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Gamer girls, rise up.
I'm making a musketeer character. Will probably post the sheet tomorrow.
How will this be played? You take the role of dungeon master?
Natsumi Fujikawa

Natsumi had to admit that she felt a little bad for the blob-demon. Whether that was misguided, she really didn’t know. Do demons choose to pass through an Emergence Gate? Could the blob have stayed put in wherever it is that demons come from, or was it pulled here against its will? She wasn’t taught about that at the academy, if answers to such questions existed at all.

“Alright, look, we can’t just let you go free into the city. Even if we were convinced, we don’t have the authority to remove the Demon Denial Field.” Would Ayako drop the Denial Field for this if they asked her to? Probably not, she thought, but either way it seemed useful to shift the decision to an unseen entity that the blob couldn’t argue with. “But you could still get out of this alive. If the Emergence Gate is still open, perhaps you can just go back through.” Again, she didn’t know if that was possible, but it seemed logical. “Or you might make a contract with a human and join our side, like Andrea over there. If you let the girl go, then we will do what we can for you. But we can’t help you if you keep forcing our hand like this.”
Natsumi Fujikawa

Oh, this was bad, real bad. Especially because they couldn’t possibly comply with the demon’s demand. When human criminals take hostages, they’re usually trying to get away with stolen money or something. But a demon that gets away will just continue killing people, way more people than this one hostage. They had to kill it one way or another. But maybe they could still salvage the girl’s life.

“Alright, alright, let’s talk about this,” Natsumi spoke up, doing her best to sound confident. She raised her hands to her sides as a sign of non-aggression, but deliberately allowed the flames on her head to flare up larger, hoping to seem threatening and direct attention towards herself. “Suppose we agree. What are your terms exactly? Because there’s a Demon Denial Field out there, and more demon hunters in reserve.” Really it was just Ayako, but it didn’t need to know that. “Walking away from us won’t be the end of it.”

While she spoke, she made lingering eye contact first with Kaeru and then with Kaida. She didn’t think she could make an expression or gesture that the demon wouldn’t notice, so she simply hoped the others would pick up on her thought process. Kaeru was fast, so she would probably have the best chance to intercept the demon, which might just work if it was distracted by negotiating. And if the girl did get stabbed, Kaida’s healing might still be able to save her. It wasn’t much, but it seemed like the best option they had.

Natsumi Fujikawa

“Right he-” Natsumi responded in surprise, but she stopped herself from saying it out loud. Could the little girl really be the demon? No, no, no, they couldn’t assume that, far too risky. Danger to themselves be damned, she wasn’t opening fire on a human unless they were absolutely sure. If she was a demon, how would they confirm it? Play along until she drops the act and attacks? That would be exactly what the demon wants. Take her to the Denial Field and see if she passes through? The field would block the demon, but it might not block all of its attacks, so they really shouldn’t let it get that close to the evacuees outside. Dammit.

Kaeru’s comment about the tank top didn’t break Natsumi out of her thoughts, since the catgirl’s flippancy in the face of danger was nothing new, but Rika’s comment about a pet hamster did. Of course! The demon could remain unseen if it was really small. She kind of hoped that it was hidden somewhere among the merchandise, out of reach of the girl… but no, Kaeru’s weird comment about the tank top was perfectly clear now that she thought about it. From the back of the group, Natsumi didn’t have a very clear view at the girl, but maybe that would give her the benefit of subtlety. Without announcement, she started walking around the store shelf that the girl had been hiding behind, circling around to hopefully get a look at her from behind.
Natsumi Fujikawa

An innocent lost on the battlefield, just as she figured. At least they found her before any fighting broke out, but it didn't ease her worries very much. For one, because she was still in the line of fire for the time being. But also, she had to wonder, how did this girl end up in this situation? Something must have prevented her from evacuating with the others, but there was no demon in sight to menace her into hiding. Natsumi left comforting the child to the others and turned away to keep an eye on the exit of the shop and the rest of the mall beyond. "There's a little girl here, but no demon in sight," she spoke into her communicator for Ayako and Shiro to hear. "Any luck detecting it yet? It seems like it doesn't want to be found."
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