In his brief brush of the shoulders with Death, Zell had missed some of the battle. He didn't realise that Fenna was hurt and Barracker was outright floored. He hadn't realised that the Ranger and Paladin had previously put on a mesmerizing display of weaponskill and teamwork - Adam a mastery of support magic with impeccable timing. What he
did see, once he was hail enough to prop himself up on an elbow and view the battle, was the last thing he expected.
"James, I don't think you're healing is working cuz I am
fucking seeing things, my mate."
It was Clive! Zell blinked hard a few times to make sure the American was actually there. He still wouldn't believe his eyes until his once-dead team mate rode up on Zigmund and dove off his ghostly horse with a punch that would've laid out the greatest heavyweights of all time. Zell open-mouth grinned in joy, looking to James and MacKensie to see that they were just as shocked as he was.
Life is getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down. An' I came back to be sure you never did."
"Lord in heaven, it is him," MacKensie's reaction said it all.
"Clive.""Ho. Lee. Shit," Zell said as he struggled to take a knee. It was time to tag back into the ring.
James was a step ahead, issuing the call to action with that power-version of his voice that showed up when it counted, as opposed to his usual 'yeah, whatever' tone he liked to adopt.
"He is vulnerable, attack!" He and MacKensie were into a tandem attack before the Englishman could even get to his feet. While Zigmund was struggling with them, Zell was checking himself for holes, giving himself a police-style pat-down and casually nodding with approval at James' handiwork. "Not gonna lie; you're good at what you do, mate," he said loudly enough for James to hear.
The unseriousness masked his prudence.
It was important to make sure that he was fully fit to be in the fight
and be effective, this time, not just be a burden. The majority of his attention while patting himself down was gauging the battlefield. Adam looked perfectly fine.
He always does. He could see Fenna had taken minor injury.
She'll be fine. Barracker was wounded badly.
I should check on him first. And of course; James and MacKensie's attack was simply sublime, MacKensie looking especially cool as fuck when she zoomed down from the sky for a second 'MacFlurry.'
She gets better and better with that gauntlet. Incredible.Zell picked up his sword and made quickly toward Barracker, but circumstances changed everything when MacKensie took a beatdown. It wasn't the beatdown per-say. It was the steam.
"Fuck, he's gonna kill her!" Zell shouted. "James!"
He waved his best friend to join him and sprinted towards the steam, but just as he was about to test if his teleport could work without a clear visual of the location he wanted to teleport, Zigmund went speeding out of the steam cloud in the direction of Adam. On the edge of the steam he stood in limbo, thinking,
There's no way he managed to kill her that fast, he was in there for a second. It was a trick, which meant Adam needed help.
Or did he?
"What in the fuck..." Zell tapered off in awe as Adam transformed into a bear. It was a sight to behold. It was only when Adam started man-handling Zigmund, one on one, like a man versus a child, that Zell felt the tension disappear. "Just how many powers has this guy got!?"
"How you doing there, doll?" he asked MacKensie as the steam cloud dissipated. "You still good to go?"
He already knew her answer before she'd spoke. MacKensie was as tough as she was virtuous. It would take more than a punch and a couple of kicks to keep her down.
"Hey Clive," he called. "Bloody hard to get rid of you, ain't it?" Zell laughed. "You
do know we'll be docking your pay for sleeping on the job all this time."
It was about this time that Adam the Bear was done tearing Zigmund apart. Zell had to believe that Barracker's tanky nature (not to mention the vampiristic physical traits) would be enough for him to hold on while the rest of them took this golden opportunity. So he said to all who could hear him, "I think this is as good a time as any to finish this fucker, once and for all. What do you say? Let's fucking do this!"
And he started charging. With the differences in speed of everyone, plus the differences in proximity to Zigmund, Zell would be ready to smartly (not wildly,) level-headedly (not raging mad,) syncronize with his fellow comrades, acting like the swordsman (not caveman) that he was.
His jumped in with quick slashes and leapt back a step to quickly circle and find new angles, stylistically mimmicking how he'd seen MacKensie fight. In and out, taking his turn to throw a combination of strikes and moving aside to let another apply their own pressure. If James still had Counter Spells left, this would not be looking good for Zigmund. Against the broken-down ninja, Zell would not stop until Second Chance were all stomping a lifeless metal body into the dirt, because that's what this bastard deserved.
At one point, when Clive let loose a ferocious combination of punches, Zell full-on
leap frogged the broad shouldered Texan into a powerful two-handed downward strike onto the enemy.
It was pretty wild. But Zell wouldn't be Zell without, at least a little, indulging in the utterly ridiculous.