Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: Nolan [@hatakekuro], DM @Zarkun

Why couldn't she ever manage to attack when she wanted to? Surely this was life or death enough. So why was it she could only manage to cast offensive magic when she was fighting Azria. Thankfully her defensive stuff worked just fine and she could help with the fight at least. It's not like anyone knew she could do offensive spells, nothing beyond using make-weapons anyway. So the good news was: she wasn't disappointing anyone.

Ria's gaze followed the ash hand from the truck to Nolan, arching a brow. That was quite the articulated spell for a basic ash mage. Maybe he was a maker mage too. That'd be something. The guild could use some more of those. Right now wasn't the time for thinking on that though. She could hear more Asterins in the brush and they needed to be ready.

When the older mage turned his attention to her, the water mage focused on him. Limit the Asterins mobilities as much as possible. Use whatever spells can do as much as possible. She took a breath. She had spells like those, but to do the most good those would both need to be maintained. It was a terribly tall order to try to maintain both. First one as broad as I can then maintain the other... She nodded, smiling softly. "Yes, okay. This might feel a bit weird, everyone, but I won't be adding anything to you. Just...helping you navigate these spells."

She settled into properly sitting in the saddle and cast the first spell. Obscuring Mist rolled from her hands, extended above her head. The heavy fog to billowed out and spreading as far as she could feel in all directions. Sure, heavy enough winds could force it away, but for now it was neigh impenetrable vision wise. At least, for the Asterins. Her hands descended as if to push the billowing cloud out further around them. Her focus turned to each person, where she knew they were, once the mist reached its limits. For each, the mist would seem to part, but the feel of heavy moisture in the air would still be noticeable if they were accustomed to walking through heavy morning fog (so long as they weren't in the trucks).

Her attention turned from those she was defending to those she was against. This wasn't as easy (not that targeting multiple people with her other spell was easy) a task as the other one given she has very limited view of the targets for this one. But still, she pressed to try to find targets, instead giving up to focus on giving weight to the plants around them. Undertow dragged at each, aimed at turning them all into a proverbial current to pull anything that crossed them away from the path the group drove on.

Hopefully it worked.

Interactions: Adelyn @Lunarlord34, Kiba @Cello, Sergeant Monreu @Zarkun

It seemed they had an understanding. Mark wasn't sure what the man found funny, but they weren't wasting time discussing trivialities any longer. He took it as an understanding. Of course, when he expressed making sure everyone came back safely, he hadn't exactly envisioned it being horses as the other garrison members he would be ensuring were safe. It didn't change the sentiment regardless; or, perhaps it rather reinforced it. He certainly wasn't willing to let one of these beautiful beasts fall to harm if he could help it, and they were just as vital a member of the force as any of the actual guardsmen.

The smallest of smiles ticked onto his lips as he stood beside the mount he would ride. His hand glided over the soft hairs of the neck before stroking the fuzz of its muzzle. Any trace of a smile vanished when he heard Adelyn's struggle just to get up into the saddle though. With a soft sigh, he walked over and boosted her into it and tossed the reins to her before heading back over to swiftly mount his. Another few strokes of the mount's neck, and he prompted the beast to follow after the Sergeant.

Thankful, the lightning girl kept quiet for the ride out of the outpost and into the forest. Nothing was more tiresome than idle chatter. There was enough to look at and study for the ride out anyway. Noting markings on the ground, the look of particular trees as they passed, even noteworthy rocks or bushes - all would be helpful if for some reason something required them navigating back with an unconscious Sergeant in tow.

"Very well." That was all Mark said, with a slight nod, before the Sergeant started his climb up to his post. A vantage point like that meant it was easier to remember anyway. In case he needed to suddenly report here to help. So much to note, and keep track of. But the Sergeant was right - dismounting would likely be best. From all the hunting books he read, and the few times he tried his hand at the concept, it was better to limit the scent signatures. Cover it with something more natural was best - like mud or something - but he wasn't exactly intending to go through that amount of effort for what could ultimately turn into a fight. Traveling from downwind would be best too. That was perhaps the easier thing to do.

