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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan followed along with Faye to Florasong. A good thing too as otherwise the directionless teen would have very easily gotten himself horribly lost within minutes.

A walk that proved quiet and uneventful as neither really had any reason or intention to start up a conversation as neither seemed to share any common interest nor had good opinion of the other though for different reasons. He had no intention of becoming buddies with an enemy rival; these two traveling together was mostly only due to circumstances. The moment it ceased being beneficial for either side, likely they would go separate ways... or ends up less favorably for one of the two.

As such, Tristan kept to his phone for the trip, making sure to look up to check to make sure *she* didn't wander off or made any attempts to attack him. He soon spotted King flying around and chirping with Tilla causing him to roll his eyes before lowering back to the screen.

By the time they arrived at the town, his once happy mood turned to boredom with the outdoors offering little of interest for him to take snapshots with his pokedex. That would all change pretty quickly upon laying eyes upon the town or more smelled it first.

The scents of nature were always nice and soothing, but the intense floral onslaught suddenly swooped in like a crashing wave until it hit each of their senses like a brick to the face. Poor Princess with her potent sense of smell was soon sneezing and wheezing a bit with watery eyes turning red. Ace found it a bit too strong for his taste too and buried his cute little beaked face against his shoulder sleeve to block some of the smell.

At first, Tristan failed to notice their discomfort for unlike them and others this teen relished the overpowering sweet scents clogging the air like a thick smog of concentrated perfume." Ahhh! Finally, a place that isn't torture to the eyes and nose." Said Tristan dreamily while inhaling deeply to soothe him. If anything, the spoiled teen was surprised that such a pretty and rustic town like this could exist in this dungheap of a region.* Guess there's some beauty to these lands afterall.*

How nice to be at a town that almost made him feel like he was back at his hometown and as he continued to look around, would see more and more places he wanted to visit and very nearly let the lull of the town carry him off into its inviting maw.

Then he felt Princess shaking on his shoulder which broke the trance he was on. Soon taking notice of Princess's sniffling state, the poor pup having the appearance of one struck with hay fever just about. On top of finally catching on that Faye was speaking about visiting the pokemon center on top of some mutterings he failed to catch as half his attention was still on his pokemon.

As much as Tristan wanted to go explore and check out the wondrous sights after seeing nothing but vicious girls, jerky professors and his dragon and smelly outdoors. (the ranch coming to mind) For now though, his pokemon needed him; reaching into his right pocket to procure a hankerchief." Look at you. You look a right mess... very unbecoming of a lady." He said with a small click of the tongue while wiping the bipedal puppy's face clean or did what he could seeing as the snot and tears kept coming." Well this is doing nothing. I suppose I must relent and agree that the pokemon center is first. They might have something for mons that go through such strong reactions." Nodding as he gently pet Princess and gave Ace some attention too though the orange bird remained where he was without budging.

Seeing Princess in such discomfort and unable to do anything else, Tristan decided to get their pokeballs." Fret not, my lovelies. You shall not suffer a moment longer. I will make sure of that." Tristan stated in a soothing tone only to receive a refusing yip from the pup who didn't want to go in the pokeball for as uncomfortable and unpleasant the strong floral scents were, the canine wanted to explore and see new things too... but mostly to keep an eye on her trainer to make sure he wouldn't do or say something dumb. A worry she had a right to have for Tristan was very likely to do exactly either of the two and more likely both; more a matter of when than if.

" Now now, Princess. I wish to see the sights as much as you do and I promise to see it all with each of you in due time. But, until we do something about..." Motioning towards her and Ace to point out the partially sickly state of them. After going through another bout of sneezing, Princess had no choice but to relent and lowered her ears in acceptance followed by a comforting pet on the head." It shall only be a few minutes then we shall be off." Nodding his head once more and once he assured them did he recall the two to their pokeballs as King soon landed on his other shoulder looking mostly unbothered by the nauseous inducing scent seemingly used to it. The magenta bird let out a concern caw which earned him a pat." Sorry King, tis only fair." And like that King was put away as well.

