Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Who the hell is Steve Jobs
3 mos ago
Should've ran anyway, otherwise he cooked you
4 mos ago
Yeah that’s cool and all but you’re either shouting to people that already agree with you or someone that’s heard it before and finds it unconvincing. Either way, you’re worked up for nothing
4 mos ago
Don’t you people ever get tired of being angry all the time? Nobody’s changing their politics because of a status message on a roleplay website
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Huh, she backed down. Interesting. Chad doubted she was actually convinced and conceded only because the argument seemed a waste of time, but he'd take it regardless. He followed the group with casual ease - or at least as casual as one can be while dodging the view of security cameras - and moved to continue onward even as the elevator started its ascent. The Dionne girl rushed ahead, as if she weren't far too fragile to take point. Well, maybe she'd intended to turn the inside of the elevator into a conflagration before the occupants had a chance to react, but surely standing that close was a hazard regardless. The point became moot, as much of what occurred here apparently did, as the elevator continued past them and into the detention level.

The chatter was about what he expected; security didn't give a damn anymore. The Eve wanted to press them for information, though Chad was perfectly content to wait for the elevator to arrive just so he could deprive that poor idiot of any chance of seeing snow or his family again, but apparently the prisoners took first priority now that they had confirmation at least some of them were still alive. How annoying. He supposed they couldn't bank on the one downstairs playing with his food for too long, so it'd be better to catch him while he's distracted with his fun. Clearly he had some kind of fire-derivative for an affinity, so he was likely capable of becoming quite the annoyance. Besides, it would be completely unsatisfying to get neither a fight nor a completed objective out of this trip.

"Yes, oh fearless leader," Chad acquiesced flatly, finally moving with intent for the first time since he'd ripped that girl's throat out earlier. "You have about fifteen seconds until that elevator opens, so I suggest you pick up the pace." He gently pushed the door to the stairwell open, careful to avoid any unfortunate rattling, then continued past, only dangling a lanky arm backward to hold the door open behind him. If they started arguing rather than walking again, he didn't need the slam of a forgotten door to tip off both the two in the elevator and the ones downstairs too.

Quinn let himself relax at last as Lyra finally backed down. She didn't at all seem genuine, but so long as everyone had calmed down, they could keep moving. Let them work out their differences somewhere else - preferrably far, far away from him. Hopefully Lyra's conduct wasn't a direct reflection on her mother, or else he might not get the chance. He'd come to Dawn Rising expecting- well, he didn't know, but something akin to a harmonious organization united by common cause, misguided as it was, not a petty microcosm of the Blood War. He certainly hadn't signed up to butt heads with vampires based on some imagined mage solidarity.

Lyra tugged one of his sleeves away, and his hands instinctively balled into fists as they separated. Guiltily, his cheeks flushed red again and his mouth parted to offer a mumbled apology for his conduct, but it promptly closed again once he'd registered that she hadn't taken issue with his incessant fidgeting, but rather intended to just beckon him forward. Maybe it would've been for the best; if the vampires saw her chide him like his mother, they probably wouldn't place them as kindred spirits. Certainly would've been embarrassing, though.

People here were oddly fond of touching each other, he noted. Or at least touching him. That was twice in a row, did they have no shame? Well, clearly not, if she was so willing to argue with the vampires, but surely one needn't be too dignified to not shower affection on strangers. Merciful Salazar, it was that handsy countess all over again. Except Lyra wasn't even hungry.

Quinn returned his attention to his surroundings as Caspian - or Casper? Did he forget his name so soon? - zipped past, which drew his gaze up to the nearby camera. Right, focus. He followed the other mage's lead and timed his rush with the camera's movement, continuing past Caspian to subtly use him as a barrier should they have underestimated the camera's range.

"It was worth a shot. If they had already talked, they'd have no reason to keep them alive this long," Quinn mused. Hopefully they weren't too late. It didn't make sense to be still holding interrogations when the facility was this deserted, but it didn't exactly make sense to postpone their executions either. Then again, he didn't understand anything about this jail- and he was getting off topic again!

He took a step back, trying to distance himself from Caspian, lest someone notice he was cowering behind him, then gave the other mage a pensive frown. "Can your, um... puddle see the upstairs too? It'll at least get us a head start on the cells before we get up there."


