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In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Viola @13org , Cyrus @Helo

Mentions: Phia @princess

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet, Steel Chain Shirt of Deflection (3 uses per day), Disguise ring


Both Viola's tone and words were strong and clear signs her mood were far from approachable. Listening, to his chagrin; from it learning much of the tortured fairy. He could almost hear the mixture of pain and frustration, but love still remained. The wolf, in his solitude could understand the jealousy wrought from unfair circumstances.

Such tragic fracturing of a once proud and beloved family. Separation. Suffering. All traits shared across each sibling present. Whether they be known or in ignorance.

After overhearing a brief portion of a conversation concerning such personal matters, did Menzai choose to reveal himself. Stepping forward, having decided lurking only served to insult the pair, though stopping a fait eight steps distance, giving them the space hoped best comfortable for them.

Saying nothing; his typical near blank face expression showing a calm, but serious determination. Ears perked, his demonstration that he would merely hear, not intrude. His previous actions ensuring none but the three standing in this field beneath the pristine twin moon glow, a shroud of secrecy.

Menzai listened as the two spoke on, Viola's hostile energy evident both in her words and the visual threatening of the blood seeped vines enshrouding her body, almost a protective blanket as much as vicious armor. They did much to help him picture the cruel solitude she must have endured.

By the end of Viola's portion of unloading how she felt and could not blame the jealousy she held towards Phia. Yet, while conflicted she still held to the good part of herself. But, as he knew he had no right to get involved nor did he intend to delve into either sibling's past. Though the best chance of helping her also heavily relied on helping Phia in the future.

With a watchful eye and somewhat softer approach was the best way to ensure the two joins the pack. For the pack's most potential and for Phia's happiness. With these always the principle two thoughts driving all of the wolf's actions and with what his previous mistake cost him now adding to his experience. Acting in haste both in action and words needed be handled with caution. And one with Viola's conflicted temperament pertaining importance on caution particularly.

Thankfully, Sir Cyrus proved more sound of mind who could understand her sister's pleas, conflicted amongst a myriad of thoughts behind them. Menzai would bow his head in return to the kind, greeting words. The brother likely experienced their own hardships though his capability to hide his trauma showed he would be easier to befriend.

“Noble wolf, you have my deepest gratitude for all you have done for our sister, Ophelia. You know who she is, the crest she wears even if she has forgotten where it came from. Our secrecy is an unfortunate necessity, our family name is dangerous to speak of; many wish us dead. Many have tried. I do not wish to continue hiding the truth from Phia but I believe you now know her better than we do, so I request your guidance. Do we tell Phia who we are, who she is, and possibly bring her pain? Or leave her in ignorance and spare her the pain of knowing what happened to her family?”

One of the two important questions he expected be asked came and from their end which had the wolf grateful. Better it had been asked from their part, the taut tension already bad enough.

Menzai remained silent; gazing at the two for a few seconds longer after the question was given, then his eyes that had surprisingly not blinked once if either had been paying attention. Even when his eyes stung; only now affording him this moment of clarity to think the best way to answer.

His eyes opened after a deliberate slow inhale; taking in the fresh breeze and whispering encouragement of the forest." Before I can give my answer, I wish to extend the many platitudes and apologies from Gaurav and from me." Bowing his head to the siblings each in turn." Had your timely intervention not occurred, the risk and possible harm that may have fallen my village could have been nothing but nightmares. The combined efforts of you all have instead, left no casualties. And Sir Ulysses will be punished for his wrongful treatment." Each word said with a calm and stern tone, that would briefly soften with his expression. Above all else, every word spoke was said with sincerity." I do ask to be a bit lenient. Considering the unfortunate timing surrounding the situation."

His posture would straighten up a bit more as he faced Viola before continuing." And I wish to ensure that all said and discussed here will not be shared by anyone. Please be assured that I have no intention of prying into your histories. Where you came from or what you have done prior to the village matters not to me. As long as no harm is brought to my village then I need nothing save but ask for two favors." Pausing as he held up two clawed fingers of his right hand as he stated this to let them take in his words.

" The first favor is also my answer. For, as frustrating and painful as these words will be...I must request keeping Phia's memory secret from her." The words came out almost strained. The mere thought of denying the sweet fairy left in forced ignorance angered him to no end, only the slight clenching of his fist and strained words the only signs he let slip.

But only for now.

" And my second request is if such a day something extreme occurs that, in the end, be left to Phia to decide if she wishes to regain her memories." The wolf quieted down, doing so as he was uncertain of how the two would react to his requests.

The older brother had his reasons and wanted to let it be clear he had no intention of letting whatever or whoever took away an innocent child's memories be a kept secret from him.

After giving the siblings take in what he said he would cut in." I know these requests are not easy, certainly said through heavy heart. Of which, for Phia's safety I must refrain from elaborating among personal reasons. Having said this, allow me to answer some questions to help soothe the unpleasant moods."

His ear flicked in the direction of the house; catching sound of Phia shifting in her sleep; concerned she might wake with his absence and the exhaustion still heavy in his body." And while I know there are many questions between us. However, since neither party has built up proper trust at this moment. Not to mention the long day we have had, the healing while helped still leaves me greatly tired."

A small nod of the head, a tired sigh." Allow me to answer any two questions you may have in the hopes to satisfy everyone for the night? Two may not seem like much, but one thing to understand about demi-wolves and us Gaurav, especially so is that we always approach things honestly. Whether said or kept, we do not delve nor ask, but when offered we listen and requested aid. And we do so without personal bias or greed. Cautious at first just as you are towards us, but once friendship is made, whatever we have we give."

