Maya's investigative strategy was entirely too predictable, but Tyler couldn't argue with the results. So the professor was in class still. Either they'd arrived early or the man was terrible at scheduling his meetings. Whatever, no harm done, just something he could complain about if the man gave him attitude. Which was a distinct possibility, given that he was acquainted with Lucas. He followed along idly, unconcerned with the rest of the university now that they'd been given a location. So long as all the student kept a respectful distance, they may as well have not even existed in Tyler's mind. Unfortunately, he soon had bigger problems to worry about and gawking nerds, as the small comfort he'd just attained was ripped away from him at the hands of a Kaudian escort outside a room he'd bet his manasaber was L105.
Edmund wisely decided to hold Maya back while the creepy fucker went to play diplomacy, and though Tyler was quite willing to start an international incident of his own, he opted to stand and fume. Maybe he'd get lucky and they'd try something on Allard. It'd be a quick fight - they were probably unarmed. At least, they should be. The school was stupid enough letting them on campus, but he supposed he shouldn't've expected some ivory tower academics to understand their own safety. When the Kaudian dignitary himself stepped out, it was all Tyler could do to not throw him into a wall and figure out what business he conveniently had with Rhaveus by force. His interest in Lucas was a damning crime all on its own, as after as Tyler was concerned, and he wasn't very subtle in the way he rested a hand on the hilt of his blade when the Kaudian's eyes moved to him.
Smug piece of shit. The professor was getting one hell of a scolding for even entertaining that jackass, and campus security was next. Meeting with the enemy after being entrusted to investigate the death of a holy Scion. How disgraceful. Unfortunately, he'd spent too much time gawking at the enemy to get a word in, as he filed into the classroom just in time for Rhaveus to break into his lecture. Most of it went over his head, but the Templar was fairly certain he got the gist.
Mana negation. That would explain why the Scions seemingly lost the favor of the Goddess back at the party, and why his manasaber kept flickering during the duel. But it didn't explain why the Templars were unaffected. Scion magic was different from other types, and the mana it harnessed likely was as well, but Templars would have to draw on the same exact mana, right?
He shook his head. Better left to the academics. The car was the more important issue. They must've shut it and Theo's power down in one fell swoop, and taken advantage of the confusion to capture him for whatever the hell that dickless toaster needed to steal. Giles Manor was a cult success before the party had even begun.
"None of the Templars were affected," Tyler huffed with a grimace, "Which means that idiot would still be here if he hadn't insisted on dicking off on his own." Theodore was getting the chiding of an (after)lifetime when Tyler saw him again, he swore. It almost made yelling at Rhaveus seem pointless.
Though, speaking of the potential enemy spy...
"Wait, can we even trust this guy? He's entertaining Kaudian dignitaries while on classified business for the Church. I'm more interested in that before we hand over any more information." Tyler leveled an accusatory glare toward the professor. It didn't matter how vital this quack's brain was to the investigation, he wasn't going to sit by and let a Kaudus sympathizer pretend to be buddy-buddy with them. If he was really that important, Allard left a cell open for him to study in anyway.