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"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
3 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

Most Recent Posts

@The Grey Dust

Well, in order to make the RP worth starting, brother. I'm going to need at least 6 interest since this is all about large legions of drama and panorama of the, motherfucking, heavenly housemates. A solid case would 8 but it looks like so far people are in a bit of tar about this RP in magneticism.

@Lord Zee

One character.

But you will will accrue NPC agents be them godly or mortals to go on missions for you. You can't really control them once they are on a mission though, so you got to wait and see if you trusted the right person for the job.
@The Grey Dust

Both of those gods are fine, brother. But how feasible they'll be to make with the points you have to spend on powers and where they will fit on the pantheon scale-essential, pantheon, lesser- is a bit up in the air. But brain brew brawn wise I don't see any motherfucking, lasso on your picasso.
I would like to see if I can, motherfucking, accrue two more to the divinity dew before I consider making this into an full rp.

Some additional ideas for the RP.


Every passing of time or period of posts a court date will appear, this is a meeting of all gods that are not a part of the "stranger" out groups. Here, all players vote, debate, and reppeal what they can. Influence will have its strongest effect here since every certain threshhold of points increase the number your vote count as. In RP, this increased voting strength is represented by the lesser NPC gods under your sway whom vote behind you.


Every certain post amount or after a major event a 100 years will pass in RP time. During this phase nothing will really happen, the status established here would ensue for said 100 years. Every gains an update on what has occured from the new time point. New events and things happening in the mortal world-like the invention of a pencillican- are noted.


An event occurs every now and then that acts as an outside plot point to in group things, in order to spice it up. Events occur sometimes by themselves or in rows. An event can be something not immediately effecting like a certain country amassing a vast army, or something more noticable like a sudden trend of atheism.

all events of all natures occur more depending on the gods actions and inner politics.


Major events whom are inveitable, however, the variable of their severity can be changed by the groups past actions/prepardeness/ current established power base.

Hidden Events

Stuff which may be mention vaguely but how big or little they are is unknown. Events can quickly cascade into a serious threat not just to Earth but to gods themselves but limited power and stats may make only investigating some possible.




"I suppose I should begin from the start"
"First there were the Outsiders"

"They who enter dreams, who live in the places where darkness is the only company between you and them. They roamed about in an orgy of chaos, swallowing all things to be and could be. Diminishing all past death, giving end to the endless. The Soul Eaters. Over time they devoured all there was and ,so, turned onto each other. Their abundant numbers dragged this into a millenia of canibalism past any man's comprehension. Near the Outsiders extinction a new being emerged"

"The Essentials"

"Born in the eternal nothing. In the gap between horror they started a new chain of life. The Essentials are the gate keepers and fathers of all that we know. They allow what what we come to expect, eternally at watch for what came before and what will come after. The most important of the pantheon, and the most cursed. For even gods must pay a price to bring back something from nothing. Each chained to a task, a duty, a curse, or even a role of vigilant work to keep things going"

"Then came the new: The Pantheon"

"They are the children of fortune. Much like the essentials they were born from nothing, but unlike them they were not bound by the same curses and duties to keep what we know going. The Pantheon took upon their roles at their own choice and some abandon them abruptly or over the dramas that plague divinity. We worship the pantheon in appreciation for their continued supervision over their domain, which without it would undoubtedly cause havoc on our world."

"and finally...the lessers"

"The same as the Pantheon by birth but not by opportunity or virtue. They choose lesser mantles, some which we can all conclude we are better without nor are of the same importance as the former two. Should a lesser disapper not much would change in the world but do not be fooled by their title. A lesser is the same in power as a pantheon, and have been known to usurp their peers for influence, ambition, or power"


The Basics are this:

We start in a world whom is still techologically in the early medieval times. Think greek in its hay day, the roman empire, old england an llt that blacksmith and poor plumbing. The world may have fantastical elements depending on player generated lore.

Our possible roles as deities



Essentials govern a task/aspect/ role that if impeded or stopped in someway would undoubtedly cause an end of the galaxy scenario. They are the most powerful of gods because they have leverage over all things. In turn, Essentials tend to have little time for messing with mortals concerns because their jobs are constant, be it holding up the sky or making sure a prison of monsters are never freed.

Essentials are bound to their roles and their jobs. It is impossible for an essential to abandon their post, however, it is possible for them to be captured or killed. Under the right circumstances.



