bhu closed her eyes once more as she began to focus. She could smell the filaments of the earth beneath her feet, could feel the energy bouncing in the air around her. A small grin tugged at the corners of her lips as she felt movement above the palms of her hands. Without looking, she could tell that two small funnels of sand had begun to form in each hand. But, this little display wouldn't earn her any credit. It needed to be bigger.

She opened her hands completely, her fingers stretching towards the ground. As the funnels grew larger in size and girth, Bhu's hair started to whip violently around her head. A small tremor at the base of her feet made its presence as the sand funnels combined into a massive tornado a mere foot in front of the girl. Beads of sweat pooled at her temples and the grin quickly turned into a grimace as she tried to maintain control over her element. The struggle only caused the tremor to erupt, breaking the ground at both sides of her feet. Soon the entirety of the ground began to shake in violence. The sand tornado had grown to more than ten feet in height and could swallow her whole.

Bhu was losing control. She could swear that she heard someone screaming- took her several moments for her to realize that the scream came from her own throat. Before she could react, the firm ground at her feet broke open, causing her to fall roughly to her knees. The pain jolted her awake. With a large gasp, her eyes flew open to witness the funnel collapsing, causing the sand to fall all around her. Bhu closed her eyes once more and tried to slow down her rapid heartbeat. Didn't know I could do all that....damn..
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Me2454Hey. You have a really good outline of what you're looking for. I'm up for the challenge.
I could be interested.
Eyelids fluttered open slowly at the sound of loud snoring from the other side of the bed. With a groan, she brought her hand up and swiped the hair from her eyes. Kerta awoke to find herself fully nude and flat on her belly, covers thrown astray. She glanced around the interior of the room and let out a breath when she realized that it was her own. Before she could prop herself up, another deep noise interrupted the silence of the morning. She raised a brow and looked over her shoulder to see a strange man in her bed. Groaning, she slowly sat up and kicked her leg out, connecting with the man's side. The kick caused him to roll over, landing on the hard ground with a thud and a yell. "Go on. Out with you. No longer needed here."

The man staggered to his feet and looked the nude woman over with a smirk. Wiping off his chin, he took a step towards her, only to be stopped when she pulled out a blade. His eyes widened and he quickly lifted his hands in response. "Woah, woah. No need for hostilities. Only wanted a good morning smooch."

Kerta held the blade steady, an eyebrow raising in annoyance. "Do I look the type to give a good morning smooch? Out, before you lose an appendage. One that you're so very fond of."

With a gruff, the man quickly pulled his clothes on before taking off out of the room. She watched him run out before snickering to herself. Shaking her head, she stood and pulled on some clothes before gingerly running her fingers through her hair. Her hair was her greatest asset- yet it was also her more tale-tale feature. It being the color of near grayish white, it was something that most people never really saw. Something that she could be remembered for.

When she was a young girl, Kerta's father had cursed her, calling her a freak for the unnatural color. He had threatened to cut it off before a stranger had remarked on her beauty. That remark had landed her an offer for the local brothel. She should really cut it, or find some way to change the color. Yet, it was the one thing that reminded her of beauty. She was special. Unique. There was no way she was giving that up.

Didn't take her long to put herself completely together. Making her way out of her quarters, she grabbed a cup of ale sitting in the commons. She smirked at the protest of its owner before gulping down the contents. Tossing the empty mug, she made her way up to the captain's quarters. Kerta remembered something about him having a meeting near dawn- he surely should be back now. Even naught, she would just wait him out. Maybe even get an afternoon toss around, to boot.

With a small tap at his door, she made her way inside before he could respond. Glancing over at Drystan, she took in his expression. She smirked and shook her head before taking a seat on the corner of his desk. "You look like hell."
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bhu Adamina

Too much chaos had happened all at once. Bringing together so many inexperienced kids with different elements was just begging for disaster to happen. Once Bhu had taken a step back and processed her surroundings, she knew she had to get out of there. Out of the basic elements, she had always considered Earth to be one of the weakest. Ice could freeze, lightning could solidify her sand, water could erode...The most she could even fathom was being able to stop fire. Or, if she was having a really bad day, could even split the ground beneath their feet. That type of power could only be rendered with great emotion, however. While Bhu was known to get angry, she very rarely let it escalate beyond her control.

Not long after she had removed herself from the situation could she hear the professor call for early dismissal. Shouldn't have been much of a surprise, in all reality. At least it was put to a stop before anyone could get badly injured. Bhu went on to her following classes as normal. Wasn't until much later that she was called into a group.

As she made her way towards the tunnels, she wrung her hands together in worry. There was no mistaking the other people who were called in her group. Maybe now was their turn to show what they really could do. She continued to walk as little tornadoes of sand floated around her. Once she had found herself deep within the underground, she noticed Professor Manilow and the Headmaster. Raising a brow in curiosity, she made her way towards the stone seats before sitting.

Phoebe Dawn

As she continued to sort together the mess that she called a desk, she could barely make out the lone voice in the room. Phoebe was too often known for getting into her head and zoning out. It made for a rather eventful class when the teacher wasn't even paying attention. Took the woman several more moments before even realizing that the voice had spoken to her.

"Hmm?" Popping her head up from under her desk, she looked over at the girl. She blinked and allowed time for the girl's statement to fully register in her mind. With a tilt of her head, she followed the student's line of sight. Phoebe's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands together in excitement. "Oh, lovely trick, child! You can see it from there, can't you? Oh, that's just marvelous! Utterly marvelous."

Tossing her dirty apron onto the pile on her desk, she made her way back over to Vera and gave the girl a large grin. "And enough with that stuffy 'ma'm' stuff. Don't make me any older than I already am. Professor or Ms. Dawn will do just fine." Phoebe took a seat on the girl's desk and turned sideways to face her. "I want you to feel comfortable in my class. Like, every time you step in, I want you to imagine a warm hug. Like you're going home. There's only love here, child."

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