Probably wasn't a good thing to be going about in public with three rare mons for all to see and a rookie trainer at that. His torchic alone would certainly draw attention and let's not forget to mention the fact that this rich teen was gonna have the mafia on his tail soon. A fact he very much failed to tell Faye, but then again she withheld some pretty important information regarding the forest... but still in good conscious not even Tristan could be that spiteful.* Ugh... crap. Wanted to forget about that. Tsk, guess I should tell her.* His father and brothers would tell him to keep his mouth shut, but he found it unnecessarily mean and cruel since the Mafia were no joke and could appear at any moment.

Of course, he had no intention of telling her about the folder or its contents of which he had idea no idea of what it contained and probably figured it best to not read it or at least not for the time being. And so, he made his way into the pokemon center alongside Faye, albeit still a few steps behind having decided to mention it when the time better suits it as right now the care of the mons came first.
Izushima Ashari

The reactions to his little prank had proven a mixture of both interesting and boring. A trick that worked quite well on rookies which led to bouts of panic or hostility at first. This group, however, quickly showed the difference between rookies and expert and skilled hunters and with it came plenty of overconfidence that swelled along side their egos.

While a harmless prank, it was also a method to glimpse some things about this so-called rag-tag team by their reactions. None were amused nor impressed by his antics. As far as they knew he was simply a masked fox viewed likely the weakest of the group who seemed to little else than childish illusions. Exactly how the kitsune preferred it. Not like any in this group cared one iota about the other; those that couldn't suppress their human instincts typically tried to brag and impress the females. Humans and their constant need of procreation; a bunch of constantly horny beings which most other races found pathetic and sad, his opinion though was more on in-difference excluding whenever the humans became obnoxious or obsess with flirting and open sexual mannerisms. Save for when it actually causes trouble and drama for whatever group he was with making for some amusing chaos and from the looks of this group, chances of things getting heated would likely happen sooner than later.

He was there to give his aid to the best of his abilities as he was still a professional. Yet, doesn't mean he couldn't have his fun; considering in particular that everything about this job was fishy. Enough so that others of the group actually took notice of it which was both surprising and expected of experienced hunters. Still, people like successful hunters tended to consist of egotistical attention or power seekers to the point of often missing easy and obvious dangers or hints of a trap. Here the fox assumed no one else would pick up on it and while he could elaborate on it but seeing as he lacked any other clues or information at the moment and chose to remain silent lest he gave some unintentional misunderstanding (his bread and butter) though doing so with topics like these would more likely make him seem like an enemy or saboteur, as such one had to pick and choose what matters to infuse his bit of chaos into.

And as the introductions carried on, each member spoke of some of their capabilities while making sure not to reveal their entire arsenal. Ever the cautious and careful sort, hunters were and he was no different though his manner of doing so was probably due to a different kind of motivation.

By the time introductions was finished he had been given two nicknames already and looked down as a cheap entertainer. His head shifted, mask hiding the sly smirk worn beneath.

His eyes shifted between each of the individual he would be traveling with for some unknown amount of time. Taking in and studying their features along with the pitch and mannerism of their speech though his attention would soon be directed to the talking metal machine.

The device moved and spoke which was easily enough to get his attention and would be sure to properly inspect it at a later time.

For now, though was figuring out their next plan of actions, but first the robed fox slipped the pipe back within his sleeve then took a step in Nikolai's direction where he gave a small and quick polite bow." Apologies. Tis the habit of kitsunes." A playful titter following his apology." I will endeavor to articulate more clearly and loudly." He said while raising his voice only slightly higher than his previous whispery volume.