These are your standard greek gods. The govern important things such as the sea, fire, law, ectr. Their important governance of this task how it run smoothly and stop chaotic madness sprawling out. However, unlike greek gods, while you may be a deity of your domain you don't actually get powers relating to it.

As a god, you are born, cultivate, train powers until you reach maturity-100 years- in which case your powers are mostly cemented forever, although you may grow stronger it will take centuries. Your powers typically are expected to fit your domain so you can serve your role better.

A god of fire, for a example, may actually be perfectly capable of controlling all elements. But he would need at least an ability to handle fire to fit the job of being the fire deity. He, of course, wouldn't be as good as using fire as someone who puts a lot more focus on controlling it.

Pantheon get 4 points, which they use for purchasing a power.

Powers that will break the universe are not allowed-such as endlessly multiplication of yourself, or rewinding time-
Mind powers are A-ok though as is creating organic life forms or machines.
Even if you only have 1 point in a power, you are a god. You surpass any mortal in that field or at least would be on par with a one of a kind genius of a generation.

Your powers can include mundane things such as: military training or mathmatics. You do have to indiviudally select physically learned things-like kung fu- or scholarly things-like engineering- but you will be a master in any you choose.



As a lesser you are more or less exactly the same as a Pantheon, but your job is less important. Maybe you took it because you didn't want the scorn of your peers. Maybe you took it because it was forced on you, or perhaps you took a less important mantle because that's what you like, screw what gods or mortal needs. It's your life.

These mantles tend to be things like gods of murder, drinking, lust ectr.

Of course, you could have NO mantle. No domain. In which case you are normally given one by the other gods, typically as mockery.

Such as the "The Bum, Lord of laziness" if you are especially bad and keep causing trouble or stay without a domain you picked yourself to govern for over a 100 years you become a "Stranger" a small outgroup of deity entities whom are not approved by the gods for one reason or the other.



Mortal Affairs:

You may have a direct power-like judging sins- or simply accrue power by gaining followers. Mortal affairs allows you to effect things on Earth without having to always call the gods for help/approval, or flexing in your muscle. EG: you could send an agent to try and convince a king to stop killing people. Instead of smiting him or getting someone else to smite him.


The more influence you have the more other gods will be naturally leaning to your side. This includes non- player gods. In terms of player gods, they are not doomed to make choices by your influence but they may find more bad events/disapproving powers acting out against them.

Expect to be last in the line for political favors-like getting an essential to help you- if you have low influence.

Your raw, beefy, divine, macho, muscle of magic. Power lets you do incredible things with your smiting abilities and the more powerful you are, the more you can mess crap up. While all gods are deadly, only those of high power can cause a doomsday event to wipe away a city or summon a demon. Powerful gods have good imitimdation skills and have a one up against other gods in combat.



(you will get to pick 2) this is just an example.

Old Religion: Your position has an old religion established around it, perhaps to the concept. Perhaps to an god the mortals made themselves, none the less. You inherited this religion and have increased influence in the council. You also have willing agents on earth.

+1 mortal affairs.

+1 influences

Golden Child: As a young deity you outshined your fellows in whatever feild you chose, while any god is marvelous in what they do you somehow manage to push the cart just that bit forward. Everyone always knew you were going somewhere, maybe even the top. Somehow.

you get a bonus point to spend on a power.
Otherworldly Nature: Something about you is off, maybe it was bad breeding, maybe it was a touch of something outside. But you are no normal deity, you look...wrong...have the wrong parts...act...wrong. Even when you try your best some sinful energy creeps from you.

-1 influence

+2 power


OOC expectations

All RP'ers will expected to interact with each other outside of RP. Mingle and so on.

Posting will be expected every 3 days, max unless some sort of real life circumstance gets in the way.

2 paragraphs standard a post. This is not an absolute, and I leave it to RP'ers judgement when less is more. But this will be the standard.

All RP'ers will be expected to formulate relations of some sort with other gods from the get go during the creation phase.

All players should have something going on with someone all times. I will create events but it will important for the group to keep everyone in.
In Lock and Key 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum








Everyone worth talking to is dead and everything that makes my job easy is apprently destroyed. The crew haven't come back yet, so, they are either freshly dead or currently dying. The GIANT, FUCKING, SPACE CHEST that just smashed into us appears to have destroyed the PRETTYPOWERFULPROGRAMMING CONCEPTCUALCREATIONATOR or as the lower classes call it for short: the PC.

I should probably do something before the management notes that I am not taking on my responsbilities as the resident SCREECHER by attempting to help and consequentially demote me.






