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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
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Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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Name: Theodore "Theo" Arthur Carter-Green
Age: 18
Nationality: English-American
S/O: Gay

Born to Firefighter Arthur Jason Carter and bank manger Elizabeth Jane Green, Theodore spent his formative years growing up in the market town of Blandford Forum, Dorset, located in England's beautiful West Country. Attending a local primary school, Archbishop Wake, he was a popular child, with all the friends he could wish for, and more besides. Following on from this, he attended The Blandford School.

However, at the age of 13, he was left without a father when Arthur was killed whilst on duty, protecting a fellow firefighter from danger. After this, James became quiet and withdrawn, not wanting to accept the death of his father, and always expecting him to walk back through the door, with stories of the rescues he'd performed, and the fires he'd fought with the help of his friends.

About a year after his father's death, Elizabeth decided it would be best if she and Theodore moved to the USA, to live with her grandparents and for him to be educated in the states, figuring a fresh start might have helped him start to overcome and accept the death of his father. This wasn't the case until he met (Y/C), and the two seemed to hit it off almost straight away, becoming the best of friends in very little time at all.

With both a love of photography and reading, Theo has opted to take a more creative course in college, wishing to focus on Photography, with a minor in Higher Maths, more to please his mother then because he feels it's an important qualification. (Although he knows how useful it would be, he'd have much rather looked at a minor in English Language.)


Best Friends.

That was how everyone saw Theodore (Theo) and (Y/C). As the best of friends.

It was easy to see why. The two were rarely ever apart after Theo arrived, and as they grew older, they only grew to be even closer as the years passed by.

But how close they grew wasn't something they ever discussed with anybody, outside of each other. Why?

They didn't dare to tell people that they were in love. The town they resided in was small and hateful to those who were "different". Those who were no god-fearing, heterosexual "muricans" were treated like dirt, told they had to get the hell out of town, or they risked being seriously injured, disowned.. or even killed.

So, they had to hide the love they held for each other in public. Keep the fact they were much more then "besties" confined to when they were alone, to text messages and emails. The kisses had to be undertaken in privacy, and even hugs were risky in public, having to be kept a simple, quick squeeze, rather then a lengthy, warm embrace.


One hot summer's evening, Theo sat on the kitchen counter at his boyfriend's home, legs dangling over the edge, covered in nicks, cuts and bruises. He was often pushed around and bullied by classmates, male and female, for his quiet and shy nature, though the brunette would usually be left alone when with his best friend. Simply because people knew it was too damn risky to fuck with Theo in that situation.

Dressed in a shorts and a baggy white t-shirt to try and keep the heat from overwhelming him, all Theodore wanted was to go and cuddle up with (Y/C) on the sofa. To share a few kisses and watch a nice romantic movie. Or two. Or three.

Or as many as they could fit into a nice, long all-nighter. Which is what they'd be able to have in just a few hours.

"This is great. The last day of school is over, I get to spend the weekend alone with my.." He paused, wanting to say "Sexy man", but knowing his boyfriend's parents could come downstairs, he couldn't.

"With my bestie. Movies, ice cream, popcorn.." In a whisper "A shared bath, except not really, cuddles.." A wink. "Just you an' I."

Leaning over, as if to brush something from (Y/C)'s shoulder, Theo whispered "I love you." to him, before slipping from the counter top.

At 18, Theo was a "plain" looking guy, with shoulder length and dyed chocolate brown hair, soft green eyes, a thin and petite build and a sweet, kind little smile. He was pretty cute, of course he was, but he wasn't considered to be a "knockout".

(The plot will mostly focus on the two hiding the relationship they share from public, knowing if they get caught out, they risk loosing each other, and more.

They'll be caught eventually, and forced to flee from the town they grew up in, to try and find somewhere safe and to keep themselves going, knowing they'll be forced to start a new life together.)
I'm just looking for someone capable of playing Jack's dad or mom, or even both. Alternatively, I'll accept two people playing one role each.

Jack's an only child.



To say Jack felt nervous was certainly an understatement and a half. He'd been unsure about doing this for a few days now, and had finally plucked up the courage to do so. He'd told his mother and father that he wanted their thoughts on an outfit he was wearing to meet his friends, though he hated telling lies to them.

But he wasn't sure how to best speak to them about how he'd been feeling for a long time now, so had instead planned this out in secret. Walking down the hallway, the brunette hoped the wig he'd picked out was positioned correctly. Adjusting the bow on the front of his dress slightly, he glanced down at his bare feet.