A clearing of the throat." And for what Mr. Godfrey has suggested, I approve though I also wish to add suggestions to make plans and gather supplies in preparations for tomorrow morning." Tilting his head, scratching at his head pondering momentarily before holding up his right hand with two clawed fingers raised." Perhaps do so in pairs? Might do well to get preparations done more quickly and... " Trailing off as building up bonds as he originally intended to say did not apply as none here wished or desired to be pals or friends save for the two sisters, but after thinking another moment piped up." Ensures none of the group is alone to be ambushed or attacked and the like." He said, finishing what he had to say then went back to being a quiet figure barely there.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan had finally gotten Ace free of his shirt when hearing the girl introduce herself and her mons. With a small agitated huff, he turned his head to glance at Faye then Sage and Tilla, a sigh not directed at them and merely the aftereffect of Ace being troublesome. *So her name's not Froyo... well at least I remembered her name started with an F.* A somewhat proud smile at that though it turned to a frown shortly after noticing the brief sparkles glittering around Tilla. * And she somehow has a shiny too?* That bit of knowledge definitely left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

Still, even this spoiled teen knew not to go pushing things to the point of causing a fight to break out. Certainly not in front of the dangerous forest and unseen guardian watching that was for sure.

Vaguely recalling his horrid encounter with that ghastly she-beast and how he narrowly avoided a beating. The air cold and tense like it did during that instance though whether it was because of the forest or just the jitters, Tristan could not say.

Whatever the case, he chose to play nicely for now and while the thought of having to endure looking at Faye's clothes (if you call those rags clothes) sounded just as unpleasant. He figured to use this opportunity to observe a rival first-hand where he may discover any weaknesses he could exploit in the future. Plus, with his complete lack of survival skills or knowledge of the region that traveling with a companion would improve his chances of surviving until his team was capable enough to go solo." Hm, yes. Not a name I'm familiar with." His tone almost implying this as an insult though whether he intended it to be such or not as even he hadn't noticed." Well, it is nice to meet you miss Fr- Faye, apologies." Chuckling at the slip of his force of habit then cleared his throat." And quite the cute mons you have already gathered yourself. You mentioned something of a larvesta egg too? A pokemon I am not completely familiar with but I feel I have read somewhere." Tapping his chin as he tried to remember, but while the memory escaped him a feeling that it was a well thought after mon came to mind which had him rightfully nervous.

" We may be rivals, but traveling together could certainly benefit the both of us greatly." Him more so as he would make sure of that. Faye, like all the other trainers were mere stepping-stones towards becoming champion of this region and through it gain acknowledgement from father. The thought alone nearly had Tristan giddy until he stopped himself short." Until Florasong at the least. From there..well we shall see where things takes us." Glancing down at Princess who gave big smile, glad to see her trainer seemingly being nice for once to which Tristan gave a thumbs up.* That's right, we are gonna crush her... together.*

After taking one last peek back at the forest where he heard some unseen growl causing Tristan to jump a bit with a frightful gasp." Ye-Yes... let us be off!" Said with a nervous click of the tongue then started moving to follow Faye though trailed behind a few steps as he did not trust the frumpily dressed girl yet. A notion King did not share as the magenta colored bird flew off to try and interact with Tilla.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan stood there anxiously waiting to see what Faye would have to say to his suggestions for what the pair could do. The spoiled teen listen as Faye spoke with sense and reason but most importantly was her suggestion to postpone entering the forest at this time. As much as he hated passing up the chance to not only find and try to capture some possibly rare pokemon but also whatever might be hiding within its mysterious confines.

Faye seemed like a sensible and competent person that knew what she was doing and kind of top of it. Everything that Tristan was not; not only that, but he found it off-putting and suspicious having learned to not trust a kind person and a competing rival particularly so. To anyone else, this girl seemed easily trustworthy and friendly enough though Tristan viewed it as some sort of ploy.* Just what is this frumpy chick scheming? Surely she is up to something...no one helps strangers just for the sake of it...* At least as taught to him by his father to view everything and everyone like a business.

* Whatever your game is, I'll discover it and make you regret looking down on me and underestimating me.* His thoughts as he eyed and studied Faye closely trying to figure out her aims.