This girl really did have a penchant for stating the obvious, didn't she? Obviously they'd adjust their plans based on how they found the prisoners, it didn't need to be said. Chad wasn't sure if that was her way of organizing her thoughts, or if she honestly believed he didn't understand such simple facets of the operation. The Eve and him seemed to be of one mind, given how the other vampire immediately jumped to belittle Dionne's daughter like the child she evidently was. He would've gone with a demeaning pat to the head, personally, but he couldn't fault him; Casper had made the act a bit passé when he did it to the purple boy without a hint of irony.

"I think the only one here with a problem is you, girl. You open the floor to feedback and then raise a fuss when it's given," the vampire mused nonchalantly. Not that he was truly offended, but it really would become an annoyance if she harried him on every point he made. Especially if their suggestions weren't even at odds with each other. Typical woman. "I've lived your life a dozenfold times, remember? You needn't keep reminding me to do things. And lest you worry, were I desperately in need of heads to rip off for my daily quota, I'd have already blundered into the path of that camera over there and waited for the bloodbath." His mouth twisted into a sweet, yet taunting grin, the one that he reserves for people who take themselves too seriously when he knows he can become a thorn in their side.

Fortunately, Casper managed something productive during their little spat, and spared the group from any rash actions Chad might've taken to liven things up a bit. The fate of the prisoners didn't particularly interest him, but a located prisoner was one step closer to vacating this dump so he could focus on more important endeavors. If he wanted to shut up and move along, Chad certainly wasn't going to object. Though he couldn't say he'd willingly participate in a jaunty crawl across the ceiling like some kind of insect. Mortals were so cute; they see a new type of magic and immediately jump to some overcomplicated diversion founded on it.

"Even if we could, that'd be a waste of blood, time, and effort. I believe it more prudent to keep our attentions on our surroundings and not on whether our feet are going to slip right off the roof and into a camera's view or not," Chad stamped out the idea immediately. "Besides, isn't that what mages are for? Are we too heavy or something? It's impolite to call people fat, you know." He turned his gaze down to their resident wall-walking expert, who predictably wilted under it like a delicate flower.

"No, sir. I can handle everyone if necessary," Purple squeaked, timid as he was. Poor thing, he'd been the only one that behaved; Chad really could stand to reward him for his behavior, assuming it came from manners and not fear, anyway.

Turning away, he continued with a dismissive wave of his hand. "But that's a bridge we can cross when we get to it. Casper seems to have this floor covered, let's move on before all this bitching gets us caught."

Quinn diverted his eyes bashfully as Lyra praised his spellcraft. She must not've understood how his affinity worked, because he'd barely done a thing there. What was there to congratulate? The speculation ended shortly after when she mouthed off to the vampires in their entourage - she was crazy, and he needn't give any thought to her motives or action beyond that. Then the other mage rose from whatever strange spell he'd been focused on to... stars above, what was with these people?!

Heat rushed to his face as the blond mage's hand made its brief journey through Quinn's hair. His own hand came up to quickly fix whatever Caspian had messed up, perceived or real, then joined its partner in tugging awkwardly at the hem of his shirt. He really needed something to do with his hands; embarrassment made him jumpy, but he couldn't afford to act on it when one wrong move could get them discovered. If Count Astorio didn't do it first out of spite, anyway. The tension in the air only mounted with every word, and though he had no part in it, Quinn felt his stomach drop all the same.

Figuring it would be safer to look away rather than be confused for a participant, he followed the blond mage back down to the puddle he'd been so entranced with. To his surprise, it didn't show the slightly-distorted floor beneath, but a whole different room entirely. Was that below them? Could he see through the floor? Quinn hadn't even heard an incantation out of him, maybe he was less attentive than he thought.

"I think whatever you're doing is a lot more impressive than my spell, honestly," the violet-haired boy commented quietly as he leaned over Caspian's shoulder. The picture even moved; though Quinn wasn't entirely sure what it displayed, given the way everything in this building seemed to look the same.