He had been saving up his allowance to buy himself the dress, wig and some shoes. The later he either couldn't afford or find ones which fitted him properly, much to his disappointment. He'd been trying so hard to look pretty and feel like the girl he knew he was supposed to be. But he just couldn't finish the outfit.

Standing in the doorway, he spoke in his soft voice. It hadn't yet broken, so seemed to suit how he looked now quite well. "Mama? Dad? How do I look?"

He stood with his hands clasped in front, exposing a hint of the blue nail polish he'd applied to his hands. He just hoped they'd not be mad or upset with him.
Salutations! I have quite a few MxM ideas. I'll post them here, hopefully someone will like at least one of them.


1) Okay, so I'm looking for someone capable of playing what could be considered as the traditional jock sterotype. Someone strong and sporty, popular and well liked to contrast with my shy and nervous geeky male.

Though it's cliché, I do love the idea of the jock protecting the nerd, and both of them overlooking the fact they're from such different social circles to be the best of friends.

I'll provide his biography/personality below. The starter is below that.. I'd prefer your character to be 19 or 20, but I will NOT accept any younger than 18.


Name: Theodore "Theo" Arthur Carter-Green
Age: 18
Nationality: English-American
S/O: Gay

Born to Firefighter Arthur Jason Carter and bank manger Elizabeth Jane Green, Theodore spent his formative years growing up in the market town of Blandford Forum, Dorset, located in England's beautiful West Country. Attending a local primary school, Archbishop Wake, he was a popular child, with all the friends he could wish for, and more besides. Following on from this, he attended The Blandford School.

However, at the age of 13, he was left without a father when Arthur was killed whilst on duty, protecting a fellow firefighter from danger. After this, James became quiet and withdrawn, not wanting to accept the death of his father, and always expecting him to walk back through the door, with stories of the rescues he'd performed, and the fires he'd fought with the help of his friends.

About a year after his father's death, Elizabeth decided it would be best if she and Theodore moved to the USA, to live with her grandparents and for him to be educated in the states, figuring a fresh start might have helped him start to overcome and accept the death of his father. This wasn't the case until he met (Y/C), and the two seemed to hit it off almost straight away, becoming the best of friends in very little time at all.

With both a love of photography and reading, Theo has opted to take a more creative course in college, wishing to focus on Photography, with a minor in Higher Maths, more to please his mother then because he feels it's an important qualification. (Although he knows how useful it would be, he'd have much rather looked at a minor in English Language.)

He's still shy and withdrawn however, only really tending to smile and be happy with his best friend.


Closing his eyes briefly, Theodore took a deep breath as he sat alone, listening to the heavy rainfall drumming upon the windows of the empty classroom he'd opted to eat lunch in. Frankly, the brunette couldn't face the idea of going into the cafeteria alone at that moment in time.

It wasn't as much the fact he'd be sat alone, as it would be the fact he felt that people would be constantly talking about and looking at him. And putting up with that wasn't a prospect he particularly relished having to face. He'd rather be alone completely, with nothing but his thoughts for any form of company.

He knew he'd brought it upon himself. Coming out as gay in front of your entire English class (A good 30 odd students) tended to cause that. Though he was regretting it, at the same time, was relieved to get such a weight of his chest. At the same time, he'd have likely not been alone if his best friend wasn't away, and hadn't been at school for a few days.

After a little while, his thoughts were broken by the classroom door opening, Theo's exhausted green orbs glancing across to see who was entering the room.

2) Stepping slowly through the halls of the apartment complex, Jack glanced around at the numbers hung upon the doors, before finding the one he was looking for. A small smile formed upon his soft lips as he stepped forth, raising a hand to knock upon the wood, stepping back a touch, rocking slightly upon his heels.

For the last month or so, the young man had been separated from his boyfriend due to reasons beyond the control of either of them, and with very limited contact at all, had felt lonely and utterly miserable. But now, he was able to be reunited with his love, and was more excited then words could even begin to describe.

He hadn't actually told his boyfriend that he'd be turning up that day, wanting to keep it a surprise for him. After all, he rarely had the confidence to do anything like that for the man he loved. Quiet, shy and timid in nature, the blonde tended to keep himself to himself, and follow a routine in order to stop his anxiety getting too much. When he was upset, he needed his love's voice and presence to calm.

But today.. today was different. All he wanted was to see his love, spend time with him, and maybe go out for a nice meal together later that night. Oh, and get plenty of kisses and cuddles too.

As the door opened, Jack stepped forth, looking up. "D-Do I ge-get a kiss?" He stammered at a way of greeting, steeping forth and into his love's arms. Being much shorter, he hid his face in his boyfriend's shoulder.

