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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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Seems like a Solo heavy group thus far

That makes sense though, considering an average Mercenary group really only needs one net runner and a fixer and the rest is muscle to work in meatspace.
I mean we probably need a Nomad/Getaway Driver and a Techie.
Going full Borg is expensive and corporations/governments aren’t just going to let that investment walk off and become independent.
Might start brewing up a former Max-Tac Officer turned Merc. Time to go down the rabbit whole of the Cyberpunk wiki.
@Prosaic@Duoya@Divine Darkness

Thanks for your interest, if you aren't familiar with the setting that just works in our favor :)


Unfortunately the story is for mortals only, obviously some are gifted with powers such as True Faith.

Playing a vampire or werewolf that also is a hunter is unheard of, it would go against most hunters creeds. I might host a vampire or mage rp on the future, but unfortunately this isn't the place to indulge it.

That’s completely fine. One last question. Are we planning on using Creeds and their associated edges or Endowments?
Are we limited to human characters, or could we play more friendly supernaturals?
<Snipped quote by Sanity43217>

Well, the lore probably doesn't track, buuut the general idea of a vampire with witch powers is already in real life. Dracula was a warlock who learned from Satan in Bram Stoker's novel.

I really appreciate you citing a fiction novel when saying vampires with witch powers exist in real life.
Also, any thoughts on the aforementioned Demon lore?
I’ve got a couple ideas floating around. One is a Heretic, or if that lore doesn’t translate across to this setting I also had an idea for a Demon character that borrows lore from Demon: The Fallen.
I’ll have to think up an office job, but I’ll be away for the weekend without internet. I’m sure it’ll give me time to think of something.

Is there still a spot available?
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