He dismounted and looked to the others. After Adelyn finally stopped rambling, he nodded and dismounted as smoothly as he mounted. "Yes, do not risk the horses." Of course, on the topic of if they had anything they could do to get them in easily...He had one spell in mind but was it worth the energy? Two miles north in a grotto was a rough estimate, There was the potential he miscalculated and they ended up directly on the thing. That would still provide the element of surprise but it would be just as jarring for them as the beast. There were too many variables to be confident in using Void Step, and the experience would certainly be too jarring for at least the girl.

No, there was only one real course of action. Sneaking in to take this beast on would be no different than when he would sneak up to observe some of the beasts near his home as a child. There were certain things you did and didn't do to be quiet. This was new wilderness to him, for the most part given how much of a bother it was to get all the way out here, but it was still the same principles. Which meant hunting the beast would just be an elevation to scientific observation.

"We will need to go on foot. Single file. Walk carefully. Avoid dry twigs and leaves as much as possible. It will conserve our energy for the fight, and if we can remain downwind it will give us the ability to observe what we will face. Hopefully that will give us the advantage." He set to ensuring his mount was safe and steady beside Sergeant's before looking back at the others. "I can take point. Kiba, can you take rear?."

Faye Wrexlyn

Sage relaxed his aggressive stance for a moment, tilting his head ever so slightly as he considered the words the Tinkatinks said. Tilia didn't seem as hesitant to attack if told. In fact, she was ready to preemptively attack as suggested by her trainer when the pink pokemon seemed to look past them. The flying pokemon turned slightly, just in time to see the attack launched at the engine thieves.

Faye blinked, tensing slightly as the bolt of electricity passed by her. Then another blink and her muscles relaxed as she realized she kind of knew that voice. No, not kind of. She spent hours talking with the owner of that voice just a few hours ago. It couldn't be, could it? Sure enough a glance over her shoulder confirmed the rancher girl - Rosa - was there with a pokemon of her own. Surely she had questions - who wouldn't have questions about a complete shift in appearance from the person she met the other day? - but none came to mind at the moment. Just shock, confusion, and a hoot from her rowlet reminding her that they hadn't even begun the battle.

Right, the battle. The purple haired trainer nodded, and what she knew was a mix of confusion and surprise vanished from her face. "Right." She turned back to her pokemon and pointed at the Tinkatink before them. "Sage, you're faster, dodge out of the way and use Sand Attack to disorient it. Tilia, fly up out of reach then try a divebomb Tackle. Both of you try to keep out of reach of those metal clubs.

Faye Wrexlyn

Well, shit. This wasn't ideal. Faye certainly hoped to avoid a fight but it was obviously unavoidable. At least she didnt have four metal club wielding pokemon to fight. She wasn't sure if the tinkatink that came to her side was willing to fight his friends. Even if he - she? it - was, it still meant Sage had to fight. She couldn't ask Tilia to take on two or, worse, three of these things. Man, she needed to stop being distracted with tasks and more distracted with catching Pokemon.

"Are you guys sure we can't work this out?" The novice trainer stood. Her hands went to Tilia and Sage's pokeballs, hovering in hopes of not summoning them.

The two seemed to know better and popped out. Tilia and Sage appeared between their trainer and the opposition. The eevee crouched, ready to pounce, while the rowlett spread its wings wide and high, making herself as big as possible.

Tilia fluttered its wings, not to kick up dust but show she meant business. She hooted a few times, trying to reinforce the message she was sending the tinkatinks that planned to keep the engine. We don't want to hurt you, but we will do what we must to help our human.

Sage growled and yipped. There's still time to change your mind.

"Get ready, guys. I think it's already decided we have to fight. Try not to hurt them too much. We just need to get back that engine." Though how a teenage girl was going to lug an engine back to that farm on her own was a problem she hadnt figured out yet.

Faye Wrexlyn

She had their attention. Would be wonderful if her mind didn't temporarily turn up a 404: File Not Found screen when she tried to remember her next course of action. Okay, okay. Talk calm and get low. No threat.

A smile slid onto her face and she knelt down, slow and steady. Yup awful for getting out of the way if they were faster to club her than she could dive out of the way, but she was risking her odds. She needed - well, promised she would so more or less needed - to get that engine back. She'd be damned if a bunch of punk faeries kept her from it.

