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Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
28 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Still accepting for this? @Ekreture


As the fog cleared, he was able to view the people around him. He rose a brow as he took in the others, quickly noticing the numbers on the womens' arms. So they were like him. A slow smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized he was the only male of the group. Even though there were obviously bodies and blood pooled around his feet, it was looking to be a relatively good day for him. Only rooster in the hen house.

His eyes went straight to the green haired woman who had responded to his statement. Ten's smirk broadened as he looked her over, but his eyes landed on her bleeding wound. Raising a brow, he inspected it and tilted his head. "Well, I know what has been done to you, baby. Seems as though you have a bullet stuck in your flesh."

Before he could say another word, his eyes went to the man in the center of everyone's attention. Ten studied the man's face and tilted his head. Something inside his gut told him not to fully trust the man, yet he could tell that he was, at least for the moment, being truthful. Nothing about this situation made sense to him. Where the hell were they? And more importantly- who the hell was he?
Interested as well.


Everything was happening much too quickly all at once. As soon as Ten had slipped out of his pod, small scenes had begun to flash in front of his eyes. It was as if he was living in deja vue to the extreme. Placing a hand to his head, he groaned as he tried to peak through the fog surrounding them. Various gunshots went off and he snapped his head around to place them. He could see figures falling all around him, too sudden for him to do a damn thing about it.

Soon the shots ceased, leaving only voices in their wake. The young man raised a brow before slowly making his way over towards the dark figures. He could smell the iron rich blood in the air. Opening his mouth to speak, his body stilled as yet another vision filled the forefront of his mind. Ten groaned as he came to and hopped his left foot to the side, narrowly missing a large puddle of blood on the ground. Well...At least these visions are good for something..

Several feminine voices mingled with the lone male and Ten could barely make out the words coming from their lips. His mind was cloudy and blank all at once, yet a tingling at the corner of his right temple left him with the feeling that the male voice's words were true. He couldn't quite explain what was happening and he had absolutely no clue where the hell he was. He needed to rectify that problem.

Walking closer to the ground, he cleared his throat. Before he could say a word, another feminine voice spoke up about needing a medical facility. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "Don't need one, sweetheart, the doctor has arrived." His own words surprised him and his brow rose in response. How exactly did he know that information about himself? Looking down towards his feet, he noticed a faint etching on his right inner arm. Tilting his head in question, he extended his arm to see the mark better. He smirked and nodded his head. "Hey, won't you look at that- I'm a ten. Well, what do you know."
In Chosen 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Her nose quickly scrunched in response to Almathea’s comment. Vita turned her chin to face the fire Chosen and took a moment to study the woman. Shades of red baubled around her, allowing the psychiatrist to begin her analysis. Aura reading had definitely come in handy for her line of work and it allowed her to fully understand this new group of people she was involved with. In Almathea’s case, Vita could automatically tell that the woman was full of energy and very strong-willed. However, the darker shades spoke of the inability to forgive and an underlying ball of anger. She would absolutely have to speak with her later regarding those issues. Wouldn’t want the Fire Chosen to go berserk.

As Jonah continued to write, he looked around and saw that Lach was talking with a few of the other Chosens. Ethan and Ka’ora. After a fairly short time, the Wind Chosen walked away. Jonah decided it wasn’t really his business to know what other people were talking about. It was probably nothing important, after all. He stuck his head back into his music sheet and went through all of the notes so far a second time. Inspiration today, wasn’t his friend. The next few notes wouldn’t come out of his pencil and onto the paper, frustrating him a bit. For now he decided to get out his Viola and spend the break playing what he’d written so far, to see if it was even any good.

until 30 seconds

Vita’s attention was stolen by the music notes drifting in the air. Raising a brow, she glanced towards the sound and watched the young man strumming along. A slow smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she continued to watch him. Before long, the sound of other notes joined in, causing the young woman’s eyes to slightly widen. Was this part of his magic? Nibbling on her bottom lip, she hesitantly rose to her feet and made her way towards the Water Chosen. His muddy gray aura reached out to her and made her breath catch as she neared him. Clearing her throat, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she gently spoke. “What you’re doing...It’s stunning.”

Jonah tried to continue playing after the notes he’d written down, but the music quickly fell apart and he stopped. “No…” He told himself, glancing at the paper. It was a moment or two more before he noticed Vita standing nearby. “Hi… I’m sorry, did you say something?” He asked, honestly. “I get pretty distracted when I play.” Jonah set down the Viola and put the sheet music into his bag.

Her gentle smile broadened as she moved her chin from side to side. Noticing a stump jutting out from the ground next to him, Vita took a seat upon it before returning her attention to him. She extended her index finger to the instrument and nodded towards it. “Your music. Did you write that? It was gorgeous.”

Blood rushed up into the Water Chosen’s face as he finally gotten his first feedback from someone other than Jane. “Well, yes…” Jonah quickly moved to scratch the back of his head. “You really think so?” He asked, refusing to make eye contact with her. It was obvious to anyone listening that Jonah isn’t used to compliments.

She grinned and nodded in response to his question. His timidness was a trait the girl was fully prepared for the moment she witnessed the color of his aura. The muddled gray suggested that the man was fearful and anxious, and it drew Vita in like a moth to a flame. “Of course I do. Anyone with at least one good ear would think the same.” She tilted her head and watched him. “Where did you learn to play?”