Observing the two the entire time he spoke and explained; curious of what they thought, how they felt and more." However, it is up to my discretion whether I choose to answer or not, but as I said we are honest. So, whether Sir Cyrus and Lady Viola wishes to ask a question each or ask both, that I leave up to you."

Holding up his pointer finger indicating he had something important to say." I advise taking great consideration in the questions you ask." His words hinting more meaning behind his advice." I shall await here long as needed." Quietly, the wolf stepped away, this time leaving them their actual privacy to discuss. When ready they need merely signal or whistle.
In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: , Phia @princess , Viola @13org , Cyrus @Helo

Mentions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet, Steel Chain Shirt of Deflection (3 uses per day), Disguise ring


Prior to the lone wolf's approach towards the family household, he had since parted ways with Ulysses upon reaching the village's edge. The burly wolf giving a friendly farewell and his blessings to Lady Annabelle. A blessing given with a multitude of meaning behind it; none pleasant, reminding him all the more of his mother and how much he dreaded her reaction. The heinous thought sat at the back of his mind; a tiny speck burning furiously.

Menzai appreciated his old mentor’s kind words though they only served fuel to the turmoil roiling like an endless storm at the pit of his stomach. Inwardly, his mind had been a nonstop whirlwind of thoughts of the group, what happened, how to proceed and more up until the moment Ulysses placed him down.

Almost as if the comfort of the earth beneath his feet was able to sooth him. His mind cleared; finally becoming calm, but that speck still seethed and sparked, almost cackling.

Thank you, Sir Ulysses. We can only be thankful that no harm befell the village. And will be certain to give your blessings.” Responded the tired wolf, grateful nevertheless.

A snorting huff from the huge wolf, a dismissive wave of the hand.” Enough with the platitudes. Get on with ya. Not like either of us are gonna have an easy night.” The man rubbed at his beard slightly soaked in booze with a half amused and half nervous chuckle.” You take it easy..er while you can.” Rubbing the back of his head before giving Menzai his usual pat on the shoulder.

A usual gesture that would normally not faze the wolf unintentionally pushed Menzai down to his knee.

Agh! Bloody moon sake! I di-.. It slipped my mind!” He quickly scrambled to help Menzai back up.

Menzai raised his right hand in a hold-off motion and after affording himself a few seconds to reorient himself, got himself back up to his feet.” There is no need for apologies. In fact, I am thankful for it.” A small bow of the head.” Till next we meet, my old friend.

Without another word, he turned to depart, making his way into the village leaving the bewildered Ulysses to his reporting task. Rolling the shoulder that had been patted as he went.* That shock was just what I needed to discern how much my body’s center of gravity was disrupted.* From there, the solution was easy, but for the time being he would need to keep his motions simple. Merely even walking did much to help; unfortunate his body was so exhausted which would delay, however. He desired to rest, but still had far much to do.

With the knowledge that the group was in Phia’s hand gave him a small bit of relief. Leaving them in her care, Menzai spent some time checking in on the village folks. Doing so to both ensure them the threat had been dealt with and to comfort them regarding the visitors.

Upon doing so, he came to hear of how Phia and the brothers had comforted them earlier. Pleasing news it was to hear for Menzai.

He explained and assured them they were friendly and the matter of the blood was to do with a special plant. Seeing the villagers relieved and satisfied faces as they gave their blessings and love did much to comfort and rejuvenate the injured wolf. Tough and awkward it was on top of it.

After checking in on Sonia, the current head healer of Gaurav having taken the position in place of Annabelle, Menzai since the year of the incident.

Sonia Ichinoke-
Current leader and most capable healer of the Gaurav tribe, twin sister (and slightly older by a few seconds) of Senia Ichinoke. Even among the long line of skilled wolves the Ichinoke family have produced, Sonia has proven especially adept at her knowledge of healing medicine; only surpassed by the family Freylesca family's personal recipe. A woman normally gentle in nature does share a bit of her younger sister’s temperament. At least when it comes to dealing with healing and finds repeated patients most cumbersome. Save for the less inclined, children and Phia where she would otherwise be a gentle sweetheart, to others only wrath awaits the foolish.

As expected, the woman was far from pleased or happy to see the so-called guardian in such an awful state. Her concern and anger were warranted; not only for her sake but for what he has and will put his family and the humans through. A bitter, but grateful exchange.

One Menzai could only escape through a check-up and promise made to Phia regarding dinner. Aughtwise, the still recovering wolf finds himself stuck at her healing center for the night.

The departure would end on a tender note-

Wait.” A caring hand gently grabbed hold of Menzai’s remaining hand, halting him before he could depart.” What I said…no, how I said it and….forgive me. It’s just…when I heard what happened… to the boys….sweet Phi… to… you.” Her gentle grip tensed tightly around Menzai, her normally confident and warm voice trembled; putting all her feelings into it, sharing as much of her with him as she could.” They will come to rely on you going forward. So, please.” Pausing, struggling and wrestling to say the words.” Please be strong and do whatever it takes to keep them safe. That is the oath you’ve sworn, yes?” A reminder she tried to say through teasing snark.

Words meant motivation, but they rang hollow. The tears flowing down her cheeks displaying grief and hesitation laced with hidden cruelty; only painful truths lie hidden past.

A few seconds reprieve; thinking over what was shared. The purpose understood; appreciated while the ember frothed. He returned the gesture with a gentle squeeze.” Thank you for the kind words. Your concerns will surely do well in soothing Phia’s mood.

Slipping his hand free, Menzai quietly departed.

And through the scents of the group’s recent passing towards the direction of their home, his destination was made.

His foot brushes a wilting flower. A dew droplet dripping, reflecting the moon. A lunar tear shatters.