Count Down has begun

"In a fair universe all creatures would have claws. This is one the few things humans fixed in gods stead" ~ Colonial Defender Eddie Yates of Judica Star.

Hand Guns

Rifles, Shotguns, Beams and Machine Guns

Specialist Weapons

OOC: Since I mentioned shopping. I should at least post an example. Here are some starting guns.

The tabletop elements mostly exist in combat beside from certain scenarios where checks is applied. We don't roll for checks, you're either strong enough to lift a broken door or not.

Combat elments are:

Fatal Shots (EG: getting your unarmored head hit with a direct assualt plasma rifle will reduce your skull to candle wax)

Normal health (all other hits)


Strength: applies to certain checks against getting your ass knocked over, your melee attack effectiveness, certain equipment handling due to heaviness and scenarios.

Dex: this determines your chance to auto-dodge attacks in an open feild. Your ability to let off shots in a rapid succecsion. Certain atheletic/acrobatic checks. Intiative (if your dex is higher than your enemy you go first, basically)

Int: this determines your plus to hacking, medicine, science shit. It also gives you OOC hints and clues to certain events. If a character with an int of 10 is looking at a vase, I will directly say. "you notice a pattern of symbols on the vase and ectr"

Con: is your resistence to physical effects. If you're in intense pain, Like marriage, Your con determines how long you can last under those circumstances. It also determines your resistence to bio weapons and illnesses/infections.

Charisma I give you points based on stuff your character said was appealing to their target "Your beard reminds me of my mothers locks" = 2 then I plus any charisma bonuses you have. The characters disposition/training/personality give them an invisible number for you reach for desired effects.

Career Points: basically a bonus to things relating to your career. EG: mechanic get a plus to repairing something or figuring out how it works.

Careers also give you logical benefits: if you're a solder you may get a bonus to handling weapon recoil Or, for example, if you're a merchant you might start off with extra credits.

The more pure non-homebrew DnD rules are: turns which is one movement and one action plus any minor actions (eg: closing a door dosen't take up your action unless the door is stuck or needs to be locked. An attack takes up an action))

you get a certain amount of feet you can travel in combat. Out of combat, you basically can move freely like in normal forum RP/

Most of the stat stuff is truly tied into your gear. So, if you're a fan of shopping. This may be for you.

The final thing we have is points:

Points are abstract expressions of time and personal development: At the start you can spend your precious points for early access to more expensive gear. Your points after your first mission is used to "do stuff".

You can spend a point and say "in the month we were gone. My guy spent 2 points and opened up a small shop which he left in the care of his brother" or something. That will produce a tiny amount of credits each year for you.


My dude trained at the gym endlessly and increased his strength by 1. Or, you can spend points to buy something at a huge downtime discount, so it's feasible for you to buy that big ass gun you wanted. Because in RP, your guy saved up for it.

The New Epoch

Mankind had long left Earth, spreading amongst the stars into hundreds of colonies. With the power and progress of further technology ships and stations began to sustain actual societies in the cold depths of space. Planets were irrelevant for living anymore yet just as desired. A dream come true, the end goal come to task and with it a freedom of ideas and foundations could begin anew in an infinity of space.

The only revision from the sci fi comics of old is that what Earth released wasn't human. The long chain of DNA shackling men to fated agony rattled more loudly with each year. If people were to be independent they must be biologically capable of doing so.

The transhuman generation begun, heeding stories of alien creatures and horrific designs. It was a generation meant to keep people human while wiping out the weaknesses of their birth: Genetic defects, fatigue, atrophy, dementia, cancer, and ineffective immune system. All of these issues and more were slowly phased out. Line by line. This is another end of an era, on this day. The first of a final line of human is released.

The EPOCH human wakes up in odd times. Aliens, cyborgs, radical geneticists, Earth left for dead and the dead come back to life. Former lines, whom had grown outside of the Purity Project Union branch of the government look upon you with Envy. Not human, yet obsolete. What will they do now that the EPOCH is here?

You are a____




This was just a tast. If I get interest I will post more stuff, primarily. Some parts of the shopping lists-you can go shopping in this...oh boy can you go shopping= and some of the rules on stats.

This RP will have a general rule of 2 paragraphs. That's the rough standard, but I am ok with it dipping below that from time to time.

If you don't like this, but you saw one of my older RP you'd like me to revive, let me know. I'll revive it if I get enough interest.
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