The feeling of hungry eyes on the back of his neck drew Quinn's attention away from the scrying pool and his posture back to rapt attention, only for it to crumple submissively under Count Astorio's scrutiny not even a moment later. Had he been accidentally roped into some kind of rivalry by Lyra's comment? Was that common here? Sure, he'd seen some mages with... radical ideas on vampire-mage relations in the rebellion, but outright hostility like this had to be a rarity for the group to function. Right...? Was he immediately pegged as a disobedient upstart because he'd left a vampire's service? He didn't hate vampires, he just liked living!

"No, sir. I can handle everyone if necessary," he answered the Count, choosing not to comment on the vampire's last jab. If anything, it was probably intended for Caspian anyway. Quinn certainly hadn't implied anything of the sort, but if he was to be grouped in with the rest of the mages...

He needed to find a way to distinguish himself from them, fast. Unfortunately, short of throwing himself to the floor and begging their favor, Quinn didn't see anything he could do immediately to do so. As soon as the Astorio looked away, his hands found each other once again and wrung themselves together in a pitiable attempt to comfort himself. His eyes didn't leave the floor, just in case.

Ceolfric couldn't say he found the change in weather comforting. Even if the impending rain didn't bring with it the threat of demons, the thought of trudging along a muddy road while damp and freezing was hardly tantalizing. And if that wasn't bad enough, the horse suddenly decided it wasn't content with its current employment. He nearly dominated the stupid creature into trudging forward regardless, but he was interrupted by a wolf dragging itself onto the path.

His blade was drawn in an instant, unhappy that a mere animal - and a wounded one at that - could surprise him so easily. Of course, where there was a wounded animal, there was also something to wound it. Probably what had spooked the horse to begin with. Unfortunately, no masses of aether stood out nearby, and certainly not one large enough to kill a wolf.

Come to think of it, he didn't feel a wolf either.

Cerric's inane commentary was useless, and the bandit briefly considered that the man had conjured the damn thing himself just to fuck with them. Of course, that begged the question of whether the thing in front of them was a result of an infiltration of their minds, or if it existed as a physical construct. The latter would make for an easy first strike on whoever was bold enough to investigate the wounded canine, should the supposed corpse suddenly spring back to life and attack them, though the former was probably more troubling.

The boy with the strange hair approached soon after, nearly earning him a swift strike to the head from the on-edge bandit, but he purchased his life with information that Ceolfric had missed. He had no guarantee that wasn't also an illusion, designed to draw their attention in one direction while the real threats attacked from the other, but they couldn't afford to ignore it either. However, he didn't quite see the point of the subtlety. If Ermes had spotted an enemy, why was he whispering? Did he not recognize that they'd already been caught in the trap? Or was he merely trying to cower behind the only competent fighter the group had to offer under the guise of being helpful. No, it was probably just the way he'd learned to operate; little urchins like him didn't confront their enemies, they evaded them.

"There's no guarantee it didn't find ours first, on your guard," Ceolfric hissed back to Ermes as his eyes scanned their surroundings for any more movement. Abandoning the cart to search the area would be a poor move, but they couldn't keep moving with a threat lurking so near.

Did these idiots even realize there was a threat?

"That is not a wolf. Someone with a bow, check to see if it's tangible or not," Ceolfric warned loudly, heedless of Ermes' earlier attempt at subtlety. What was their attacker going to do? Attack? "Everyone else, get ready, the creator's here somewhere, and he might have friends."

He turned now past Ermes to address their mystery assailant. "We have no quarrel with you. Allow us passage and live to seek easier prey." He had no idea whether their ambusher was a man or a beast, but he supposed it couldn't hurt to throw the offer out regardless. The scheme seemed a bit advanced for a feral monster, but this forest only grew stranger by the minute and Ceolfric was not a betting man. Perhaps he could lure the conjurer out with promises of a toll for passage, and then rip out its throat for daring to waste his time. At the very least, it might spring its attack once it realizes it'd been seen. Save him the trouble of playing chicken with a fucking bush for hours.


