Michael Angie
@RoflsMazoy@Letter Bee@Gentlemanvaultboy@Crowvette@KillamriX88@Bartimaeus@Dezuel@AtomicNut
Michael got out of the car as soon as it stopped, readying his brush for the expected conflict. The wrecked car was more than enough evidence that something chaotic was going on, and the scene that followed was not any better. He tried to determine the correct course of action, but that was proving difficult given how little information he had on the scene right now. Alexander was presumably calling out to the woman directing the chains, which meant that Michael should be supporting her. The one the woman was facing was running away. Michael recognized him as a St. Lucifer student, but nothing else really struck him at the moment. Michael recognized William among the rest of the group present, but not everyone else was as memorable.
In short, there was nothing for Michael to do at the moment. Right now, he would simply keep his eyes open and wait for a chance to respond to something.