The trek would not be an overtly long one; from the center of the village the Isanami household is twenty minutes out through one of the multiple lightly forested paths; all kept cleared of roots and other troublesome objects, but otherwise nature was left alone.

Among the family households, the Isanami is the furthest out from the main portion of Gaurav, where it was practically on the borders into the forest. This afforded them the most privacy while still being within short distance in the wolven tribe’s eyes at the very least.

Breaching through the end of the path, Menzai came upon home at least. There, he paused; taking in the sight, his ears perked catching the sound of footsteps and familiar voices from within.

A certain pair of humans, however, were missing. This was concerning, but they likely had their reasons. There was much to discuss though they will have to wait till tomorrow.

Having thought over this, Menzai decided to take a moment to admire his family’s home long-standing rumored since the founding of the village.

Sitting nestled in a wide oval clearing at the back center that sat on the fringes of the forest stood the Isanami home. One that carried age, history and care while living in harmony with nature around it.

And sitting directly behind it, the back of the building seemingly one with the massive and mighty tree that stood tall even amongst this ancient forest. Long has it sat, watching over Gaurav; tended to by the Isanami bloodline through many generations. On most nights, the tree sits silent, but on the nights of the full moon a spectacle, a beacon and magical delight occurs. The Lunar rebirth festival, always a joyous night to beheld and shared by all among the forest.

A home that could be nothing but inviting and always made any that stepped within feel welcomed, the natural earthy scent kept muted mixed with the muted pleasant scent of whatever each individual found calming. A wonderful gift from the tree to help ease one’s discomforts. The decor and furniture were tribal with wolven trinkets and fur pelts with a huge blending of nature. So much so, that one can easily mistake this cottage belonging closer to a Fairy’s household.

Not too different from Phia’s room, animals and critters were allowed about as long as they were not being bothersome or in the way. Most tend to stay away from two particular rooms as if they can sense it best to be left alone. (This is forgotten whenever Phia decides to pay her brother’s room a visit)

Fitting to be taken into the Isanami family with Annabelle, who, even without blood relations could just as well be her actual mother. Among all women, no other could match Anna’s gentleness and motherly nature. There was not a person in the village that did not know of her nor any that did not like her. Such features Phia easily shared naturally; too much to the older brother’s annoyance. Her expertise and knowledge blended in her charms and potions was unmatched even within the Freylesca line and among the village; the previous head healer until the incident took place. Where, since then she has retired to being a mother, with a newborn son mere weeks away.

While Anna once excelled and since settled down, Josiah Isanami, who though less skilled like his beloved or among his family line. He made up for in dedication to keeping the council up to date and running efficiently. Especially knowing the head elder’s irksome tendencies. Similar to his son, he is a more reserved individual that is easily outshone by Anna’s shining motherly personality. Sharing a love of study and understanding of magic, the two researched numerous times together in the earlier years. Unlike his son, he does express emotion while controlling himself to a somewhat better degree.




Exhaling slowly, eyes blinking away whatever memories the tired wolf had drifted off into these brief few seconds. The reprieve over, Menzai took another deep breath with a weary sigh.

Inside was Phia with Viola and Cyrus with Dante and Darius currently out as he already learned. To his shock and partial relief, he would learn that his mother was sleeping after receiving a frightful scare from the Roc’s shriek. He was thankful to know she was well with plenty of rest all that was needed.

Menzai was afforded another form of reprieve, if minor for in place of dealing with such trauma, instead had an guilt ridden little sister overly concerned clinging to him. A lesser evil for the night; one he did not mind enduring and as such felt no need to stop her, other than small nudges when she got a bit *too* overbearing. If this helped her even a little as it would have to do.

He had no wish to put her or any of the group through any more painful talks that night. Leaving it be, he went the night reading a book or playing small board games.

It was not too long before his usually boundlessly energy filled sister drifted off to sleep. This left him the peace and quiet needed to meditate and recover.

A session that would be cut short upon hearing the visiting siblings step their way outside. His ears flicked to their voices. The lack of distance they made from the house was an amusing note even to the near humorless wolf.

Not surprising and with it came just the opportunity. This wolf, ever curious, had many questions and had long wished to discuss with them.

Doing so with Phia asleep was his chance to take care of a problem that if left alone could lead to dire consequences. Just the mere glimpses of the two had him concerned; them being her sibling likely true, but whether their intent with her was genuine was an uncertainty.

An uncertainty he could not allow.

Making sure and double-checking that Phia was asleep (also shifting her into a more comfortable position with a blanket placed with brotherly care) Menzai quietly exited from the cottage.

From there, finding the visitors was a simple task. Though listening in on others was something he did not much care for, it was necessary at times. Thankfully, training allowed the wolf tribe to control such to a certain degree.

The unease the siblings gave him left him little choice, particularly the sister. While he desired to discuss with them; a better understanding of what the pair were about before doing so might be best.

Doing so could prove to have trust between them become more difficult. As such, he would signal to the guards to leave without revealing themselves.

Whatever would be said this night. Secrets or more would stay between the three of them, for the time being.

His decision made, the lone wolf quietly stalked his way behind a tree a short distance from the two fairies. Careful to avoid giving himself away. Hiding within the trees might have been his usual method, but the state of his body did not allow the risk, nor did he want take the chance of waking his sleeping sister.

Back to th bark of the tree, the rough bumpiness of the bark acting as a comforting wall. There, he remained still with ears perked; flicking even to their hushed whispers though Menzai being more skilled than most could better choose what to block or not which he used to prevent overhearing anything personal.

Silently, the shadow lurked.
Tristan Glory

It would become easily apparent that Tristan was not explaining nor handling himself the best. If not for Princess's comforting touch, the inexperienced teen would have become a ball of anxiety and nerves. Solving an egg thievery case was one thing but attempting to explain and reason such a story to two important individuals proved to be far more tense inducing.

