”Travis. Abby Travis” - (Part 1)
Cal Strand’s cameo by @wanderingwolf
”When you’re a spy…”
Almost too late, she recalled them shows she seen on Uncle Bob’s cortex. They’s chock full ‘o’ cool spy doin’s, with the main man hisself tellin’ yah how things was s’posed tah work. Abby loved them shows, ‘specially tha gun totin’ girlfriend an’ tha slick wingman. Never thought in all her days she’d be tryin’ tah make use ‘o’ tha ‘how to’ parts...
”...people want to dismiss you. Make it simple for them to put you in a box and forget you...”
After supper, she changed back inta her cutoffs an’ a big tee shirt she kept fer sleepin’. Now she looked tha part ‘o’ someone’s stayin’ in fer tha night, she could put the rest of ‘er plan inta action.
”....remember that the best accomplice is an unwitting one.”
“Who is it?” Perfessor Marquina opened his door. “Oh, Miss Travis! How are you feeling tonight?””
She smiled. “Lots better, thank yew. Hate tah bother, but I thought I’d best git a space heater inta yer room afore they’s all snatched up.” She held out the little unit. “Perty simple, an’ fire safe, so yah got no worries. I’ll bring extra blankets in tha mornin’, too. Listen…’cuz yer gonna be holed up alot while we’s in tha black, thought I’d keep hot drinks close ‘ta hand. What’s yer pleasure?” she asked, “coffee, tea, or cocoa?”
The perfessor looked delighted. “Tea, please! Any brown is quite sufficient. How considerate!”
“Ain’t nothin’ a’tall,” she give him a smile. “I’ll keep a hot thermos in yer’ room fer all yer wakin’ hours.” She spied his cortex, layin’ atop a stack ‘o’ sketches...all of what looked tah be tha same flower. “Is that yer orchid?”
“Yes!” His eyes lit up somethin’ fierce. He showed her the pitchers, pointin’ out important bits like coloration in tha blossom an’ give ‘er a primer in spottin’ male an’ female plants. She had tah admit she didn’t ken tha stronger ‘twixt the orchid or his passion fer it. Either way, she promised she’d take time tah hear more once they’s in tha black.
“But fer now,” Abby said, “I need tah make a quick call. Ain’t got a cortex. Could I borrow your’n?”
“Of course.”
She whipped out tha bidness card, an’ tapped in that connect code. “Mmmmmmmmmickey Rickshaw!” came tha answer. Fella’s even annoyin’ in ‘is calls…
“Hey...this is Abby. You gimme yer card taday? Out front ‘o’ that Firefly?”
“Firefly…..oh yeah! Well hello, Beautiful!” he durn near shouted. “Decide you’ll let me take you for a ride?”
”Jīngrén de! How soon should I be there?”
”...mask an escape attempt as the most common day-to-day errand...”
She made a break fer it, luggin’ a garbage bag across tha cargo bay. Well, limpin’ with a garbage bag, leastways. Jest ahead’s tha door. Twenty foot...fifteen foot...ten foot...she’s gon’ make it…
“Abigail.” Cap’n’s voice come down from on high, in a tone says “busted.”
She stopped cold. “Cap’n?”
“Where you bound?” He’s leanin’ on tha catwalk railin’, lookin’ down on the deckhand with her trash bag.
”...when you’re under interrogation, keep your answers simple…”
“In the dark?”
She heard his cigarette case come open. ”Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease...“ the girl silently chanted afore answerin’ Cal. “Yessir.”
“Gotta admit to bein’ all manner of curious,” he said afore sendin’ a cloud ‘o’ smoke toward tha ceilin’. “What sort ‘o’ trash is it makes my deckhand break the Doc’s order to lay low tonight?”
”...Avoid scrutiny by embarrassing the scrutinizer...”
“It’s…” she made tah struggle with her words. “Muh beddin’. Sheets, blanket, ‘n’ such.”
“Now I really don’t…”
“It’s muh time, Cap’n. Started up right after supper.,” she stammered, soundin’ all flustered. “Powerful heavy flow. Couldn’t make it fer a pad an’...”
“I got it,” Cal cut her off with a raised hand. “Just be careful, dohn mah?”
”Shì de, chuánzhǎng.” she thowed a nod of ‘er head afore swingin’ tha door wide an’ makin’ her best speed down the ramp, where Mickey an’ his rickshaw was waitin’.
“Hey Sweetness!” he’s all bright an’ cheerful as she pulled herself inta the canopied seat. “Where to? I know some pretty great places…”
”...a little style never hurts…”
“Pegleg Pete’s,” Abby commanded the rickshaw jockey. “ Punch it.”
*********************To Be Continued********************