Avatar of Sadie


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Current Alright, now I'm back. For real this time.
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Sorry guys, life happened. Finally have a laptop to use once more. Replies incoming!
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6 mos ago
Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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6 mos ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

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@Red Wizard Any words on mine?
@Red wizard
Consider me interested
Could be interested
Think this is meant to go in the 1x1 Roleplay area, unless you're looking for several people to join your world.



She didn't know what to do or where to go, but she had keys in hand that hopefully would lead them somewhere. Her eyes went to the Asian woman and watched as she pulled a tiki torch out of the ground before spinning it in hand. Delaney blinked at that action before letting out a breath. Maybe the woman had some kind of fighting experience? That would help to keep the zombies- damn, she still couldn't believe she was using that word- away from all of them. The other woman at the bar seemed to have a chair leg in her hand to also defend herself with. Did Delaney have anything she could use to fight anything off? Well. She had a well toned, physically able man in one hand and keys in the other. Hopefully the man would protect her. Her nose scrunched at the thought of having someone else fight her battles, but right now was not the time to deny any help at all.

Soon the woman with the chair leg stated she knew where the staff rooms were. Good. They needed someone in their group who actually knew the ship. Delaney hadn't paid that much attention to anything around her as she was just enjoying her vacation. If she ever got back home, she was going to stay there. There was no way in hell she was getting on a boat again, either. Her eyes went to the edge of the ship and noticed they were in the middle of nowhere. There was no land in sight. Her chest constricted and she shook her head. There was definitely no way she was going to put herself in this position again. No way in hell. She would stay on dry land from now on.

Suddenly she was pulled closer to Rhys and her free hand went to his body, the keys and her fingers splayed out on his toned stomach. Delaney blinked and lowered her hand. Damn. If they survived this, she was absolutely getting this man's number. Not only was he doing everything in his power to keep her safe, but he had actually saved her life with that woman. That one hundred percent deserved a phone number exchange. Her eyes blinked when she realized she was focusing on the man instead of the peril that was surrounding them. Maybe her brain was trying to protect itself by diverting its attention somewhere else? She wasn't sure, but she knew they had to get out of where they were. They needed to get somewhere they could hide until all of this was over.

If it ever would be.

She huffed out a breath and lowered her hand from the man's stomach, albeit regrettably. "Alright, let's go. We'll be better if we stay as a group."



She couldn't help a small grin tugging at the corner of her mouth as Rhys responded to her question. Delaney pulled him up, yet felt that he wasn't adding all his weight to it. She rolled her eyes a bit at the notion before huffing out a breath. He couldn't know that she was stronger than she looks. They didn't know each other besides their first names. Her thoughts were interrupted as shouts of murderer started being thrown around. Her brows furrowed in question as she looked around. Did they not see what just happened? This woman was obviously a zombie. She didn't know how, but she wasn't about to hesitate or question before taking another one of them down. She was about to defend herself when she felt hands on her shoulders. Blinking, she raised a brow and looked up at the man. Another small grin appeared on her face. The man seemed as though he was ready to fight for her. It was endearing.

Delaney didn't have time to think about the gorgeous man at her side. Screams erupted all around them. Her chest heaved and her eyes widened in fear as she watched people throw themselves onto others. And the people seemed to be just like the woman she had jabbed her heel into. Zombies. This was a fucking zombie outbreak. Before she could react, the man in front of her turned and stated they had to go. That was the understatement of the century. Then his hand came down and laced his fingers through hers. Delaney's chest constricted a bit as she realized the protectiveness rolling off of him. He was going to help her out of this. But, why? Just because she saved him? He had saved her first by pulling the woman away from her. This man owed her nothing. And yet again, before she could say anything she was being pulled into a jog after the male model. She didn't know his actual profession, but with abs like that? Definite model.

Why were her thoughts focused on the man when there was obvious hell breaking loose all around her? Maybe her brain was going into shutdown mode. Whatever it was, it was keeping her from screaming and breaking down. She appreciated her scatter brain even more in that moment. Soon they were in front of another woman who he had obviously met, but Delaney had no clue who she was. She cleared her throat and swore under her breath when people pushed into them. Her eyes narrowed and with her free hand she shoved them back. With a shake of her head, she huffed out a breath and returned her eyes to woman. "What the hell is going on around here?" Soon they were moving towards the bar where another woman seemed shocked frozen. Delaney shook her head and let out a breath. She growled under her throat as her fight or flight came into action. Her body firmly settled on fight.

Letting go of Rhys' hand, she quickly moved behind the bar and knelt down next to the dead bartender. Being no stranger to death, she ignored it and searched through the man's pockets. Delaney was soon rewarded with a set of keys on a metal ring. She shot back up on her feet and waved the keys. "Found them! Anyone know where the staff rooms are?" Delaney moved back over to Rhys and grabbed his hand. If she was going to go through hell, then she might as well bring some arm candy along with her.
Never mind, I went ahead and posted. Lmao.
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