And to make matters worse; needing to be comforted by the old man, now revealed to be Ramos and the former grass gym leader (only adding to his humiliation.* Well, this is just great. A mess...all of this is just a mess.* Tristan groaned to himself as he took Ramos advice, albeit a sharp inhale, done to cover said groan while pinching the base of his nose.

This being the spoiled teen's first attempt on top of anxiety and excitement were all that likely lead to this and Tristan himself knew as well.

* Alright, calm down now. You got this far and have their attention. Now..just stop screwing it up like everything else!* Mentally rebuking and pep-talking.

That, along with Princess (truly coming in crutch as the empathy mon) helped him to realize his approach was all wrong and out of order.

As such, listening to Ramos continue and finish with the introductions as the time to think and rework his approach.

His attention then turned to the gentleman and owner of this research center, Louis Osman. Learning of what happened to the Osman family made him frown briefly, the though of a big, renown family crumbling to nothing was a horrifying thought. Arceus forbids anything were to happen to the Glory family legacy.

A small shake of the head dismissing the new bud of anxiety off, he would bend down to gently pick up the small bipedal canine then stand back up with her placed comfortably on his shoulder.

" Ahem, yes. First, let me start with an apology." Tristan started followed with a throat-clearing cough into his fist." An apology for my horrible handling of this situation. In order to explain, starting with introduction will probably do best." Nodding his head; voice a bit more confident this time as he glanced over in Princess's direction, receiving a reassuring smile from the blue canine.

Briefly turning his attention to the flowers; reminding himself what he was here for." My name is Tristan Glory, a rookie pokemon trainer and this here, is Princess." Motioning toward the riolu. resting cutely on his shoulder. A friendly." Rao lu!- Hi, I'm Princess!" An almost tiny blush as if bit embarrassed by the name.

" And it is with great pleasure to meet both of you, Mr. Ramos, Mr Lois." His thought to call him by his last name, but from the man's mood on the family made it appear a sore spot, one he had no wish to worsen anymore than already done. If there was one saving grace in all this, Lois was distracted on him; hopefully allowing the staff the much-needed breathing room to actually think.

" To continue, I am a rookie trainer who had come to witness the strange phenomena of the forest, said curiosity of it led me to this research center. I have learned a number of things with this grand party of yours which could be shaping up to be a wondrous party. Whoever this vip must surely be quite important." Especially so to have even an experienced owner like Lois stressing out.

He took a quick glance around the mass scrambling to get everything in order." So it is clear that everything must go right for this VIP. As such, this leads back to my proposal. In exchange for a Gracidia flower, I offer to not only help solve the mystery of both the forest and Lady Aria and her involvement. But, being a trainer I can retrieve an item to be brought back."

The teen paused there to let them take in what he said." To have this vip around with such mysteries not only solved after all these years but with a gorgeous never before seen treasure? Could certainly do wonders in getting in their good graces and recognition. Just wanted to throw that out there." He finished with a nervous chuckle; left hand wiping sweat from his brow.
Mr. V

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate
Interactions: Fritz @JJ Doe
Attire: ???

*As for What brought me here, why, I dare say it would be the count's ravishing smile? *

The freshly spoken line flash through his mind with an unpleasant shudder slithering down his spine.* Ugh, that's your try at being coy? Come on, V. You can do better than that.* The server bemoaned internally with a slight grimace.

“My name is Fritz.”

Said facial cue apparently occuring at the same instant the individual (whose name to be Fritz as recently learned) offered for a handshake.* Ah, shit! As if being found by someone already and Char for some reason still a no-show and now this guy probably thinks I detest the prospect of shaking hands with them.* A small huff from his nose followed by another inner groan.* Oi! Idiot*

After an almost awkward amount of waiting; an amount of time just before Fritz might assume the handshake might not be reciporcated, did Mr. V's gloved right hand shoot out to take hold." A-Apologies, sir. Meant no offense... a server is ever busy, even on break. Not to mention, Sir Fritz, or lord, do forgive me. Keeping track of all the titles and such, an introduction undeserving towards a lowly staff." A bow of the head as expected.

* OI, chatterbox! Enough with the rambling, damn it!*

Screaming internally; all the while paying great heed to offer due respect. His grip was firm with surprising strength greatly controlled. A shared respected between two men and for a moment, he almost felt equal. For a moment, he shook hands with a possible kindred spirit.

A queer thought, no more precice to say a queer experience and one he had yet to experience since living in the seemingly gold-crusted shoes of such people in this hall.

A hall filled with vain-bloated sows drowning blind in their own hubris. Amidst the muck, were the treasured few not lost in their delusions.

And Fritz could be one (possibly more-so than first thought). Yet, for now he knew it best to not go trusting the man, but one willing to treat a staff like a person at least was owed his respect.

“Such a ravishing smile it must be, if you’re willing to venture this close to the sun.”

Releasing his grip shortly after, a small chuckle covered by his right hand." That is quite good sir." An amused grin, the calm and composed Mr. V shifted to turned his gaze in similar direction to the count." May I be so bold to answer then with this question. What would drive such a person to... risk being burned."

Saying nothing else. Letting his words linger in the air.* Now then...where are you Char?* Turning his gaze over; briefly catching view of Layla to disdain indifference before moving on to spot the fairy-dressed girl...laughing with Leo? * The heck? Did someone tell a funny joke? I mean, those slippers are pretty ridiculous but...come on now!*


That singular word getting his attention once more prompting him to face Fritz." You do me too much credit." Visibly taken aback at receiving an... actual compliment? “Though, I fear you might burn into a crisp if you stay too long in his radiance... Have you given thought to how the flames might be doused?” A hint of concern on top of it.

