Theresa ot an Bol'hjar
Theresa leaned forward and looked at Ben for a moment. There was a pretty robust feeling in the air that made obvious the notion that he was not at all warming up to Piper in any capacity, and vice versa.
"Well..." Theresa began, in response to Piper's question, "I'm... a traveler. From a place called Highwall, up in the Northern Countries. I came here, to the Continent, to..."
She though about what to say next.
"Just..." She continued, "Explore, I guess. When I came ashore, I met Ben here, and we teamed up. Got some supplies from a town on the coast, then we..."
She thought back to the incident at the cavern.
"Hold on." Theresa said, looking inquisitive, "You said you were attacked by a creature, right? Did you get the shape? Was it tall, gangley, had a- seashell, for a head?"
Piper looked to be thinking back to the attack, but didn't get a chance to concoct an answer before Theresa fired another question.
"Did it... hit you? With a tentacle?" She asked, "Did it leave a mark?"