Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
My Homestuck class: Bard of Void
Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
Shit, this sentence sprang from my, motherfucking, clicker gulch and made an account. Keep your eyes from the FBI tracking down the secrect PSI, my aviation of animation.
shit, really. I'm more new to DnD than a, motherfucking, animal to the alphabet so I might of manslaughtered some of the mathmatics. I'll twist some gears and put back my characters life arrears later.
Shit, if we're deposited the dialogue dynamos into this digital dig hole then I might as well, motherfucking, vaporize the surprise and let my kindred clock around their eyes at the bartender knuckle sunrise. Might move some motions on where our longing lotions will be applied.
Age: 32 Sex: M Race: Human Level: 1 Background: Haunted One Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Fighter
Strength: 15 + 1 = 16
Constitution: 15 + 2 = 17
Dexterity: 15
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 12
Known Languages: Common, undercommon
-------------------------- Tavern Brawler
Accustomed to rough-and-tumble fighting using whatever weapons happen to be at hand, you gain the following benefits:
Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You are proficient with improvised weapons. Your unarmed strikes use a d4 for damage. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target. A grapple check is a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. --------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. ---------------------------------------------
Second Wind
------------------------------ At first level, on your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. -------------------------------
Starting Equipment
(Note: Working with max possible wealth as default for fighter class. 5d4 x 10 = 400 GP))
A Backpack. 2 GP 2 LB
Pouche Belt (6 pouches) 3 GP 3 LB
X10 empty liqour bottles. Corked. 20 GP 40 LB
X 25 corks. n/a listing
Bottle decorker. N/A listing
Chain(10 feet) 5 GP 10 lb
crowbar 2 GB 5 LB
Clothes, common(spare) 5 sp 3 LB
Bed Roll 1 GP 7 lb
Mess Kit 2 SP 1 LB
Lantern, hooded 5 GP 2 LB
rations x10 2 GP 20 LB
Mortar and Prestle (for crushing things tiny) N/A listing
Brain Chunk: A small, hardened, shriveled up ball turned gray from its various a chemical process wrapped in a clothe. A sharp shard of glass is still lodged within it.
Spicy Powders x 10
Crushed Stinging Nettles x 10
Crushed Glass x10
[two of each are already put into the bottles and corked.]
A Bartender until he was glassed with a hefty bottle. By some strangeness, he awoke after being cared for by his younger sister. He recalls the clay and clammy grip of death and even his own family swore that for a few minutes he was icy cold and without breath.
He later on was ejected by his family business after years of his developing vicous temperament culminated in him striking his pregnant sister. Since then his wound has ached more frequently, followed by strange occurances and flash fevers of increasing length. Occasionally he will lose all warmth and stop breathing for long periods without notice.
I like people, people are why I become a bartender. But I get so angry when they let me down! [abusive]
It's like the blood near the scar gets all warm. Hardens to a stop. Each time, I wonder. Will it start moving again? [Thantophobia]
If I am going to hurt people, I'd rather it be the right people
I'm not living in the shadow of that bar forever. I'm going to climb someplace higher in this world
I've lost everything to that damn day. My family, my friends, my happiness. I won't succumb. I will find a way to survive!
shit, my seyonce of the system. I ponder with my pointy protusion commander that we should be meddled by, motherfucking, twist and turns of the clock work universe than organic organision. That way we can, motherfucking, be meddled by our marbles while we look at marvels rather than solid stone steps as we move into our quest.
But a good half ale to sip on the relationship sail would be to maybe have a Relationship: in our character crewing so that way everyone can mark up any match ups they planned before the actual RP starts. EG: former lovers, adventurers, family ectr.
Shit, my motherfucking, maiden of the magic melding. I'm more up for this than a baloon given meds by a dodgey doctor in an alleyway. I'll start my sheet soon. Never got a chance to properly put my persona in any DnD before.
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
[b]Fandoms:[/b] Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality:[/b] Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters:[/b] In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
[b]My Homestuck class:[/b] Bard of Void
[b]Likes:[/b] Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
[b]Dislike:[/b] Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
[i]Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
[url=] my 1 x 1 IC [/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br>Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Fandoms:</span> Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Personality:</span> Ambiguously ?????????????????.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Favorite Homestuck characters:</span> In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.<br><br>Hate kanaya and Jade.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Homestuck class:</span> Bard of Void<br><br><span class="bb-b">Likes:</span> Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Dislike:</span> Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit. <br><br><span class="bb-i">Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.</span><br><br><a href="">my 1 x 1 IC</a><br></div>