Sudden quiet in nature was bad, wasn't it? If everything shut up, it had to stem from wariness. A predator drew near, a natural disaster loomed, a calamity was surely in the making. But Daniel couldn't, for the life of him, figure out what had everything on the island so spooked. The sky was still sunny as ever, so that ruled out hurricanes. The island didn't seem big enough to support any particularly dangerous carnivores. Did they feel an earthquake? Was this pathetic excuse for a sandbar about to be wiped off the map by a sudden tsunami?

It seems Sofia had seen it, judging by her second fainting spell. That woman needed to see a doctor. His concern was short-lived, however, as a resounding thud from the distance stole Danny's attentions from the girl near immediately. Stress clenched its way up his frame as he turned; he really hoped everyone else had a good enough vantage point to see the thing too, because asking Sofia what the hell they were dealing with seemed out of the question. (Un)luckily for him, the steadily-increasing hindrance that was his eyesight made little difference; the threat was still quite visible from a distance. It wasn't quite Jurassic Park, but it was close. Some grotesque monster had shambled its way onto the island, somewhere between a frog and... well, he really didn't know what else to classify it as.

For once, he found himself in agreement with just about every comment his fellow islanders had made. Even Verity. It was a dream after all! This was, of course, the part where he'd start running in slow motion, because that always happened in dreams. Then the frog-thing would be moments from eating him, and he'd wake up. It really would just be simpler to accept his fate and let it happen.

But why did that feel like such a bad idea?

With that primal, instinctive urge driving him, Danny took off without a word. He had no idea how frogs found their prey or if dinosaur frogs even worked the same as real frogs, but he certainly wasn't going to stay there and be trampled, if not eaten. Though, that begged the question, what was he hoping to find? Sure, big reptiles - amphibians too, probably - weren't exactly known for their stamina, but there was only so much island and the thing would recover eventually. It wasn't like they had any way to kill such a massive thing even while it rested.

"Where are- we running- to?! This- island- isn't big- enough!" Danny huffed out toward his fellow runners between exhales, taking care not to exhaust himself prematurely with something as mundane as manic questions.

Chad paid little mind to the conversation at hand, at least outwardly, and instead contented himself by polishing one of his fangs with his tongue. There was still a little blood on it from earlier. A finger came up to wipe at the corner of his mouth and, as suspected, it too came away with a smear of red. He'd been certain to not let even a drop leak out from that guard and onto the floor, but apparently he'd been less meticulous with his own cleanliness. How careless; she didn't even taste that great. Oh well, no harm done.

That small excitement aside, this operation had been far too boring for the vampire's tastes. He'd been promised a grand conflict with the nearby fortress, and instead he'd been relegated to rescuing idiot mages who'd probably already had their minds torn asunder weeks ago. It didn't help that Dionne's progeny droned on like she was in charge of the operation. Was that his purpose here? Protect daughter dearest from the big bad security guards who'd been left behind when they vacated this dump? At least she had the presence of mind to word her thoughts as suggestions rather than orders, though it was almost cute that she thought he'd need to be reminded to listen for footsteps and hadn't been doing just that since the moment they entered.

Once again, his attention waned as the little purple boy steered the conversation to an explanation of his parlor trick. At least, Chad was pretty sure that was a boy - he initially considered it might be a flat-chested lesbian with a bad haircut, but the voice suggested otherwise. Great Anastasia, what were they feeding mages these days? Andrei's mother had looked more masculine while eight months pregnant than Casper and Purple Nurple did under the best of circumstances.

Chad expected the Eve's input to be more valuable, but he only offered a question of limited importance. Judging by the way he eyed the girl, he was either one of Dionne's sycophants or he somehow found the situation to be incredibly amusing. The Astorio sincerely hoped it was the latter, or this reassignment might actually become irritating.

"I guess we either drag the first one we find along or we stuff them somewhere safe and come get them after we've located the rest," Chad answered with indifferent ease, as if they were discussing the logistics of navigating a grocery store rather than a potentially dangerous imperial prison. "I'm not averse to splitting up, but I think our little mages have recently become joined at the hip and I'd hate to leave them without a chaperone."

The larger group definitely posed more of a risk of discovery, but they were bound to notice that the last girl stopped checking in eventually and raise the alarm regardless. Besides, with how deserted the compound was, they'd probably be able to fight their way out if it came to it.

