Avatar of Sadie


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12 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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17 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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20 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
28 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

School Counselor


Bexley 'Bex' Raine | Heterosexual | Spring 22 | #20B2AA

Twenty-Five | Female ⚧ | 5'4 | 130 lbs

+ Discreet | Fearless | Charming | Confident
- Sarcastic | Bossy | Impulsive

α p p є α r α n c є

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s

Mind Reading ; The thoughts of others tend to float their way into her own head, appearing mostly as images. Most of the time, she doesn't realize she's reading a person and has a hard time differentiating between what is her own, and what is theirs. Can focus on one person at a time, but still gets overwhelmed. Is currently working on this power.
Suggestion ; Not aware she has this power. Is often surprised when people seem to do what she thinks they should do. She mostly just believes that she has some strong common sense, and that people listen to her cause she's usually right.
Dream/Nightmare Induction ; Very rarely does she push a nightmare onto a person. Most of the time, it's pleasant dreams after hearing of a student's fears and anxiety. All she has to do is brush her fingertips across their head, picture happy thoughts, and a peaceful night awaits. The same is done with nightmares, though she pulls up all the anxiety and fears into their mind for a restless night.

Tends to quickly get overwhelmed in a large crowd as multiple thoughts attack her all at once.
Strong fear of birds. Big or small. Just...no.
Despite being charming and confident in her image, she lacks confidence with getting intimate with anyone. Being able to hear all their thoughts about her? No thanks.

g í f t p r є f є r є n c є s

♥ Loved Gifts
♡ Liked Gifts
✧ Disliked Gifts
☒ Hated Gifts

♥ Tattoos, converse, books, wine
♡ Perfume, fruit, energy drinks
✧ Jewelry, flowers, cards
☒ Sweets, balloons, gift cards

t r í v í α
She can carry a pretty impressive tune.
Bex runs two miles every day, no matter the weather. One in the morning, one before bed.
Both arms are covered in sleeves of various skulls, sunflowers, and snakes.
Has both ears pierced, her left nostril, and a tongue ring.
Owns fifty-eight pairs of converse.
The sunbeam snake is her favorite animal.

в í σ g r α p h ч

In Stranded 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

「 ❤ Life is better when you actually live it. 」

Name → Ember Milana
Nicknames → Ginger, Em
Age → 17
Birthdate → April 22 2000
Height/weight → 5'7, 140 pounds

. Quirky . Impulsive . Adventurous . Sarcastic . Bossy . Opinionated .

Ember is always on the go. She is always looking for the next adventure, whether it be a road trip/boat ride/pop-up concert. Headphones are constantly either wrapped around her neck or against her ears. Never afraid to speak her mind, she holds nothing back and seems to not have a brain to mouth filter at times. Always brutally honest, she is not afraid to hurt someone's feelings. Though, what she says is usually never stemmed out of hate- she just believes everyone deserves to hear the truth.

. Concerts . Books . Bargains .
. Makeup . Mall . Heels .
. Never seen without some type of caffeine . Constantly looking for the next concert. Always seen with headphones .

Spells → Telekinisis- Can move small objects with her mind, yet not strong enough to move people. Helps when getting that VIP backstage pass.
Apportation- Can teleport small objects from one place to another. Must be able to see the object, and the place where she wants the object to go.

Weaknesses → Blind as a bat without her glasses. > Mouth of a sailor. > Cannot sit still.

TRIVIA → Always breaks out into song.
Full of seemingly useless knowledge of music and bands.
Her favorite genre of music is indie pop.
Can speak three languages- English, Spanish, and Italian.
School Counselor


Bexley 'Bex' Raine | Heterosexual | Spring 22 | #20B2AA

Twenty-Five | Female ⚧ | 5'4 | 130 lbs

+ Discreet | Fearless | Charming | Confident
- Sarcastic | Bossy | Impulsive

α p p є α r α n c є

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s

Mind Reading ; The thoughts of others tend to float their way into her own head, appearing mostly as images. Most of the time, she doesn't realize she's reading a person and has a hard time differentiating between what is her own, and what is theirs. Can focus on one person at a time, but still gets overwhelmed. Is currently working on this power.
Suggestion ; Not aware she has this power. Is often surprised when people seem to do what she thinks they should do. She mostly just believes that she has some strong common sense, and that people listen to her cause she's usually right.
Dream/Nightmare Induction ; Very rarely does she push a nightmare onto a person. Most of the time, it's pleasant dreams after hearing of a student's fears and anxiety. All she has to do is brush her fingertips across their head, picture happy thoughts, and a peaceful night awaits. The same is done with nightmares, though she pulls up all the anxiety and fears into their mind for a restless night.

Tends to quickly get overwhelmed in a large crowd as multiple thoughts attack her all at once.
Strong fear of birds. Big or small. Just...no.
Despite being charming and confident in her image, she lacks confidence with getting intimate with anyone. Being able to hear all their thoughts about her? No thanks.

g í f t p r є f є r є n c є s

♥ Loved Gifts
♡ Liked Gifts
✧ Disliked Gifts
☒ Hated Gifts

♥ Tattoos, converse, books, wine
♡ Perfume, fruit, energy drinks
✧ Jewelry, flowers, cards
☒ Sweets, balloons, gift cards

t r í v í α
She can carry a pretty impressive tune.
Bex runs two miles every day, no matter the weather. One in the morning, one before bed.
Both arms are covered in sleeves of various skulls, sunflowers, and snakes.
Has both ears pierced, her left nostril, and a tongue ring.
Owns fifty-eight pairs of converse.
The sunbeam snake is her favorite animal.

в í σ g r α p h ч

This still open?
Definitely interested in this.

Six dark eyes peered from around a darkened corner, surveying the chaos of fur and bodies colliding. As the smell of fresh blood and gore filled the lagoon, saliva slid from pointed fangs before dripping onto the rocks below. It had been quite some time since the creature had enjoyed a decent meal. A strangled growl escaped from its throat; it knew that now would not be the proper time to enjoy such a feast. For now, it would bide its time until the larger creatures would subdue their captors. There was no reason it would have to do any of the heavy lifting.

The scent of wet musk filled the creatures nostrils moments before hearing a snarl over its right shoulder. As all eight eyes narrowed, its thin red lips stretched into a slow smirk. A hiss escaped its throat before it spoke, the voice shrill. "So...we've come to play, have we, mutt? I do enjoy when my meals are delivered." With no second thought, a thin band of silk shot towards the wolf, wrapping itself tightly around it's limbs. The animal was quickly immobilized as it dropped to the ground. With a high-pitched laugh, the spider turned and scanned her prey. It clicked its tongue along the roof of its mouth as it sauntered over, all legs dancing around its prize. "Such a dumb pup. Should always be aware of who you're trying to sneak up on.."

After another laugh, the creature pounced and began to devour her meal. Anguished howls and whimpers escaped the wolf as it was slaughtered, but soon gave out with one quick nip to the throat. With this being the first fresh meal in what seemed like eons, it did not take long for the creature to finish. Sated, however, it was not. A long tongue swept out and cleaned the blood from its face before turning back to the group from before.

It would do no good for them to know all of its secrets. With a tilt of its head, the spider transformed itself. In its place stood a five-foot two-inch Asian beauty. Red silk draped across her long black hair, and a traditional crimson red kimono clung to her curvaceous figure. Her dark eyes continued to watch the group as she quietly made her way closer, her bare feet barely making a sound against the floor of the lagoon. Wasn't long until she found a hiding place behind a large boulder, her eyes never leaving the crowd. She would wait for the fighting to stop before she made her arrival known.
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