Was almost enough to bring a man to tears. Almost.

" Best hope my cleverness, but most of all, luck can continue to carry me through the night..." Pausing after trailing off to check back on Charlotte to see what was happening. What he saw would be most peculiar.* Wha- Yeah no point bothering. Best to just wait for her to explain.*

Seeing that she would be wrapped up in.. well whatever was going on with her for a bit that his best course of action was to wait.. Not to mention, Calbert being about; strangely changing course mid-way towards the two he just checked on. What had gotten so unlucky as to draw his slimy snake eyes onto them?

As he could only wait, he thought this could prove opportune moment to try to see what he could learn from Fritz." In fact, Mr-sir-lord Fritz."He said in cheeky jest with a playful poke of his nose." If you wish for a most grand spectacle the likes rivaling such parties that might be taboo." Hinting to the mystery parties like from the previous night prior, with the hopeful assumption they knew of it.

" A night, unlike that like I assure to unforgettable, but as I am one man. Some help is needed and from you, I would ask for whatever you can/or willing to tell me about Calbert and the Damien household?" The better he understood the Damiens, the better things could proceed. Besides, no harm in trying to learn about the man so gung-ho on killing him." And one more thing, but I suppose that can wait till after."
Tristan Glory

Tristan stood waiting; hands crossed over his chest albeit in a lower and more relaxed manner. It was clear by the reaction of the taller individual that his actions did not please the man one bit. The teen was nervous of course, but this had been a possibility; hence why he knew his plans were going to be reckless.

Especially since he had dealt with and been around perfectionist, which in turn led to his abysmal attempts. And in this case, Tristan also knew very well that stepping in like he did without knowing any of the manager's actual plans or design; not to mention insulting.

Yet, still Tristan chose to do as he did. As since Tristan's options were limited as well as time, or, more to be exact he had no patience for concocting some slow plan.

And now, thanks to his seemingly stupid course of actions left Tristan being approached by a raging bull with stinging words surely to follow.

" Months of my life were spent organizing this one event, months! The placement of tables, seating arrangements of the guests, the menu, the lighting, everything! You are being a nuisance!"

Sting was an understatement as the silver-haired teen could do little else but take it while struggling to maintain whatever bits of confidence he was able to scrounge up.

"Now, now Louis. The whippersnapper was just trying to help. Well, that and he probably wants something."

The smaller gentleman's kind words were nice to hear after some harsh, albeit truthful words insults.

"Don't be so obvious next time. Now, how can we help you?"

Kindness with a bit of painful advice.

No clearer sign of his inexperience. His face might have been flushing with embarrassment had he not been sneakily clenching his fingers against his palms. The pinching pain was the only thing keeping Tristan on his trembling feet.

* Setting my wounded ego aside for the moment. Whew, alright, don't buckle now, me.* Taking a moment to give himself a tiny mental peptalk; body shuddering in disgust at the fact he used advice from his brothers. Loathe as he was to admit, due to the mere fact that despite the end results, he now had full audience with the two he needed.

Now came the truly difficult part. Thankfully, Tristan was able to gleam a few things from this brief exchange and the overall intense situation. That whoever this vip, whoever they may be proves to be someone of some significance to have even such an experienced and skilled manager in simple terms, freaking out. And secondly, something could have gone wrong or be missing adding to why things are so disorganised.

*Now, to get the flower, I am really gonna have to sell it.* His final prepping thoughts as he exhaled.

Putting on his most dazzling smile with a light bow of his head." Apologies, my good gentleman. *cough* Ahem, I regret being such a nuisance, of which many apologies. A shame on the Glory name I need to amend. But, first and more-so of course repair the damages that has come about from my... actions. Troublesome they may have been, but done with a goal. My thanks for giving me this... opportunity to explain said... goal."

A nervous chuckle left his lips as beads of sweat sprinkled his forehead, having realized he was starting to ramble. If he didn't get to the point.... The on-set signs of a panic attack coming on; just moments from his mental distress reached peak, did a red beam shoot from one of the pokeballs on his belt.

The Riolu, Princess appeared and stood at Tristan's right foot. A look of confusion, turned to recognition then immense gratitude. The touch of her tiny paw, though barely sensed through the fabric and yet a gentle warmth filled him. Almost like a reassuring pat on the back.

" Princess?!" He sputtered out in surprised exclamation at first before coughing to clear his throat." I mean, yes! Princess with her most wonderful entrance gives perfect juxtaposition to show that I am, a pokemon trainer. And as the kind sir had pointed out from before, but a slight correction. I do not want something, but I want to offer-"

* Where the hell am I going with this?* Was his literal thought before forcing himself to continue." And what I want is... to offer a proposition. The mystery of both Lady Aria and connections with the mythical forest. The mystery of the moon petal pokemon. All of these, I offer to help solve and as a bonus for my horrendous screw-up, could also find and receive an item from said forest."

Pausing for dramatic effect.

" And all of these I can help bring to fruition with merely... a single flower.... a-and a bit of your time to explain and prove I'm uh..heh worth taking a bet on." His words became quieter until nearly a whisper by the end.

Yeah, no. This whole plan was stupid. Last time he listened to his brothers.


Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate
Interactions: Fritz @JJ Doe
Attire: ???

The server inevitably found his way behind the pillar as indicated, albeit with a number of detours that made said trip take longer than intended. With some party-goer calling for him nearly every other step; each time ending either in a cold dismissive wave of the hand or outright ignored after giving what was needed of him.

A low weary sigh left his lips as he waited at the pillar with left hand folded against his back facing the pillar. The right still holding up the tray; all in order to keep up appearance.