Jonah gave a small chuckle when Vita complimented him again. He gave a bright smile as he listened to her asking where he learned to play. His mind immediately flashed back to standing by the grave and playing his farewell song to Jane. The Water Chosen quickly started to feel sad once again, and his voice cracked as he spoke. “I’d rather not…” Is all he managed to say.

Tilting her head as his expression changed, her eyes flitted about the space surrounding him. She lifted her hands and ran her fingers through her hair, the tips smoothing over the large carnations tangled in the ends. Vita opened her mouth to speak until something furry bumped against her leg. Looking down at her familiar, she grinned and pet the baby deer’s head. “Hey, Chaka baby…” Something in her mind finally clicked before she looked back at her company. “Hey...Jonah, right? Where’s your familiar?”

Jonah turned his head slightly. Not enough to make eye contact, but he was more or less facing Vita. Frustration was added to his emotions as he spoke. “I…. don’t have one.” He said bluntly. Jonah then reached for his Viola, preparing to play again.

She blinked in surprise and Chakra turned her head to look at the man. The deer cocked her head in his direction. “Well, isn’t he a strange one.” Vita quickly hushed her familiar before placing a hand on Jonah’s shoulder. “Sorry about her. No filter. We’re still working on that.” Her eyes went to the viola and she tilted her head. “I thought all the Chosen had familiars.”

“I guess not.” Jonah replied. He’d had this same conversation several times before, and he didn’t feel like repeating it. Ignoring the deer, Jonah started to play again. It was the same song he played at Jane’s grave. He plucked his bow on the strings, making little pings as he began, before playing properly and drawing the bow across the Viola.


Furrowing her brows, she kept silent as she listened to the man play. He seemed to be playing rather sorrowful songs and it only added to the muddiness of his aura. Vita glanced at Chaka and offered her a small smile. “Go play with the others.” Taking the hint, the fawn hurried over to the other familiars. She returned her attention back to Jonah and cleared her throat. “Is it okay if I ask you something?”

Jonah continued to play gently as he unintentionally ignored Vita. He decided to end the song halfway through. It had managed to make him feel somewhat better. His gaze shifted to see Vita looking at him expectantly. He gave a slightly confused look and said, “...Yes?”

Peaking her fingers together, Vita watched his expression, her eyes glancing only slightly to his edges. She gave him a gentle grin before moving back just a hair once she realized he was growing uncomfortable. Clearing her throat, she merely shrugged her shoulders. “I was just wondering what you’re so afraid of.”

Jonah gave a quizzical look at Vita to try and mask his feelings. “What are you talking about?” He tried to say nonchalantly. Really, Jonah was feeling a bit nervous at her. “Well, of course i'm afraid of stuff. But nothing at the moment.”

The girl cleared her throat and turned back to survey the rest of the group. Every single one of them had their familiar by their sides. Vita remembered the exact moment she had received Chaka- she had fully embraced her powers. Tilting her head, her eyes slowly moved back to Jonah. He had seemed oblivious when the other instruments had strummed along to his music. Maybe that hadn’t been a coincidence. “Jonah...it’s okay to be afraid. You know what I’m afraid of? Violence. Any type of fighting has me on edge. And spiders. I’m all about respecting every creature, but...those things just creep me out.”

The Water Chosen chuckled a bit in response. “Spiders? Well, I don’t really like them either. And, well, sure, there are things that scare me.” Jonah replied. What he was saying was true, but he wasn’t really responding to what Vita was saying. “I don’t really understand what you’re trying to get at, though…” He said, half lying. Jonah turned his head away, trying to end the conversation, albeit very rudely.

She huffed in response. Vita was clearly not going to get anywhere with beating around the bush. Shaking her head, she raised her right hand and waved her fingers around the outer edges of his body. “One of my powers is Aura Reading. You, dear boy, are plagued by fear. Since you clearly don’t notice the other instruments that join you in song, I’m going to say that you haven’t fully accepted who you are.” Vita tilted her head as she searched the boy’s face. “And until you do, you won’t have a familiar.”

Jonah was taken aback at Vita’s bluntness. “I… Other instruments join me…?” He stammered a bit. Shaking his head, the Water Chosen continued. “Well, you…. I can….” He couldn’t seem to form a full sentence. That's because there wasn't anything for him to say. Jonah didn't fully understand it until now, but in the back of his mind, ever since he began training, Jonah knew he feared this power. What Vita was saying was completely correct. “Just go away.” He commanded.

Blinking with surprise, Vita straightened in her seat as she watched him. She had expected a little push back from the man, but not something so abrupt. Tilting her head, she offered a small smile with a shake of her head. “Oh, Jonah, please...I can help you. This is what I’m here for. We can work on this together, if you’d like.”

Jonah shrugged his shoulders, facing away from Vita even more. He decided not to say anything more. That’s always the cause of the problem. Talking. Telling people things. Then they get all nosy, and decide that they can help and force their way into my life. I never should’ve introduced myself… Hell, I shouldn’t have even come on this stupid mission. He stayed hunched over, refusing to respond to Vita.

She let out a small breath of defeat once he turned from her. Vita realized that she had pushed him too far. With a small nod, she leaned over and pressed a light kiss to the apple of his cheek. “It’s okay. I’ll give you some space. Sorry if I overstepped.” The girl stood and smiled down at the boy. “It’s really lovely to meet you, Jonah, the wondrous Water Chosen. We are going to be great friends.” Nodding slightly, she turned and headed back towards the others.
@BlueSky44I''ll be posting my intro tomorrow. Currently getting some things settled with work.

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