
Trixiana Budalare
Long, ashen blonde hair falls all the way to her mid back, which is usually held back from her face by a leather brace. Bright blue eyes that can pierce your soul and weaken any man. Trixiana is a rather short elf, standing at a meek 5'6. It helps her to blend in with the humans and makes her blend in with others as long as her pointed ears are covered. She has a marking of her tribe branded in the middle of her forehead and a tattoo along her left upper arm. Her clothes are usually made of leather. Her arm braces, leather pants, leather top. Anything she could make from animal hide.
Arrogant to a fault. She is good at what she does, and she is very aware of that. Trixiana can be sweet and considerate to those in need, but deadly and swift with those she believes needs to be taken care of. She has a bright laugh and loves to just chill out, despite her deadly aura. When in predator mode, danger spills from her veins and her ice turns cold. She doesn't care if her prey is a commoner or a royal. She will take on any job for the right amount of money.
Having been raised by gentle parents, Trixiana had a great life growing up. She was the apple of her father's eye and was doted on by her mother. Then one day her parents went on an outing to the kingdom and never came back. Trixiana was convinced somebody had targeted them, and so her anger for the kingdom began. She had been on her own since the tender age of ten and had to learn how to fend for herself. That was when she had stolen a bow and some arrows from a market by the kingdom. She taught herself how to use the bow and arrow and was soon able to get her own food without having to steal it.
It was when she was nineteen years old that she had been caught by one of the market guards. Instead of turning her in, he saw promise in her. Turned out he was against the kingdom as well. The guard took Trixiana in under his wing and taught her how to throw daggers. He then introduced her to the world of killing for a few coins. Ever since that day, she had been known to take out anyone for a baggie. Her reputation got to be huge around the kingdom, only going by the nickname of the Piercer. All of her prey had been left with a single pierced hole in their bodies. It wasn't until she took the wrong job one day. Guards had surrounded her and was convinced she didn't work alone, as she was too pretty looking and small to be considered deadly.
Archery, throwing daggers.
Not very good at hand to hand combat due to her small nature. Can be quickly overpowered by someone larger than her.
Bow, quiver, arrows, three daggers