Hardly given even a moment to himself to actually breathe, though when an unexpected visitor suddenly appeared at his side. Yet, even here out of view, he remained in character.

“Good evening, Mr. Vincent.”

A small bow of the head his response to the greet.* Vincent? The fuck? I do- wait...the name sounds familiar.* Right eyebrow raising as glimpses of a memory flashed through his mind. The scenery in the memory was hard to make out; like a hazy screen not properly in focus that consisted of an all too familiar group. The names Olivia and Vincent being mentioned, but while the other faces were actually visible; a figure briefly fussing with his face, whom to his confusion was faceless. Though that was not the source of his confusion, however. No, said confusion was due to the fact said faceless figure was...a giant chicken?

* Ohshit! Is this that giant chicken?* Eyes turning over to glimpse the individual whose mannerism seemed to indicate they knew him.* Doesn't look like one..then again this is a costume party. Might have been testing out the costume or some shit, hell if I care what freaky shit nobles get up to.*

"May I?" A shrug of the shoulders thankfully well timed." By all means, my lord. I am merely here to serve." And not be heard apparently.* Ugh, no wonder the staff are always so cranky having to deal with such pompous, selfish vain assholes every day. God forbid any of them could stand to take 5 seconds to not be a complete ass and say thanks.* He thought bitterly. Not to mention having overheard the staff complaining about the incident Percy and he caused, all by accident mind you though it did not make him feel any less shitty.

Whatever was in store, one thing was clear. He had no intention of doing anything to damage the household; god forbid he made things worse. Hell, if preferable, he would choose not to do this at all. Calbert, however, chose to make all this nonsense so personal.

* So being civil was just a flat-out lie, I guess.* Grumbling quietly to himself.

* On the plus side. Leo in fuzzy lion slippers. Whoever gave me that bit of joy, I will find and shake your hand.* Thought the server with an internal snickering.

“How have you been doing?” More importantly, “What brings you here?”

* Oh, right, you're still here. Pretty nosy fellow too though I guess they did patch up my nose... I think.*

Opening his mouth to respond, only for Calbert to choose this time to reveal himself to greet his *guests* thought with mental air quotes.* Oh give me a break. Look at that suave motherfucker and with a smile faker than Layla's chest size* Eyes following the count and tonight's host movement down the steps only to find himself struggling to keep from snickering.

Unable to help but picture Calby brooding over the party like some cliche supervillain.* Pfft...come on now. Calbert isn't that lame..and certainly wouldn't say anything cheesy like ' All the pieces have gathered on the board' or some lame shit like that....right?... right?"

A question the server had to ask himself more than once, before recalling yet again his unknown visitor's presence.


" Pardon and apologies, my lord. I did not wish to interrupt our lord count nor has any deemed me worth a name." Another small bow of the head." Which you may refer to me as.... Mr. V."

??? Mr. V

* Oh yeah, its all coming together now.* Thought the server with an almost smug little smirk." My thanks for the kind greeting my lord." And for the help with the name suggestion." As for What brought me here, why, I dare say it would be the count's ravishing smile." He finished, placing a gloved finger to his lips

D'angelo Schultz


The chubby individual floated downward, humming with hands bopping against knees as he went. Shortly after reaching the ground; before he could try to find the others, when the voice of a young woman reached his ears.

The golden cloud would shift and turn without any need of indication or sign until D'angelo had been facing Trinity followed with that ever-friendly big smile of his." Oh! Hey there!"

"mmm-afternoo... oon?, is this the guild hall? My name's Trinity, I'm looking for mage work." She didn't see a guild mark on this guy, either it was hidden or he wasn't with this guild, "Are they recruiting, do you know?"

Listening to the woman, introduced as Trinity and her questions; waiting till she was done to clap his hands." This is indeed the guild-hall hah-hah!" He exclaimed with an excited laugh at the prospect of another possible friend." Though I can't say for certain if they're recruiting still, but no harm in asking, yeah? I mean, I'm not part of the guild, myself but- Ah, you don't want to hear the ramblings of a stranger." Waving away the potential rambling of his.

" Great to meet ya. Name's D'angelo Schultz! And now we're not strangers!" A toothy grin and friendly thumbs up given in greeting alongside his name." And this gold-"

A sudden yelp as the cloud suddenly spun around until D'angelo was sitting upside against the cloud leaving Trinity with a view of Nimbus fnow floating head level." Ppbbt pbut... Nimbus! Give a headsup next time!" The pudgy male muttered out, spitting his shirt from his mouth, all the while dangling upside down; a faint rumbling from the cloud as if it was laughing. Having had its fun, the cloud spun to have him sitting upright like normal.

A soft yet clearly audible thump could be heard as D'angelo bobbed his golden companion with a small indent of knuckles left behind." O-one moment. Still dizzy here." A quick shake of the head and rub of the forehead." Guess you already met Nimbus. Sorry about that, this cheeky cloud likes messing with me at the most random times." A tsk of the tongue and disapproving gaze aimed at the cloud he sat.

A shrug of the shoulders afterwards." Anywho, the guild's leader's name is Jenna, who should still be inside." Pondering to himself for a moment, arms folded across his chest." She's quite the large woman too so she will be easy to find!" Nodding his head in hopes he had been adequately helpful.

" Wish I could stick around to be of more help, but our group will be leaving for a job soon, but good luck with Jenna." Finishing just in time as the doors opened with the very group mentioned coming out.

Before moving to meet up with them, he skidded to a stop part-way to float close to Trinity." By the way, that is an awesome instrument! I'd love to hear you play sometimes." A double thumbs up as Nimbus floated backwards to where the others were; letting him have his funny departure, the cloud did owe him.

