This was not the Earth Kingdom Tao knew. Or, at least, he thought he knew a different one, but would he have even noticed from behind the walls of Ba Sing Se? The other settlement he'd passed had been similarly downcast, but that was a small fishing village, and this looked as though it had once been a busy port in its heyday. The people trudged the streets like zombies and shied away in fear of every Earth Kingdom soldier they passed; no longer were they stalwart protectors, this was an occupation. Soon, the harbor would be another staging ground for the crown's blockade, or at the very least used to maintain a garrison in anticipation of a Southern Water Tribe offensive.
It wouldn't kill them to treat the kingdom's actual subjects better than their enemies though, would it?
Regardless of the town's status, Tao hadn't intended to stay long. The army was nonsensically mobilizing southeastward despite no sensible military target existing in that direction. Unless the Eastern Air Temple had grown bold enough to be considered a threat - which Tao doubted; they weren't just airbenders, they were
women - something had to have occurred inside the Kingdom. Pessimistically? A small peasant uprising. Optimistically? The resistance proper had gained ground already. Ideally? The Avatar. Regardless, it seemed the most logical direction to travel. Gaoling stood in his path, and surely such a large city would have at least some resistance presence that could point him in the right direction, even if finding them was another matter entirely. It also let him stick to the coast, which was a boon in a land that may very well consider him an enemy now.
It wasn't a challenge to copy the other weary residents of Lazhou, and Tao guiltily preferred it that way. If everyone kept their head down like a fugitive, the real fugitives could blend right in. Which was precisely why, when a commotion broke out, Tao made like the rest of the commoners and walked the other direction. But then they started shouting about fugitives. Tao had no idea about the workings of this village. He had no idea if these soldiers accused anyone they could of treason as an excuse for a shakedown. He had no idea if this old man was even guilty. All he knew was that there was a chance the man
was, and that could lead him to the resistance.
It also meant he couldn't let the man be taken in, but how would he possibly do that without ending up in a cell along with him?
Tao snuck closer to the scene, trying to blend in with the other townsfolk that were too curious for their own good and stopped to watch. He had to internally take back his earlier comment about airbenders, apparently, given some utter specimen of the Air Nomad race was currently his saving grace in a manner toeing the line of pacifism and tossing worldly detachment entirely out the window. Was he with the resistance too? No airbender would get involved otherwise.
But that still begged the question of what
he was supposed to do. Tao might've been able to fake his way into the Earth Kingdom's good graces by exploiting his father's status, but he couldn't do that if he was openly opposed to them. Maybe he could save the airbender and leave the old man to his fate. He'd have to appear innocuous- damn it, he was becoming his father.
Yet, he had little choice. If things got hectic, they were at least near enough to the water that he wouldn't feel totally defenseless. So, he approached the imposing monk and offered his hands in a placative gesture. Not too supportive of the soldiers, not too against them either. He could do this.
"Sorry to intrude, um, sir," Tao announced his presence mousily,
"Maybe you shouldn't get involved. I'm sure this is all a very big misunderstanding. These fugitives are probably steering clear of the city anyway." Hopefully they weren't actually out there and he didn't just consign anybody to internment, but he
really needed either these soldiers gone or the monk to stand down.