"I hope I can trade. I see you need metal, and I need that big piece of metal you took. So I will give you metal-" holding up one of the many items in her arms - "in exchange for that," she ended with pointing at the engine.

"If you help me bring it back, I will help get you better metal too. Okay? I need that to help me. I know you need good metal to protect you so se can work together to help each other. Do we have a deal?" She offered out a can then put all of the cans in her arms on the ground as far as she could reach without getting closer. Then, staying on her knees to show she wasn't a threat, backed up to make sure they saw she was well out of reach of them should they want to take the offered loot.

Interactions: Nolan @hatakekuro, DM @Zarkun

"Sorry. Yes, I'll warn next time." The water mage looked a bit sheepish. But there was no time to really let the feeling sink in. the bloody things were moving. She couldn't get a good sight on them but she could hear the movements. The horse she was on stirred a bit restless but not because it was spooked. At least that was good.

Then they attacked. Too fast.

Ria threw a hand up toward the rushing Asterins. What should have been a blast of water was nothing. She swallowed, trying to keep her panic from showing. Okay, attacking wasn't an option yet. She'd have to try again later since others seemed to be handling three on their way.

She shook her hand then quickly jumped to her feet, seamlessly positioning her feet on the saddle like she'd done this a dozen times. The horse shifted nervously beneath her but she was used to that too. It wouldn't have been her first time on a panicked horse getting attacked. But she had to do something to help keep them safe. Direct attack wasn't an option, but a structure to keep them safe from overhead ambush?

Her fingers worked the intricate patterns she needed while she worked her hands together near her waist and wove strings of concentrated water together. At the same time the tornadoes of dark energy Nolan cast went out, she threw her hands up. "Water Make: Canopy."

Interactions: Adelyn @Lunarlord34, Kiba @Cello, Sergeant Monreu @Zarkun

Adelyn seemed confident, and Kiba was capable. Despite knowing the lightning mage was the weak link she still at least presented herself as more than capable, which made him wonder if she realized she was the weak link here or not. Maybe his initial assessment of her ability was drastically wrong. There was a first time for everything. They'd certainly find out soon enough though.

Like the girl said, it seemed pretty clear cut and like they had time to plan. Not that his plans would be vocalized before it was necessary. There was no planning without actually getting eyes on the situation. An exercise in trust it was. He didn't doubt his ability to obliterate the target if he could land a blow, but he liked the idea of the challenge of taking the beast in alive. It would prove far more valuable to understand the thing than if it was dead, but it also presented its own quagmire of dangers. Nothing worth learning came without risks, though.

But the matter, unfortunately as far as he saw it, wasn't quite settled. There was that nagging standard objective he was told to keep in mind any time he had to work jobs with others.

"Sergeant, my prime directive is to make sure everyone gets home alive. That includes you and your men. Do not draw any more attention to you than your task requires. I have no intentions of either of us failing our objectives."

Faye Wrexlyn

Okay. So step one was done. The engine hadn't been touched. Yet. That didn't mean it wasn't next on the list. AND! she finally new what she was dealing with. Tinkatinks weren't things she knew much more than the pokedex entry for, but they certainly looked pretty cool. The fact they were making things with metal was impressive too. Few pokemon she could think of were crafters like that. That meant they were strong. She needed something like that on her team.

But that was for a little later. Right now, she needed to get that engine safely from them.

The young trainer went back over to eevee waiting in front. Faye pulled out his pokeball and called him back. "Sorry, bud. I don't want to risk them hurting you or getting scared by you before we can work things out," she whispered to the confined pokemon. She didn't like putting him away but it was safer for him than being face to face with the business end of a mallet those tiny pink fairies were making.

She knelt and put her pack on the ground. After a bit of rummaging, she had found a few of her cans of food then slung the pack back onto her back. The trainer walked to the doorway, metal cans of food at hand, and stopped near the entrance but not in it. She made sure she had the ability to dodge if one of the not so good hammers came her way. Then cleared her throat very loudly.

"Excuse me. Tinkatinks? Can I please talk with you?"