With an excited double fist-pump." Alright! Let's go." D'angelo cheered before setting off towards the train station?!

" Ooooh a train! *gasp* ooh ooh! Guys! Can I try racing the train with Nimbus? Please please please?!" Asked the chubby male, both hands clasped together in a pleading manner.
Tristan Glory

After a somewhat longer trip than normal due to his poor direction sense or lack of a constant guide, Tristan wound his way to the back of the building. He made his way onto the patio to be hold a most chaotic sight. A pure bedlam of overworked and overstressed staff workers running about frantically. All the while, the voice of a somewhat older man barking out orders and insults in a manner all too familiar.

For most others, such a minefield of accidents or incidents could occur by the smallest misstep, but for Tristan it was like he was back at home. Or more precise; one of the many any countless galas he had visited thanks to his status and light modeling. Sometimes having even helped put together some galas.

He did absolutely horrid. And it was downright awful to go through too and for that he could feel the rather sharply dressed gentleman's frustrations.

He almost caught glimpse of the flowers right by the two men...wait two? His eyes then went wide with an awed shock as they rested on the elderly chap.* N-No way!?* He mentally screamed in a panic; suddenly ducking down, his back against the patio and all the while his hair was frantically fussing with his hair.

* I was told there was a vip...but...but no one said such a legend would be here too?!* Of all days to skip a quick groom sesh! I'm hardly looking my best and these clothes!* The fretting teen scrambled into his pack pulling out his compact make-up kit using the mirror to inspect and clean his face. Some final touches and tweaks to the hair.

* Ugh, there's only so much even I can do under these intense circumstances....but it will have to do.* The teen closed the compact with a begrudging snap, slipping it back into the pack.

Standing up where he would take a few moments to take some deep breaths.* You've been nearly attacked by some brutish she-beast and caught an egg thief. I can do this.* He started to think with some confidence; adjusting and fixing the wrinkles out from his shirt.

Turning on his heels only to finally see and realize the flowers were right next to the two gentleman.

Said confidence waivered as he found himself leaning against the railing of the patio.* Oh bloody hell! The field I can handle...* But to have to initiate his plan right in front of the man whose good side he absolutely must get on. Now having to avoid embarrassing himself in front of one of his idols?

Curse whatever cruel unseen force to concoct such a test.

Sharply inhaled." Ok..Ok, yeah. I think I'm gonna need a moment." He exhaled slowly.

"No, you dull edge of a Slowpoke I told you to hang the lights higher up! Are you trying to blind our guests? And you! Yes, I mean you, you Rhyhorn brained idiot! The tables must be arranged as so! Do you want them to be sandwiched together? And where in the hell is my cup of tea?!"

The man's complaints could be heard even among all running workers. Taking note of each of these, his eyes opening and now properly paying attention. He could see the mistakes made; it was clear a number of the staff were either rookies or simply too tired; combined with the man's barking intensity adding stress.

" Phew...Ok. Time to do the one thing I hate.... put in effort." A pinch of his cheek to shake himself out of his self-imposed jitters.

From here, Tristan would come to do the most unexpected thing as he stepped down from the patio. He moved to take control; starting by assisting the those struggling with light placements." Excuse me, I see you all are having a bit of hard time. May?"

With grace, Tristan stepped onto the footstool where he lifted the lights till it was at the best angle to get the best lighting without being too overbearing or blinding. Demonstrating the opportune height a few more times before stepping down.

Making sure they got it correct before moving on to deal with the table situation.

A shake of the head at seeing how miserably close they were putting the tables together and the spaces of the chair were all wrong too.

Stepping over." Apologies, I know you are all quite agitated and annoyed. If you like, I could offer advice on how to make this task go much more efficiently and easily."

Tristan advised them to spread the tables at least the width of two and a half people standing side to side. This would allow for enough walking room even once people were placed. Next, he would advise them to separate the tasks with chair placement. Instructing that they are to be placed at bent elbow length and around an inch to allow the patrons comfortable space without being too spaciously apart.

Taking a step back, Tristan would check to see what and if the two gentlemen had been watching and whether the Lead had gotten his tea.

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate
Attire: ???

A costumed ball. An event, nay a spectacle so very few peasants get the pleasure to experience the splendors and delights rumored to always follow. Whom could perchance pass up an opportunity to not only dress up, but to disguise? Faces hidden, conversations hushed with the air rife with anticipation and excitement.

For whatever Count Calbert had prepared for tonight, it was clear the Damiens put in all the stops. Now, no one would foolishly say this could rival the extravagance of the castle’s ballroom, though that did not perturb the staff who were surely made to work to the bone since morning to prepare such a gala.

One so lovingly illuminated with the dazzling bright hue of the moon.

How perfectly fitting.

Colorful flowers offer distractions and pleasant aromas to keep guests soothed and content.
Pampered sheeps easily made content, blind to the truth lurking just beneath.

The finest banquet none can find anywhere else in Caesonia. Free to partake and enjoy.
No more a perfect opportunity to indulge and let loose without a care, as long as faces remain hidden.

A party for fun, to create stories, to show off. Here, where only monsters, ghouls and worse would be mingling tonight. Each person enjoys the illusion of being something different, something not them…something fantastical.

A foggy night where many fright and screams will break through the bleak night. A festive time had by all!

With the party starting to swing into full motion with guests still filing in; always followed with a dramatic pause. Each time being met with rolled eyes from those not impressed which mostly consisted of the staff and a few of the good nobles among other unseen others, the masks proving it nigh impossible to keep track of folks.

So much so, that it made a certain peasant question why Calbert went out of his way to host such a party? One that he got a personal invitation to. An invitation repeatedly told by friends and a certain wet blanket guard alike to refuse.

