OOC: JP from Wandering Wolf and Sail
The lift gate screeched as it lowered its’ bundle to the foot of the ramp. Abby kept hands on it; this’un come with casters’d let ‘er roll right off if’n the girl weren’t payin’ mind. Sure’n the two men weren’t havin’ nothin’ to do with it. Truck Driver jest pushed ‘em onta the gate afore shovin’ the lever with his foot. An’ Dreadlock? He’s involved in a serious round ‘o’ posin’ with his gun, lookin’ mean.
She nudged one corner onto the ramp, then brought t’other on. Abby put her back into it, grunting softly as she built speed. After a few more laborious seconds,, she had the first up on the deck. “Kinda heavy,” she breathed as the crate glided to a halt. Nice casters...really nice, the deckhand pondered a spell, catchin’ her breath, afore given Truck Driver a “C’mon” gesture. “Next.”
This’un felt a skosh lighter. She’s still breakin’ a purty good sweat when it topped out, but she didn’t mind. There’s somethin’ inside bein’ answered...an’ that answer made Abby feel good. Cargo. Word sounded good. Meant cash. Meant food an’ a bunk. Meant a shot at figgerin’ out her life from here, somethin’ she’d never had ta ruminate on afore. An’ that feelin’, when it come, was one ta put the strength in her. Fer that...freedom...she’d cotton to pulled muscles an’ splinters ever’ day.
Last one come off...an’ it was gorram heavy. She pushed, throwin’ her shoulder onto the load, afore addin’ a knee up at the last second tah steady the right side. Diggin in’ on her bootheel, Abby shoved the left side up, makin’ the whole struggle look like some kinda crabwalk. All the while, Truck Driver an’ Dreadlock jest stood watchin’...
“Oh, for ta ma de’s sake.” A woman’s voice rang deep an’ earthy, from behind. A hand clapped on the crate jest above her right shoulder. “I got right. You take left. On three. One...two...three!” Fer a spell, they both strained at it, pushin’ hard agin’ the weight. Soon enough, them casters set ta turnin’. She give way, rollin’ up over tha lip into the bay. “Remind me to tell Badger about the two lumps of la shi he sent for a delivery.”
Dreadlock pulled a right scowl as he came down the ramp. After rollin’ his door down, Truck Driver folded the gate away, an’ the two was off. Abby kept hold of that last crate, putin’ on the brakes ta stop ‘er from smackin’ into other cargo. “Thank yah,” she put her hand out, turnin’ toward her rescuer, “uh…..um….Sister?”
The woman stood there...little one, judgin’ by the height. Mebbe even littler than Penelope...nearabouts close enough. She was draped head to toe in a bright orange robe. Hood cast her face in shadow, ‘cept fer a sliver of light playin’ on the tip of her nose. The toe of a burgundy boot poked out from underneath her robe as she hefted her shoulder bag. Don’t it figger? Abby gaped in silence. Ask fer a mechanic….git a nun…
“After all that, I sure hope this boat’s the China Doll,” the nun chuckled.
“Yes’m...but...we’s full up,” the girl apologized.
“I’m on the list. Ms. Baker. Badger told you I was comin’.”
“Thank y’ now, Abigail,” Cal called from over the deckhand’s shoulder, then added with a nod, “Sister.” As he sidled up to the two women, he watched the road the truck had departed, thumbs shoved into the loops of his belt. With a quick glance at the night sky, Cal asked, “You happen to bring a wrench, Ms. Baker? Cuz we’re in mighty need of a mechanic if we’re gonna get to New Melbourne.” As he saw it, whatever reason a Sister sought a travel agent in Badger weren’t none of his business. That she’d been promised to get them off this rock? Now, that was Cal’s business.
The new arrival gave her shoulder bag a deliberate shake, raising numerous metallic clinks from within. “I brought a few, Captain Strand,” she replied.
He nodded, “I want her warmed up in ten. In the sky in fifteen. Badger promised she’s ready for the black, but I want the nod from someone who’s actually goin’ up in her. Think you can do that?” He watched the nun’s eyes, brows arched to read her assent.
The woman chuckled.. “Not sure Badger’s name and ‘promise’ are fit company in the same sentence. I can rush preflights in that time. As to the rest, we’ll just have to see how she shakes out.”
“Shi a, now that we can both agree on. See to it; Abigail, make sure Ms. Baker has everything she needs. Engine’s that way,” he said, pointing aft. Cal turned toe toward the cockpit, “Let’s get to work, ma shang.”
The nun removed her hood, loosing ebon curls to frame the grin she offered. “I love fireflies,” she replied before turning to follow the captain up the stairs.
“I’ll button ‘er up soon’s these crates’re strapped,” Abby responded before ratcheting the fresh cargo in a nice, clean line up front center to balance out the trim. She strummed them straps like guitar strings, makin’ sure they’s good an’ tight, afore lookin’ about the bay for anything done broke loose. With all bein’ well, the girl mopped sweat from her brow as she moved to the ramp controls.
She’d just hit the lift button when a ruckus come from outside in the dark. “Wait! Wait! Please, miss...wait!” two men pleaded, waving their arms as the ramp rose up over their heads.
“We’s full up!” Abby shouted.
“Please, miss! You gotta spare room. All boats keep a spare room for...problems. We’ll take it!” he shouted.
“It ain’t…”
“We’ll pay double!”
Now that meant somethin’. Abby pushed the stop, then lowered the ramp, easin’ her down to waist height. Two fellas stood there, all smiles as they tossed kit aboard. Healthy guys, she noted. Thirty some-odd, clean cut…
“Oh, thank you...thank you!” the taller fairly gushed as she advanced toward them, hand upon her Colt. “We’ve got a charter fishing expedition all booked up an’ you were our last chance to…”
“Show me yer coin.”
The men obediently produced a generous purse, to which they set to counting out their double fares. After a moment to stuff away the payment, she beckoned for them to climb aboard. “Welcome aboard the China Doll,” Abby said as the pair followed her in. “See that hatch? Go through there. Yah’ll see medbay on tha left. Make a left just after, head straight back an up the stairs. Yer in the last room. Cargo bay...engine room, an’ cockpit are off limits. They’s chairs across from Medbay. Strap yourselves in Ah’ll be along. Once we’s in the black yah can head up to tha galley. Not sure what’s cookin. Questions?”
The shorter loosed a grin. “Are there other girls pretty as you aboard?”
“They’re off limits, too. We’s fixin’ ta launch. Now go on...git.” The new passengers was all eyes as they hauled kit across the cargo hold. Abby set course fer the ramp controls, just as the com squawked rudely.
“Abigail, you gonna seal her up while we’re still young?”
“Doin’ it now, Cap’n.” She smacked the large red button. With a powerful whine, the hydraulics pulled the big ramp inta flight posture. Next come the sealing bulkhead, slippin’ inta place with a hiss of compressed air.
Cap’n tossed a final word on com. “Come eat once we break atmo.”
“Copy.” Hold was sealed. Cargo was secure. She’d put eyes on lower deck passengers afore strappin’ in herself. Abby Travis collected her belongings, sealed the aft cargo bay hatch, and made ready fer upthrust.