(I'm simply looking for someone capable of playing Jack's boyfriend for this RP. I'd prefer it if they were different in personality to him, to give the idea of opposites attract, but I'll also accept someone close in personality to him.

I figured that the relationship they share has to be hidden from either Jack's parents, or those of Y/C, as they aren't really.. accepting of same sex couples at all. Hence why Jack had to wait before coming to see his boyfriend in his new apartment.

In this, Jack will be eighteen years of age. I think it'd be interesting to have (Y/C) a year or two older, with the two perhaps having met at (Y/C)'s workplace, or even at school.)


The beach had always been Robert's place to go and relax, even during the summer holidays, when it could become almost impossible to get any form of rest and relaxation at all.

But today, it was quiet. The sun beat down, the sand warm beneath his bare feet as he made his way across the beachfront, glancing out at the sea. It shone under the sun, lapping gently against the sand. Towel tucked under arm and sandals in hand, the brunette let out a sigh of content. He was pleased it was so quiet, despite the good weather. Having opted to come here to get a while away from his parents, he was quite surprised to spot a classmate sat on the sand too, making his way over to them.

"Hey. Mind if I join you?" Dressed in a white, sleeveless t-shirt, and knee-length shorts, his hair was spiked slightly up, rather then laying flat, and he wore sunglasses, pushing them up his freckled nose slightly, a shy but warm smile playing upon his lips.

He looked so different from school. There, he'd often wear a large hoodie, baggy jeans and a pair of thick-framed spectacles, giving him more of a slightly.. insecure, geeky style then the more confident, cheerful personality he seemed to be showing now. It was as though the surroundings changed him, much more confident in a place he felt safe and happy, as opposed to school, where he was often nervous and insecure about himself.

Glancing back up the beach, he lifted a hand to shield his eyes, looking back towards the cliffs, where the hotel his parents owned and ran sat at the bottom, always popular during the summer vacation. He loved his parents, and knew they only wanted the best for him, but he really didn't like having to be there all the time. He just wanted a day or two off a week, to go and spend some time doing as he wished.

Though the view he awoke to every morning was well-worth the stress and exhaustion.

(It's up to you how you play the character. Although I do want a male character, everything else is down to you. They can be a punk or a shy type like Robby, a geek or quite popular. Whatever you like. I just thought a simple romance plot would be quite fun.
Here's the first.

//Simply put;

I'm looking for someone capable of playing a mother or big sister type of character for Jasmine.


It seemed as if the two rival schools felt the need to engage in fights almost every week, and cause as much trouble for one another as was physically possible. If not fights, something would be stolen from one pupil by a member of the other, or vandalism would occur on the grounds of one school, caused by the members of another.

Not all got involved, with some opting to keep themselves out of it when they could, not wanting to be the victims of attacks or the like caused by another member of the rival school. They'd remove their blazers, ties and anything else which would cement them as being from one particular school, or would purchase cheap ties from schools not involved in this rivalry in order to escape punishment.

A pupil of one school, known as Middlewood Academy, 13 year old Jack Carter made his way home, on his own and feeling both nervous and exhausted. He knew he shouldn't be, but he had no real choice in this. After all, nobody wanted to be seen with the "freak" of the class. The person who "didn't know what the fuck they were", as some so elegantly phrased it. The one who wanted to be a girl. And, he did. He hated his body, hated having to be the "typical male". That wasn't who he was, and Jack knew that. He wanted to be Jasmine.

Turning a corner, he cried out as someone grabbed him, pinning him to the wall of the alleyway with a fierce and cold look upon his face as he stood there, two of his friends flanking him, as though he needed back up to perform what he had in mind.

"Well, well. The freak of Middlewood. What a pity, you're on your own like always. Never see you with anyone. Maybe the people that go there aren't that pathetic." From the corner of his eye, Jack saw the male produce a switchblade, holding it to his neck with a swift movement. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna cut your throat. That's too good for a trannie like you. You ain't a girl, you're an it."

His "friends" grabbed a hold of Jack, turning and pushing him against the wall with a thud, Xavier starting to slice away at the hair Jack had spent so long growing, getting rid of it, not caring how much pain and discomfort he brought to the frightened soul. From a gap in the wall, Jack thought he saw someone, screaming for help at the top of his lungs, before his mouth was covered. "Do it again, and I'll kill you!" Xavier growled, hoping the person would choose to ignore it. It wasn't a good neighborhood, after all.


And the second .

Okay, so this is a WIP at the moment. I can make a biography and profile for Robert if wanted.

I'm really looking for an accepting big sister for him if possible. Someone to take him shopping, to reassure him.

Robert is 15.