For all their sanctimonious drivel, these rebels were certainly harder taskmasters than either of the vampires he'd had the pleasure or displeasure of serving. Quinn could remember faces, names; all of that was to be expected, but that commander had thrown him in front of a map for barely enough time to even read the first label and then expected him to retain anything about the operation. While he listened to the briefing too, mind. At least his fellow infiltrators seemed to have their bearings. Quinn had resigned himself to simply follow along until they found a wall they needed to scale or they wanted a quick getaway route. Not that he had any clue where the extraction point was aside from a vague direction of 'west'.

His unease only grew worse once they'd paused. It was necessary, he knew, to discuss a course of action rather than blunder in carelessly, but every moment he spent in stillness was another moment he had to truly analyze his surroundings. Skeleton crew or not, he was in enemy territory, just waiting for them to stumble upon him. Worse, the place gave him the creeps. It reeked of death and felt like the setting of a cheesy horror movie, like some horrifying abomination born from the tortured soul of a former inmate would burst forth from a cell any minute now and drag him away.

Wait, someone was talking. He was supposed to focus on that. The girl - Lyra, she was important, probably had authority - suggested they check the execution room first. That was... down? The map was hazy in his mind, but she mentioned 'upward' in specific, which suggested it was below them. Probably to let the blood drain off. Dedicating a whole room just to killing surely meant they employed methods more complicated (and doubtlessly more morbid) than simply putting a celepertien through their temple and calling it a day. That would definitely be the site of the horror movie scene. Or worse, the executioners could still be inside. They needed to hurry up and save those three people, then! Unless they were executed in their cell- Oh, orders!

But she just called him Quintus. Understandable, given she'd probably just been given his name by whoever bothered to keep track of the roster in Caeli, but it put him on edge all the same. His eyes drifted to the camera that swiveled dangerously close to their position. Someone could be listening. He didn't want to be Quintus while he consorted with these upstart terrorists. It wasn't exactly a common name, and it would take more than dyeing his hair a stupid color to erase himself. He couldn't be seen next to enemies of the state looking like her. Preferably, he'd never be seen at all, but if he was, he could be Quinn, not Quintus, and never Contarini. Though arguing about it here of all places just seemed counter-intuitive. He hoped it didn't catch on.

"I can do that. Just know it might affect your gait a little, so if you're still feeling clumsy after the first couple steps, let me know and I'll stop the spell," he warned quietly. The lavender-haired mage broke his gaze away from Lyra and shifted it to the other mage she'd motioned to briefly. He met his eyes for hardly a second, then lowered his gaze to the blond's feet. Right, he wouldn't need to account for the vampires. So, just three. Plus the prisoners, assuming they could even walk. If not, he'd probably be the one carrying them unless the Astorio volunteered. Quinn certainly wasn't going to be the one to ask.

Quinn's hands found each other in front of his waist, fingers intertwining and shifting about each other as he planned his next move. If he made them too light, they'd just bounce away, but if he didn't make them light enough, it would defeat the purpose of the magic. His hands broke apart and moved upward in a lifting motion toward Caspian and Lyra. They'd feel a faint floatiness come over them, as if they were submerged in a pool. Their clothes sat a little bit lighter on their frame and their hair puffed up the tiniest bit as the earth's grasp on them receded at Quinn’s urging.

"There. Try it out. I assume the cameras are all pointed downward too, so we could probably crawl past them on the ceiling if we need to." He assumed the detention level would have the least amount of blind spots, but the execution room was a toss-up.


Daniel still didn't understand how they could possibly be this calm, but their words of encouragement at least gave him something to focus on. Orlando was right, he was still doing better than the blubbering messes back on the beach, and walking back there to mope with them would probably only make him feel worse. He'd hoped to distract himself with whatever task Victor was insistent on them performing, but all they seemed to accomplish was taking note of the bleakness of the situation. At least they had a miniscule amount of food now.

Speaking of food, another coconut flew at him, this time from ground level rather than a lofty perch on high. The cracked fruit splashed a bit as it made contact with his chest as though it were a football before he caught it properly in his hands. Daniel raised a quizzical brow; Verity - who had evidently extricated herself from the tree - somehow made it sound unappealing. Who wanted a hot drink on the beach? Still, they couldn't really afford to waste it, and the boy promptly put the coconut to his lips to slurp from its innards.