For now though he figured it best to play along and try this whole being nice thing. Better to keep your enemies closer as his family always said." Hm... yes I suppose postponing and saving this forest for a future date would make for the best course of action. Especially so considering the reactions our mons are currently experiencing." Glancing at his mons to see each of them, even Princess was tense and trembling from whatever unseen force was maybe observing them? Though whether Princess's was due to feeling everyone else's hesitation and fear or just her own genuine fear was difficult to say.

Peering through the entrance to the woods where a continuous ominous and foreboding presence could be felt lingering in the air. A sensation that would terrify any rookie trainer; a place made for the experienced adventurers and idiots who would be lost or by some dumb luck make it out.

After enduring another unpleasant cold shudder through his body, Tristan turned back to face Faye. Unsure of what looked more terrifying...the deadly forest or his traveling associate's clothes.

Giving himself a moment longer to think before clearing his throat." And I suppose you wish to as you say.. start fresh, yes? I suppose with excitement and hunger along with..other hardships that it had slipped the mind to introduce myself." Shaking his head laughing for his own forgetfulness." Apologies for depriving such an honor for you stand in the presence of Tristan Glory." Pausing there and holding for dramatic effect and to let it sink in before continuing on." Yes, I know but now to introduce my team." Motioning his hand towards each as he introduced the three sitting on his shoulders and head." The lovely Princess which you've met of course." Princess let out friendly happy bark with a wave of her furry paw." And this here is King, a born champion this shiny Murkrow." King held up his right wing and let out a small caw as the magenta-colored bird stood atop Tristan head in a similar fashion as a royal might with a smug little nod to follow." Won't be long before this fine bird is recognized among all trainers and finally for now meet Ace who will surely one day become exactly that." He introduced each of them proudly with a smug grin, almost as if bragging on the rare mons his team consisted of, the torchic especially.

Said torchic made no attempt to stop hiding and instead, after taking a single peek at Faye had let out a scared cry and ducked back under his shirt collar." Ahem, mind I did say one day. Ace here is simply...adjusting to being off the ranch so do not mind him." He said with a dismissive wave of the hand; uncertain if Ace will ever grow out of his cowardly nature which was cause for concern but a matter to set aside for the moment.

Once Tristan succeeded in prying Ace out from his shirt he remembered." Ah, yes. And you are?" He asked in an indifferent tone while petting Ace to comfort the trembling bird.* Trying to be all buddy buddy with a rival feels wrong, but just wait and I'll take you down.* Tristan thought with a quick sly glance at Faye before turning his attention back to his mons who have all gotten excited in different ways following the introductions.
D'angelo Schultz

@cello @twave

The pudgy individual proved unbothered or perturbed at the stranger's interest in nimbus and in fact was pleased whenever someone did so. A feeling not wholly shared by Nimbus who had been poked, prodded and rubbed against at every location they've since visited. It wasn't necessarily a bad sensation or painful, but even for a possibly semi-sentient golden cloud it could be annoying. While the cloud would never harm others, it had no qualms in causing its creator trouble whenever convenient such as slowly drifting until D'angelo who had been hanging on in his goofy fashion fell to the floor with a somewhat heavy thump.

He sprung back up instantly, unhindered with that big grin still shining brightly on his face. A smile that only brighten upon hearing the boy's introduction; albeit somewhat hesitantly for some reason though D'angelo paid it no mind. Choosing instead to focus on being called by a fruit's name." Oh?! Tangelo? Hear that Nimbus? Just arrived and already got me a new nickname!" Where any other might have been insulted, this pudgy guy found it both amusing and intriguing and so responded with an excited guffaw.

" Aye! Good to meet you, young Ky and I wouldn't say weird and more..eccentric." He leans in close to the boy covering his face to hide it from the floating cloud." Can't say the same for ol Nimby there." Pointing at the cloud as he whispered this, finishing by mouthing 'huge weirdo' while pointing sharply at Nimbus then gave a wink before dashing around behind his floating companion who was in the midst of trying to float away.