Standing in front of a tall mirror, Robert bit his bottom lip slightly as a frown began to play upon his delicate features. Petite in build, he'd always liked to dress in what would be considered as traditionally feminine clothing, though he'd not done so properly in a good number of years.

His mother and father had always insisted it was just a phase he was going through, despite his own protests that he liked what he wore more than the masculine hand me downs from his older brothers. He had always felt much happier when wearing skirts, dresses and tank tops then he did in more masculine clothing, but had long given up on trying to obtain and wear such items. As miserable as it often made him feel, he knew the stress and anxiety others put him under would eventually make him feel much worse.

Tracing a finger across a small cat tattoo across his left shoulder, he turned his attention to a bag upon the floor. Inside were a few items he'd purchased with his own money, to try and feed his desires and his curiosity. Picking out a black, knee-length skirt, his fingers ran across the material with a smile upon his lips. He'd not gone for leather or anything that would be viewed as sexualising how he dressed or felt, but rather a simple cotton piece.

Slipping it over his bare legs and up to his waist, he instantly felt better. This suited him to a tee, and he was starting to feel beautiful again. Next came a cute white tank top, a picture of a panda printed upon it. He found this to be utterly adorable, and felt it went perfectly with his skirt. Pink, lacy ankle socks were next, adding a little splash of colour to his outfit. Shoes were yet to be obtained, something to come at a later date.

Smiling again, he ran fingers through his curly, shoulder length locks. He'd certainly have to seek out some make up tips eventually, though the fact he was naturally androgynous looking and on the "cute side" helped to sell him as being a woman. Grabbing his phone, he couldn't help but snap a few selfies. He felt good about himself for the first time in years, and wished he could show it off to someone for once.

During all of this though, two things hadn't occurred to him. The first was a simple error, in that his phone currently failed to lock correctly unless the button was pressed and held down for between 7 and 10 seconds.

The second, and most fatal mistake, was the fact his siblings both had easy access to his bedroom at most times. They'd not been home whilst Robby was indulging himself in his new outfit, so the idea that anybody would discover him in this getup certainly wasn't a factor in his current thoughts.

Leaving the main part of his bedroom to head into the en-suite bathroom he had, any sounds from his bedroom would soon be drowned out by the running water of the shower, and his own (Admittedly quite tuneful) singing.

As such, he didn't hear his older brothers entering his room, nor the malicious laughter or comments coming as they copied his recent selfies across to the phones they owned. He most certainly wasn't currently aware of the fact they were uploading the images to Facebook or Twitter either, where friends of both them and himself would soon be able to see them.

In fact, he'd not been aware of this until sometime later, when he'd discovered the images upon checking his own Facebook feed. A horrible sinking feeling washed over him upon first catching sight, dread and nausea washing over him as he scrolled slowly down. Not even daring to glance at the reactions, the number of comments hit him with a new pang of terror.

150 in the last two hours alone. Not wishing to read them, he lay upon his bed. Sleep would never come that night, and he lay awake listening to the sounds of messages and notifications, daring not to check a single one, yet unable to bring himself to log off. It was as though he was punishing himself for being vain enough to take the images. (Despite vanity being something he'd never indulged in!)

When morning did eventually come round, Robert felt exhausted beyond belief. His head was pounding, and he felt miserable. Stepping into the shower, he couldn't help but dread going to school that day. It never occurred to him that people might not have had any issue with his cross-dressing love, only able to focus on the potential hate that might've awaited him.


The third;

//I'm looking for someone to play as Jack's father. I'll detail the plot after the starter.


Six months.

It'd been six months since Jack had last seen his father in person. And he missed him dreadfully. It wasn't the same at home, and the teenager felt miserable not seeing his father every day. He'd always looked up to and admired his dad, and hated the messy divorce that his mum and dad had been through over the previous year.

His mother had thrown his dad out when the older man had come out as gay. Jack didn't hate his father for this at all, and was actually proud that his dad felt comfortable enough to come out of the closet and admit how he truly felt. He hated the fact his mother stopped Jack from seeing him. Letters and phone calls had been the only contact they had, and even that was in secret.

But today would be different. Jack had left whilst his mom was at work, travelling across the city and into the next one to his dad's home. Knocking upon the door, Jack nervously bit his bottom lip. He knew he'd be in trouble when his mom found out, but he desperately wanted a hug and just to see his father.

//Not incest. This would focus on the relationship between father and son, and how it strengthens over time.

Jack is transgender, though nobody knows bar him. He'd come out to his father, trusting the older man impeccably. Eventually his mom finds out and throws Jack out. He moves in with his dad, and this would focus on his dad getting custody of him.

Jack will transition over the course of this.
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