"Uh, thanks," he mumbled sheepishly after he'd finished, wiping away any remaining dribble from his chin, "All of you. I'm good now. I think." He wasn't, but they didn't need to know that. And if he kept himself distracted, they wouldn't. Because they'd all be back home soon. Yeah.

"So, what were you saying? We should look around?" Danny focused his attention squarely on Victor now, internally hoping with desperate fervor that the other boy's confidence came from a plan that could get them out of here and not because he was a crazy person like Verity. His rapt interest didn't last very long, as the rustling of foliage nearby immediately drew Daniel's gaze like a startled deer. Sofia had mentioned animals, and while that would solve their woes about food, he had no idea how they'd manage to kill one, especially if it was dangerous. Was this island even big enough to support dangerous predators?

Thankfully, nothing jumped out at him abruptly. His eyes instinctively narrowed as he strained his vision into the not-so-distant distance, only to promptly let out a relieved exhale as he spotted movement from definitively person-shaped figures. They must've come looking for Verity after the trio of boys didn't return swiftly enough.

"Ah, hell, here comes more Sofia orders. Unless somebody already strangled her," he grumbled as he waved away his earlier train of thought. If she didn't have an explanation ready, he really didn't want any part of her hysterics, especially since the swimmer had just calmed himself down. He could feel the beginnings of a headache tingling at the base of his skull already, though he wasn't sure if it was the stress or if he was already dehydrated and really did need to drink that coconut.

Thankfully, nobody acquiesced to Verity's weird request, though Victor did suggest something with vines that made Daniel the slightest bit wary. What the hell was she going to do with vines that she needed pants for? Actually, that was pretty solid dream logic, so maybe that meant he'd be waking up soon.

His question - which he really didn't need answered, honestly - was answered regardless moments later, when the girl threw herself at the tree in an attempt to climb it. He almost yelled at her to get down, but to his surprise, she was actually decent at it. Danny watched in perplexed awe as she hopped her way up the palm one weird movement at a time. Not that he was a physicist or anything, but it didn't even seem possible. All he needed her to do was outright start walking up the tree to confirm his dream theory, but unfortunately she remained just inside the realm of plausibility just to spite him. This dream sucked.

As the coconuts began to rain down, Danny immediately raced backward, leaving the fruit-catching to the other two - one head injury was enough for today. Possibly two, depending on whether or not he really did take a rock to the head and die back at the dockhouse. To his chagrin, he couldn't even get mad at the tree-climbing psychopath either; that was food and water they could use right there.

Oh, god, they'd have to find food out here. If a boat didn't pass by quickly, they were fucked; this island probably didn't have enough resources to sustain two people, let alone nine kids who didn't know the first thing about survivalism. They'd probably end up eating Mav first. Or Sofia if she cracked one too many bad jokes.

He needed to get the fuck out of here.

That feeling of his stomach twisting itself in three different directions at once sunk in with a vengeance. The one he gets when he has to tell people he doesn't like girls. God, what a pathetic comparison; imminent death weighed against getting called a fag by a teenager. He was suddenly hyper-aware of the thin sheen of sweat on his skin - was that already there from the tropical heat or had it just formed? He hadn't noticed.

"Don't suppose you can see where we are from up there," he called up, not even believing the hope in his own voice. He doubted her vantage point provided anything they couldn't see from the shore, but Danny didn't exactly trust his less-than-stellar vision to take in a comprehensive account of their surroundings. Yeah, yeah; he could've completely missed something. No one pointed it out because it seemed obvious. Even broken glasses girl still had one functional eye over him. Ugh, this sounded like a cope even before the thought had finished. Turning back to the other two boys, Daniel barely restrained himself from pleading, "You guys didn't see anything back on the beach either, right? There's no, like, weird little cabanas on a nearby island we can call for help at?"

His voice had quivered a little. Idiot.

"I think," Danny abruptly muttered as he turned his gaze downward in thinly veiled horror, "I- I think I'm freaking out. Sorry, sorry. We should... get back to the others."

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