His hands shot out grabbing hold of Nimbus on both sides where one might see his hands go through as Nimbus choose when one could touch him or not. At least to everyone but his creator." Oh no you don't! You get back here and greet our possible new friends proper!" He called out while struggling to hold the cloud in place; a battle Nimbus refused to give up easily as it thrashed around in the air just above him and at times even lifted up the huge, overweight human off his feet. Of course, if the cloud really wanted to it could lift off into the air dragging his creator if it really wanted to but would take this harmless screwing around into causing actual trouble for the two of them.

After much struggling, D'angelo finally succeeded in pulling Nimbus back down to him." There we are. Sorry about that, Ky. Nimby here gets pretty excited in his own way." Laughing with a few last good tugs to make sure his companion didn't try drifting again.

Once settled down, did he get approached by the other who had shown interest in his golden buddy. A woman who gave an introduction on top of a request for help with a rather unorthodox issue." Well I admit that's not something I get asked and from a stranger at that." Pondering over her words for a moment while giving Nimbus another tug." Hm, you seem like a really nice and trustworthy person...still..." Trailing off; a bit uncertain as he held Nimbus close then gave Ariel a deep scrutinizing gaze with his right eye as if trying to scan and gauge the woman for anything shady.

The seconds ticked away when his right hand suddenly waved and pushed forward as a hand shaped cloud formed in front of her in a motion signaling to shake hands." Have at it. I got more than plenty to spare!" He chimed up breaking the awkward tension that had previously been lingering." Good to meet you too, Ariel! Any magic I can give to help a lovely lady in need." Giving a double thumbs up while the hand cloud shook her hand if she chose to take it and would disappear upon the magic being absorbed.

Done with the introductions, D'angelo moved in between the two and leaned down sideways to be better leveled with Ky." By the way. Are either of you part of this guild? Been wanting to see what its like to see guild mages in action." Turning his head looking at each of them hopefully in turn.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

The remainder of the trek to the forest proved to be a quiet and uneventful one. An unexpected surprise to Tristan who was expecting Faye to fling back his challenge with her own. Besides the harsh insults she directed at him, his mood proved quite high. The reason for said mood? The prospect of traversing some so called taboo and dangerous forest where they might put an end to such rumors and talks and by, they, of course he meant himself mostly.

A chance to conquer some supernatural forest as a beginner trainer would do wonders for his image and reputation and to have a witness (and one who could assist him on top of it) only made such a venture all the more enticing. A good chance to prove to this frumpy dressed girl that he was not just some nobody asshole. On Tristan went, strolling with a confident stride with King fluffing his chest with pride trying to match his trainer, whereas Princess lacked their energy; opting instead to sigh with her face covered in her paws due to her trainer's any lack of tact.

Then they arrived and upon stopping a step before the entrance did all Tristan's confidence melt upon laying his eyes on the ominously mist enshrouded opening leading into some dark wooden unknown. Yet, it was that sense of spine tingling sensation of being watched that left the teen turning almost ghostly pale.

His eyes widen in uncertain fright as he gazed into the opening, where he could not help but shake off the feeling that he was peering into the maw of terrifying beast lurking somewhere within.

Within seconds beads of sweat glistened his forehead as his body gave off a rather strong vibe of fear, of which Princess could not possibly miss or ignore." Riou Lu lurio?" The bipedal canine murred out with concern followed by some encouraging caws from King.

Ace, however, who had been hiding before had now crawled its way under Tristan's shirt collar.

Were it any other time, Tristan might have chastised the scared bird for stretching his shirt's collar, but was too busy staring at the entrance blank-faced.* Oh god..fuck this place!* He screamed internally; if not for Faye looming just off behind him, the terrified teen would only be running like his life depended on it.

At this moment he wanted nothing more than to turn around and flee, though having issued such a challenge made doing so impossible. Not if he wants to save face.* This was a mistake...this was a big mistake! Bloody hell!* After a mental stringent of cursing did he stop to take a deep breath to try and settle down enough to figure out his next plan of action, all while struggling to keep his body from visibly shaking.