Faye Wrexlyn

Sage didn't make much noise following the scent, but he started walking even more carefully when he heard the sound of metal being banged. Eventually his purple haired trainer heard the noise too and slowed to a more careful walking pace with her focus entirely on where the sound was coming from. There wasn't any way to get distracted from something literally drawing your attention with a racket.

And there was no way in this or any other world Faye was going to just rush on in there. She may not have known what pokemon it was, but she knew what kind it was. It was the kind that could - even if it took a dozen of them - remove and carry a vehicle engine well away from the spot they stole it. It was the kind of pokemon that could apparently work metal. That was the kind of pokemon she wasn't going to ambush without knowing how big or how many or any thing like that.

Sage stopped away from the house, watching the front door. Faye made her way around to a side window, hoping to find one she could see the pokemon inside without having to creep up on the porch. If she needed to go up on the porch to see in a window where the pokemon worked, she'd do so carefully testing the boards with each step ensure she didn't pick a board that would creak and alert the engine stealers to an intruder, or - worse - snap under her weight and cause her to get hurt.

Step one: find out what pokemon she was going to be dealing with, and if the engine was still intact.
Step two: carefully get their attention and try to negotiate.
Step three: recover the engine by any means.

So, onto step one. She peeked in a window with her pokedex at the ready to help identify the pokemon.

Faye Wrexlyn

Every single dilapidated structure called out to her. Things that lasted the troubles Cipher brought to the land. Whether or not they had something to do with why these were abandoned she wouldn't know without a proper look. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for the mission, every time she spent too long looking and starting to venture into what clearly was not a place the pokemon that stole the engine were hiding, Sage yipped to help direct her toward another spot.


She looked down then let out a heavy sigh. That would be a nightmare to clean, but she wore her hiking boots for a reason. She expected to step in stuff, and they were already old and beaten. It would have just been nice to not be a mess.

At least they were on the right path. "Okay, you're right. They're not in any if the buildings. Think you can keep us on the trail now that we've got a good fresh bit of oil and maybe scent of whatever that pokemon is to track?

Sage nodded with a confident. "Ee eevee vee ee." He smelled around the oil a bit before leading the way (at least toward the next bit of oil) with his trainer left to follow his lead.

Faye Wrexlyn

Pink pokemon from the forest? Surely they weren't talking about the Illusive Forest. Well, no, surely they were, given it was the only sizable bit of woodland nearby. Okay, so a fairy type - maybe a grass type? - that wants metal. What the hell fairy type wants metal? None that she could think of off the top of her head ate it or used it, but a fairy type would be more likely to be trying to make use of metal than eat it. So at least there might be time.

She realized the old man was about to start another fight and chased her pensive expression away with a smile. "Okay, well, that's actually great news. Well, not great news that the engine was taken, but if they were interested in metal perhaps I can barter with them. I don't have an engine worth of metal, but I got a bit. And if you maybe have some scrap metal...Point is, if you - " pointing at the old man - "Head on back to your shop. And you -" pointing to the farmer - "at least see if you have spare nuts and bolts to get the engine put back in...I think I can help get it settled."

Sage looked up at his young trainer with a quizzical 'eev?' before yipping a bit more cheerfully.

It wasn't a great plan, but it was a plan. And rather than wait to see if the older men agreed or not, she just turned and set off North where the farmer had said he saw it. Sage trotted alongside her. Faye knew she was putting a lot of faith in luck and such, but she had a general game plan. There was enough metal on her she could maybe entice a trade from the pokemon if they were looking for what she assumed and just wanted metal. The real luck was that they wouldn't have destroyed the engine before she could convince them to not destroy the piece of machinery. She was expecting them to be small, so was readily looking for smaller hiding places that only truly determined pokemon might follow creatures - but also maybe big enough for a truck engine to fit.

Faye Wrexlyn

Excellent, the tension was diffused! Score one in the win column. When motioned to come closer, the young trainer absolutely abided the request and approached. To find the whole dang engine was missing. Okay, that was worth the exaggerated question of how in the heck that happens. Who would take a whole engine but not the truck?

She blinked and looked from the engine to the farmer that owned the truck. "Okay, well, do you have an idea of anyone that might want to impede your business? How long has it been missing? I don't have any pokemon with the ability to carry an engine back, but I sure as heck will see if we can track it down and get assistance bringing it back."
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