There are things that go bump in the night. Since before humanity has existed, there have been creatures of utter horror, twisted things that should not exist. For untold millenniums, these beings have operated in the shadows, preying on humankind, all the while making it seem like they didn’t exist.
It is only within the last few centuries that these monsters began to come together. Initiated by a young Count turned Vampire, named Dracula, this unification of monster kind started with just like species. Vampire with Vampire, Werewolf with Werewolf. But Count Dracula had a grander vision, one of supernatural creatures manipulating the human world from the shadows. It is with this in mind that he formed the Council of Night.
Comprised of leaders from many different supernatural communities, the Council of Night ruled over all monsters, creating laws and treaties to abide under. This authoritative power was maintained by Dracula. Called the Prince of Darkness by some, Dracula held much sway over all the different monsters. It was only with him as the head that the Council of Night could exist.
The only problem is that Count Dracula disappeared a week ago. However, only a few key members of the Council of Night are aware of this. Called by Dracula to attend a meeting at his castle, these Council members would suddenly find themselves in charge of the Council of Night. However, without the power of Count Dracula to cement their rule, can these creatures maintain control over all the other monsters?

So each player will be playing a supernatural creature, or otherwise horror type character, who is a member of the Council of Night. While this was initially inspired by the old Universal Monster Movies, I am opening this up to a wider array of monsters. Pretty much anything that has been in a horror movie and is able to have advanced thought and speech, would fit.
It was also probably fit better if your character had a way of hiding amongst humans. Whether this be magic, shape-shifting, invisibility, or other means, they will need to blend in as this is set in modern day.

- All the Standard Rules of RPGuild apply.
- Almost any type of monster is allowed, as long as it doesn’t have god-like power or wouldn’t care about the going ons of other monsters.
- Right now I’m limiting it to one character per player.
- The character sheet is located at the top of the Characters Tab. When finished with it, post it in the OOC tab for review.
- As this is based on Horror Movies, expect some violence and scary stuff. If that bothers you, you may want to think twice about joining this.
- I’m pretty flexible with posting, so please let me know if you have to be away or other circumstances come up that prevent posting.

So this is actually based on a RP I was in briefly several years back. I have since lost the link to it and I’ve even forgotten who ran it. However, it did pop up back into my mind a few days ago, as I’ve been in a major horror kick. I do remember that in the previous iteration that I was playing Graf Orlok from Nosferatu, a character I’ll still play for this.
This will be a love letter to all the classic monster films of any classic era, ranging all the way from the 1920s to the 1980s. Basically if you’ve ever wanted to play the villain, the horrible thing killing everyone, this is your game.
So is anyone interested in a modern day horror thriller, starring the classic movie monsters? There will be action, conspiracies, and of course, horror. Will you try and find Count Dracula, or will you try and seize power in his absence? And what will become of the Council of Night?
If this sounds fun, please let me know. Also I’m open to any questions about the setting or acceptable characters.