* Shit..shit ok, think! I can figure out a way to get through this and with luck I can get out alive without being seen as a coward.* Having shifted to a thinking pose to give the impression he was observing while mentally was on the precipice of a panic attack. Tristan had once again found himself in such an unfavorable position, in thanks to letting his heated emotions and wounded pride get the better of him.

His fingers gently drummed against his chin; an action done purely to keep his anxiety from spiraling out of control.* Ok, yeah. There is no way I'm gonna be able to do this..at least not on my own. And my team...as awesome as they are simply lacking the power to ensure their or my safety*

This was really bad, for now he was left with only two options. To turn tail and prove himself the spineless coward to Faye or go into the woods and likely die.* Come on...think, man! You can't let some downtrodden girl see you as such a pathetic louse, but...god forbid I ask for her help!* He covered his eyes with his left hand where he shifted to hide a frustrated groan and brief sobbing whimper.

A sharp intake through his nose.* Wait! Perhaps there is something I can do. A way to get um..shit what was it again? Froyo?! No, that can't be right but there is a way to get her to join and take the lead without having to directly ask for help.* Nodding his head with a small pleased smile; an idea having come to mind.

A few seconds later, Tristan would clasp his hands together then rub them together while clearing his throat." Right! Well, now that we have taken a firsthand look at this forest I have come to a realization." Turning around to face Faye as he spoke.

" As we can both recall the challenge I had issued you a short while ago. After some thought and seeing how the entrance reveals a far more dangerous feel than previously thought which one can excuse my foolish haste having not been to these woods before." His voice maintained a steady calm tone though with small cracks in his voice here and there. Clearing his throat once more before carrying on." As such, I have been woefully unfair to you Fr- miss!" He quickly moved to interject himself." Yes..seeing as how we lack any further knowledge or map which assuredly leads to getting lost. I think it prudent for us to set aside the challenge...at least for the time being and aid each other. For neither of us could possibly hope to venture in alone with how inexperienced as each of us are, so I propose a temporary...alliance. And when comes time that whatever discovery is found and depending on the situation, we can settle it through a friendly battle though I might add doing a bit of scoping and training around here might do us wonders first. Some brief training and rest then we can...venture inside. Surely this sounds beneficial for both parties that could possibly lead to both of us getting some rare pokemon and or discovered treasure."

He finished his offer proposal with a nervous chuckle which he tried to play off as a cough." What do you say, Miss?" The corner of his mouth twitched as he waited anxiously and nervously for Faye's answer.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan forced himself to maintain a calm composure as he waited for Faye to give a proper explanation regarding the seemingly mythical forest. What he was told proved unexpected that left the rich teen confused and insulted at the same time." Awful? I do not take such referral so kindly and rude? Is it my fault if others can't take simple criticism." Waving his hand dismissively with a scoff.

He said while keeping up that typical smug and confident face but continuing to do so proved more difficult the more Faye carried on with talks of abduction and disappearance.

Then the frumpily dressed girl dared to insinuate that he was afraid followed with suggestion to make for this Florasong instead. The mere notion of being indirectly called a coward made his face go red whether out of embarrassment or possibly about spout his distaste if not for the soothing pat against his cheek from Princess's small paw proved enough to keep from losing his cool.

" You are a cruel one to call me a coward after withholding such unsettling and important information." He nearly spat with a hiss." And besides, these outlandish rumors sound like typical bull told to keep travelers from nosing around too much. I bet this whole disappearance thing is nothing more than a hoax propagated from overreaction of some small pokemon encountered within those woods." Tristan explained in an attempt to rationalize this so-called supernatural event with reason, but the uncertainty and slight hesitation in his tone betrayed the brave face he kept up.

It sounded like a nonsensical story told around a campfire, but what if it wasn't? What if there really was some dangerous forest guardian that snatches up awful people. Such thoughts sent a shiver down Tristan's back as nervous sweat glistened his forehead as he fretted over the possibility of being abducted.

Yet, on the other hand, a chance to possibly encounter some rare fairy or other types of pokemon that are likely to not be found anywhere else proved to be very alluring. Not to mention a chance to find some interesting finding that could aid in getting his name known, especially after having to give up his promotional chance with the ranch case he solved.

