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11 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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16 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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19 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
23 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
27 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

"Look at the poor thing. All tattered and...is that- is that what I think it is? Is her skin- cracked?

A gasp could be heard throughout the room. Onlookers gazed down at the small child, no older than twelve years of age. They observed her white skin, her silver hair. Some edges of her skin seemed to be dented in, jagged edges spreading from the center of the pit. An elder man stepped forward and looked down at the child. He knelt down next to her as his eyes searched the child's face. Shaking his head, his brows furrowed in concern.

"Are we sure this is a child? She looks- are we sure she isn't some kind of doll? She doesn't seem to be breathing."

The man brought a hand up to brush the back of his knuckles along the girl's right cheek. Her left was pressed against the ground, her body laying in a fetal position on the ground. At his touch, she stirred. The man gasped and nearly fell backwards in surprise before quickly standing.

"She- It's as cold as ice. This is one of them. It's alive. It's a storm cursed!"

The rest of the group quickly started backing away from the child, their eyes wide and full of fright. Ceren slowly blinked her eyes open to reveal black irises, the edges rimmed in silver. She furrowed her brows in question as she looked up at the group surrounding her. Her breath hitched when she realized she had passed out in the middle of the square. Again. The poor thing hadn't eaten in days and her entire body was weakened from the lack of nutrition. Slowly sitting up and sitting back on her legs, she whimpered to the group and held out a hand.

"Please, I beg of you...Spare a bit of food? A slice of bread? Please, I'm so hungry..."

The man that had touched her scoffed, shaking his head. He held his arms back as if to shield the others from the child.

"You are an abomination! You are not worthy of our help. Be gone, demon!"

His voice growled, low in his throat as he pointed to somewhere to the right of him. His face suddenly held anger and his face had turned red.

"Be gone!"

With another whimper, the pre-teen weakly scrambled to her feet and rose to a standing position. She looked around at the group who was shunning her, their faces mixed with fright and disgust. Tears hit her face as she ran off. Her stomach grumbled loudly in protest, but she wouldn't stop. Couldn't stop, less this group attack her like the last. Her tongue ran over her chapped lips as her ragged breath tried to keep up with her running pace.

It didn't take long for the girl to find an empty cave, just under a large, obviously dying tree. Her tattered dress hung in pieces on her, the white smeared with dirt and blood. With another whimper, she brought her legs to her chest and laid back down in a fetal position. Maybe if she just slept, all the bad would go away, her hunger would cease, her thirst would be gone. Just maybe.

The dream suddenly changed to reveal a set of green eyes, almost the color of the sea. The first person to be kind to her since the storm cursed her.

The young man with eyes of a green she'd never seen before approached her, his hand pressing against her cheek. Ceren cried put softly at the pain. Her newly turned skin was sensitive to the touch and a crack appeared. She didn't understand why this young boy touched her, but something about him set her mind and body at ease. Soon she felt a familiar surge of magic and her face was healed. Where there had been tears, a small smile stretched across her face.

"I'm Ergen."

"I'm Ceren. You aren't afraid of me?"

"No. Why would I be?"

"I'm cursed from the storm..."

"Why would I care about that?"

Before she could even react in amazement at this young boy, she was thrown back against the wall and the air splintered her left arm and hand. The pain was excruciating. While bits of her porcelain skin flew away, the gust tossed her far away from the young boy. She cradled her arm to her chest as she ran, faster than she had ever run before. Back to her cave, her little hideout from the world. The cracks in her arm and hand almost threatened to sever the bone. Thankfully her skin was tougher than most, and she wouldn't lose the limb.

And yet, even in her misery, all she could see were deep, sea green eyes...

Waking with a start, black eyes worriedly checked out her cave, only to soften when she realized it was just a dream. The young woman let out a breath and slowly sat up to a sitting position. Her right hand came up to brush the sleep from her eyes before running her fingers through her matted silver hair. She would have to find a pool of water soon to wash off. Her stomach grumbled loudly, stealing her from her thoughts. Ceren let out a sigh and looked back at the rations she had managed to scour up. A loaf of stale bread that had been tossed out, the edges molding; something that resembled a tomato, but was also rotting. Good thing her stomach had grown accustomed to the food and she no longer became dreadfully ill.

She reached over and grabbed the loaf of bread before biting into it. It had taken her many days to find something of this nature, and she was going to savor it. And yet, it wasn't the bread that brought a smile to her face. The vision of those green eyes floated across her memory. The first and last person to show her anything resembling kindness. Maybe they'd meet again someday. Shaking the thought away, she went back to eating her stale bread, her hunger slowly being sated. For the moment.

<Snipped quote by Sailorsadie>

Cool, great to have you on board! :)

<Snipped quote by Operator Luna>

It's more like they have one specific virtue that they've used/developed even more than all the other virtues they have, and fortunately, it's something that could be used to keep them and their party going on their quest to save the world, as well as helping them give hope back to the people around them(and it doesn't even have to be a civilian; it could be an enemy/antagonist, if you're clever enough!). It's something useful for that whole thing like bravery, trust, or love, and not "showing up early to things" or "knowing how to spend money wisely", if you catch my drift! xD

@deadpixel101 @LuckyBlackCat

Okay, everyone, two questions:

1. Do you want a CS now or later? Having it now will help you all start to think about your characters ahead of time, while having it later will help anyone who joins after you guys(and before I make the OOC) have more room to ask questions about shit like the lore, without the pressure of making a character immediately after they read the IC pitch. Then again, I'm not exactly in a rush for you guys to make characters, so I don't know.

2. Should I make a Discord where you guys can talk amongst yourselves about character ideas and maybe come up with ideas about this world's lore/places/NPCs related to your characters, or do you all think that the IC/eventual OOC will be enough for that?

To me personally, I always find Discords really helpful. And a CS now would help me to understand what all you're looking for in your characters.
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