Even now, the vile bastard’s words went through his mind like an unsettling chill down his spine. The sheer and complete utter audacity that gun toting maniac had to not only approach him during his beach day, but with an invitation to his death.

That’s right. Somewhere waiting in this so-called party was a trap. Everything likely prepared ahead of time; all Calbert needed at this point was for the special cowlicked guest to arrive.

This assumes Kazumin was stupid enough to actually go, especially after being suggested otherwise. As anyone with a brain would know to steer clear, no matter how much delicious food and potent booze were being offered.

And if the blonde peasant did choose to come for whatever stupid reason, he would surely come with some obnoxious costume and get up to his typical antics. An easy mark and target sure to be caught sooner than later.

Who knew whatever wickedness the count had in store. It was just a matter of time before Kazumin would give himself up and have a noose as his dance partner..or worse.

All of these thoughts and more went through his head at some point. How frustrating, however, to see all those people digging into food and laughing it up with a gay ole time.

It was a peculiar thing to behold, Kazumin thought as he quietly walked and maneuvered his way around guests.

He went unnoticed; none bothered to acknowledge his presence as he continued on; carefully sidestepping partygoers; walked past the table ignoring the seductive pleading, the faint clinking of glass heard as he went.

Interactions: @Princess Charlotte Vikena @Helo Leo Smithwood

At a table a short distance away and behind the pair, a black gloved hand lowered, grabbing hold of something from the table.
Quietly, the figure approached until they were three steps away, when a throat clearing cough came from behind.” Pardon the interruption.” A soft, sophisticated and suave voice spoke up.” I have brought refreshments.

As the server stated, a round tray soon appeared between the two with three glasses of freshly poured bubbly wine sitting waiting.” And for the lovely lady.” As would soon be revealed, the glass closest to Charlotte had a lily resting gently within, moonlight reflecting from the droplets leaving it an almost glittering glow.

A moon Lily fitting for only the most beautiful butterfly.” The server said before bowing his head; raising it shortly after as she had accepted the wine with gratitude.” Forgive me, my lord. As a flower would not do as a token, but perchance a compliment regarding the slippers shall suffice?” His attention directed to Leo as he spoke.

The server asked; standing there wearing the typical garb of a male server. Clean without a single wrinkle, hair black as coal, combed and slicked back neatly and slightly tanned skin, though something about the hair felt out of place.. The same plain mask worn by the rest hid the man’s face, expression blank under it save for a small forced smile, the same kind one would see on any staff’s face.

A thin mustache adorned his upper lip ending with curly tips, much like a twirling villain may sport, albeit smaller.

For it takes a fierce man to don such exquisite footwear, wouldn’t agree, my lady.” Again the server bowed his head in respect. Doing so in a war to have half his face obscured to Leo while Charlotte would receive a wink followed by a small motion of his towards one of the pillars. Charlotte had nodded and mouthed that she’d be there in a moment when Leo’s head was turned.

Waiting until he was properly dismissed as he was told by the head server.” Please enjoy your evening.

Without another word, the server turned with tray held in hand, he would depart. Making his way towards said pillar; pausing at times to serve any that may call for him along the way.

Afterall, what better way to hide than among those already invisible?

And this was merely the start. The server thought with a devilish grin, the mask almost giving a creepy imp like appearance.

The real show has yet to begin.

( Note= those at damien's party wish to call this server to them in their post. Feel free to )
Tristan Glory

For Tristan, it was advice still needed to be said, merely told to the wrong person. He felt for the staff having to wear those horrendously bland and unappealing work uniforms. The silver-haired teen actually contemplated confronting the owner of the research center over this before dismissing it as it was pointless. But it did not mean excuse the workers enduring such when they work in place regarding plants.

His disappointment did not end there; reading on the flower with expectations of reading on the gracidea's flower special properties. Only to see that the flower looked to be no more magical than a sunflower.

Tristan sat there, his fingers lightly drumming against the open page of the book just beneath the image of the gracidea flower the chapter was focused on.* I swear to arceus..if this whole thing proves to be a waste of time...* The teen thoughtly darkly, annoyance etched on his face as he could not help but feel like he might have been wasting his time.

That is, until he remembered an important detail. Whatever special property this flower may hold; it is likely unknown considering the clear lack of information on the forest or the lack of how she even get into the forest.

Now that he had all the pieces. Or those at least accessible since the actual answers all awaited within that mythical and terrifying forest, Tristan was left trying to figure out a puzzle with pieces inaccessible to him. And all of it seemed to center around this single flower.

There were the questions too like why Lady Aria had that barrier put up and what for among others. After ruminating over it, the teens agitation returned to curious excitement only for small hint of dread to seep in.

Said source of dread was the whole situation surrounding actually getting his hands on a flower. He obviously lacked the funding to simply buy one and let's face it, Tristan and stealth simply did not belong in the same sentence unless it was- 'Tristan was the least stealthy person around.' Besides, that would mean having to wait till nighttime and going through the whole sneaking in all that hullabaloo. What does he look like? Some kind of athletic ninja?

A thump of the book being closed as Tristan sighed." My options are limited.." He muttered out to his dismay rubbing at his forehead all the while.* Can't believe a flower is causing me so much headache.* And probably more to come.

And it figured the task to get the flower ended up on his lap while Faye was out and about skipping without a care in the world right about now. The aggravating through had Tristan let out a low growl in his throat as he made his way over to the drop-off box to drop the book off.

His task with the library finished, (uncertain if it had been a waste coming here or not) he would venture out back into the hallway. From there, using his iphodex and the receptionist's direction instructions, Tristan would make his way back outside to head off for the patch where the Gracidea flowers may be found.
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