The rich teen was clearly mulling it over as he turned his attention back to Faye, his eyes glowering as he recalled what she said.* She's so determined to get rid of me. I bet she wants to get the discoveries and fame all for herself.* He thought while glaring at the girl though not for long as even looking at her horribly mismatch taste and cheap clothes was painful to the eyes.

" Tch, don't think I don't see what you're doing. Truly a nasty girl you are." Giving a flick of his head with a scoff which forced King to flap above his head briefly from the sudden action before settling back down on his trainer's head. After doing so, the nervousness once evident was gone as Tristan stepped closer where he poked Faye on the shoulder twice issuing a challenge." Your little tricks won't work on me. Whatever await within those woods I... *we* intend to get our hands on it." Correcting himself to include his pokemon as well, King flapping his wings with a determined caw to back up his trainer while Princess gave a half-hearted paw pump with a sigh, Ace all the while kept himself hidden against his neck.

" That being the case. As much as it pains me to say this... for the time being we are willing to... cooperate with you. At least until we've left the woods with whatever gains. And there best not be any complaints on who gets any discoveries first." He finished his declaration with one last poke to Faye's shoulder with a smirk across his face glowing from face cream. Pulling his hand back, ready to continue on though not before wiping his finger off against his pant leg. Giving a harrumph at Faye before brushing past her, clearly determined to beat her to the discoveries lurking within the forest.
Izushima Ashari

The fox found the excessive speed of events rather intriguing as he took to settling as a silent observer. A seemingly good decision with how the group were rushed out and within the blink of an eye had wound up at some tavern where a few members attempted to get a group drinking going.

An attempt to get to know each other and befriend each other. A most amusing effort with all the tension and ego stagnating the air around them. He, himself was no better in this regard, but unlike the rest who were rife with distrust and uncertainty, this kitsune was content with how things were going so far. Izu was also hardly the only one to notice this strange gathering as it was not often to get such a varied cast of characters *working* together if one could call it that.

For the time being he had chosen to remain standing (the chairs looking horribly uncomfortable and a minefield of splinters waiting to happen) on top of the fact of his haori's baggy nature proving cumbersome to sit in such a small space.

As such, the masked kitsune kept quiet, lurking nearly out of view to remind the group of his presence, but easy to be forgotten. That is, until one of the two ladies, the quieter one he might add began speaking about possible strategies transitioning to proper introductions.

Even if his posture seemed relaxed and carefree akin to one hardly paying attention to events happening around them, his fox-like ears remained perked all the while. Very much listening to the group's chatter before being pressed to go first.

A curious tilt of the head as his right hand slipped from of the sleeve to point a clawed finger at himself then lifted said finger to gently scratch at the mask in a pondering motion. A few soft wooden scrapes soon followed by a muffled titter.

" Who I am is what you see. A hunter and beast both but neither though I suppose it is a name that is desired, yes?" He spoke and though muffled could be heard well enough even with the breathily soft tone of his voice." Yes, a name. I suppose I could say Tails or fluffy but too cutesy or on the nose." Tilting his head with the tip of his right finger's claw gently pressed against his temple." Maybe feeling like a Gary? No no...Ichibald then?" A small shake of the head before standing up-right once more." I think simply fox shall do at least for now. And for what I bring to this group as the lovely miss has requested of us..."

Trailing off while going quiet and still. After a brief pause going on a tad too long for anyone's comfort had he pulled up his smoke pipe and took a big draw. Without warning he let loose a billowed puff of mellow pink color that enveloped the group.

A muffled snicker left his covered lips; eager to see their reactions to such an unexpected action. Might they think it an attack? Poison or paralysis. Those that didn't react right away would notice the sweet scent of strawberries and a mellow soothing sensation, otherwise it seemed harmless." And that is what I do. My aid is given freely, but times it will not be wanted." Was the last thing said by the kitsune before returning to his relaxed posture, paying little mind to any threat possibly directed at him for his little... demonstration.
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