It had started out as a quiet day. Kaida had made herself comfortable in the break room, with a cup of green tea, watching the magical girl shows Akira had on for Shiro. During her childhood, she hadn't gotten to watch much TV, but the few times she had, magical girl anime had been a firm favourite - and even now, was something she staunchly believed a person was never too old for.
Of course, that was when the alarm had to go off. Putting down the half-finished cup of tea, Kaida frowned and stood up. "Well, there's our own monster of the week."
The scene they all arrived at was a rather different one, a shopping mall surrounded with evacuees. No mass panic had broken out, but fearful murmurs rose through the crowd. "Let's go!" Kaida called, following Akira and Andrea through the purple-gold sphere. "Transformation sequence begin!" One prayer ritual later, Kaida's form rippled and morphed, and she stood in aquatic warrior form before her grouchy teammate, feet apart in a dramatic pose. Putting on the hammiest voice she could, she announced, "Even if my heart is larger than the sea, I have reached my limit!"
A mix of a sigh and a growl rumbled in her head. "I'm not even going to ask what that was about. I will remind you, though, that we have a serious mission to focus on."
Unfazed by the reprimand as she headed towards the building alongside Akira, Kaida grinned. "Heh, couldn't resist," she told both Kazemi and the undoubtedly less than amused Akira. Someone, after all, had to keep morale high.